Pentesting with Kali Linux
Pentesting with Kali Linux, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.55, with 64 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 12 reviews, and has 114 subscribers.
You will learn about Scan and discover Windows environments to identify an attack surface Gather information that could be helpful in exploitation. Penetrate Windows machines through various services. Get familiar with the Post-exploitation attacks on Windows and Linux to maintain access on the target Create easy to follow reports with precise information and detailed findings Use open source tools to learn about our target network Penetrate WEP security using Aircrack-ng, Wifite .py, and Nethunter Brute-force your way into a WPS network Tackle WPA/WPA2 by de-authenticating connected devices This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is aimed at IT security professionals, Pentesters. and security analysts who have a basic knowledge of Kali Linux and want to conduct wireless network hacking as part of a penetration test. It is particularly useful for This course is aimed at IT security professionals, Pentesters. and security analysts who have a basic knowledge of Kali Linux and want to conduct wireless network hacking as part of a penetration test.
Enroll now: Pentesting with Kali Linux
Title: Pentesting with Kali Linux
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.55
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 67
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 67
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Scan and discover Windows environments to identify an attack surface
- Gather information that could be helpful in exploitation.
- Penetrate Windows machines through various services.
- Get familiar with the Post-exploitation attacks on Windows and Linux to maintain access on the target
- Create easy to follow reports with precise information and detailed findings
- Use open source tools to learn about our target network
- Penetrate WEP security using Aircrack-ng, Wifite .py, and Nethunter
- Brute-force your way into a WPS network
- Tackle WPA/WPA2 by de-authenticating connected devices
Who Should Attend
- This course is aimed at IT security professionals, Pentesters. and security analysts who have a basic knowledge of Kali Linux and want to conduct wireless network hacking as part of a penetration test.
Target Audiences
- This course is aimed at IT security professionals, Pentesters. and security analysts who have a basic knowledge of Kali Linux and want to conduct wireless network hacking as part of a penetration test.
Managing security has always been a challenge for any security professional. Penetration testing is not only about networks but also web applications. Begin your journey by familiarizing yourself with the well-known tools to perform a vulnerability assessment. There are many tools available on the market for detecting security loopholes and networking attacks. Selecting the right tools and methods might seem confusing, but this course is designed to help navigate through those choices
This learning path follows a practical approach with typical penetration test scenario throughout. You will start by setting up the environment and learn to identify and tackle the flaws and vulnerabilities within the Windows OS (versions 7, 8.1, 10) using Metasploit and Kali Linux tools. Along with this, you will also learn to proxy traffic and implement the most famous hacking technique: the pass-the-hash attack. You will then take a deep dive into understanding the Metasploit Framework and learn how to maintain access on the target machine when successfully exploited. Finally, you will learn how to hack each type of wireless security commonly used in today’s networks, including WEP, WPA, and WPA2.
Contents and Overview
This training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.
The first course, Practical Windows Penetration Testing is hands-on to guarantee that you gain practical knowledge. You will start by setting up the environment and learn service identification and network scanning techniques. You will master various exploitation and post exploitation techniques. You will also learn to proxy traffic and implement the most famous hacking technique: the pass-the-hash attack.By the end of this video tutorial, you will be able to successfully identify and tackle the flaws and vulnerabilities within the Windows OS (versions 7, 8.1, 10) using Metasploit and Kali Linux tools.
The second course, Pentesting Web Applicationswill help you start your journey by familiarizing yourself with the well-known tools to perform a vulnerability assessment. Take a deep dive into understanding the Metasploit Framework and learn how to maintain access on the target machine, when successfully exploited. Documentation is always essential and so is creating an effective report for submission to the customer. You will learn what to include in reports. Finally, you will be all set to perform penetration testing in a real-time scenario and will try to crack a challenge, summing up everything you have learned so far and applied it in real-time.
The third course, Wireless Penetration Testing for Ethical Hackerwill demonstrate how to perform wireless penetration attacks against wireless networks and their protocols in order to build strong and robust security systems from the ground up using the most popular tools in the penetration testing community.You’ll learn some basic wireless theory before learning how to hack each type of wireless security commonly used in today’s networks, including WEP, WPA, and WPA2. Using commonly available open source toolsets, you’ll understand the key components of the wireless penetration testing process, including setting up your own wireless penetration testing lab, conducting wireless network reconnaissance (WLAN discovery), packet sniffing and injection, and client attacks..
By end of this course youll be able to perform a full website and server vulnerability test, perform wireless penetration testing with popular tools and explore wireless pentesting techniques, develop encryption-cracking skills and gain insights into methods used by top pentesters and ethical hackers.
