Master Java Multithreading Programming from Zero (Modern)
Master Java Multithreading Programming from Zero (Modern), available at Free, has an average rating of 4.85, with 61 lectures, based on 472 reviews, and has 24218 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn about multi-threading in java, basic and advanced concepts You will learn about parallel programming with Thread Class You will learn about parallel programming with Runnable Interface You will understand the difference between sequential and parallel processing You will learn how to wait for completion of thread You will understand the difference between volatile and non-volatile variables You will understand the difference between DeadLock and LiveLock You will learn about synhronizaton You will understand when to use synchronized block and synchronized methods You will implement examples of Wait, Notify and NotifyAll You will understand when to call Wait Notify and NotifyAll You will understand Locks You will understand semaphore You will learn about Executor and Executor thread pool You will learn the difference between Callable and Runnable You will understand how to get the returned values from callable You will learn about Concurrent Utilities such as Latch, Cyclic Barrier You will learn about Blocking Queues, such as Array Blocking Queue, Delay Queue, Linked Blocking Queue, Priority Blocking Queue and Synchronous Queue You will understand the difference b/w traditional and concurrent collections You will learn about concurrent collections such as HashMap and Navigable Map You will learn about basic operation of Stream API You will learn about Numeric Streams You will understand the Stream Parallel Operation You will learn about Fork-Join Framework This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wish to learn about Java Multi-Threading or Anyone who want to learn Step by Step with a Hands-On Approach or Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise application using Mutli-Threaded programming in Java It is particularly useful for Anyone who wish to learn about Java Multi-Threading or Anyone who want to learn Step by Step with a Hands-On Approach or Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise application using Mutli-Threaded programming in Java.
Enroll now: Master Java Multithreading Programming from Zero (Modern)
Title: Master Java Multithreading Programming from Zero (Modern)
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 61
Number of Published Lectures: 61
Number of Curriculum Items: 61
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 61
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn about multi-threading in java, basic and advanced concepts
- You will learn about parallel programming with Thread Class
- You will learn about parallel programming with Runnable Interface
- You will understand the difference between sequential and parallel processing
- You will learn how to wait for completion of thread
- You will understand the difference between volatile and non-volatile variables
- You will understand the difference between DeadLock and LiveLock
- You will learn about synhronizaton
- You will understand when to use synchronized block and synchronized methods
- You will implement examples of Wait, Notify and NotifyAll
- You will understand when to call Wait Notify and NotifyAll
- You will understand Locks
- You will understand semaphore
- You will learn about Executor and Executor thread pool
- You will learn the difference between Callable and Runnable
- You will understand how to get the returned values from callable
- You will learn about Concurrent Utilities such as Latch, Cyclic Barrier
- You will learn about Blocking Queues, such as Array Blocking Queue, Delay Queue, Linked Blocking Queue, Priority Blocking Queue and Synchronous Queue
- You will understand the difference b/w traditional and concurrent collections
- You will learn about concurrent collections such as HashMap and Navigable Map
- You will learn about basic operation of Stream API
- You will learn about Numeric Streams
- You will understand the Stream Parallel Operation
- You will learn about Fork-Join Framework
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wish to learn about Java Multi-Threading
- Anyone who want to learn Step by Step with a Hands-On Approach
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise application using Mutli-Threaded programming in Java
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wish to learn about Java Multi-Threading
- Anyone who want to learn Step by Step with a Hands-On Approach
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise application using Mutli-Threaded programming in Java
******* Course Overview *******
Welcome to this Amazing course on Java Multi-threading programming.
The course will guide you through the important aspects of multi-threading in java.
The course will provide an in-depth understanding of Threading and Parallel programming in java using modern java techniques and syntax
We will be building real world java threading applications using modern java technology like Lambda’s and Streams
The course is for beginners are well as for experienced programmers
Each of my courses come with:
Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences
Real Implementation Experience
The below are the list of modules covered in this course.
