Mega Course – VMware vSphere 7.0 Boot Camp – Part 2 w. Ebook
Mega Course – VMware vSphere 7.0 Boot Camp – Part 2 w. Ebook, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 55 lectures, based on 43 reviews, and has 758 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to effectively deploy VMs with VM Templates and Clones Use Hot Plug Virtual Hardware to update and upgrade VMs with No Down Time Use Content Libraries to organize and distribute your media images, scripts and other files Use ESXi 7 and vCenter 7 Permissions to limit access and rights to your vSphere environment Learn how to connect ESXi 7 to shared storage block mode Fibre and iSCSI storage Provide direct VM to SAN volume access with Raw Device Maps How to create VMware File Systems (VMFS), how to extend them and how to use Native Multipathing Use vCenter Alarms to monitor and alert you to critial VM and infrastructure issues Delegate compute resources individually to VMs or in bulk via Resource Pools This course is ideal for individuals who are You have basic vSphere administration skills and want to add VMware vSphere 7.0 skills to your skilset or Anyone who has worked with older versions of vSphere and want to see how things work in vSphere 7.0 or People who are strong with some aspects of vSphere and who want the full picture on how to work with vSphere 7.0 or VMware VCA / VCP / VCAP certification candidates who want to improve their knowledge / skills with objective, 3rd party training or Hyper-V, Xenserver or other virtualization administrators who want to learn how to work with vSphere 7.0 or You would like to attend official VMware vSphere 7 training but can't afford the $4,000+ cost It is particularly useful for You have basic vSphere administration skills and want to add VMware vSphere 7.0 skills to your skilset or Anyone who has worked with older versions of vSphere and want to see how things work in vSphere 7.0 or People who are strong with some aspects of vSphere and who want the full picture on how to work with vSphere 7.0 or VMware VCA / VCP / VCAP certification candidates who want to improve their knowledge / skills with objective, 3rd party training or Hyper-V, Xenserver or other virtualization administrators who want to learn how to work with vSphere 7.0 or You would like to attend official VMware vSphere 7 training but can't afford the $4,000+ cost.
Enroll now: Mega Course – VMware vSphere 7.0 Boot Camp – Part 2 w. Ebook
Title: Mega Course – VMware vSphere 7.0 Boot Camp – Part 2 w. Ebook
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 55
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to effectively deploy VMs with VM Templates and Clones
- Use Hot Plug Virtual Hardware to update and upgrade VMs with No Down Time
- Use Content Libraries to organize and distribute your media images, scripts and other files
- Use ESXi 7 and vCenter 7 Permissions to limit access and rights to your vSphere environment
- Learn how to connect ESXi 7 to shared storage block mode Fibre and iSCSI storage
- Provide direct VM to SAN volume access with Raw Device Maps
- How to create VMware File Systems (VMFS), how to extend them and how to use Native Multipathing
- Use vCenter Alarms to monitor and alert you to critial VM and infrastructure issues
- Delegate compute resources individually to VMs or in bulk via Resource Pools
Who Should Attend
- You have basic vSphere administration skills and want to add VMware vSphere 7.0 skills to your skilset
- Anyone who has worked with older versions of vSphere and want to see how things work in vSphere 7.0
- People who are strong with some aspects of vSphere and who want the full picture on how to work with vSphere 7.0
- VMware VCA / VCP / VCAP certification candidates who want to improve their knowledge / skills with objective, 3rd party training
- Hyper-V, Xenserver or other virtualization administrators who want to learn how to work with vSphere 7.0
- You would like to attend official VMware vSphere 7 training but can't afford the $4,000+ cost
Target Audiences
- You have basic vSphere administration skills and want to add VMware vSphere 7.0 skills to your skilset
- Anyone who has worked with older versions of vSphere and want to see how things work in vSphere 7.0
- People who are strong with some aspects of vSphere and who want the full picture on how to work with vSphere 7.0
- VMware VCA / VCP / VCAP certification candidates who want to improve their knowledge / skills with objective, 3rd party training
- Hyper-V, Xenserver or other virtualization administrators who want to learn how to work with vSphere 7.0
- You would like to attend official VMware vSphere 7 training but can't afford the $4,000+ cost
This Course Is An Affordable Alternative to Official VMware vSphere 7.0 Training
Do you need to ramp up on VMware vSphere 7.0 quickly and efficiently? Do you need thorough, detailed and in-depth training that covers both the theoretical and practical sides of vSphere 7.0? If so, you’ve probably looked at official VMware vSphere training – only to be put off by the price…
Q: What do you do if you need in depth VMware vSphere 7.0 training, but can’t afford the $4,000+ cost of an official VMware VMware vSphere Install, Configure, Manage [v7.0]class or the $6,000+ cost of an official VMware vSphere Fast Track [v7.0]training class?