About the Authors:
Gergely Révay, the instructor of this course, hacks stuff for fun and profit at Multinational Corporation in Germany and in the USA. He has worked as a penetration tester since 2011; before that, he was a quality assurance engineer in his home country, Hungary. As a consultant, he did penetration tests and security assessments in various industries, such as insurance, banking, telco, mobility, healthcare, industrial control systems, and even car production.
Tajinder Kalsi, with more than 9 years of working experience in the field of IT, Tajinder has conducted Seminars in Engineering Colleges all across India, on topics such as Information Security and Android Application Development at more than 120 colleges and teaching 10,000+ students. Apart from training, he has also worked on VAPT projects for various clients. When talking about certifications, Tajinder is a certified ISO 27001:2013 Auditor. Prior to this course, Tajinder has authored Practical Linux Security Cookbook published by Packt Publishing. He has also reviewed the following books: Web Application Penetration Testing with Kali Linux and Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing. He has also authored 2 Video courses with Packt – Getting Started with Pentensing and Finding and Exploiting Hidden Vulnerabilities. He is best described as dedicated, devoted, and determined and a person who strongly believes in making his dreams come true. He defines himself as a tireless worker, who loves to laugh and make others laugh. I am also very friendly and level-headed.
Jason Dion,CISSP No. 349867, is an Adjunct Instructor at Liberty University’s College of Engineering and Computational Science and Anne Arundel Community College’s Department of Computing Technologies with multiple information technology professional certifications, including Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Certified Network Defense Architect (CNDA), Digital Forensic Examiner (DFE), Digital Media Collector (DMC), Security+, Network+, A+, and Information Technology Infrastructure Library v3. With networking experience dating back to 1992, Jason has been a network engineer, Deputy Director of a Network Operations Center, and an Information Systems Officer for large organizations around the globe.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Practical Windows Penetration Testing
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Test Lab Architecture
Lecture 4: Setting Up Kali
Lecture 5: Setting Up Target Win 10
Lecture 6: Setting Up Target Win 2016
Lecture 7: Creating the Domain
Lecture 8: Scanning
Lecture 9: Service Identification
Lecture 10: Using Public Exploits
Lecture 11: Exploiting with Metasploit
Lecture 12: Social Engineering
Lecture 13: Evading Anti-Virus
Lecture 14: Final Word on Exploitation
Lecture 15: About Post-Exploitation
Lecture 16: Meterpreter
Lecture 17: Privilege Escalation
Lecture 18: Collecting Credentials
Lecture 19: Password Brute-Force
Lecture 20: Achieving Persistence
Lecture 21: Pivoting
Lecture 22: Pass-the-Hash Attack
Lecture 23: Review And Next Steps
Chapter 2: Pentesting Web Applications
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Understanding Few Web Vulnerability Scanners
Lecture 3: Detailed Walkthrough of Burp Suite
Lecture 4: Understanding Few Burp Tools
Lecture 5: Common Web Attacks
Lecture 6: Other Web Attacks
Lecture 7: Post Exploitation on Windows
Lecture 8: Post Exploitation on Linux
Lecture 9: Executive Summary
Lecture 10: Methodology
Lecture 11: Detailed Findings
Lecture 12: Understanding the Scenario
Lecture 13: Walkthrough – Defining the Scope
Lecture 14: Planning the Attack
Lecture 15: Enumerating and Finding Vulnerabilities
Lecture 16: Exploiting the Vulnerabilities
Chapter 3: Wireless Penetration Testing for Ethical Hackers
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Installing Kali Linux in VirtualBox
Lecture 3: Installing NetHunter on Android
Lecture 4: Wireless Networks
Lecture 5: Concealing and Changing Your MAC Address
Lecture 6: Scanning the Airwaves
Lecture 7: Promiscuous Mode
Lecture 8: Hunting for Networks
Lecture 9: Information Gathering with Airodump-ng
Lecture 10: WEP Security
Lecture 11: Setting Up the WEP Access Point
Lecture 12: Cracking WEP Using Aircrack-ng
Lecture 13: Cracking WEP Using
Lecture 14: Cracking WEP Using NetHunter
Lecture 15: WPA/WPA2 Security
Lecture 16: Brute Force Versus Dictionary Attacks
Lecture 17: Setting Up the WPA2 Access Point
Lecture 18: Cracking WPA2 Using Aircrack-ng
Lecture 19: Cracking WPA2 Using
Lecture 20: Cracking WPA2 Using NetHunter
Lecture 21: WiFi Protected Setup (WPS)
Lecture 22: Setting Up WPS
Lecture 23: Attacking WPS Using Wash, Reaver, and Bully
Lecture 24: Attacking WPS Using NetHunter
Lecture 25: Conclusion
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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