PHP & MySQL course for absolute beginners | Become a PHP pro
PHP & MySQL course for absolute beginners | Become a PHP pro, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.55, with 70 lectures, based on 1809 reviews, and has 50869 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to download and install PHP and MySQL tools. You will learn how to work between a user interface and a database back-end that stores critical information. You will learn to work with the most used data types. You will learn what operators are. How to use conditional statements, while loops, do while loops, for loops, foreach loops. You will learn why you should use functions. You will learn the basic build-in functions. You will learn the most important superglobals. You will learn how to create a working file upload system. You will learn how to create a working contact form. How to use forms to submit data to databases. You will learn how to use databases. You will learn MySQL Queries. Password hashing. Error handling. You will learn why you should use prepared statements. You will learn how to create a login/register script. And way more… This course is ideal for individuals who are Students that want to learn PHP and MySQL It is particularly useful for Students that want to learn PHP and MySQL.
Enroll now: PHP & MySQL course for absolute beginners | Become a PHP pro
Title: PHP & MySQL course for absolute beginners | Become a PHP pro
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 70
Number of Published Lectures: 70
Number of Curriculum Items: 70
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 70
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to download and install PHP and MySQL tools.
- You will learn how to work between a user interface and a database back-end that stores critical information.
- You will learn to work with the most used data types.
- You will learn what operators are.
- How to use conditional statements, while loops, do while loops, for loops, foreach loops.
- You will learn why you should use functions.
- You will learn the basic build-in functions.
- You will learn the most important superglobals.
- You will learn how to create a working file upload system.
- You will learn how to create a working contact form.
- How to use forms to submit data to databases.
- You will learn how to use databases.
- You will learn MySQL Queries.
- Password hashing.
- Error handling.
- You will learn why you should use prepared statements.
- You will learn how to create a login/register script.
- And way more…
Who Should Attend
- Students that want to learn PHP and MySQL
Target Audiences
- Students that want to learn PHP and MySQL
Welcome to the course ‘PHP For Beginners’ In this course we will go step by step to digest all the basics topics in PHP, so if you are looking for a quick and understandable way to become a master in PHP, this is a perfect course to start with. Most of the sections will have programming exercises and at the end of every section, I will be making the exercises to show you the solutions! The reason why I think it’s important to make the exercises is because you can only learn PHP by DOING IT!
We will also be looking at the basics of MySQL Database since the final section of this course is inserting data in a table, then we will be outputting the data from the table in the browser, and then we will be creating our own login and register script!
In the beginning years when I started programming, I came across so many videos and tutorials where tutors would’ve just create the code without explaining it and I always wondered “why are you doing it this way”? Therefore, I try to give you examples why you should use this method instead of another method and I try to give you real life examples.
This course is created in a logical order to make you a PHP hero in on time! The course has been divided into the following main sections:
1. Introduction
2. Variables and Data Types
3. Operators in PHP
4. Control structures
5. Functions in PHP
6. Build-in functions in PHP
7. How to work with superglobals in PHP
8. Introduction to databases
9. Using a database to create a register/login script
Why you should learn PHP
Anything that you can do on a web server, you can do with PHP. Do you read blogs? Well, blogs are created in PHP! Do you order stuff online? Well, that’s also created with PHP! What I’m trying to say it: PHP IS EVERYWHERE!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course overview
Lecture 2: Installing XAMPP on Mac
Lecture 3: Installing a free code editor (Optional)
Lecture 4: PHP code in HTML
Lecture 5: Phpinfo
Lecture 6: Using Echo statement in PHP
Lecture 7: Using Print statement in PHP
Lecture 8: Adding comments in PHP
Lecture 9: Line break
Chapter 2: Variables and Data Types
Lecture 1: Variables in PHP
Lecture 2: Multiple ways to add variables in echo/print
Lecture 3: Data types
Lecture 4: Arrays
Lecture 5: Associative arrays
Lecture 6: Multidimensional arrays
Lecture 7: Solutions exercises data types
Chapter 3: Operators in PHP
Lecture 1: Arithmetic operators
Lecture 2: Assignment operators
Lecture 3: Comparison operators
Lecture 4: Logical operators
Lecture 5: Increment and decrement operators
Chapter 4: Control structures
Lecture 1: Conditional statement
Lecture 2: Switch statement
Lecture 3: While loop
Lecture 4: Do-while loop
Lecture 5: For loop
Lecture 6: Foreach loop
Lecture 7: Solutions control structures
Chapter 5: Functions in PHP
Lecture 1: Introduction to functions
Lecture 2: Creating our first function
Lecture 3: Functions with arguments/parameters
Lecture 4: Functions with return value
Lecture 5: Global and local scope in PHP
Lecture 6: Constants
Lecture 7: Including documents
Lecture 8: Requiring documents
Lecture 9: Solutions function exercises
Chapter 6: Build in functions in PHP
Lecture 1: Introduction to build-in functions
Lecture 2: Math build-in functions
Lecture 3: String build-in functions
Lecture 4: Array build-in functions
Lecture 5: Date and time build-in functions
Lecture 6: Random number build-in function
Lecture 7: Solution build-in functions
Chapter 7: How to work with superglobals in PHP
Lecture 1: Introduction to superglobals
Lecture 2: Superglobal 'Post' in PHP
Lecture 3: Superglobal 'Get' in PHP
Lecture 4: Superglobal 'Session' in PHP
Lecture 5: Superglobal 'Cookie' in PHP
Lecture 6: Superglobal 'Files' in PHP
Lecture 7: How to create a working upload system
Lecture 8: Create and write to a file
Lecture 9: How to read from a file
Lecture 10: Creating a working contact form
Chapter 8: Introduction to databases
Lecture 1: Introduction to databases
Lecture 2: Creating a MySQL database
Lecture 3: Creating a MySQL table
Lecture 4: Inserting data using MySQL
Lecture 5: Selecting data using MySQL
Lecture 6: Updating data using MySQL
Lecture 7: Deleting data using MySQL
Lecture 8: Ordering data using MySQL
Chapter 9: Using a database to create a register/login script
Lecture 1: Connecting to the database in PHP
Lecture 2: Printing database data in the browser
Lecture 3: Markup for login/register page
Lecture 4: Saving data from a register form
Lecture 5: Error handlers in the PHP script
Lecture 6: Prepared statements to prevent SQL injection
Lecture 7: Password hashing in register script
Lecture 8: Login script
Dary Nazar
Content Creator / Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 17 votes
- 2 stars: 36 votes
- 3 stars: 188 votes
- 4 stars: 587 votes
- 5 stars: 981 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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