A: Sign up for this course instead!
This course (the second in a 3-part series) was originally developed as a 5-day intensive VMware vSphere 7.0 boot camp class. It provides a complete introduction to VMware vSphere™ 7.0 including ESXi™ 7 and vCenter™ 7. This course has been fully updated to reflect the changes introduced in vSphere 7.0 Update 1.
What Do You Get?
This course includes over 54 presentations spanning 19 sections, totalling 11+ hours of recorded lectures and hands-on lab demo videos. Every lecture video and every hands-on lab demo video is fully downloadable, so you can continue to learn while you travel.
You Don’t Need Prior vSphere Experience
This class picks up where our VMware vSphere 7.0 Boot Camp – Part 1 course leaves off. With recorded lectures and full hands-on lab demo videos, you will gain the knowledge and the hands-on skills you need to become effective vSphere 7.0 administrator.
Is This Course Right For Me?
Good question! The easiest way to tell for sure is to check out the Free Preview Lectures and hands-on Lab Demo videos we offer. With 2+hrs of free content available (you don’t even have to sign up), you can take your time and be certain that this course is right for you before you buy.
Worried you might change your mind? No problem! Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee on each course sale so you can always change your mind later.
You Will Learn How To Build An Entire vSphere 7 System From Scratch
In this course I provide both lecture (Power Point) and hands-on lab demo video coverage of the following topics:
VM Templates & Clones – learn how to efficiently and rapidly deploy new VMs using Templates, Clones and Guest OS Customization
Hot Plug vHardware – learn how to use Hot Plug hardware to add CPUs, memory, NICs, vDisks, etc into running VMs with no downtime
Content Libraries – learn how to use organize and safely distribute VM Templates, install media, scripts and more to your VM admins
Permissions – learn how to work with Roles so that you can enable access and control what users / groups can see and do on vSphere
Shared Storage – learn how to connect to and configure shared storage like Fibre and iSCSI SANs
Raw Device Maps – learn the benefits and use cases of providing direct VM-to-SAN-Volume access for performance, MS clusters, etc.
VMFS– learn how to create and manage VMFS volumes including 2 ways to grow them, the 3 multipath policies, their benefits and use cases
Alarms – learn how to configure, enable and customize vCenter Alarms to monitor critical components for health, state, performance and more
Resource Pools – learn how to predictably delegate host compute resources individually to VM or in bulk to VMs in a Resource Pool
You Get Both Lecture and Lab Demo Videos
This course includes both detailed lecture presentations and fully explained hands-on lab demos. Our lectures introduce you to, and motivate each topic including what it is, what it does, why you need it, how it works, what to watch out for, best practices, design tips, sizing limits and much more. After each lecture section you’ll see a detailed hands-on lab demonstration that takes you through exactly how to perform the tasks we introduced in the lectures including how to install, configure, administer, etc. each vSphere component.
Total class time is roughly 60% lecture and 40% lab demos.
Note that while we provide step-by-step hands-on lab demo video presentations, access to live hands-on labs is not included in this course.
Learn How To Deliver Technical And Business Value
This class is unique in its approach; which is to identify and eliminate common IT pain points using vSphere 7.0. Students learn how to deliver real business value; not just the technical or mechanical aspects of the software.
Get The vSphere 7.0 Skills You Need to Get Ahead
By the end of the class, attendees will have learned the skills, and best practices needed to become an effective vSphere 7.0 administrator. With the information provided in this class and follow on classes, attendees will be able to design, implement, deploy, configure, monitor, manage and troubleshoot a vSphere 7.0 installation.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Free 91 Page Ebook Sample PDF
Chapter 2: Rapid Virtual Machine Deployment with VM Templates and Clones
Lecture 1: An Introduction to Rapid VM deployment with VM Templates
Lecture 2: Working With VM vDisk Formats and Use Cases
Lecture 3: Creating New VMs from Templates and Clones
Lecture 4: VM Guest OS Customization. Exporting and Importing VMs in OVF / OVA Format
Chapter 3: Hands-on Lab Demo – Rapid Virtual Machine Deployment with VM Templates and Clone
Lecture 1: How to Prepare a VM for Use as a Template
