SAS Programming
SAS Programming, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 96 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 71 subscribers.
You will learn about Students will have a good working knowledge on SAS Programming and can use it for their Educational as well as Business projects and assignments. Working professionals can also benefit from this course as this course provides many tips and tricks which they can use it for their Corporate presentations. The topics that will be covered in this course are as follows: 1. Introduction to SAS 2. The Procedure step in SAS 3. Subsetting in SAS 4. Sorting and finding the unique values in SAS 5. Table creation in SAS 6. Descriptive statistics in SAS 7. Exporting and Importing datafiles in SAS 8. Formats and Functions in SAS 9. Appending and Merging of data sets in SAS 10. Arrays and reading raw files in SAS 11. Structured Query Language (SQL) in SAS using Proc SQL 12. Data Manipulation and Joining using Proc SQL 13. SAS Macros This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is highly recommended for Students, Working Professionals, Business Analysts, Consultants, Businessmen, Teachers, Lecturers, Professors and data science enthusiasts. or The course is best for individuals who are in the field of Business Analytics or is eager to join the same It is particularly useful for This course is highly recommended for Students, Working Professionals, Business Analysts, Consultants, Businessmen, Teachers, Lecturers, Professors and data science enthusiasts. or The course is best for individuals who are in the field of Business Analytics or is eager to join the same.
Enroll now: SAS Programming
Title: SAS Programming
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 96
Number of Published Lectures: 96
Number of Curriculum Items: 96
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 96
Original Price: ₹999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Students will have a good working knowledge on SAS Programming and can use it for their Educational as well as Business projects and assignments.
- Working professionals can also benefit from this course as this course provides many tips and tricks which they can use it for their Corporate presentations.
- The topics that will be covered in this course are as follows:
- 1. Introduction to SAS
- 2. The Procedure step in SAS
- 3. Subsetting in SAS
- 4. Sorting and finding the unique values in SAS
- 5. Table creation in SAS
- 6. Descriptive statistics in SAS
- 7. Exporting and Importing datafiles in SAS
- 8. Formats and Functions in SAS
- 9. Appending and Merging of data sets in SAS
- 10. Arrays and reading raw files in SAS
- 11. Structured Query Language (SQL) in SAS using Proc SQL
- 12. Data Manipulation and Joining using Proc SQL
- 13. SAS Macros
Who Should Attend
- This course is highly recommended for Students, Working Professionals, Business Analysts, Consultants, Businessmen, Teachers, Lecturers, Professors and data science enthusiasts.
- The course is best for individuals who are in the field of Business Analytics or is eager to join the same
Target Audiences
- This course is highly recommended for Students, Working Professionals, Business Analysts, Consultants, Businessmen, Teachers, Lecturers, Professors and data science enthusiasts.
- The course is best for individuals who are in the field of Business Analytics or is eager to join the same
The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on SAS Studio to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with SAS along with the data manipulation, extraction, merging, sql and macros. The lessons in this course are meant to be taken in order, as each lesson builds up on knowledge, and may mention some important ideas/concepts. If you skip videos, it may appear that some aspects are not being explained. For example, if you skip the import.txt lecture because you only care about importing .csv files, you may miss explanations about certain lines of codes.This series of tutorials will help you understand the basic and advanced of SAS Programming on SAS Studio environment. The topics that we will cover in this course are as follows:
Introduction to SAS
The Procedure step in SAS
Subsetting in SAS
Sorting and finding the unique values in SAS
Table creation in SAS
Descriptive statistics in SAS
Exporting and Importing datafiles in SAS
Formats and Functions in SAS
Appending and Merging of data sets in SAS
Arrays and reading raw files in SAS
Structured Query Language (SQL) in SAS using Proc SQL
Data Manipulation and Joining using Proc SQL
SAS Macros
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to SAS
Lecture 1: What is SAS?
Lecture 2: Different SAS products, interface and how to use it?
