Node-RED and ESP32 Project
Node-RED and ESP32 Project, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 91 lectures, based on 273 reviews, and has 2667 subscribers.
You will learn about Node-RED, the lightweight graphical programming tool. ESP32, the powerful low-cost microcontroller with Wifi that you can program with the Arduino IDE. MQTT Mosquitto broker, for reliable messaging between the ESP32 and Node-RED. Use any Raspberry Pi as a host for Node-RED and the MQTT Mosquitto broker. How to combine Node-RED, MQTT, the Raspberry Pi, and the ESP32 to create a complete automated control application. Use Javascript inside Node-RED to process sensor inputs and calculate actions. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone familiar with the Arduino, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi. or Recent graduates of ESP32 for Arduino Makers. or Recent graduates of Raspberry Pi Full Stack. or Anyone interested in learning how to create a complete project using Node-RED, ESP32 and MQTT. It is particularly useful for Anyone familiar with the Arduino, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi. or Recent graduates of ESP32 for Arduino Makers. or Recent graduates of Raspberry Pi Full Stack. or Anyone interested in learning how to create a complete project using Node-RED, ESP32 and MQTT.
Enroll now: Node-RED and ESP32 Project
Title: Node-RED and ESP32 Project
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 91
Number of Published Lectures: 91
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 91
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Node-RED, the lightweight graphical programming tool.
- ESP32, the powerful low-cost microcontroller with Wifi that you can program with the Arduino IDE.
- MQTT Mosquitto broker, for reliable messaging between the ESP32 and Node-RED.
- Use any Raspberry Pi as a host for Node-RED and the MQTT Mosquitto broker.
- How to combine Node-RED, MQTT, the Raspberry Pi, and the ESP32 to create a complete automated control application.
- Use Javascript inside Node-RED to process sensor inputs and calculate actions.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone familiar with the Arduino, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi.
- Recent graduates of ESP32 for Arduino Makers.
- Recent graduates of Raspberry Pi Full Stack.
- Anyone interested in learning how to create a complete project using Node-RED, ESP32 and MQTT.
Target Audiences
- Anyone familiar with the Arduino, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi.
- Recent graduates of ESP32 for Arduino Makers.
- Recent graduates of Raspberry Pi Full Stack.
- Anyone interested in learning how to create a complete project using Node-RED, ESP32 and MQTT.
Updated December 2022 to support Node-Red version 3
In December 2022, we added a new section with eight lectures that cover Node-RED version 3.
With these lectures, you will learn how to upgrade your Node-RED instance to version 3 and use the most important new and updated features.
Updated June 2022 to support Node-Red version 2.2.2+ and Node.js 16.
More details about this update: We have added ten new lectures that show you how to update Node-Red to version 2.2.2, and Node.js to version 16, as well as how to use several of the new nodes that come with Node-Red 2.
There’s also a lecture showing you how to complete this project without having to set up an actual terrarium so that you can learn without the mess.
This course teaches you how to design and build an automated control system using Node-RED and the ESP32.
This course will guide you through the construction of an automated control system. The deliverable is a Terrarium controller.
Along the way, you will learn a great deal about useful technologies such as the Node-Red programming environment and MQTT.
This course is perfect for makers familiar with the ESP32 and interested in learning how to use it alongside Node-RED.
Node-RED is a lightweight graphical programming tool. You can use it to join various hardware and software components and create applications such as the automated terrarium controller in this course.
Node-RED is used in a range of settings. Makers create home automation applications, and organisations use it to automate their factory floors, among many other possibilities.
The ESP32 is a powerful low-cost microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi that we can program with the familiar Arduino IDE. Its “call to fame” is that it makes it easy for anyone familiar with the Arduino to leverage their knowledge and create gadgets that need more memory and processing power than what the Arduino Uno can provide, in addition to Wifi and Bluetooth. All this at a lower price point.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: 01.10 What is this course about?