***************Course details**********************
Section 1:Introduction
Step-01: Introduction
Step-02: Thread Introduction
Step-03: Java Development Kit Installation Overview
Step-04: Installing Intellij IDEA for Windows
Step-05: IntelliJ IDEA Configuration
Step-04: Git Repository Link
Step-05: Development Environment Setup – Import Code
Section 2:Multi-Threading Basics
Step-01: Sequential Processing
Step-02: Parallel Programming with Thread Class
Section 3:Lambda Expressions
Step-01: What is Lambda
Step-02: Lambda Expression (Part 1)
Step-03: Lambda Expression (Part 2)
Step-04: Runnable Example With Lambda
Step-05: Comparator Example With Lambda
Step-06: Callable Example With Lambda
Section 4:Multi-Threading Basics (Part 2)
Step-01: Parallel Programming with Runnable Interface
Step-02: Joins
Step-02: Volatile
Step-04: DeadLock And LiveLock
Step-05: Synchronization
Step-06: Synchronized Methods
Step-07: Synchronized Blocks
Step-08: Wait, Notify, NotifyAll
Step-09: Locks
Step-10 Semaphore
Step-11: Executor
Step-11: Executor With Runnable and Callable
Step-13: Callable & Future
Section 5:Concurrent Utilities
Step-01: CountDownLatch
Step-02: Cyclic Barrier
Step-03: Blocking Queue
Step-04: Array Blocking Queue
Step-05: Delay Queue
Step-06: Linked Blocking Queue
Step-07: Priority Blocking Queue
Step-08: Synchronous Queue
Section 6:Concurrent Collections
Step-01: Difference b/w Traditional & Concurrent Collections
Step-02: Concurrent HashMap
Step-03 Navigable Map
Section 7:Functional Interfaces and Lambdas (Lambda Part 2)
Step-01: Functional Interfaces
Step-02: Consumer Functional Interface (Part 1)
Step-03: Consumer Functional Interface (Part 2)
Step-04: IntConsumer, LongConsumer, DoubleConsumer
Step-04: BiConsumer Functional Interface
Step-05: BiConsumer Functional Interface (Part 2)
Step-06: Predicate Functional Interface (Part 1)
Step-07: Predicate Functional Interface (Part 2)
Step-08: IntPredicate, LongPredicate, DoublePredicate
Step-09: Predicate & BiConsumer
Step-10: BiPredicate Functional Interface
Step-11: Function (Part 1)
Step-12: Function (Part 2)
Step-13: BiFunction
Step-14: Unary Operator
Step-15: Binary Operator
Step-16: Supplier
Step-17: Method Reference (::)
Step-18: Examples of Method Reference
Step-19: Convert to Method Reference
Step-20: Constructor Reference
Section 8:Lambda Variable Scope
Step-01: Variable Scope, Final & Effectively Final
Section 9: RealWorld MultiThreading Example Using Lambda
Step-01: Bank Transfer Example
Section 10:Stream
Step-01: Stream Introduction (Part 1)
Step-02: Stream Introduction (Part 2)
Step-03: Inside Streams
Step-04: Collections vs Streams
Step-05: Debugging Stream
Section 11:Stream Operations
Step-01: map()
Step-02: flatMap()
Step-03: distinct(), count(), sorted(), allMatch()…
Step-04: Customized sort using comparator
Step-05: filter()
Step-06: reduce() (Part 1)
Step-07: reduce (Part 2)
Step-08: map + filter + reduce
Step-09: max() with stream and reduce
Step-10: min() with stream and reduce
Step-11: limit() and skip()
Step-12: findAny() and findFirst()
Section 12: Stream Generators
Step-01: Generating Stream with of(), iterate(), generate()
Section 13:Numeric Streams
Step-01: Introduction
Step-02: IntStream
Step-03: LongStream
Step-04: DoubleStream
Step-04: sum(), max(), min(), average()
Step-05: Boxing, Unboxing
Step-06: mapToObj(), mapToLong, mapToDouble()
Section 14:Collectors Operations
Step-01: joining
Step-02: counting()
Step-03: mapping()
Step-04: minBy(), maxBy()
Step-05: summingInt(), averagingInt()
Step-06: groupingBy (Part 1)
Step-07: groupingBy (Part 2)
Step-08: groupingBy (Part 3)
Step-10: maxBy(), minBy(), collectingAndThen(), summarizingInt()
Step-11: partitioningBy()
