The Complete Cyber Security Course : Network Security!
The Complete Cyber Security Course : Network Security!, available at $129.99, has an average rating of 4.57, with 106 lectures, based on 17907 reviews, and has 180233 subscribers.
You will learn about An advanced practical skill-set in assuring network security against all threats including – advanced hackers, trackers, exploit kits, Wi-Fi attacks and much more. In this volume, we take a detailed look at network security. Start a career in cyber security. Become a cyber security specialist. The very latest up-to-date information and methods. Discover security vulnerabilities across an entire network, by using network hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning. You will be able to configure firewalls on all platforms including Windows, MacOS, and Linux for all types of attack scenarios. Learn to configure and architect a small network for maximum physical and wireless security. Perform network monitoring to discover and identify potential hackers and malware using tools like Wireshark, Tcpdump, and Syslog. Understand how we are tracked online by corporations, nation-states your ISP and others. We look at search engine privacy – we will best understand how to mitigate the tracking and privacy issues of search engines and their associated services. Understand how to best use methods of authentication including passwords, multi-factor authentication including soft tokens and hard tokens. What are the best password managers to use and why. How passwords are cracked, and how to mitigate the password attacks. A certificate of completion is available signed by the instructor Nathan House so CPE credits can be claimed. An off-site sign-up is required to provide your details for this optional certificate. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for anyone who wants to become an expert in security, privacy, and anonymity. This volume covers network security attacking and defending. Online tracking and browser security. or For anyone who would love to gain a practical skillset in mitigating the risk from, malware, Trojans, hackers, trackers, cyber criminals and all online threats. or This course is for anyone who wants to keep their precious files, emails, accounts and personal information out of the hands of the bad guys. or For beginners and intermediate Internet users who are interested in security, safety, and privacy. or For those who want privacy and anonymity online from hackers, corporations and governments. or This course is designed for personal and home Internet security, privacy, and anonymity. Most of the topics apply in the same way to a business, but the course is delivered as if to an individual for personal cybers security, privacy, and anonymity. It is particularly useful for This course is for anyone who wants to become an expert in security, privacy, and anonymity. This volume covers network security attacking and defending. Online tracking and browser security. or For anyone who would love to gain a practical skillset in mitigating the risk from, malware, Trojans, hackers, trackers, cyber criminals and all online threats. or This course is for anyone who wants to keep their precious files, emails, accounts and personal information out of the hands of the bad guys. or For beginners and intermediate Internet users who are interested in security, safety, and privacy. or For those who want privacy and anonymity online from hackers, corporations and governments. or This course is designed for personal and home Internet security, privacy, and anonymity. Most of the topics apply in the same way to a business, but the course is delivered as if to an individual for personal cybers security, privacy, and anonymity.
Enroll now: The Complete Cyber Security Course : Network Security!
Title: The Complete Cyber Security Course : Network Security!
Price: $129.99
Average Rating: 4.57
Number of Lectures: 106
Number of Published Lectures: 106
Number of Curriculum Items: 106
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 106
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- An advanced practical skill-set in assuring network security against all threats including – advanced hackers, trackers, exploit kits, Wi-Fi attacks and much more.
- In this volume, we take a detailed look at network security.
- Start a career in cyber security. Become a cyber security specialist.
- The very latest up-to-date information and methods.
- Discover security vulnerabilities across an entire network, by using network hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning.
- You will be able to configure firewalls on all platforms including Windows, MacOS, and Linux for all types of attack scenarios.
- Learn to configure and architect a small network for maximum physical and wireless security.
- Perform network monitoring to discover and identify potential hackers and malware using tools like Wireshark, Tcpdump, and Syslog.
- Understand how we are tracked online by corporations, nation-states your ISP and others.
- We look at search engine privacy – we will best understand how to mitigate the tracking and privacy issues of search engines and their associated services.
- Understand how to best use methods of authentication including passwords, multi-factor authentication including soft tokens and hard tokens.
- What are the best password managers to use and why. How passwords are cracked, and how to mitigate the password attacks.
- A certificate of completion is available signed by the instructor Nathan House so CPE credits can be claimed. An off-site sign-up is required to provide your details for this optional certificate.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for anyone who wants to become an expert in security, privacy, and anonymity. This volume covers network security attacking and defending. Online tracking and browser security.
