Mastering the IT Networking Fundamentals: Full Course
Mastering the IT Networking Fundamentals: Full Course, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 104 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 14 reviews, and has 65 subscribers.
You will learn about IT Networking Fundamentals What are Networks and how they work Network Addresses and their concept Protocols governing the Network The Networking Models – OSI & IP Virtual Networks and Subnets Port Addressing and measures of Port Security How services of the Internet works – DHCP, DNS & NAT Making your own Virtual Home Lab Wireless Networking and it's security This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for anyone willing to get started with the fundamentals of Networking in I.T. or This course is for anyone trying to upgrade their knowledge in the networking sector. or This course is for anyone who is wishing to start a sound career in networking and its services. It is particularly useful for This course is for anyone willing to get started with the fundamentals of Networking in I.T. or This course is for anyone trying to upgrade their knowledge in the networking sector. or This course is for anyone who is wishing to start a sound career in networking and its services.
Enroll now: Mastering the IT Networking Fundamentals: Full Course
Title: Mastering the IT Networking Fundamentals: Full Course
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 104
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 104
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 110
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 110
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- IT Networking Fundamentals
- What are Networks and how they work
- Network Addresses and their concept
- Protocols governing the Network
- The Networking Models – OSI & IP
- Virtual Networks and Subnets
- Port Addressing and measures of Port Security
- How services of the Internet works – DHCP, DNS & NAT
- Making your own Virtual Home Lab
- Wireless Networking and it's security
Who Should Attend
- This course is for anyone willing to get started with the fundamentals of Networking in I.T.
- This course is for anyone trying to upgrade their knowledge in the networking sector.
- This course is for anyone who is wishing to start a sound career in networking and its services.
Target Audiences
- This course is for anyone willing to get started with the fundamentals of Networking in I.T.
- This course is for anyone trying to upgrade their knowledge in the networking sector.
- This course is for anyone who is wishing to start a sound career in networking and its services.
This course focuses on deeply understanding the Fundamentals of Networking in the I.T. sector and how networking devices and services work in real-world scenarios. Even if you have no clue about networks, this course will provide all the starting knowledge you need to understand how networking devices work, how networks communicate, how they are managed, and much more.
What will you cover throughout the course journey?
We’ll start from “What is a Network?” moving to “How the DNS works?” then to “How the Subnets and VLAN work?” and much more. Moreover, during the course, you’ll also learn how to handle and configure the networking devices to use them as you want.
We’ll not stop there, after you’re done analyzing all this, later in the course, you’ll learn how to exploit the wi-fi handshake for “Cracking the Wi-Fi security keys.“
There are numerous lectures making sure that you know how to configure networking devices practically, how to set up the virtual machines in Virtual Box, how packets are captured and examined with CISCO Packet Tracer, andlearning with network simulation tools like GNS3,and much more.
The course is divided into several sections to absorb most of them, not at once, but with progressions. So,
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand the following:
What are Networks and their types?
Difference between Network Bandwidth and Latency
How Networking Devices- Bridge, Switch& Routerwork
What is a Logical and Physical Network Address?
The real difference between Public vs Private IP addresses
How the Network Address Translation(NAT) works
What is the purpose of Subnets in a network?
Collision Domains and Broadcast Domains – what’s the difference?
How does Subnet find the Network & Host addresses?
Port scan with Nmap port scanner
The idea behind DHCP assigning you IP addresses
Working on the Domain Name System(DNS)
Setting up Virtual Home Labson your system
Wi-Fi and Access Points
Cracking Wi-Fi password using KRACK Attack
Steps of implementing Wi-Fi Security
and the list continues…
Make sure you take a pen, divide the page, left for the topic name, and right for what you understood.
After finishing the course, you will be confident enough to explain and clarify all the networking stuff to yourself as well as to those who are in need of some solid and clear fundamentals. So now you can tickle the person next to you with “Hey, you know this?… or that…?”. I’ll be more than happy to see you helping others as I do.
Join me in this course on starting your I.T. journey!!!
All the Best and see you in the course.
Mohd. Raqif Warsi
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 2: BEST way of taking this course
Chapter 2: Network and it's elements
Lecture 1: What is a Network?
Lecture 2: What are Nodes?
