Linux Technical Interview Questions and Answers
Linux Technical Interview Questions and Answers, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.47, with 147 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 1410 reviews, and has 26007 subscribers.
You will learn about Taking this course will help you prepare for Linux interviews This course offers useful insights into interview questions and answers related to Linux technical interviews A course that covers all Linux topics based on Linux interview questions and answers Questions and answers for an interview on the subject of Linux user administration Linux administrator's job attainment path You will be able to answer most of the Linux Technical Interview Questions Students will be able to Ace the technical interview Students will be able to get their dream Linux job Student will be confident to answer most of the technical questions Interviewer will be able to ask excellent Linux Technical questions Students will have better understanding of why certain questions are asked and how to answer them Students will be able to identify their weak areas and address them This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone with a desire to pursue Linux as a career. or Current Linux support professionals who would like to level up their career. or Advanced Linux professionals who would like to brush up on their Technical Interview questions. or IT Managers who would like to ask better questions in a Technical Linux interview. It is particularly useful for Anyone with a desire to pursue Linux as a career. or Current Linux support professionals who would like to level up their career. or Advanced Linux professionals who would like to brush up on their Technical Interview questions. or IT Managers who would like to ask better questions in a Technical Linux interview.
Enroll now: Linux Technical Interview Questions and Answers
Title: Linux Technical Interview Questions and Answers
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.47
Number of Lectures: 147
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 145
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 150
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 148
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Taking this course will help you prepare for Linux interviews
- This course offers useful insights into interview questions and answers related to Linux technical interviews
- A course that covers all Linux topics based on Linux interview questions and answers
- Questions and answers for an interview on the subject of Linux user administration
- Linux administrator's job attainment path
- You will be able to answer most of the Linux Technical Interview Questions
- Students will be able to Ace the technical interview
- Students will be able to get their dream Linux job
- Student will be confident to answer most of the technical questions
- Interviewer will be able to ask excellent Linux Technical questions
- Students will have better understanding of why certain questions are asked and how to answer them
- Students will be able to identify their weak areas and address them
Who Should Attend
- Anyone with a desire to pursue Linux as a career.
- Current Linux support professionals who would like to level up their career.
- Advanced Linux professionals who would like to brush up on their Technical Interview questions.
- IT Managers who would like to ask better questions in a Technical Linux interview.
Target Audiences
- Anyone with a desire to pursue Linux as a career.
- Current Linux support professionals who would like to level up their career.
- Advanced Linux professionals who would like to brush up on their Technical Interview questions.
- IT Managers who would like to ask better questions in a Technical Linux interview.
Linux Technical Interview Questions and Answers
• Do you have all the Linux skills to qualify for the Linux Administration job but are not having much luck in the interview?
• Are you starting a new career as a System Administratorin Linuxor ITand need help in an interview?
• Are you looking for all the tools and tips as to how to conduct an ACEtechnical interview for System Administration?
• Do you find it challenging to understand job requirements?
• Do you think you might struggle in job interviews as a System Administrator?
If your answer is “Yes”to any of the above questions, then you have taken the right course. I will guide you on how you can become a System Administrator, including how to overcome some technical interview hurdles. I’ll help you with everything from improving your resume to getting a job through this course, including understanding job criteria, applying for jobs, and being ready for technical interviews. I will alter your response to “No” through this course.
Welcome to the Linux Technical Interview Questions and Answers2020, where you are going to dominate the Linux Technical Job Interview. Take the course, learn the material, and go into the technical interview with confidence that you are prepared!
Get an edge over other candidates who did not take the time to learn Linuxtechnical interview skills.
In this course, I have covered Advanced Linux System Administration technical interview questions and answers, starting with basic Linuxtechnical questions and answers.
Besides this, you will fully understand the most important and fundamental conceptsof Linux Server Administration and the Linux Command line. More importantly, you will be able to put those concepts to use in practical, real-world situations.
You’ll be able to configure, maintain, and support a variety of Linux Systems. You can even use the skills you learned to become a Linux system engineer or Linux system administrator.
Become one of my dozens of students who successfully took the course and secured a Linux System Administration job.
This course has been expertly crafted to make sure that you rapidly improve your Linux interview skills, turbocharge your productivity, and boost your career with no time wasted and no useless fluff.
Here is some testimonials from our students:
“Very very useful Thanks ”
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“Great. This course gives me a lot of knowledge on Linux. It helps my work a lot. Thank you”.
— Le Hoang Son ★★★★★
“I enrolled in this course having some familiarity with Linux but not much. Content was very well presented and documented for beginners and for those who are little bit familiar with the Linux. It covers almost all aspects of Linux. I am fully satisfied. ”
— Peter Lucic ★★★★★
— Le Hoang Son ★★★★★
— Michele Berardi ★★★★★
— Bo Liu ★★★★★
— Gail Edmondson ★★★★★
— Pooja Babu ★★★★★
— Latenis Dent ★★★★★
There isno reason for you to study Linux for months and years and not succeed in securing a job because of a Technical Interview.
