Oracle Database Administration for JuniorDBA/Oracle cloud.
Oracle Database Administration for JuniorDBA/Oracle cloud., available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 64 lectures, based on 128 reviews, and has 662 subscribers.
You will learn about After completing this course you will have fundamentals required for installation, configuration, and administration of an Oracle 12c database To learn Database instance and storage,Instance memory pools PGA,SGA backup and recovery This course is ideal for individuals who are Oracle Database Administrator ,Oracle Developer or anyone who wants to start his career as Oracle Database administrator role with all basic to expert level It is particularly useful for Oracle Database Administrator ,Oracle Developer or anyone who wants to start his career as Oracle Database administrator role with all basic to expert level.
Enroll now: Oracle Database Administration for JuniorDBA/Oracle cloud.
Title: Oracle Database Administration for JuniorDBA/Oracle cloud.
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 64
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- After completing this course you will have fundamentals required for installation, configuration, and administration of an Oracle 12c database
- To learn Database instance and storage,Instance memory pools
- backup and recovery
Who Should Attend
- Oracle Database Administrator ,Oracle Developer
- anyone who wants to start his career as Oracle Database administrator role with all basic to expert level
Target Audiences
- Oracle Database Administrator ,Oracle Developer
- anyone who wants to start his career as Oracle Database administrator role with all basic to expert level
Oracle Database 12c is the world’s leading relational database management system.After completing this course you will have fundamentals required for installation, configuration, and administration ,Architecture of an Oracle 12c database including hand on all exercise files are attached with respective chapter.
Topics Covered
Database instance and storage
Instance memory pools
Instance background processes
Client connections
Database storage file types
Control files and backup files
Multi-tenant databases
Starting and stopping the database
Installing Oracle 12c software
Using the developer tools
Database management
Oracle Backup (RMAN) Hands-On Demo and Concepts
Starting and connecting to database
How to backup database in Archivelog and NoArchivelog mode with RMAN
Oracle database incremental backup using RMAN
Oracle Backup (User-Managed Backup) Hands-On Demo and Concepts
How to take cold backup and Restore
How to take Hot backup
How to restore Hot backup
Oracle DBA interview questions
Oracle DBA terminology
Oracle Basic Concepts
Install oracle 18c Demo
Install Oracle enterprise manager(OEM) in steps Demo
Oracle Migration from Non-RAC to RAC database Demo
Oracle Database clone in RAC enviroment Demo
Convert oracle database from windows to Linux Demo
Duplicate Oracle Database using RMAN Demo
Oracle Database 19c installation in Oracle Linux 7
Action Plan:
1. Preparing the Oracle Linux 7.6 Operating System for Database 19c installation.
2. Virtual Box Settings for Oracle Linux 7 VM.
3. Setting the static ip address
4. kernel parameters configuration
5. Resource limit configuration and stopping the Firewall
6. dependencies installation
7. oracle database installation
8. Host name configuration for Oracle Linux VM.
9. Oracle listener configuration after installation.
10. Starting the Database in SQL Plus
11. Create one Common user called “scott”
12. SQL Developer 19.1 Connectivity with Oracle database 19c
13. Mounting the pluggable database orclpdb and check connectivity on SQL Developer.
14. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager on host machine browser.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Target Audience
Chapter 2: Oracle 12c Database Architecture
Lecture 1: Oracle Database Instance
Lecture 2: Oracle Database Storage
Lecture 3: Oracle Server Processes
Chapter 3: Oracle Memory Architecture
Lecture 1: System global area
Lecture 2: Shared pool
Lecture 3: Redo log Buffer
Lecture 4: Buffer cache
Lecture 5: Other SGA pools and PGA
Lecture 6: SGA and PGA Sizing
Chapter 4: Oracle instance Background Processes
Lecture 1: Oracle Database writer
Lecture 2: LREG Process
Lecture 3: Oracle Checkpoint Process
Lecture 4: PMON Process
Lecture 5: Log Writer
Lecture 6: REC Process
Lecture 7: Archive Process
Chapter 5: Oracle Client Connections
Lecture 1: Oracle listener
Lecture 2: Tnsname.ora Configuration File
Lecture 3: How to client connection work
Chapter 6: Physical Database Structure
Lecture 1: Database Storage File Types
Lecture 2: Datafiles and Tablespaces
Lecture 3: Special Oracle Tablespace
Lecture 4: Redo Log Files
Lecture 5: Control files
Lecture 6: Backup files
Lecture 7: Additional storage files
Chapter 7: Multitentant Oracle Database
Lecture 1: Benefits of the Oracle 12c Architecture
Lecture 2: New and Old
Lecture 3: Backward compatibility
Chapter 8: Start and Stop Oracle Database
Lecture 1: Shutdown
Lecture 2: Startup
Chapter 9: Install Oracle 12C
Lecture 1: Prerequisites for Oracle Installation
Lecture 2: O/S Configuration
Lecture 3: Download Oracle 12c
Lecture 4: Install the Oracle Software
Chapter 10: Create Oracle Instance
Lecture 1: Use NETCA to Create a Listener
Lecture 2: Use DBCA to Create a Database
Chapter 11: Useful Tools for Developers and DBAs
Lecture 1: SQL PLUS Administration
Lecture 2: SQL Developer for Development
Lecture 3: Oracle Enterprise Manager
Chapter 12: Oracle Database Management
Lecture 1: Start and stop the oracle instance
Lecture 2: start and stop Oracle listener
Lecture 3: View and set parameter
Lecture 4: Create users and assign permissions
Lecture 5: Data dictionary
Lecture 6: Troubleshoot using Alert Log
Lecture 7: Oracle Tablespaces and Datafiles
Chapter 13: Backup Concepts
Lecture 1: Backup Concepts
Lecture 2: RMAN Concepts
Chapter 14: Oracle Backup (RMAN) Hands-On Demo and Concepts
Lecture 1: Starting and connecting to database
Lecture 2: How to backup database in Archivelog and NoArchivelog mode with RMAN
Lecture 3: Oracle database incremental backup using RMAN
Chapter 15: Oracle Backup (User-Managed Backup) Hands-On Demo and Concepts
Lecture 1: How to take cold backup and Restore
Lecture 2: How to take Hot backup
Lecture 3: How to restore Hot backup
Lecture 4: Oracle DBA interview questions and Oracle Database Internal mechanism
Chapter 16: With Oracle 18C very useful for DBA
Lecture 1: Install Oracle 18C step by step
Lecture 2: Install Oracle enterprise manager(OEM) in steps
Lecture 3: Oracle Migration from Non-RAC to RAC database
Lecture 4: Oracle Database clone in RAC enviroment
Lecture 5: Duplicate Oracle Database using RMAN Demo
Chapter 17: Oracle Database 19c installation in Oracle Linux 7
Lecture 1: Oracle Database 19c installation in Oracle Linux 7
Zulqarnain Hayat
Senior Database Specialist and Team Lead Middleware,AWS
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 15 votes
- 5 stars: 80 votes
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