Master in python programming language(Zero to hero)
Master in python programming language(Zero to hero), available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 103 lectures, based on 132 reviews, and has 11013 subscribers.
You will learn about This course will help you gain a Solid & Unforgettable Understanding of the Python Programming Language. In this course students will get to learn python programming language from the scratch to the advance level through the help of programming and python projects This course will help you gain the Python Skills Necessary to Learn In-Demand Topics, such as Data Science, Web Development, AI and more. You will be able to use Object-Oriented Programming (An Industry-Standard Coding Technique) to Write High Quality Python Code. This course will help you create Your Own Custom Python Functions to Simplify Your Code You will be able to use Loops in Python to Improve Code Efficiency and Maximize Your Productivity. This course will help you make wonderful games and apps in python This course is ideal for individuals who are Python job seekers or Python developers curious to go in data science or Beginners in python or Anyone who wants to learn python programming It is particularly useful for Python job seekers or Python developers curious to go in data science or Beginners in python or Anyone who wants to learn python programming.
Enroll now: Master in python programming language(Zero to hero)
Title: Master in python programming language(Zero to hero)
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 103
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Curriculum Items: 103
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 103
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- This course will help you gain a Solid & Unforgettable Understanding of the Python Programming Language.
- In this course students will get to learn python programming language from the scratch to the advance level through the help of programming and python projects
- This course will help you gain the Python Skills Necessary to Learn In-Demand Topics, such as Data Science, Web Development, AI and more.
- You will be able to use Object-Oriented Programming (An Industry-Standard Coding Technique) to Write High Quality Python Code.
- This course will help you create Your Own Custom Python Functions to Simplify Your Code
- You will be able to use Loops in Python to Improve Code Efficiency and Maximize Your Productivity.
- This course will help you make wonderful games and apps in python
Who Should Attend
- Python job seekers
- Python developers curious to go in data science
- Beginners in python
- Anyone who wants to learn python programming
Target Audiences
- Python job seekers
- Python developers curious to go in data science
- Beginners in python
- Anyone who wants to learn python programming
The Python language is EASY to learn, yet POWERFUL.
YouTube, Dropbox, Google, Instagram, Spotify, Reddit, Netflix, Pinterest – they are all developed using Python.
Learning Python opens up the possibilities of a whole new career in Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc.
The course is presented in an easy to follow format with slides and programs.
I put in my very BEST to make it as easy to understandas possible for EVERYONE !
In this course you will get to learn from the very basics of python to an advance level concepts of python with the help of several programs and some python projects. So this program is basically designed for the people who do not have any prior knowledge of any programming language and designed for the one’s who already have a programming background and want to switch there career towards the python programming language. This is a course which will help the people in interviews also because the small-small concepts where people lack in python , I have covered all those concepts in this course.
I have started form the very beginning that why you should learn python, why people prefer python , how to use environments etc. till the concepts of Object oriented programming language and at last covered three projects which will help you in building your logic and concept that how to make a project in python and how to build your logic towards python programming language.
The projects will be consisting of all the concepts which you have learned in tis python course and I will be telling you how to implement the python concepts for making some easy and wonderful projects. And you will also be learning about some libraries in python with the help of the python projects discussed in this course.
This course covers all the following concepts theoretically and practically:
Environments used
Process of programming
Advantages of using python
Types of operators
Types of error
User input
Keywords and identifiers
Datatypes and typecasting
String and it’s functions
Lists and it’s functions
Tuples and it’s functions
Dictionaries and it’s functions
if else and elif condition
for loop
while loop
functions and docstrings
if __name__ == “__main__”(main function)
File handling or I/O functions
Classes and objects
Project 1: Make a quiz game
Project 2: Making a guessing number game
Project 3: Making an app of library management system for college
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and process of programming
Lecture 1: History about python
Lecture 2: Features of python
Lecture 3: Process of programming Step 1
Lecture 4: Process of programming Step 2
Lecture 5: Process of programming Step 3
Lecture 6: Process of programming Step 4
Lecture 7: Process of programming Step 5
Chapter 2: Types of Operators
Lecture 1: IDE's online and offline
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Arithmetic operator
Lecture 4: Assignment operator
Lecture 5: Comparison operator
Lecture 6: Identity operator
Lecture 7: Membership operator
Chapter 3: User input in python
Lecture 1: int format input
Lecture 2: float and str format
Chapter 4: Types of Errors
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Syntax error
Lecture 3: program for syntax error
Lecture 4: Logical error
Lecture 5: Program for logical error
Lecture 6: Run-time error
Lecture 7: Program for run time error
Chapter 5: Keywords and Identiifiers
Lecture 1: What are Keywords ?
Lecture 2: What are Identifiers
Lecture 3: Rules for writing Identifiers
Lecture 4: Valid / Invalid Identifiers
Chapter 6: Data Types and Typecasting
Lecture 1: What are datatypes ?
Lecture 2: Data Types and Types
Lecture 3: check the datatype
Lecture 4: Type casting
Lecture 5: Implicit type casting
Lecture 6: Program for Implicit type casting
Lecture 7: Explicit type casting
Lecture 8: Program for Explicit type casting
Chapter 7: String functions
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: isalnum function
Lecture 3: endswith function
Lecture 4: count function
Lecture 5: capitalize function
Lecture 6: find function
Lecture 7: upper function
Lecture 8: lower function
Chapter 8: Lists
Lecture 1: What are list ?
Lecture 2: How to declare a list and sort function?
Lecture 3: reverse function in list
Lecture 4: Slicing in Lists
Lecture 5: Len function in list
Lecture 6: Min and max function in Lists
Lecture 7: Append and remove function in Lists
Chapter 9: Tuples
Lecture 1: Intro and difference in Lists and Tuples
Lecture 2: len function and slicing
Lecture 3: Some more slicing techniques
Chapter 10: Dictionaries
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Initializing and checking type
Lecture 3: Accessing element using the key
Lecture 4: Adding more key and element
Lecture 5: Deleting the key and element
Lecture 6: Update and keys function
Chapter 11: If-else and elif condition
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Program for checking greater among two numbers
Lecture 3: elif
Lecture 4: program to check greater among three numbers
Chapter 12: for loop
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: program for printing numbers using for loop
Lecture 3: accessing nested list using for loop
Chapter 13: While loop
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Program for while loop
Lecture 3: Answer
Chapter 14: Functions and Docstrings
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Types of function with examples
Lecture 3: program for built in function
Lecture 4: program for user defined without parameters
Lecture 5: program for user defined function with parameters
Lecture 6: Practice program for functions
Lecture 7: Doc strings
Chapter 15: f-strings
Lecture 1: what are f strings
Lecture 2: program for f striings
Chapter 16: if __name__ == "__main__"
Lecture 1: introduction and use
Lecture 2: Problem in importing one file into another
Lecture 3: answer for problem
Chapter 17: File handling
Lecture 1: introduction and modes in file handling
Lecture 2: reading content of a file
Shambhavi Gupta
Python Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 45 votes
- 5 stars: 64 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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