Linux and Unix Command Line : A Practical Introduction
Linux and Unix Command Line : A Practical Introduction, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 76 lectures, based on 64 reviews, and has 217 subscribers.
You will learn about This is an Introduction Course to the Linux and Unix Command Line. This Course will provide a solid foundation to work with the Linux and Unix Command Line. The recommended learning method with this Course will be to initially practice along with me and after that you can create your own scenarios to work with these commands and features in a repeated manner. This way you will be able to remember and recollect these commands and features and will become very comfortable at working with the Linux and Unix Command Line This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to the Linux and Unix Command Line or People who have worked with Linux/Unix in the past and need a refresher of the Linux and Unix Command Line It is particularly useful for Beginners to the Linux and Unix Command Line or People who have worked with Linux/Unix in the past and need a refresher of the Linux and Unix Command Line.
Enroll now: Linux and Unix Command Line : A Practical Introduction
Title: Linux and Unix Command Line : A Practical Introduction
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 76
Number of Published Lectures: 76
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- This is an Introduction Course to the Linux and Unix Command Line.
- This Course will provide a solid foundation to work with the Linux and Unix Command Line.
- The recommended learning method with this Course will be to initially practice along with me and after that you can create your own scenarios to work with these commands and features in a repeated manner. This way you will be able to remember and recollect these commands and features and will become very comfortable at working with the Linux and Unix Command Line
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to the Linux and Unix Command Line
- People who have worked with Linux/Unix in the past and need a refresher of the Linux and Unix Command Line
Target Audiences
- Beginners to the Linux and Unix Command Line
- People who have worked with Linux/Unix in the past and need a refresher of the Linux and Unix Command Line
This Course will provide a solid foundation to work with the Linux and Unix Command Line. In this course, lot of commands and features that can be used in the Linux and Unix Command Line are covered for purposes like working with files and directories, searching for files and directories, performing pattern matching in case of text files, using variables, using aliases among many other activities. A brief Introduction to Shell Scripting is also provided in this Course.
This Course is a very practical course where every command and feature covered is demonstrated along with detailed explanation for every step in the demonstration.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 2: Introduction to Linux and Unix Operating Systems
Lecture 3: Introduction to the Linux and Unix Command Line
Lecture 4: Introduction to the Linux and Unix Shell
Lecture 5: Introduction to different Shells in Linux and Unix Systems
Chapter 2: Beginning with the Linux and Unix Command Line
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Directory Hierarchy in Linux and Unix Systems
Lecture 2: Linux and Unix Command Components
Lecture 3: Starting with Linux and Unix Commands
Lecture 4: Using man pages for help
Chapter 3: Working with Files and Directories
Lecture 1: A note on working with files and directories
Lecture 2: Creation of directories using the mkdir command
Lecture 3: Creation of files using the touch command
Lecture 4: Using the cat command to create and view the content of text files
Lecture 5: Listing files in a directory using the ls command
Lecture 6: Using the cp command to copy files and directories
Lecture 7: Using the mv command to rename and move files and directories
Lecture 8: Using the rmdir command to remove empty directories
Lecture 9: Using the rm command to remove files and directories
Lecture 10: Using the file command to identify file type
Chapter 4: The vi/vim Editor to create and edit text files
Lecture 1: The vi/vim Editor: Adding text to the file – Session 1
Lecture 2: The vi/vim Editor: Adding text to the file – Session 2
Lecture 3: The vi/vim Editor : Navigating to different lines in the file
Lecture 4: The vi/vim Editor – Session Customization
Lecture 5: The vi/vim Editor – "Seeing" Non-Printable Characters like Tab and New Line
Lecture 6: The vi/vim Editor – Finding Text, Finding and Replacing Text
Lecture 7: The vi/vim Editor – Saving the file and exiting from the vi Editor session
Chapter 5: More commands to work with text files
Lecture 1: The more command
Lecture 2: Using cat command to "see" Non-Printable characters like Tab and New Line
Lecture 3: The head command
Lecture 4: The tail command
Lecture 5: A note on previous Lecture
Lecture 6: The wc command
Chapter 6: Hard Links and Symbolic Links
Lecture 1: Analogy for Hard Links and Symbolic Links
Lecture 2: Introduction to Hard Links
Lecture 3: Working with Hard Links
Lecture 4: Working with Symbolic Links
Lecture 5: Comparison between Hard Links and Symbolic Links
Chapter 7: The find and grep commands
Lecture 1: Locating files with the find command
Lecture 2: Shell Metacharacters
Lecture 3: Matching patterns with the grep command
Lecture 4: Introduction to Regular Expressions
Lecture 5: The egrep and fgrep commands
Chapter 8: Shell Command Line – More features
Lecture 1: Redirection of Standard Input
Lecture 2: Redirection of Standard Output
Lecture 3: Redirection of Standard Error
Lecture 4: Using the Pipe mechanism and the tee command
Lecture 5: Avoiding overwrite of existing files while redirecting Standard Ouput/Error
Lecture 6: Use of Quoting characters in the Shell
Chapter 9: Working with Variables and Aliases in the Shell
Lecture 1: Using Local Variables and Environment Variables
Lecture 2: Shell Reserved Variables
Lecture 3: Shell Special Variables
Lecture 4: Using Aliases
Chapter 10: File and Directory Access Permissions
Lecture 1: The Traditional Unix/Linux File Access Permissions
Lecture 2: Using chmod command to change file permissions
Lecture 3: The umask value and umask command
Lecture 4: Default permissions for a file and directory on their creation
Lecture 5: Using chown command to change the User and Group Owner of files and directories
Lecture 6: Using chgrp command to change the Group Ownership of files and directories
Chapter 11: Managing Processes
Lecture 1: The ps command
Lecture 2: The pgrep command
Lecture 3: The top command in Linux
Lecture 4: The kill and pkill commands
Chapter 12: Archiving Files and Directories
Lecture 1: Using the tar command
Lecture 2: Using the jar command
Chapter 13: Compressing and Uncompressing files
Lecture 1: The gzip, zcat and gunzip commands
Lecture 2: The bzip2, bzcat and bunzip2 commands
Lecture 3: A note on use case scenarios for compressing files
Lecture 4: Using the zip and unzip commands
Chapter 14: Introduction to Shell Scripting
Lecture 1: What is Shell Scripting?
Lecture 2: Constructs used in Shell Scripting
Lecture 3: Functions
Lecture 4: Use of Positional Parameters
Lecture 5: The cut command
Lecture 6: Use Case scenarios for Shell Scripting
Chapter 15: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Course Review
Lecture 2: Further Learning Suggestions
Prem Kumar M K
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 27 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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