Section 15:Parallel Streams
Step-01: Introduction to Parallel Streams
Step-02: Sequential vs Parallel Performance (Part 1)
Step-03: Sequential vs Parallel Performance (Part 2)
Section 16:Fork-Join
Step-01: Fork-Join Framework Introduction
Step-02: Fork Join Example
Section 17:References
Section 18:Dining Philosopher Problem
Step-01: Dining Philosopher Problem Solution
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Step-01: Introduction
Lecture 2: Step-02: Thread Introduction
Lecture 3: Step-03: Java Development Kit Installation Overview on Windows
Lecture 4: Step-04: Installing Intellij IDEA for Windows
Lecture 5: Step-05: Java Development Kit Installation Overview on Mac
Lecture 6: Step-06: Installing Intellij IDEA on Mac
Lecture 7: Step-05: IntelliJ IDEA Configuration
Lecture 8: Step-04: Git Repository Link
Lecture 9: Step-05: Development Environment Setup – Import Code
Chapter 2: Multi-Threading Basics
Lecture 1: Step-01: Sequential Processing
Lecture 2: Step-02: Parallel Programming with Thread Class
Chapter 3: Lambda Expressions (Optional)
Lecture 1: Step-01: What is Lambda
Lecture 2: Step-02: Lambda Expression (Part 1)
Lecture 3: Step-03: Lambda Expression (Part 2)
Lecture 4: Step-04: Runnable Example With Lambda
Lecture 5: Step-06: Callable Example With Lambda
Chapter 4: Multi-Threading Basics (Part 2)
Lecture 1: Step-01: Parallel Programming with Runnable Interface
Lecture 2: Step-02: Joins
Lecture 3: Step-02: Volatile
Lecture 4: Step-04: DeadLock And LiveLock
Lecture 5: Step-05: Synchronization
Lecture 6: Step-06: Synchronized Methods
Lecture 7: Step-07: Synchronized Blocks
Lecture 8: Step-08: Wait, Notify, NotifyAll
Lecture 9: Step-09: Locks
Lecture 10: Step-10 Semaphore
Lecture 11: Step-11: Executor
Lecture 12: Step-11: Executor With Runnable and Callable
Lecture 13: Step-13: Callable & Future
Chapter 5: Concurrent Utilities
Lecture 1: Step-01: CountDownLatch
Lecture 2: Step-02: Cyclic Barrier
Lecture 3: Step-03: Blocking Queue
Lecture 4: Step-04: Array Blocking Queue
Lecture 5: Step-05: Delay Queue
Lecture 6: Step-06: Linked Blocking Queue
Lecture 7: Step-07: Priority Blocking Queue
Lecture 8: Step-08: Synchronous Queue
Chapter 6: Concurrent Collections
Lecture 1: Step-01: Difference b/w Traditional & Concurrent Collections
Lecture 2: Step-02: Concurrent HashMap
Lecture 3: Step-03 Navigable Map
Chapter 7: Fork-Join
Lecture 1: Step-01: Fork-Join Framework Introduction
Lecture 2: Step-02: Fork Join Example
Chapter 8: Dining Philosopher Problem
Lecture 1: Step-01: Dining Philosopher Problem
Lecture 2: Step-02: Dining Philosopher Problem Solution 2
Chapter 9: Stream
Lecture 1: Step-01: Stream Introduction (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Step-02: Stream Introduction (Part 2)
Lecture 3: Step-03: Inside Streams
Lecture 4: Step-04: Collections vs Streams
Lecture 5: Step-05: Debugging Stream
Chapter 10: Numeric Streams
Lecture 1: Step-01: Introduction
Lecture 2: Step-02: IntStream
Lecture 3: Step-03: LongStream
Lecture 4: Step-04: DoubleStream
Lecture 5: Step-04: sum(), max(), min(), average()
Lecture 6: Step-05: Boxing, Unboxing
Lecture 7: Step-06: mapToObj(), mapToLong, mapToDouble()
Chapter 11: Parallel Streams
Lecture 1: Step-01: Introduction to Parallel Streams
Lecture 2: Step-02: Sequential vs Parallel Performance (Part 1)
Lecture 3: Step-03: Sequential vs Parallel Performance (Part 2)
Chapter 12: References
Lecture 1: References
Chapter 13: Coupons
Lecture 1: Coupons
Syed Ahmed
Principal Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 13 votes
- 3 stars: 59 votes
- 4 stars: 165 votes
- 5 stars: 227 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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