Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam practice
Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam practice, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.45, 2 quizzes, based on 29 reviews, and has 229 subscribers.
You will learn about Prepare for Salesforce Integration Architect certification Check exemplary questions to get better score on your Salesforce exam Find explanation for each question to cover all certification areas Familiarize with the format and types of questions commonly found in the actual Salesforce Integration Architect certification exam Master diverse facets of Salesforce Integration Architecture, encompassing system connection, data synchronization, API management, middleware utilization. Develop test-taking skills and strategies to help you approach the certification exam with more confidence Assess your readiness for the certification exam and identify areas where you may need additional study or practice. This course is ideal for individuals who are Salesforce Integration Architects, who would like to pass Salesforce Certification exam. or Salesforce professionals looking for new Salesforce Certification. or Salesforce experienced Architects, who would like to prove their knowledge with new Integration Architect certification. or Anyone interested in learning about the Salesforce Integration Architect certification exam. It is particularly useful for Salesforce Integration Architects, who would like to pass Salesforce Certification exam. or Salesforce professionals looking for new Salesforce Certification. or Salesforce experienced Architects, who would like to prove their knowledge with new Integration Architect certification. or Anyone interested in learning about the Salesforce Integration Architect certification exam.
Enroll now: Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam practice
Title: Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam practice
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.45
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 2
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 2
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Prepare for Salesforce Integration Architect certification
- Check exemplary questions to get better score on your Salesforce exam
- Find explanation for each question to cover all certification areas
- Familiarize with the format and types of questions commonly found in the actual Salesforce Integration Architect certification exam
- Master diverse facets of Salesforce Integration Architecture, encompassing system connection, data synchronization, API management, middleware utilization.
- Develop test-taking skills and strategies to help you approach the certification exam with more confidence
- Assess your readiness for the certification exam and identify areas where you may need additional study or practice.
Who Should Attend
- Salesforce Integration Architects, who would like to pass Salesforce Certification exam.
- Salesforce professionals looking for new Salesforce Certification.
- Salesforce experienced Architects, who would like to prove their knowledge with new Integration Architect certification.
- Anyone interested in learning about the Salesforce Integration Architect certification exam.
Target Audiences
- Salesforce Integration Architects, who would like to pass Salesforce Certification exam.
- Salesforce professionals looking for new Salesforce Certification.
- Salesforce experienced Architects, who would like to prove their knowledge with new Integration Architect certification.
- Anyone interested in learning about the Salesforce Integration Architect certification exam.
Are you preparing for the Salesforce Integration Architect certification exam and looking for a comprehensive and reliable practice test set to help you ace the test? Look no further! Our practice exam set is designed to simulate the real exam experience and cover all the topics you need to know to pass the exam on your first try.
Prepare for your Salesforce Integration Architect examination: pre-defined set of questions, with verified answers, to cover all certifications areas will improve your overall score and allow you to pass the real Salesforce certification easily.
All examination sections are covered in this course.
Practice test will help you to evaluate your certification readiness.
You will get your result just after you finish your exam and you can focus on improving from certification specific areas. These exam questions are well selected and verified and are similar to actual exam questions, which will help you get familiar with all Salesforce Integration Architect exam topics.
For each question you will find explanation about the context, best answer and possible Salesforce solutions.
With detailed explanations and references to the Salesforce documentation, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the concepts and best practices needed to succeed in your Salesforce Integration Architect examination.
Salesforce Integration Architect exam sections
Below are all the sections, which will be tested during the exam.
A candidate should have a hands-on experience and deep understanding of the following areas.
Evaluate the Current System Landscape: 8%
Given a set of business requirements, identify the current system landscape and determine what standards, limitations, boundaries and protocols exist.
Given an existing system landscape, analyze for constraints and/or pain-points to satisfy a business requirement(s).
Given a set of requirements, evaluate the authentication and authorization needs based on the system landscape.
Evaluate Business Needs: 11%
Given a use case, identify functional and non-functional requirements needed for integration.
Based on a given integration requirement, identify and classify data into Confidential/Secure/Public.
Given a use case, identify key factors for CRM success that should be included as integration requirements.
Given a use case, identify the business growth and regulatory factors that can impact choice of integration solutions.
Translate Needs to Integration Requirements: 22%
Given an existing system landscape diagram, create an inventory of the systems and integration patterns.
Given a use case and business process, evaluate system and process constraints.
Given a use case, identify integration security / authentication / authorization requirements.
Given a use case, identify performance needs (volumes, response times, latency) and propose appropriate integration solutions that will meet business requirements.
Design Integration Solutions: 28%
Given a use case, identify the integration pattern that meets business requirements.
Given a use case, define the components which create a solution that meets business requirements.
Given a use case, identify the trade-offs, limitations, and constraints that meet the proposed solution.
Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints or drivers, specify the appropriate Salesforce API(s) for the proposed solution.
Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints or drivers determine the standards, components, techniques, and security mechanism that should be used.
Build Solution: 23%
Given a use case that includes technical requirements, constraints or drivers, identify the considerations when designing and implementing API(s), both Salesforce as an API provider and Salesforce as an API consumer.
Given a use case, identify the considerations when choosing the right option in making an outbound call to an external system.
Given a use case, describe what should be considered when building a scalable solution.
Given a use case, determine error handling for different integration options.
Given a use case, create a security solution for inbound or outbound integrations.
Given a use case, identify the factors needed to build resilience in an integration solution for system updates.
Maintain Integration: 8%
Given an integration maintenance use case, identify performance monitoring needs for integration requirements.
Given a use case, identify the appropriate error handling, escalation and recovery procedures for a failed integration.
Given a use case, identify reporting needs for integration monitoring.
Course Curriculum
Salesforce By.Heart
Salesforce Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
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