Reverse Engineering and Exploit development in ARM
Reverse Engineering and Exploit development in ARM, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.4, with 62 lectures, based on 39 reviews, and has 420 subscribers.
You will learn about Arm exploitation Binary exploitation Reverse engineering Basic arm instructions Gdb primer Patching binaries Ghidra,Binary ninja,Hopper etc Exploit development Format string vulnerabilities Ret2zp Attack Nx Bypass Buffer overflow Integer Overflow Integer Underflow Heap Overflow This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone Interested in learning binary exploitation or Hackers or Ctf players or Reverse engineers It is particularly useful for Anyone Interested in learning binary exploitation or Hackers or Ctf players or Reverse engineers.
Enroll now: Reverse Engineering and Exploit development in ARM
Title: Reverse Engineering and Exploit development in ARM
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Lectures: 62
Number of Published Lectures: 62
Number of Curriculum Items: 62
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 62
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Arm exploitation
- Binary exploitation
- Reverse engineering
- Basic arm instructions
- Gdb primer
- Patching binaries
- Ghidra,Binary ninja,Hopper etc
- Exploit development
- Format string vulnerabilities
- Ret2zp Attack
- Nx Bypass
- Buffer overflow
- Integer Overflow
- Integer Underflow
- Heap Overflow
Who Should Attend
- Anyone Interested in learning binary exploitation
- Hackers
- Ctf players
- Reverse engineers
Target Audiences
- Anyone Interested in learning binary exploitation
- Hackers
- Ctf players
- Reverse engineers
Welcome to the cheapest and first course of Arm exploitation in Udemy.This course is purely for beginners. As you all know arm based devices are becoming more and more prominent these days so it’s important to learn about securing them. I made this course highly practical so that it doesn’t bore you as you go. This course only requires just a PC we shouldn’t need any raspberry pi or anything we will use emulated labs. This course is very basic and if you are already familiar with buffer overflows and format string exploitation this wouldn’t be much help to you but still, this can help you as a primer and as an introduction to ARM exploitation.
This course is focused on Arm v6 vulnerabilities and Exploitation (32-bit). We will start with basic arm instructions and move to practical exploitation. The core sections of this course are Reverse engineering and binary exploitation. We will reverse and modify the behavior of simple crack-me programs using Ghidra, Binary ninja, Hopper, etc. Then we will exploit various binaries using format string vulnerabilities and buffer overflows. After that, we will look at the protections used by the binaries and bypass them. We will be using CTF-style examples mostly. As this is part one of the course we will cover everything from scratch. This course has a 30-day refund policy so even if you don’t like this course you can surely get your money 100%.
I suggest you watch the sample videos before buying this.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About ARM
Lecture 3: Registers in ARM
Chapter 2: Lab Setup
Lecture 1: Lab setup
Chapter 3: Basic ARM Instructions
Lecture 1: Mov instruction
Lecture 2: Add instruction
Lecture 3: Sub instruction
Lecture 4: Mul instrution
Lecture 5: Load Instruction
Lecture 6: Store Instruction
Lecture 7: Load store 0x1
Lecture 8: Load store 0x2
Lecture 9: Load and Store multiple 0x1
Lecture 10: Load and Store multiple 0x2
Lecture 11: Condtional Branching
Lecture 12: Conditional Execution
Lecture 13: Push and Pop
Lecture 14: Functions
Lecture 15: Loops
Chapter 4: GDB Primer
Lecture 1: Gdb Basics
Lecture 2: Debug Challenge 0x1
Lecture 3: Debug Solution 0x1
Lecture 4: Debug Solution 0x2
Lecture 5: Debug Challenge 0x2
Lecture 6: Debug Challenge 0x2 Solution
Chapter 5: Reverse Engineering
Lecture 1: Introduction to Reverse Engineering
Lecture 2: Reverse Engineering Workflow
Lecture 3: Reversing a simple Crackme1
Lecture 4: Reversing Crackme using Ghidra
Lecture 5: Reversing Crackme using Hopper
Lecture 6: Reversing and patching a simple binary
Lecture 7: Patching Crackme1 0x1
Chapter 6: Format String vulnerabilities and Exploitation
Lecture 1: Introduction to format strrings
Lecture 2: Format String Vulnerability
Lecture 3: Format String Vulnerability 0x2
Lecture 4: Arbitrary read using format string vulnerability 0x1
Lecture 5: Arbitrary read using format string vulnerability 0x2
Lecture 6: Arbitrary write using format string vulnerability
Lecture 7: Arbitrary write using format string vulnerability 0x2
Lecture 8: Crashing the program and memory leaks
Chapter 7: Buffer overflow vulnerability
Lecture 1: Introduction to buffer overflows
Lecture 2: Buffer Overflow Overview
Lecture 3: Simple Buffer overflow Challenge
Lecture 4: Modifying local variables using Buffer overflow
Lecture 5: Redirecting the execution of the program 0x1
Lecture 6: Redirecting the execution of the program 0x2
Lecture 7: Redirecting the execution of the program 0x3
Lecture 8: Spawning a Shell using Buffer overflow 0x1
Lecture 9: Spawning a Shell using Buffer overflow 0x2
Lecture 10: Spawning a Shell using Buffer overflow 0x3
Lecture 11: Adjusting the shellcode using NOPS 0x1
Lecture 12: Adjusting the shellcode using NOPS 0x2
Chapter 8: Integer Overflow and Underflow
Lecture 1: Introduction to Integer Overflow
Lecture 2: Interger Underflow
Lecture 3: Integer Overflow To Buffer Overflow
Chapter 9: Return to Zero Protection
Lecture 1: Introduction to NX
Lecture 2: Bypassing NX 0x1
Lecture 3: Bypassing NX 0x2
Lecture 4: Bypassing NX 0x3
Lecture 5: Bypassing NX 0x4
Chapter 10: Heap Exploitation
Lecture 1: Simple Heap Overflow
Chapter 11: Thank You
Lecture 1: Thank You And Additional Resources
Ajin Deepak
Ethical Hacker, CEH
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 19 votes
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