Ruby on Rails: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2023
Ruby on Rails: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2023, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 219 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 435 reviews, and has 4968 subscribers.
You will learn about How to build an online learning platform with Ruby on Rails How to build a Udemy Clone Ruby on Rails Yarn and Webpacker Bootstrap FontAwesome gem simple_form gem faker gem devise gem friendly_id gem ransack gem public_activity gem rolify gem pundit gem exception_notification gem haml-rails gem pagy gem chartkick gem groupdate gem ranked-model gem aws-sdk-s3 gem active_storage_validations gem image_processing gem recaptcha gem omniauth-google-oauth2 gem wicked gem wicked_pdf Rails 6 active_storage gem rails-erd AWS Cloud9 AWS S3 AWS IAM google analytics google recaptcha gem stripe Rails 6 scopes Rails 6 counter_cache Rails 6 callbacks Rails 6 ActionText Rails 6 dependent: restrict_with_error Rails 6 helpers Rails 6 ActionMailer Rails 6 Credentials selectize js jquery-ui sortable This course is ideal for individuals who are If you want to create your own e-learning platform for selling content online or If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications or If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps. or If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails or If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge It is particularly useful for If you want to create your own e-learning platform for selling content online or If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications or If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps. or If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails or If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge.
Enroll now: Ruby on Rails: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2023
Title: Ruby on Rails: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2023
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 219
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 200
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 221
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 202
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to build an online learning platform with Ruby on Rails
- How to build a Udemy Clone
- Ruby on Rails
- Yarn and Webpacker
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- gem simple_form
- gem faker
- gem devise
- gem friendly_id
- gem ransack
- gem public_activity
- gem rolify
- gem pundit
- gem exception_notification
- gem haml-rails
- gem pagy
- gem chartkick
- gem groupdate
- gem ranked-model
- gem aws-sdk-s3
- gem active_storage_validations
- gem image_processing
- gem recaptcha
- gem omniauth-google-oauth2
- gem wicked
- gem wicked_pdf
- Rails 6 active_storage
- gem rails-erd
- AWS Cloud9
- AWS S3
- google analytics
- google recaptcha
- gem stripe
- Rails 6 scopes
- Rails 6 counter_cache
- Rails 6 callbacks
- Rails 6 ActionText
- Rails 6 dependent: restrict_with_error
- Rails 6 helpers
- Rails 6 ActionMailer
- Rails 6 Credentials
- selectize js
- jquery-ui sortable
Who Should Attend
- If you want to create your own e-learning platform for selling content online
- If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications
- If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps.
- If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails
- If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge
Target Audiences
- If you want to create your own e-learning platform for selling content online
- If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications
- If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps.
- If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails
- If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge
I’m proud to say that this is the most feature-rich Ruby-on-Rails-6 course on the internet.
The course contains 200 lectures and 20 hours of video content.
It is a result of my 6 years of Software Engineering experience and 6 months of course writing.
Through the years of being a software developer I’ve learnt a lot by trial, error, and research.
You don’t have to spend all the time I did!
In this course I’ve summed up the best practices of using different gems and features.
You will be able to learn it all by practice!
As well we will learn to troubleshoot different issues in development and production.
In this course you will:
Learn to build your own advanced online learning platform step-by-step, feature-by-feature (like a Udemy or Skillshare)
get access to the source codeof the final application
gain the broad knowledgeand skill needed to create basically any web application you can think of
get acquainted with all the modern technologies needed to find a Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer job.
As a beginner,you will learn the whole process of developing an application with multiple features.
As an experienced developer,you will master features that you didn’t have a lot of experience with.
Here are a few topics that we will cover in the course:
Learn 25+ most popular Ruby on Rails gems:
simple_form– industry-standard way to create forms
faker– create fake data
friendly_id– create pretty URLs
ransack– search and filter data
public_activity– track all actions in the application
pagy– the best gem for pagination
devise– authentication (users can log in)
rolify– assign users different roles
pundit– authorization (users can perform different actions)
haml-rails– industry-standard markup language
chartkick– beautiful charts
groupdate– group data by periods
exception_notifications– error messages in production
rails-erd– generate an Entity Relationship Diagram
ranked-model– order items in a list
aws-sdk-s3– store files on AWS S3
active_storage_validations– validate attachments
image_processing– display and manage images
recaptcha– no bots will sign up
wicked_pdf– style and generate PDF documents
wicked– wizard for step-by-step forms
omniauth-google-oauth2– sign in with google
omniauth-facebook– sign in with facebook
omniauth-github– sign in with github
cocoon– nested forms
stripe– accept payments
Learn to use Yarn & Webpacker – the core new feature of Rails 6:
install videoJS
Learn Ruby on Rails features:
secret credentials
application_helper methods
adding custom buttons
conditional validation
increment method
dependent restrict_with_error
advanced nested resources
use helper methods
buttons for custom actions
Learn supporting technologies:
AWS Cloud9 cloud IDE
AWS S3 file storage
PostgreSQL database
Git and Github
Google Analytics
Google reCaptcha
Google oAuth API
Google & Bing Webmaster
Facebook oAuth API
Github oAuth API
As you see, this is a fast-paced Code-Along course covering A LOT of topics
If you value your time and DON’T want to spend hours learning how a gem works, consider enrolling to this course.
The course DOES NOT cover the very basics of what Ruby and Rails are. So, some previous knowledge would be helpful.
