MySQL, SQL and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced
MySQL, SQL and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.41, with 136 lectures, based on 3720 reviews, and has 26665 subscribers.
You will learn about Create, query and update databases Use triggers, views and stored procedures Understand transactions and database isolation levels. Understand database users and security. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course teaches you MySQL from the very beginning. or No prior knowledge is required, other than basic knowledge of your computer. or By the end of the course you will be able to use MySQL to an advanced level. It is particularly useful for This course teaches you MySQL from the very beginning. or No prior knowledge is required, other than basic knowledge of your computer. or By the end of the course you will be able to use MySQL to an advanced level.
Enroll now: MySQL, SQL and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced
Title: MySQL, SQL and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.41
Number of Lectures: 136
Number of Published Lectures: 136
Number of Curriculum Items: 136
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 136
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create, query and update databases
- Use triggers, views and stored procedures
- Understand transactions and database isolation levels.
- Understand database users and security.
Who Should Attend
- This course teaches you MySQL from the very beginning.
- No prior knowledge is required, other than basic knowledge of your computer.
- By the end of the course you will be able to use MySQL to an advanced level.
Target Audiences
- This course teaches you MySQL from the very beginning.
- No prior knowledge is required, other than basic knowledge of your computer.
- By the end of the course you will be able to use MySQL to an advanced level.
This course will take you from beginner in SQL and MySQL to an advanced level. Whether you’re a complete beginner with only basic computer knowledge, or a professional who already uses MySQL but wants to understand advanced features like transactions, user permissions, triggers and stored procedures, this course can help you.
Database skills are highly in demand in the I.T. industry; everything from websites to multiplayer games are likely to make use of some kind of database.
MySQL is a free, industrial-strength relational database, very widely used all over the world. In fact, the MySQL Community Server (which this course covers to an advanced level) is the world’s most popular open-source database, used by millions of websites.
Master Advanced MySQL Features, Starting from the Ground Up
In this course you’ll begin by learning the basics of creating, querying and adding data to databases using SQL with MySQL. As the course progresses, we’ll move on to advanced features, vital for getting the most out of MySQL, including transactions, indexes, isolation levels, views, triggers and stored procedures.
You’ll learn how to create powerful and efficient databases using SQL, how to read and create EER diagrams, how to understand and implement table relationships like “many to many” and “one to many”, and even how to design databases visually using the free MySQL Workbench client tool.
By the end of the course you’ll understand MySQL’s powerful features to a greater level than probably most professional software developers, and you’ll have an understanding of SQL that will help you get to grips with any relational database. You’ll be able to create and query your own databases and use transactions, stored procedures, constraints, indices, views and other features to ensure your database is efficient and secure.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introducing MySQL
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Installing MySQL and the Workbench
Lecture 2: Using the Command Line
Lecture 3: Creating Tables
Lecture 4: Multiple Columns, int and Data Types
Lecture 5: Null Values and Not Null
Lecture 6: Mysql Storage Engines and Configuration
Lecture 7: SQL Modes
Lecture 8: Deleting All the Data in a Table
Lecture 9: Primary Keys
Lecture 10: Auto Increment
Lecture 11: Narrowing Down Select Statements
Chapter 3: Importing and Exporting Data
Lecture 1: Exporting and Importing Data
Lecture 2: Exporting Using the Command Line
Lecture 3: Importing Using the Command Line
Chapter 4: MySQL Operators
Lecture 1: Some Test Data
Lecture 2: Comparison Operators
Lecture 3: Logical Operators
Lecture 4: 018 Exclusive Or
Lecture 5: Exercises Part 1
Lecture 6: Solutions Part 1
Chapter 5: Update, Order and Limit
Lecture 1: Beginning Update Statements
Lecture 2: Order By
Lecture 3: Limiting Results
Chapter 6: MySQL Data Types
Lecture 1: Mysql Types
Lecture 2: Text Types
Lecture 3: Floating Point Types and Ints
Lecture 4: The Bit Type
Lecture 5: Bool
Lecture 6: Blobs
Lecture 7: Time, Date and Year
Lecture 8: Timestamp and Datetime
Lecture 9: Enumerations
Lecture 10: Brackets and Conditions Revisited
Lecture 11: Exercises 2
Lecture 12: Solutions 2
Chapter 7: Aggregate Functions and Grouping
Lecture 1: The distinct keyword
Lecture 2: Counting Distinct Values
Lecture 3: Aggregate Functions
Lecture 4: Arithmetic in MySQL
Lecture 5: The Health Survey Dataset
Lecture 6: Group By
Lecture 7: Having- Restricting Groups By Aggregate Functions
Lecture 8: Exercises 3
Lecture 9: Solutions 3
Chapter 8: Foreign Keys and Multiple Tables
Lecture 1: Naming Columns and Tables
Lecture 2: Foreign Keys
Lecture 3: ER Diagrams
Lecture 4: Joins and Cartesian Products
Lecture 5: Inner Joins
Lecture 6: Left and Right Outer Joins
Lecture 7: Joins on Multiple Tables
Lecture 8: Querying Chains of Tables
Lecture 9: One to Many and One to One
Lecture 10: Many to Many
Lecture 11: Joining Tables to Themselves
Lecture 12: Restrict Foreign Keys
Lecture 13: Cascade Foreign Keys
Lecture 14: Exercises 4
Lecture 15: Solutions 4
Chapter 9: Combining Queries
Lecture 1: Union and Union All
Lecture 2: Subqueries with "in"
Lecture 3: Inline Views
Chapter 10: Altering Schemas
Lecture 1: Adding Columns
Lecture 2: Adding Foreign Keys
Lecture 3: Adding Indexes
Lecture 4: Indexes on Multiple Columns
Chapter 11: Users and Privileges
Lecture 1: Creating Users
Lecture 2: Granting Privileges
Chapter 12: Views
Lecture 1: Creating a Simple View
Lecture 2: View Algorithms
Lecture 3: With Check Option
Chapter 13: Locks and Transactions
Lecture 1: Exclusive Table Locks
Lecture 2: Shared Table Locks
Lecture 3: Using Variables
Lecture 4: Setting Variables with Selects
Lecture 5: A Select-Update Example
Lecture 6: Fixing Select-Updates with Table Locks
Lecture 7: ACID
Lecture 8: A Simple Transaction
Lecture 9: Start Transaction
Lecture 10: InnoDB Row Locking and Isolation
Lecture 11: ACID Isolation Levels
Lecture 12: Serializable and Row vs Table Locking
Lecture 13: Demonstrating the Other Isolation Levels
Lecture 14: Rolling Back to Savepoints
Lecture 15: The Account Transfer Problem
John Purcell
Software Development Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 77 votes
- 2 stars: 108 votes
- 3 stars: 440 votes
- 4 stars: 1319 votes
- 5 stars: 1776 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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