- For anyone who would love to gain a practical skillset in mitigating the risk from, malware, Trojans, hackers, trackers, cyber criminals and all online threats.
- This course is for anyone who wants to keep their precious files, emails, accounts and personal information out of the hands of the bad guys.
- For beginners and intermediate Internet users who are interested in security, safety, and privacy.
- For those who want privacy and anonymity online from hackers, corporations and governments.
- This course is designed for personal and home Internet security, privacy, and anonymity. Most of the topics apply in the same way to a business, but the course is delivered as if to an individual for personal cybers security, privacy, and anonymity.
Target Audiences
- This course is for anyone who wants to become an expert in security, privacy, and anonymity. This volume covers network security attacking and defending. Online tracking and browser security.
- For anyone who would love to gain a practical skillset in mitigating the risk from, malware, Trojans, hackers, trackers, cyber criminals and all online threats.
- This course is for anyone who wants to keep their precious files, emails, accounts and personal information out of the hands of the bad guys.
- For beginners and intermediate Internet users who are interested in security, safety, and privacy.
- For those who want privacy and anonymity online from hackers, corporations and governments.
- This course is designed for personal and home Internet security, privacy, and anonymity. Most of the topics apply in the same way to a business, but the course is delivered as if to an individual for personal cybers security, privacy, and anonymity.
Become a cyber security specialist.
After this course, you will be able to
discover security vulnerabilities across an entire network, by using network hacking techniques and vulnerability
You will be able to architect your network for maximum security and
prevent local and remote attacks. We also cover the use of custom router
firmware to provide you with better network security services.
You will understand
the various types of firewalls that are available and what threats each help
Including layer 4 firewalls like Iptables on Linux and PF on MacOS and BSD. Virtual
firewalls, host-based firewalls and application based firewalls like Pfsence.
We cover firewalls on all platforms including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux for
all types of use scenarios.
We explore in detail wireless security, the configurations
that are required for maximum security and why. How Wi-Fi is hacked and how to
mitigate those attacks. Covering everything from encryption weaknesses to evil
twins, RF isolation, and Wi-Fi crackers.
You will master network monitoring to discover and identify potential hackers,
malware and other adversaries that might be lurking on your network. Using
tools like Wireshark, Tcpdump and Syslog.
We then move away from network security and
onto the details of how we are tracked
online by corporations, nation-states your ISP and others. You will
understand the techniques used like zombie super cookies, browser
fingerprinting and how browser profiling works so third parties can establish
who you are online.
We look at search engine privacy – and how to mitigate the
tracking and privacy issues of search engines and their associated services.
security – We cover one of the largest risks
online, the browser. The doorway into your system. How to best reduce the
attack surface of the browser and harden it for maximum security and privacy. A critical consideration for reducing your risk.
Finally you will fully understand how to
best use methods of authentication
including passwords and multi-factor authentication – soft tokens and hard
The best password managers to use and why. How passwords are
cracked, and how to mitigate the cracking.
This is volume 2 of 4 of your complete guide to cyber security privacy and anonymity.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to Volume 2
Lecture 2: Introduction to the Instructor!
Lecture 3: Security Quick Win!