Linux system Troubleshooting – Part 1
1- How to view all messages generated by the system since the last reboot on RHEL7/CentOS 7?
2- How to check log messages related to kernel?
3- How can you continuously monitor logs as they come in?
4- Where can you find messages related to the installation of Linux?
5- Where are most of the log files located?
Linux system Troubleshooting – Part 2
Kernel Parameters – Ulimit
6- To improve performance, how can you safely set the limit of processes for the super-user root to be unlimited?
7- Where can you set the resource limits for users logged in via PAM?
8- How to check ulimit for a user?
9- How to check and increase the limit of opened files in Linux?
10- How to view run time kernel parameters?
11- How to change runtime kernel parameter for maximum shared segment size in bytes?
12- How to view Boot time parameters and which file is modified to change these parameters?
Linux system Troubleshooting – Part 3
Troubleshooting with uptime lsof pidof sar and more
13- How to check system load without top command?
14- By default load average is shown in how many intervals?
15- How can you get the physical and virtual memory statistics?
16- How to check cpu utilization and other statistics?
17- How to find process id of a process and kill it immediatley?
18- How to list all open files by specified user?
19- How to list all open files by specified command?
20- How can you list all network connections by port 22?
Advanced Linux system administrations questions and answers:
1- Run a command that shows all lines except any lines starting with the a character “#” in a file?
2- How can you continuously monitor log files for errors?
3- How to automatically remove files older than 7 days by creating a cron job to run every night?
4- How to list/print all created users on the system and send(redirect) them to a file?
5- How would you list only the 2nd column from a file?
6- How to broadcast a message to all logged -in users?
7- How to create a user with no login access?
8- How to schedule a server reboot in 15 minutes?
9- How to find disk usage by the largest directories?
10- How to prevent users from deleting other users files in a directory?
11- How to display 10th line of a file only?
12- Your server got hacked. Due to the amount of damage, the whole server needs to be restored.
How would you go about doing that?
13- What necessary steps should be taken to enhance the security of a server
after the initial install?
14- Which file is the most commonly known to check for log messages?
15- How and why to disable ping?
16- Explain the different fields in /etc/passwd?
17- Which cammand can tell how long the system has been running?
18- How to check if a port is listening?
19- You got a ticket stating server is down, how would you troubleshoot?
20- How to find all files in /bin with specified(755) permissions?
Part 2:
1- What is the default port & configuration file of SSH Server ?
2- How to change the default ssh port in linux ?
3- How to change Maximum allowed sessions through SSH?
4- What is the configuration file of ssh client ?
5- How to disable SSH root login in linux server ?
6- How to allow only specific users to ssh your linux server ?
7- SCP and how its used?
8- How to check SSH server’s Version ?
9- How to setup password less ssh authentication in Linux?
Part 3:
1- How to extend SWAP space?
2- How to extend a logical volume?
3- How to create a logical volume?
4- How to create a volume group?
5- How to create a physical volume after the disk space has been added?
6- Is it possible to increase the logical volume on the fly?
7- How to reduce the logical volume and is it possible to reduce it on the fly?
8-9- How to scan disks for existing volume group and how to scan a logical
volume from existing volume group?
10-11-12-13- How to activate, deactivate, disable/enable a logical volume and a volume group?
How to activated the logical volume which in deactivated state?
How to disable the volume group ? or Deactivate the volume group?
How to enable the volume group ? or Activate the volume group?
14- What is the default size of a physical extent in LVM?
How to list the available logical, physical volumes and see detailed volume group info on the system?
How to list the available physical volumes in LVM?
How to see the detailed volume group information?
Part 4:
1- How to find files that are over 10MB in size?
2- How would would you run a command that shows all lines containing a character # in a file?
3- How would you display all lines of a file with line numbers?
4- How to find current system information such as the version or release info of your server?
5- Where are the files located for network interfaces?
6- Which command can you run to find if a certain package has been installed?
7- How to find out total lines in a file without opening that file?
8- How to find disk usage by the largest directories?
9- How to find all directories named conf under root?
10- How to find files not accessed in over 3 days?
11- How to view difference between 2 files?
12- What is the location of system configuration files that should be backed up regularly?
13- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?
Linux system administration Q&A
1- Which 2 files contain default values when creating a user with useradd command?
Questions 2-8 covered in one lecture:
2- What is the command to create a user with a pre defined uid, shell and
home directory?
3- How to delete a user with his home directory?
4- How to create a user specifying a primary/Secondary grp?
5- How to change primary group for any user?
6- How can you give a normal user all the root level privileges?
