Practical Blockchain Security
Practical Blockchain Security, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 108 lectures, based on 34 reviews, and has 437 subscribers.
You will learn about Classify the Security Fundamentals of Blockchain architecture Classify the Security Fundamentals of Blockchain Engineering Compare and Contrast Front End and Back End risks Summarize common Blockchain Security Mechanisms Summarize Blockchain Protocols Summarize the role ERC’s have in Blockchain Security Appraise Common Smart Contract Security Risks This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in blockchain security It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in blockchain security.
Enroll now: Practical Blockchain Security
Title: Practical Blockchain Security
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 108
Number of Published Lectures: 108
Number of Curriculum Items: 108
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 108
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Classify the Security Fundamentals of Blockchain architecture
- Classify the Security Fundamentals of Blockchain Engineering
- Compare and Contrast Front End and Back End risks
- Summarize common Blockchain Security Mechanisms
- Summarize Blockchain Protocols
- Summarize the role ERC’s have in Blockchain Security
- Appraise Common Smart Contract Security Risks
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in blockchain security
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in blockchain security
Welcome to the Practical blockchain security course. This course looks at how architecture, engineering, software design, and software tools all influence how information and data security is implemented in different kinds of blockchains. We will focus on the three most popular blockchains, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger. This course is a holistic view of information security, those things that cannot be directly controlled, those things that can be directly controlled, and how controls, technical, procedural, and in some cases policy-based can enhance a company’s security posture for its blockchain implementation.
Course Objectives:
Classify the Security Fundamentals of Blockchain Architecture
Classify the Security Fundamentals of Blockchain Engineering
Compare and Contrast Front End and Back End risks
Summarize common Blockchain Security Mechanisms
Summarize Blockchain Protocols
Summarize common Blockchain controls that can be used to enhance security
Summarize the role ERC’s have in Blockchain Security
Appraise Common Smart Contract Security Risks
This course has been designed to be applicable to all levels of knowledge about the blockchain and takes a total view approach to blockchain engineering, security, and code development. From tools to techniques, ports, and protocols, ERCs, and other methods to update systems, this course is comprehensive across the cloud, hyper-ledger, Ethereum, and points in between. From code and good coding practices, to how to do good effective DAO governance, there is great information and tips throughout this course for the things you want to do in the blockchain.
The author of this course has certifications in Security, Blockchain Security, NFTs, and Blockchain Engineering, and gives up-to-date information about the state of Blockchain Security, and how it can be accomplished as part of a normal business process.
Welcome to the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why take this course?
Lecture 3: World Economic Forum – The Future of Work
Chapter 2: Blockchain Architecture
Lecture 1: Blockchain Architecture Overview
Lecture 2: Blockchain Layers
Lecture 3: Ethereum Overview
Lecture 4: Ethereum Architecture
Lecture 5: Ethereum Post Merge Architecture
Lecture 6: Bitcoin Architecture
Lecture 7: Hyperledger Architecture
Lecture 8: Tezos Architecture
Lecture 9: Flow Architecture
Lecture 10: Cardano Architecture
Lecture 11: Wax Architecture
Lecture 12: Side Chains
Lecture 13: Blockchain Bridges
Lecture 14: Real World Example Tornado Cash
Chapter 3: Blockchain Engineering
Lecture 1: Blockchain Engineering Overview
Lecture 2: Blockchain Block Format
Lecture 3: The Genesis Block
Lecture 4: Merkle Trees
Lecture 5: Walkthrough Block Explorer
Lecture 6: Blockchain Wallet Addressing
Lecture 7: Proof Of Work Consensus
Lecture 8: Proof of Stake Consensus
Lecture 9: Other types of Consensus
Lecture 10: Public and Private Blockchains
Lecture 11: Hard and Soft Forks
Lecture 12: Blockchain Security Assumptions
Lecture 13: Cryptography
Lecture 14: Public and Private Keys
Lecture 15: Hashing
Lecture 16: Time Stamping
Lecture 17: Peer to Peer networking (Ethereum Example)
Chapter 4: Front End Risks
Lecture 1: Overview of MFA
Lecture 2: MFA And Blockchain
Lecture 3: React
Lecture 4: Angular
Lecture 5: Vue.JS
Lecture 6: OWASP Modeling for Blockchain Part 1
Lecture 7: OWASP Modeling for Blockchain Part 2
Lecture 8: Wallet Attacks
Lecture 9: Client Vulnerabilities
Lecture 10: User Behavior
Chapter 5: Back End Risks
Lecture 1: Consensus Vulnerabilities
Lecture 2: Mining Pool Vulnerabilities
Lecture 3: Network Vulnerabilities
Lecture 4: DDoS Attacks
Lecture 5: Delay Attacks
Lecture 6: Eclipse Attacks
Lecture 7: P2P and DHT Attacks
Lecture 8: Partition Attacks
Lecture 9: Sybil Attacks
Lecture 10: Time Jacking
Lecture 11: Transaction Attacks
Lecture 12: Selfish Mining Attacks
Chapter 6: Mining Risks
Lecture 1: Mining Overview
Lecture 2: Solo Mining
Lecture 3: Mining Pools
Lecture 4: Proof of Stake Post Merge Ethereum
Lecture 5: Crypto Mining Malware (Cryptojacking)
Lecture 6: Zero Trust Models
Lecture 7: Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Chapter 7: Blockchain as a Service – Blockchain in the Cloud
Lecture 1: AWS Managed Blockchain Service Overview
Lecture 2: AWS Hyperledger
Lecture 3: AWS Ethereum
Lecture 4: AWS QLDB Quantum Ledger Database
Lecture 5: Azure Blockchain as a Service Overview
Chapter 8: Hyperledger and Modular Design Risks
Lecture 1: What is Hyperledger?
Lecture 2: Hyperledger Security Model
Lecture 3: Hyperledger Peers
Lecture 4: Hyperledger Ordering Service
Lecture 5: Hyperledger MSP's
Lecture 6: Hardware Security Modules
Lecture 7: Hyperledger Data Privacy
Lecture 8: Hyperledger Specific Security Risks
Chapter 9: DAGS – Directed Acyclic Graphs
Lecture 1: What are DAGs
Lecture 2: Reasons to Use DAG as an Architecture and Data Storage
Lecture 3: IOTA
Chapter 10: Common Security Risks
Lecture 1: Common Threats and Incidents
Lecture 2: Basic Security Mechanisms
Lecture 3: AES
Lecture 4: Other types of Hashes (Uncommon)
Lecture 5: Other Security Mechanisms (Uncommon)
Chapter 11: Blockchain Protocols Ports and Risks
Lecture 1: Understanding Blockchain Tokens
Lecture 2: Blockchain Tokens
Lecture 3: ERC-20
Lecture 4: ERC-721
Lecture 5: ERC-1155
Dan Morrill
Primary Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 19 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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