Lecture 2: 01.20 Software requirements
Lecture 3: 01.30 Hardware requirements
Lecture 4: 01.40 How to make the most out of this project
Lecture 5: 01.50 Node-RED versions (watch before you continue)
Lecture 6: Please download the project archive
Chapter 2: 02 – The completed controller circuit
Lecture 1: 02.10 The completed controller circuit
Lecture 2: 02.20 Setup the circuit on a breadboard
Lecture 3: 02.30 The PCB
Lecture 4: 2.35 The PCB enclosure (Fusion 360 project)
Lecture 5: 02.40 The power supply
Lecture 6: 02.50 Testing without the dirt
Chapter 3: 04 – Prepare your Raspberry Pi
Lecture 1: 04.10 Install Raspberry Pi OS
Lecture 2: 04.20 First boot and set hostname
Chapter 4: 05 – Getting started with Node-RED
Lecture 1: 05.10 Introduction to Node-RED, examples and documentation
Lecture 2: 05.20 Install Node-RED on the Raspberry Pi
Lecture 3: 05.30 Node-RED settings and configuration
Lecture 4: 05.35 Editor walkthrough
Lecture 5: 05.40 Nodes
Lecture 6: 05.45 Node groups
Lecture 7: 05.50 Flows
Lecture 8: 05.60 Messages
Lecture 9: 05.65 Variables and context
Lecture 10: 05.100 The "complete" node
Lecture 11: 05.110 The "catch" node
Lecture 12: 05.120 The "linkout" and "linkin" nodes
Lecture 13: 05.130 The "switch" node
Lecture 14: 05.140 The "range" node
Lecture 15: 05.150 The "delay" node
Lecture 16: 05.160 The "trigger" node
Lecture 17: 05.170 The "RBE" (Report by Exception) node
Chapter 5: 06 – Node-RED dashboard
Lecture 1: 06.10 A review of the Node-RED Dashboard
Lecture 2: 06.20 Text input and output
Lecture 3: 06.30 The button
Lecture 4: 06.40 The gauge and slider
Lecture 5: 06.60 The switch
Lecture 6: 06.70 The dropdown
Lecture 7: 06.80 The UI template
Lecture 8: 06.90 The form
Chapter 6: 07 – MQTT on the Raspberry Pi with Mosquitto
Lecture 1: 07.10 Quick introduction to MQTT
Lecture 2: 07.20 Install MQTT Mosquitto on the Raspberry Pi
Lecture 3: 07.30 MQTT sub and pub examples
Lecture 4: 07.40 Mosquitto configuration and authentication
Lecture 5: 07.60 MQTT authenticated sub and pub examples
Chapter 7: 08 – MQTT and Node-RED experiments
Lecture 1: 08.10 The "MQTT in" node
Lecture 2: 08.20 The "MQTT out" node
Lecture 3: 08.30 MQTT-out Dashboard DHT22 example
Lecture 4: 08.40 MQTT-in Dashboard DHT22 example
Lecture 5: 08.50 MQTT Dashboard slider example
Chapter 8: 09 – Terrarium project, prototype 1: soil moisture sensing
Lecture 1: 09.10 First prototype review
Lecture 2: 09.20 Circuit review
Lecture 3: 09.30 ESP32 sketch version 1 review
Lecture 4: 09.40 Node-red flow Part 1: pump control
Lecture 5: 09.50 Node-red flow Part 2: soil humidity
Lecture 6: 09.60 Test and recap
Chapter 9: 10 – Terrarium project, prototype 2: Voltage sensing
Lecture 1: 10.10 Voltage sensing demonstration
Lecture 2: 10.20 Circuit review and simulation
Lecture 3: 10.30 Sketch review
Lecture 4: 10.40 Node Red flow review
Lecture 5: 10.50 Review and planning ahead
Chapter 10: 11 – Terrarium project, prototype 3: Google Sheet data logging
Lecture 1: 11.10 Record terrarium data in a Google sheet review
Lecture 2: 11.20 The GSheet node and installation
Lecture 3: 11.30 Setup Google Sheet and credentials
Lecture 4: 11.40 Update the Node Red flow
Lecture 5: 11.50 Test the new flow, review and next step
Chapter 11: 12 – Terrarium project, prototype 4: Add humidity threshold control to Dashboard
Lecture 1: 12.10 Set the pump humidity threshold
Lecture 2: 12.20 Flow review, version 4
Lecture 3: 12.30 Sketch review, version 3
Lecture 4: 12.40 Review and planning ahead
Chapter 12: 13 – Add Task Scheduler
Lecture 1: 13.10 The objectives of this iteration
Lecture 2: 13.20 Add scheduler, Sketch review, version 4
Lecture 3: 13.30 Add auto-pump off sketch review, version 5
Lecture 4: 13.40 Test and planning ahead
Chapter 13: 14 – Setup the terrarium with the actual soil sensor
Lecture 1: 14.10 The terrarium setup
Lecture 2: 14.20 Test the terrarium
Chapter 14: Node-RED 2 upgrade and features
Lecture 1: 18.10 What is Node-RED version 2
Lecture 2: 18.20 Upgrade Node-Red from version 1 to version 2
Lecture 3: 18.30 Flow Groups with environment variables
Lecture 4: 18.50 Data exchange between flows and subflows
Chapter 15: Node-Red 3 upgrade and features
Lecture 1: 18.2.010 What's in Node-RED 3
Lecture 2: 18.2.020 Upgrade Node-Red to version 3
Lecture 3: 18.2.030 Context menu and junctions
Lecture 4: 18.2.040 Continuous Search
Lecture 5: 18.2.050 Debug Path Tooltip
Lecture 6: 18.2.060 Default node names
Dr. Peter Dalmaris
Educator and Author of "Maker Education Revolution".
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 78 votes
- 5 stars: 169 votes
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