7- How can you give sudo access to any user without asking him to
provide password every time he runs a command?
7- How to view the User’s login and logout details?
8- How to lock & unlock the User Account ?
Questions 9-14 covered in one lecture:
9- What is the command to view and change the expiry date for any user?
10- What are the fields of /etc/passwd file?
11- What is the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc?
12- What are the details you get with finger command?
13- Name 3 files which are automatically created inside any user’s home directory when a user is
14- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?
Linux basic system administration questions and answers:
1- Which 2 files contain the default values when creating a user with useradd command?
Questions 2-8 covered in part 2:
2- What is the command to create a user with a pre defined uid, shell and home directory?
3- How to delete a user with his home directory?
4- How to create a user specifying a primary/Secondary grp?
5- How to change primary group for any user?
6- How can you give a normal user all the root level privileges?
7- How can you give sudo access to any user without asking him to provide password every time he runs a command?
7- How to view the User’s login and logout details?
8- How to lock & unlock the User Account ?
Questions 9-14 covered in part 3:
9- What is the command to view and change the expiry date for any user?
10- What are the fields of /etc/passwd file?
11- What is the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc?
12- What are the details you get with finger command?
13- Name 3 files which are automatically created inside any user’s home directory when a user is added?
14- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?
Linux Basic Technical questions and answers
How to display hidden files?
Whats the difference between $ and # prompts on CLI?
How to find an error in a file?
How to make a directory?
How to remove a directory?
How to create a file?
How to move a file?
How to delete a file?
What is the default port # for DNS
What is the DNS package name?
what is the configuration file for DNS and its location?
List 3 types of file system?
List any 4 Linux flavors?
How to log off from Linux system?
How to check if a package is installed?
How to check your previously typed in commands?
Where are zone files located for DNS?
What is the command to find your current directory?
How to check file permissions?
How to find file type of a file?
How to find where passwd command is located?
what command is used for changing file permissions?
What command is used to read top/bottom part of a file?
How to check mtu, ip and MAC address?
How to get help on certain commands?
How to find your host name?
How to count total lines of a file?
What is the command to create a group?
How to reboot a Linux machine with init command?
Where are the user passwords saved?
How to find running processes on your system?
where is the network time configuration file located?
When is the last command used?
Student suggested Videos
19 new Lectures added to student suggested videos Section:
Boot Process RHEL/CentOS 6 and 7 19:35 minutes
Run Levels 5:41 minutes
Targets 9:05 minutes
NIC Bonding 10:00 minutes
What are Linux Distributions? 6:47 minutes
What are the advantages of using Linux? 7:14 minutes
What is Linux? 7:18 minutes
What is a virtual environment or virtualization? 10:09 minutes
How to download and install Oracle Virtual Box? 3:04 minutes
How to download and install Redhat Linux? 17:17 minutes
How to download, install and connect through putty? 7:28 minutes
What are different ways of accessing a Linux Server? 5:44 minutes
What is absolute vs relative Path? 9:53 minutes
How to Count Words, Lines and Characters in a file? 6:44 minutes
How to display and set the server’s Hostname? 7:04 minutes
Explain vi editor basics? 12:20 minutes
How to list and modify System Timezone? 3:55 minutes
How to find help within Linux? 12:50 minutes
How to compress and archive files? 16:59 minutes
New Section added: “Directory structure, Files, directories, permissions and more”
14 new lectures added:
Explain Linux Directory Structure 27:35 minutes
What are the common file types used in Linux? 13:01 minutes
How to create files and directories? 10:19 minutes
How to list files and directories? 7:25 minutes
How to display File Contents with cat, less, more and tail? 12:04 minutes
How to copy directories and files? 5:31 minutes
How to move or rename directories and files? 4:31 minutes
How to remove directories and files? 10:11 minutes
What are the file and directory control Attributes? 13:34 minutes
Basics of File and Directory Permissions 8:07 minutes
How to modify file permissions? 13:12 minutes
Explain default permissions and umask? 10:50 minutes
How to modify file ownership and group membership? 9:14 minutes
What are special permissions: setuid, setgid and sticky bit? 30:03 minutes
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Part 1: Before the Interview
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Call with Recruiter
Lecture 3: Research the Company
Lecture 4: Understand the Job Requirement
Lecture 5: Know Your Resume
Lecture 6: Interview Format
Chapter 2: About Yourself
Lecture 1: Tell me about yourself
Chapter 3: Behavioral Interview Questions
Lecture 1: Behavioral Interview Questions
Lecture 2: What is you biggest achievement at this point in your life?
Lecture 3: How do you handle difficult situation?
Lecture 4: Discribe a time you disagreed with your supervisor?
Lecture 5: Where do you see yourself in 5 years
Lecture 6: What is your weakness?
