Python String Coding Interview Questions In Simple Way
Python String Coding Interview Questions In Simple Way, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.85, with 23 lectures, based on 274 reviews, and has 19599 subscribers.
You will learn about Student can get much perfection on Python String concepts and applications This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone looking to clear Python Interviews or Anyone looking to clear Python Certification or Anyone to get perfection on day to day coding requirements on Python String Concepts It is particularly useful for Anyone looking to clear Python Interviews or Anyone looking to clear Python Certification or Anyone to get perfection on day to day coding requirements on Python String Concepts.
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Title: Python String Coding Interview Questions In Simple Way
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 23
Number of Published Lectures: 23
Number of Curriculum Items: 23
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 23
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Student can get much perfection on Python String concepts and applications
Who Should Attend
- Anyone looking to clear Python Interviews
- Anyone looking to clear Python Certification
- Anyone to get perfection on day to day coding requirements on Python String Concepts
Target Audiences
- Anyone looking to clear Python Interviews
- Anyone looking to clear Python Certification
- Anyone to get perfection on day to day coding requirements on Python String Concepts
The following programs will be covered as the part of this course:
1. Write a Program To REVERSE content of the given String by using slice operator
2. Write a Program To REVERSE content of the given String by using reversed() function
3. Write a Program To REVERSE content of the given String by using while loop
4. Write a Program To REVERSE order of words present in the given string
5. Write a Program To REVERSE internal content of each word
6. Write a Program To REVERSE internal content of every second word present in the given string
7. Write a program to print the characters present at even index and odd index separately for the given string
8. Write a program to merge characters of 2 strings into a single string by taking characters alternatively
9. Program to sort characters of the string, first alphabet symbols followed by digits
10. Program for the requirement,input: a4b3c2 and expected output: aaaabbbcc
11. Program for the requirement,input: a3z2b4 and expected output: aaabbbbzz (sorted String)
12. Program for the requirement,input: aaaabbbccz and expected output: 4a3b2c1z
13. Program for the requirement,input: a4k3b2 and expected output: aeknbd
14. Program to remove duplicate characters from the given input String
15. Program to find the number of occurrences of each character present in the given string with count() method
16. Important Conclusions about dictionary
17. Program to find the number of occurrences of each character present in the given string without using count() method
18. Program for the requirement,input: ABAABBCA and expected output: 4A3B1C
19. Program for the requirement,input: ABAABBCA and expected output: A4B3C1
20. Program to find the number of occurrences of each vowel present in the given string?
21. Program to check whether the given two strings are anagrams or not?
22. Program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not?
23. Program to generate words from the given input strings by taking characters alternatively?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Python String Coding Interview Questions In Simple Way
Lecture 1: Write a Program To REVERSE content of the given String by using slice operator
Lecture 2: Program To REVERSE content of the given String by using reversed() functtion
Lecture 3: Write a Program To REVERSE content of the given String by using while loop
Lecture 4: Write a Program To REVERSE order of words present in the given string
Lecture 5: Write a Program To REVERSE internal content of each word
Lecture 6: Program To REVERSE internal content of every 2nd word present in given string
Lecture 7: Program:Print characters present at even & odd index separately for given string
Lecture 8: Program to merge characters of 2 strings by taking characters alternatively
Lecture 9: Program:Sort characters of the string, first alphabet symbols followed by digits
Lecture 10: Program for the requirement,input a4b3c2 and expected output aaaabbbcc
Lecture 11: Program for the requirement,input a3z2b4 and expected output aaabbbbzz
Lecture 12: Program for the requirement,input aaaabbbccz and expected output 4a3b2c1z
Lecture 13: Program for the requirement,input a4k3b2 and expected output aeknbd
Lecture 14: Program to remove duplicate characters from the given input String
Lecture 15: Find no of occurrences of each character present in given string with count( )
Lecture 16: Important Conclusions about dictionary
Lecture 17: No of occurrences of each character present in given string without count()
Lecture 18: Program for the requirement,input: ABAABBCA and expected output: 4A3B1C
Lecture 19: Program for the requirement,input: ABAABBCA and expected output: A4B3C1
Lecture 20: Program to find the number of occurrences of each vowel present in given string
Lecture 21: Program to check whether the given two strings are anagrams or not?
Lecture 22: Program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not?
Lecture 23: To generate words from given input strings by taking characters alternatively
Software Training Organization
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 92 votes
- 5 stars: 150 votes
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