Lecture 4: Target Audience
Lecture 5: Study Recommendations
Lecture 6: Course updates
Lecture 7: Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking Careers
Chapter 2: Goals and Learning Objectives – Volume 2
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives – Volume 2
Chapter 3: Routers – Port and Vulnerability scanning
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: The Home Router
Lecture 3: External Vulnerability Scanning – Shodan, Qualys & Nmap
Lecture 4: Internal Vulnerability Scanning – MBSA, Nmap, Nessus, Fing & Superscan & OpenVAS
Lecture 5: Open Source Custom Router Firmware
Chapter 4: Firewalls
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Firewalls – Host-based, network-based and virtual Part 1
Lecture 3: Firewalls – Host-based, network-based and virtual Part 2
Lecture 4: Windows – Host Based Firewalls – Windows Firewall
Lecture 5: Windows – Host Based Firewalls – Windows Firewall Control (WFC)
Lecture 6: Windows – Host Based Firewalls – Third Party
Lecture 7: Linux – Host Based Firewalls – iptables
Lecture 8: Linux – Host Based Firewalls – UFW, gufw & nftables
Lecture 9: Mac – Host based Firewalls – Application Firewall & PF
Lecture 10: Mac – Host based Firewalls – pflist, Icefloor & Murus
Lecture 11: Mac – Host based Firewalls – Little Snitch
Lecture 12: Network based firewalls – Routers – DD-WRT
Lecture 13: Network based firewalls – Hardware
Lecture 14: Network based firewalls – pfSense, Smoothwall and Vyos
Chapter 5: Network Attacks, Architecture and Isolation
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Network Attacks and Network Isolation – Introduction and IOT
Lecture 3: Network Attacks and Network Isolation – Arp Spoofing and Switches
Lecture 4: Effective Network Isolation Part 1
Lecture 5: Effective Network Isolation Part 2
Chapter 6: Wireless and Wi-Fi Security
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Wi-Fi Weaknesses – WEP
Lecture 3: Wi-Fi Weaknesses – WPA, WPA2, TKIP and CCMP
Lecture 4: Wi-Fi Weaknesses – Wi-Fi Protected Setup WPS, Evil Twin and Rouge AP
Lecture 5: Wi-Fi Security Testing
Lecture 6: Wireless Security – Secure Configuration and Network Isolation
Lecture 7: Wireless security – RF Isolation and Reduction
Lecture 8: Wireless security – Who is on my Wi-Fi Network?
Chapter 7: Network Monitoring for Threats
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Syslog
Lecture 3: Network Monitoring – Wireshark, tcpdump, tshark, iptables Part 1
Lecture 4: Network Monitoring – Wireshark, tcpdump, tshark, iptables Part 2
Lecture 5: Wireshark – Finding malware and hackers – Part 1
Lecture 6: Wireshark – Finding malware and hackers – Part 2
Lecture 7: Network Monitoring – Wincap, NST, Netminer and NetWorx
Chapter 8: How We Are Tracked Online
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Types of Tracking
Lecture 3: IP Address
Lecture 4: 3rd Party Connections
Lecture 5: HTTP Referer
Lecture 6: Cookies and Scripts
Lecture 7: Super Cookies
Lecture 8: Browser Fingerprinting and Browser Volunteered Information
Lecture 9: Browser and Browser Functionality
Lecture 10: More Tracking
Lecture 11: Browser and Internet Profiling
Chapter 9: Search Engines and Privacy
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Search Engine Tracking, Censorship and Privacy
Lecture 3: Ixquick and Startpage
Lecture 4: DuckDuckGo
Lecture 5: Disconnect search
Lecture 6: YaCy
Lecture 7: Private and Anonymous Searching
Chapter 10: Browser Security and Tracking Prevention
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Which Browser – Choice of Browser
Lecture 3: Reducing the Browser Attack Surface
Lecture 4: Browser Hacking Demo
Lecture 5: Browser Isolation and Compartmentalization
Lecture 6: Firefox Security, Privacy and Tracking
Lecture 7: uBlock origin – HTTP Filters, ad and track blockers
Lecture 8: uMatrix – HTTP Filters, ad and track blockers
Lecture 9: Disconnect, Ghostery, Request policy – HTTP Filters, ad and track blockers
Lecture 10: ABP, Privacy badger, WOT – HTTP Filters, ad and track blockers
Lecture 11: No-script – HTTP Filters, ad and track blockers
Lecture 12: Policeman and others – HTTP Filters, ad and track blockers
Lecture 13: History, Cookies and Super cookies Part 1
Lecture 14: History, Cookies and Super cookies Part 2
Lecture 15: HTTP Referer
Lecture 16: Browser Fingerprinting
Lecture 17: Certificates and Encryption
Lecture 18: Firefox Hardening
Chapter 11: Passwords and Authentication Methods
Lecture 1: Goals and Learning Objectives
Lecture 2: Password Attacks
Lecture 3: How Passwords are Cracked – Hashes – Part 1
Lecture 4: How Passwords are Cracked – Hashcat – Part 2
Lecture 5: Operating System Passwords
Lecture 6: Password Managers – An Introduction
Nathan House
Leading Cyber Security Expert – CEO of StationX
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 153 votes
- 2 stars: 238 votes
- 3 stars: 1555 votes
- 4 stars: 5722 votes
- 5 stars: 10239 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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