React with Redux, React-Router, Hooks and Auth0
React with Redux, React-Router, Hooks and Auth0, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.4, with 107 lectures, based on 2444 reviews, and has 64267 subscribers.
You will learn about The Most Modern Version of React and Redux Modern Authentication and Routing Patterns The Knowledge and Skills to Apply to Front End Jobs How React Works Under the Hood The Knowledge to know how different Front End Technologies work together (enough knowledge to impress other engineers) Modern ES5, ES6, ES7 Javascript Syntax. This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who want Job Ready React Front End Skills and Knowledge or People Looking to upgrade their careers or People wanting to break into web dev or People looking for front end Internships It is particularly useful for Those who want Job Ready React Front End Skills and Knowledge or People Looking to upgrade their careers or People wanting to break into web dev or People looking for front end Internships.
Enroll now: React with Redux, React-Router, Hooks and Auth0
Title: React with Redux, React-Router, Hooks and Auth0
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 107
Number of Published Lectures: 107
Number of Curriculum Items: 107
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 107
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The Most Modern Version of React and Redux
- Modern Authentication and Routing Patterns
- The Knowledge and Skills to Apply to Front End Jobs
- How React Works Under the Hood
- The Knowledge to know how different Front End Technologies work together (enough knowledge to impress other engineers)
- Modern ES5, ES6, ES7 Javascript Syntax.
Who Should Attend
- Those who want Job Ready React Front End Skills and Knowledge
- People Looking to upgrade their careers
- People wanting to break into web dev
- People looking for front end Internships
Target Audiences
- Those who want Job Ready React Front End Skills and Knowledge
- People Looking to upgrade their careers
- People wanting to break into web dev
- People looking for front end Internships
Why this course?
Other courses have made partial updates to older techniques and code, but this course is built from the ground up to include the most latest code and techniques from 2019+. You are getting the complete integrated modern techniques and code for React and Redux that are used in development today.
You don’t want to learn older code and techniques, then end up looking foolish in job interviews.
Instead of surface level explanations we will going in dept and seeing how these technologies work under the hood.
You will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to build any sort of front end app with React and Redux after this course.
React is the Present and Future
Demand for React is already at an all time high and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Learn the hottest front end framework since Jquery.
Get instant support directly from the author.
I will be here to guide you every step of the way. If you are confused simply post a question in the forum and I will personally answer it for you. I will try to answer your question within 1 business day.
I guarantee that this course will be worth your time or your money back. See you on the inside.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Promo
Lecture 2: Course Intro
Lecture 3: JavaScript refresher (optional)
Lecture 4: Text Editor (optional)
Lecture 5: Recommended to watch all videos on 1.5x speed
Lecture 6: node.js
Lecture 7: Command Line Tool
Lecture 8: Redux Dev Tools
Lecture 9: Developer Accounts
Lecture 10: Slides
Lecture 11: For more free courses in the future follow me on twitter
Chapter 2: React
Lecture 1: Getting Started with create-react-app
Lecture 2: JSX Overview
Lecture 3: 03. Displaying variables in JSX
Lecture 4: 04. Understanding Class and Function Scopes
Lecture 5: 05. How extends Component works
Lecture 6: styling patterns in React
Lecture 7: React Under the Hood – the Virtual DOM
Lecture 8: Displaying Objects in JSX
Lecture 9: Props
Lecture 10: Components
Lecture 11: How functional Components work
Lecture 12: Props in functional components
Lecture 13: Props in class components
Lecture 14: React state
Lecture 15: Initializing State
Lecture 16: updating state with setState()
Lecture 17: updating state with the previous state
Lecture 18: working with multiple state properties
Lecture 19: Passing down state as props
Lecture 20: conditionally rendering in JSX
Lecture 21: ternary expressions
Lecture 22: alternate conditional rendering method
Lecture 23: summary of the 3 ways to conditonally render JSX
Lecture 24: lifecycle methods()
Lecture 25: Working with Lists
Lecture 26: working with forms
Chapter 3: Redux
Lecture 1: What and why Redux
Lecture 2: 3 principles of Redux
Lecture 3: React-Redux oveview
Lecture 4: actions
Lecture 5: Action Creators
Lecture 6: Reducers
Lecture 7: Setting up the actions and reducer
Lecture 8: createStore()
Lecture 9: Creating a react-redux container
Lecture 10: mapStateToProps()
Lecture 11: mapDispatchToProps()
Lecture 12: the connect() method
Lecture 13: Connecting a container to React-Redux
Lecture 14: Summarizing the Redux Flow
Lecture 15: Testing our React-Redux container
Lecture 16: Setting up action creators
Lecture 17: Passing in data to action creators
Lecture 18: getting our data from redux state
Lecture 19: rendering data to the UI
Lecture 20: multiple reducers
Lecture 21: updating and reading state reference
Chapter 4: React-Router
Lecture 1: routing overview
Lecture 2: history syntax update
Lecture 3: setting up routes
Lecture 4: going deeper in react-router
Lecture 5: testing our routing
Lecture 6: in dept look at routing
Lecture 7: Switch and exact
Lecture 8: react router props
Lecture 9: dynamically rendering components
Chapter 5: Authentication
Lecture 1: auth0 flow
Lecture 2: setting up the auth0 app
Lecture 3: initializing the auth0 class
Lecture 4: JWT tokens
Lecture 5: pasing tokens and handleAuth()
Lecture 6: handling the callback and authentication
Lecture 7: authentication flow in Redux
Lecture 8: setting up the authcheck component
Lecture 9: setting up protected routes and the PrivateRoute HOC
Lecture 10: implementing the login and logout buttons
Lecture 11: Google oauth login
Lecture 12: facebook oauth login
Lecture 13: extracting the user profile data
Lecture 14: setting up profile action creators
Lecture 15: setting up the profile actions in authcheck
Lecture 16: dynamically render the profile
Lecture 17: silent authentication
Lecture 18: why not redux thunk
Chapter 6: Hooks Overview
Lecture 1: React Hooks Intro
Lecture 2: 2 rules off using hooks
Lecture 3: 4 Hooks Overview
Lecture 4: useState() overview
Lecture 5: useEffect() overview
Lecture 6: useReducer() overview
Lecture 7: Context overview
Lecture 8: useContext() overview
Lecture 9: Migration Guide from Redux to React hooks
Mohammad Iqbal
Full Stack Developer at Coding Spectrum
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 52 votes
- 2 stars: 106 votes
- 3 stars: 422 votes
- 4 stars: 803 votes
- 5 stars: 1061 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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