Lecture 3: Concept of SAS Libraries
Lecture 4: Different steps in SAS commands
Lecture 5: Creating temporary and permanent SAS datasets
Lecture 6: Metadata structures of a SAS dataset
Lecture 7: Using Rename and Label for variables in a dataset
Chapter 2: The Procedure step in SAS
Lecture 1: Generating list of reports using print procedure
Lecture 2: Print procedure for specific variables
Lecture 3: Supressing the OBS number and setting an ID variable
Lecture 4: Using custom labels in Print procedure
Lecture 5: Using keywords like Sum and N with print procedure
Lecture 6: Generating reports using proc contents
Lecture 7: Using Proc contents for multiple data
Lecture 8: Using additional keywords with proc contents
Chapter 3: Subsetting in SAS
Lecture 1: Creating subsets of a data using FIRST OBS and OBS technique
Lecture 2: Using keep and drop in SAS data step
Lecture 3: Introduction to basic where clause in SAS
Lecture 4: Patterns matching using where clause
Lecture 5: Wildcard matching and more using where clause
Lecture 6: If, then, else in SAS
Lecture 7: Select, when, otherwise in SAS
Lecture 8: Splitting of data sets in SAS
Chapter 4: Sorting and finding the unique values in SAS
Lecture 1: Sorting datasets using Proc sort
Lecture 2: Sorting existing data Vs. Creating a new sorted data
Lecture 3: Finding unique values using Nodup
Lecture 4: Finding unique values using Nodupkey
Chapter 5: Table creation in SAS
Lecture 1: Frequency distribution table in SAS
Lecture 2: Cross-tabulation in SAS
Lecture 3: Using additional keywords with cross-table
Lecture 4: Understanding the basics of Proc Tabulate technique
Lecture 5: More applications using Proc Tabulate
Chapter 6: Descriptive statistics in SAS
Lecture 1: What is descriptive statistics and what are the techniques available in SAS?
Lecture 2: Understanding Proc Summary technique in SAS
Lecture 3: Understanding Proc Means technique in SAS
Lecture 4: Understanding Proc Univariate technique in SAS
Chapter 7: Exporting and Importing datafiles in SAS
Lecture 1: Exporting SAS data file to CSV file
Lecture 2: Exporting SAS data file to Text file formats
Lecture 3: Exporting SAS data file to Excel file formats
Lecture 4: Importing CSV to SAS data file
Lecture 5: Importing Text file formats to SAS data file
Lecture 6: Importing Excel file formats to SAS data file
Chapter 8: Formats and Functions in SAS
Lecture 1: Creating user defined character formats in SAS
Lecture 2: Creating user defined numeric formats in SAS
Lecture 3: Data functions in SAS
Lecture 4: Calculating date difference in SAS
Lecture 5: Standard text functions in SAS
Lecture 6: More on text functions and matching strings
Lecture 7: Standard numeric functions in SAS
Chapter 9: Appending and Merging of data sets in SAS
Lecture 1: Transposing existing data set in SAS
Lecture 2: Appending of datasets in SAS
Lecture 3: Appending keeping common variables
Lecture 4: Merging of datasets in SAS
Lecture 5: Left, Right, Inner and Outer Merging of data in SAS
Lecture 6: One to many merging of data in SAS
Lecture 7: Many to many merging of data in SAS
Chapter 10: Arrays and reading raw files in SAS
Lecture 1: Using Arrays for calculation part 1
Lecture 2: Using Arrays for calculation part 2
Lecture 3: Importing raw data in SAS
Lecture 4: Importing raw delimited data with missing values in SAS
Chapter 11: Structured Query Language (SQL) in SAS using Proc SQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to SQL in SAS
Lecture 2: Using Proc SQL to select columns and display reports
Lecture 3: Labeling columns in Proc SQL
Lecture 4: Assigning formats to columns
Lecture 5: Sorting datasets using Proc SQL
Lecture 6: Ordering by unselected columns and column references
Lecture 7: Finding unique observations using Proc SQL
Lecture 8: Creating new calculated columns using Proc SQL
Lecture 9: Creating new columns using conditional statements
Lecture 10: Using where clause in Proc SQL
Lecture 11: Missing value treatment using Proc SQL
Lecture 12: Grouping observations using Proc SQL
Lecture 13: Simple summarization using Proc SQL
Lecture 14: Conditional summarization using Proc SQL
Lecture 15: Multiple subquery
Chapter 12: Data Manipulation and Joining using Proc SQL
Lecture 1: Using Union, Intersect and Except clause in Proc SQL
Lecture 2: Storing the results in a new data set using Proc SQL
Lecture 3: Inserting new observations in an existing data using Proc SQL
Lecture 4: Updating and deleting observations using Proc SQL
Lecture 5: Creating a new dataset from scratch using Proc SQL
Lecture 6: Dropping and Adding columns in a data using Proc SQL
Lecture 7: Joining datasets using full join method in Proc SQL
Lecture 8: Joining datasets using Inner join method in Proc SQL
Lecture 9: Joining datasets using Left join method in Proc SQL
Lecture 10: Joining datasets using Right join method in Proc SQL
Chapter 13: SAS Macros
Lecture 1: Understanding SAS Macro and why it is used?
Lecture 2: Creating a basic macro program
OrangeTree Global
Analytics Trainer At OrangeTree Global.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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