I’m a professional Ruby on Rails Engineer and I built this course out of passion for sharing knowledge.
I’m not a native speaker and not a vice actor, so don’t expect studio-level audio quality 😉
Looking forward to seeing you inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Setup
Lecture 1: Preview of the final application
Lecture 2: START HERE
Chapter 2: (2021 update) Install Ruby on Rails 6, configure application
Lecture 1: create development environment, install ruby on rails 6, create app
Lecture 2: push application to github
Lecture 3: TEXT: push application to github
Lecture 4: PRO TIP – ssh connection – push to github without re-entering password
Lecture 5: hello world – generate a static page
Lecture 6: connect heroku – run application in production
Lecture 7: PRO TIP – delete changes, undo commits
Lecture 8: TEXT: PRO TIP – delete changes, undo commits
Lecture 9: AWS – no space left on device – add 20 gb storage
Lecture 10: Install bootstrap with yarn and webpacker
Lecture 11: Bootstrap basic usage
Lecture 12: Install and use Fontawesome icons with yarn and webpacker
Lecture 13: Responsive screen width
Chapter 3: Building the MVP (minimum viable product)
Lecture 1: static_pages/lading_page VS home/index
Lecture 2: gem haml-rails – more RoR-friendly way of editing HTML
Lecture 3: gem simple_form – better way to work with forms
Lecture 4: TEXT: gem simple_form – better way to work with forms
Lecture 5: add a Courses table
Lecture 6: TEXT: add a Courses table
Lecture 7: action_text – rich text editor
Lecture 8: TEXT: action_text – rich text editor
Lecture 9: gem faker and seeds.rb – add fake data to the app
Lecture 10: TEXT: gem faker and seeds.rb – add fake data to the app
Lecture 11: gem devise for authentication (log in, log out)
Lecture 12: course belong_to user – relationships
Lecture 13: design for notification messages
Lecture 14: adding a functional navbar
Lecture 15: search field in navbar
Lecture 16: styling courses and home index
Lecture 17: gem friendly_id – show user friendly links
Lecture 18: gem friendly_id – show user friendly links
Lecture 19: devise trackable (track user IP address, create users index page
Lecture 20: devise trackable (track user IP address, create users index page)
Lecture 21: devise confirmable in development pt1
Lecture 22: devise confirmable in development pt2
Lecture 23: sendgrid – send emails in production
Lecture 24: sendgrid – send emails in production
Lecture 25: Amazon SES – better way to send emails in production
Lecture 26: add more fields to courses
Lecture 27: gem ransack – level 1 – filter and search data in a table
Lecture 28: gem ransack – level 2 – search and filter courses
Lecture 29: gem ransack level 3 – search in navbar
Lecture 30: gem ransack – level 3 – ransack search in navbar
Lecture 31: gem public_activity – track all actions in the app
Lecture 32: add a footer
Chapter 4: Roles and Authorization
Lecture 1: promo – roles & authorization
Lecture 2: gem rolify – add roles to users
Lecture 3: gem rolify – edit user roles
Lecture 4: gem rolify – using role based access
Lecture 5: gem pundit – installation and example usecase
Lecture 6: gem pundit – authorization for courses
Lecture 7: gem pundit – only admin can edit other users
Lecture 8: gem pundit – user can see links only to allowed actions
Chapter 5: Building the core functionality of the e-learning platform
Lecture 1: gem friendly_id for users, user show
Lecture 2: check if user is online
Lecture 3: add a Lessons table, friendly_id, styling
Lecture 4: public_activity for Lessons, create lessons inside courses
Lecture 5: action_text for Lessons, add breadcrumbs for lesson show
Lecture 6: gem pundit – authorization for Lessons
Lecture 7: nested resources. lessons in courses
Lecture 8: gem pundit – authorization for Lessons create action
Lecture 9: minor styling for edit and new views
Lecture 10: production – tour around heroku
Lecture 11: gem exception_notification – catch errors in production
Lecture 12: design for courses and lessons
Lecture 13: gem pagy for pagination
Lecture 14: add dynamic title to page tabs
Lecture 15: scaffold Enrollments. Basic validation and design
Lecture 16: Button for user to Enroll to a Course
Lecture 17: gem pundit for Enrollments
Lecture 18: gem pundit – user can access his purchased Courses
Lecture 19: work on Enrollment views
Lecture 20: Button for user to Review a Course
Lecture 21: gem pagy for Enrollments and Users
Lecture 22: gem friendly_id for enrollments
Lecture 23: gem ransack for enrollments index
Lecture 24: Navigation for student, teacher, admin
Lecture 25: Collections and Scopes + Ransack + Pagy for Courses and Enrollments
Lecture 26: Counters in header
Lecture 27: Calculate rating for courses
Lecture 28: counter_cache basics (enrollments_count for Course)
Lecture 29: add counter_cache across app
Lecture 30: More course styling and validation
Lecture 31: Courses index ransack sort by price, populararity, rating, newest
Lecture 32: Dynamic & Personalized Homepage (Popular, New, Top Rated Courses)
Lecture 33: Move logic from controller to model using scopes
Lecture 34: UserCourse table – track if a user has seen a lesson. Migration and setup
Lecture 35: Track User progress in a Course
Lecture 36: Styling courses and lessons
Lecture 37: Pluralization for course show
Yaroslav Shmarov
Ruby on Rails Engineer and Teacher. SupeRails
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 14 votes
- 3 stars: 36 votes
- 4 stars: 122 votes
- 5 stars: 256 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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