Lecture 2: How to Consistently Deploy New VMs using Guest OS Customization Specifications
Lecture 3: Working with Guest OS Customization Specifications
Lecture 4: How to Clone an Existing Virtual Machine into a Template
Lecture 5: How to Make Ad Hoc VM Copies with VM Cloning
Chapter 4: Template, Media and File Management with Content Libraries
Lecture 1: Manage, Share VM Templates, ISOs, Scripts, etc. with vCenter Content Libraries
Chapter 5: Hands-on Lab Demo – Template, Media and File Management with Content Libraries
Lecture 1: How to Create Content Libraries. How to Upload and Deploy VM Templates from a CL
Chapter 6: Working with Virtual Machine Hot Plug vHardware
Lecture 1: Introduction to Hot Plug Virtual hardware
Lecture 2: Compute Resource Over Commit, VM Video, VM Options, How to Upgrade VM vHardware
Chapter 7: Hands-on Lab Demo – Working with Virtual Machine Hot Plug vHardware
Lecture 1: How to Hot Add vDisks to a Running VMs
Lecture 2: How to Hot Grow vDisks including System Disks in a powered on VM
Lecture 3: How to Hot Plug New vCPU Sockets and vRAM into a running VM
Lecture 4: Why and How to Safely Upgrade Virtual Hardware in a Virtual Machine
Chapter 8: Working With ESXi and vCenter Permissions
Lecture 1: ESXi and vCenter Roles, Priviledges and Permissions
Lecture 2: Permissions in Action. Reviewing, Updating and Customizing Permissions on ESXi a
Chapter 9: Hands-on Lab Demo – Working With ESXi and vCenter Permissions
Lecture 1: Add vCenter Administrator Permissions to the vCenter root User
Lecture 2: Grant Limited vCenter Access to Active Directory Users
Lecture 3: Creating and Working with Custom Roles
Chapter 10: Connecting ESXi to Fibre and iSCSI Shared Storage
Lecture 1: vSphere Shared Storage Options and Features
Lecture 2: Fibre SAN Storage, Zoning and Runtime Hardware Paths
Lecture 3: Intro to iSCSI, iSCSI Network Design, iSCSI Qualified Names and iSCSI Hardware I
Lecture 4: Connecting ESXi to an iSCSI SAN. iSCSI Pros and Cons
Lecture 5: iSCSI Design Tips. NFS v4.1 Migration and Best Practices
Chapter 11: Hands-on Lab Demo – Connecting ESXi to Fibre and iSCSI Shared Storage
Lecture 1: Enable and Configure the ESXi 7.0 iSCSI Software Initiator
Lecture 2: Assign Custom Names to SAN Volumes
Chapter 12: Direct VM to SAN LUN Access with Raw Device Maps
Lecture 1: How to Delegate and Use Virtual and Physical Raw Device Maps Including Best Prac
Chapter 13: Hands-on Lab Demo – Direct VM to SAN LUN Access with Raw Device Maps
Lecture 1: How to Create, Initialize, Partition, Format and Properly Delete a Raw Device
Chapter 14: VMFS – VMware's Cluster File System
Lecture 1: Introduction to VMware File System (VMFS)
Lecture 2: Creating VMFS 6 Datastores
Lecture 3: Managing VMFS Capacity with LUN Spans and by Growing LUNs
Lecture 4: VMFS Native and Third Party Multipath Drivers
Lecture 5: VMFS Tips and Best Practices
Chapter 15: Hands-on Lab Demo – VMFS – VMware's Cluster File System
Lecture 1: How to Upgrade a VMFS 5 Filesystem to VMFS 6
Lecture 2: How to Create a VMFS 6 Datastore
Lecture 3: How to In Place Grow a VMFS 6 File System into a Newly Expanded SAN Volume
Lecture 4: How to Grow a VMFS Datastore Using a LUN Span
Lecture 5: Changing a Datastore's Path Selection Policy to Maximize Storage Network Bandwid
Chapter 16: Infrastructure Monitoring with vCenter Alarms
Lecture 1: infrastructure Monitoring with vCenter Alarms
Lecture 2: Working with Default and Custom Alarms. Alarms Best Practices
Chapter 17: Hands-on Lab Demo – Infrastructure Monitoring with vCenter Alarms
Lecture 1: Install a Simple SNMP Trap Receiver. Configure vCenter to Send Traps
Lecture 2: Create and Test a Virtual Machine High Compute Resource Use Alarm
Lecture 3: Open Up Windows Firewall to Allow Inbound SNMP Traffic (UDP on Port 162)
Lecture 4: Create High VM vCompute Load and View Traps In Our Windows Trap Receiver
Chapter 18: Compute Resource Management with Resource Pools
Lecture 1: Compute Resource Tunes with Reservations, Shares and Limits
Lecture 2: Resource Pool Settings Explained
Lecture 3: Resource Pool Use Cases, Administration and Best Practices
Chapter 19: Hands-on Lab Demo – Compute Resource Management with Resource Pools
Lecture 1: Create, Configure and Test a New Resource Pool with Artificial Limits
Lecture 2: Prioritizing VM Compute Resource Delegations with Shares
Lecture 3: Prioritizing Compute Resource Delegations in Bulk with Resource Pools
Larry Karnis (Teaching VMware vSphere, ESXi and vCenter for 18+ years)
VMware vSphere Consultant / Trainer, VCP vSphere 2, 3, 4, 5
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 30 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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