Lecture 3: Concept of Intermediary Nodes
Chapter 3: Types of Topologies
Lecture 1: What is a Topology?
Lecture 2: The traditional Bus Topology
Lecture 3: Is Bus topology of advantage?
Lecture 4: Ring Topology
Lecture 5: Merits of Ring Topology
Lecture 6: Star Topology
Lecture 7: Mesh Topology
Lecture 8: Hybrid Topology
Chapter 4: Types of Networks
Lecture 1: Types of Networks
Lecture 2: PAN- Personal Area Networks
Lecture 3: LAN Vs MAN Vs WAN Networks
Lecture 4: Types of Cables: Wired Connectivity
Lecture 5: Coaxial and Fiber Optic Cables
Lecture 6: Networks with Wireless Connectivity
Chapter 5: Networking Devices with CISCO Packet tracer
Lecture 1: Installing CISCO Packet Tracer
Lecture 2: What is a Networking Repeater?
Lecture 3: HOL-How a Repeater actually works?
Lecture 4: What is a Networking Hub?
Lecture 5: HOL-How a Hub works?
Lecture 6: What is a Networking Bridge?
Lecture 7: HOL-How a Bridge works?
Lecture 8: What is a Networking Switch?
Lecture 9: What is a Networking Router?
Lecture 10: Layer-3 Switch as a Router
Chapter 6: Network Addresses essentials
Lecture 1: Analogy of Network Addresses
Lecture 2: Logical and Physical Network Address
Lecture 3: What are IP Addresses?
Lecture 4: Checking & changing IP address
Lecture 5: What are MAC Addresses?
Lecture 6: Checking & changing MAC address
Lecture 7: Why the Hexadecimal notation?
Lecture 8: Your help is needed here!
Chapter 7: Additional network addresses
Lecture 1: Public IP addresses
Lecture 2: Private IP addresses
Lecture 3: IP address range
Lecture 4: What is Network Address Translation(NAT)
Lecture 5: How NAT works for Real?
Lecture 6: What is a Loopback address?
Lecture 7: What is Local Host?
Lecture 8: The reality of "There's no place like"
Chapter 8: Protocols governing the Network
Lecture 1: What are Protocols?
Lecture 2: Protocols: HTTP, FTP, TFTP and more…
Lecture 3: The OSI Network Model
Lecture 4: How the Upper Layers work?
Lecture 5: How the Lower Layers work?
Lecture 6: OSI explained with an example
Lecture 7: TCP/IP Network Model and the changes
Lecture 8: OSI vs TCP/IP vs Hybrid Model
Lecture 9: Devices working on OSI layers
Lecture 10: Route Switching in networks
Chapter 9: Virtual Networks – VLANs
Lecture 1: What is a VLAN?
Lecture 2: Types of VLANs
Lecture 3: Collision Domains and Broadcast Domains
Lecture 4: Find the Collision & Broadcast Domains
Chapter 10: Subnet and Subnetting
Lecture 1: What is a Subnet
Lecture 2: Revealing the Subnet Masks
Lecture 3: How Subnet finds the Network address?
Lecture 4: How Subnet finds the Host address?
Lecture 5: How a Device finds these addresses?
Chapter 11: Ports and Addressing
Lecture 1: What are Ports?
Lecture 2: Categories of ports
Lecture 3: States of Ports: Open, Closed & Filtered
Lecture 4: HOL – Port scan with Nmap port scanner
Lecture 5: Why do we need Port Security
Lecture 6: MAC Filtering – Port Security measures
Lecture 7: Port Forwarding – Port Security measures
Chapter 12: How IP address are assigned
Lecture 1: How are IPs assigned?
Lecture 2: The idea behind DHCP
Lecture 3: DHCP: Discovery Message
Lecture 4: DHCP: Offer Message
Lecture 5: DHCP: Request Message
Lecture 6: DHCP: Acknowledgement Message
Lecture 7: DHCP Sum up
Chapter 13: Domain Name System & ARP
Lecture 1: What is Domain Name System(DNS)
Lecture 2: Components of the DNS
Lecture 3: Working of Domain Name System(DNS)
Lecture 4: What is Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)
Mohd. Raqif Warsi
MERN Stack Web Developer & Networking Enthusiast
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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