Chapter 4: Technical Interview Questions
Lecture 1: Technical Interview Example
Lecture 2: What is the purpose of having different network ports?
Lecture 3: What are the fields in /etc/passwd file?
Lecture 4: Explain cron job syntax?
Lecture 5: Walk me through the Linux boot process?
Lecture 6: Explain the difference between RAID0, RAID1 and RAID5?
Lecture 7: Walk me through the proecss of NIC bonding?
Lecture 8: How would you go about installing and conifguration http server?
Lecture 9: What is DNS. Explain each DNS record?
Lecture 10: Process it taking 100% CPU, how to troubleshoot?
Lecture 11: How to scan a new storage in Linux without system reboot?
Lecture 12: How to assign permission to only ONE user?
Chapter 5: Scenario or Situational Based Questions
Lecture 1: Scenario Based Questions
Lecture 2: How to troubleshoot disk space issues?
Lecture 3: What could be the issue if you can ping a server by IP but not by hostname?
Lecture 4: You get a call that a user cannot reach a server, how would you troubleshoot?
Lecture 5: How to troubleshoot if a website running on your server is down?
Lecture 6: You are notified that a server is down, how to troubleshoot?
Lecture 7: How to handle situation when your DBA is asking for more memory/disk frequently?
Lecture 8: What is your experience on shell scripting. Provide some examples?
Lecture 9: What are the different types of run-levels?
Lecture 10: You get a call that a server is running slow, how would you troubleshoot?
Lecture 11: Walk me through the process of recovering root password?
Chapter 6: 2nd Part – In Depth Technical Interview Questions
Lecture 1: Example 1
Lecture 2: Example 2
Chapter 7: Linux basic interview system administration QnA
Lecture 1: Part 1- Linux basic system administration questions and answers
Lecture 2: Part 2- Linux basic system administration questions and answers
Lecture 3: Part 3- Linux basic system administration questions and answers
Chapter 8: Linux Basic Technical questions and answers
Lecture 1: Linux Basic Technical questions and answers
Chapter 9: Linux interview system troubleshooting QnA
Lecture 1: Linux system Troubleshooting – Part 1
Lecture 2: Linux system Troubleshooting – Part 2
Lecture 3: Linux system Troubleshooting – Part 3
Chapter 10: Part 1- Advanced Linux system administrations questions and answers
Lecture 1: 1- show all lines except any lines starting with the a character # in a file
Lecture 2: 2-How can you continuously monitor log files for errors?
Lecture 3: 3- Find and remove files older than 7 days through cron job.
Lecture 4: 4- Find, print, users on the system and redirect to a file
Lecture 5: 5- How would you get only the 2nd column from a file?
Lecture 6: 6- Broadcast a message to users
Lecture 7: 7- User with no login access
Lecture 8: 8- Schedule a server reboot in 15 minutes
Lecture 9: 9- Disk usage
Lecture 10: 10- Stickybit
Lecture 11: 11- Print 10th line of a file only.
Lecture 12: 12- Restore a hacked Server
Lecture 13: 13- Server security
Lecture 14: 14- Log messages
Lecture 15: 15- ICMP disable
Lecture 16: 16- Explain fields in /etc/passwd file
Lecture 17: 17- System uptime
Lecture 18: 18- Listening Ports
Lecture 19: 19- Server down troubleshooting
Lecture 20: 20- Find files with specific permissions
Chapter 11: Part 2- Advanced Linux system administrations questions and answers
Lecture 1: Lecture 1
Lecture 2: Lecture 2
Chapter 12: Part 3- Advanced Linux system administrations questions and answers
Lecture 1: 1- Extend SWAP space
Lecture 2: 2- Extend a logical volume
Lecture 3: 3- Create a logical volume
Lecture 4: 4- Create a volume group
Lecture 5: 5- Create a physical volume
Lecture 6: 6- Increase logical volume on the fly
Lecture 7: 7- Reduce the logical volume
Lecture 8: 8 -9- Scanning volume group and logical volume
Lecture 9: 10-13 – Activating and deactivating LV and VG
Lecture 10: 14- Physical Extent in LVM
Lecture 11: 15-17- Finding Info and details in LVM
Chapter 13: Part 4- Advanced Linux system administrations questions and answers
Lecture 1: 1- Find files that are over 10MB in size
Lecture 2: 2- Show lines only containing #
Lecture 3: 3- File lines with numbers
Lecture 4: 4- Server version and release
Lecture 5: 5- Network Interface files
Lecture 6: 6- Installed software Packages
Kashif Ali
Professional system administrator and consultant. -
Imran Afzal
Best Selling Instructor with a million+ students worldwide
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 21 votes
- 2 stars: 33 votes
- 3 stars: 126 votes
- 4 stars: 442 votes
- 5 stars: 788 votes
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