Web security: Injection Attacks with Java & Spring Boot
Web security: Injection Attacks with Java & Spring Boot, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 78 lectures, 26 quizzes, based on 161 reviews, and has 2785 subscribers.
You will learn about Ethical hacking with injection attacks Web security Secure coding SQL Injection with PostgreSQL NoSQL Injection with MongoDB LDAP Injection with OpenLDAP LOG Injection CSV Injection Spring security Form login authentication Spring Data JPA Spring Data MongoDB Spring LDAP Spring Validation This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers keen on web security, ethical hacking and secure coding or One wants to dive into injection vulnerability with different attack types or One likes to learn with a hands-on approach It is particularly useful for Developers keen on web security, ethical hacking and secure coding or One wants to dive into injection vulnerability with different attack types or One likes to learn with a hands-on approach.
Enroll now: Web security: Injection Attacks with Java & Spring Boot
Title: Web security: Injection Attacks with Java & Spring Boot
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Quizzes: 26
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Published Quizzes: 26
Number of Curriculum Items: 104
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 104
Original Price: €94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Ethical hacking with injection attacks
- Web security
- Secure coding
- SQL Injection with PostgreSQL
- NoSQL Injection with MongoDB
- LDAP Injection with OpenLDAP
- LOG Injection
- CSV Injection
- Spring security Form login authentication
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Data MongoDB
- Spring LDAP
- Spring Validation
Who Should Attend
- Developers keen on web security, ethical hacking and secure coding
- One wants to dive into injection vulnerability with different attack types
- One likes to learn with a hands-on approach
Target Audiences
- Developers keen on web security, ethical hacking and secure coding
- One wants to dive into injection vulnerability with different attack types
- One likes to learn with a hands-on approach
Are you a Java web developer and want to write secure code? Do you want to learn Ethical hacking and Web application security? With this hands-on injection attacks course you will start learning web security using one of the top vulnerabilities of OWASP Top 10 list. Injection attack is still listed in top 3 attacks in the OWASP Top 10 and it is important to prevent against injection attacks to develop secure web applications.
Krzysztof Telka: “Nice examples, where the host is presenting step by step how to exploit the application and then how to prevent. Lot of nice tools, features to check and examine the web page in case of hackers attack. CSV/Log4J/SQL made big wow effect on my face. The atendeers they will not be dissapointed Great job Ali, Thank you!”
You can always use the latest versions for spring boot, and other dependencies in this course. I will be constantly updating the dependency version in the last section’s lectures. You may check that to see the required code and configuration changes for updated versions. Also if you would like to use subtitles during the course, you can turn on the captions on videos. I suggest using subtitles to make it easier to follow the lectures.
As part of the blue and red security teams,I have a practical knowledge and I am here to help you learn the injection vulnerability in detail
In this course, you will focus on different type of injection attacks;
SQL Injection
NoSQL injection
LDAP injection
LOG injection
CSV injection
Ethical hacking and Web application security are the two important subjects of Cyber Security field and having practical knowledge about Injections will enable you to better understand the security concepts and make a quick start.
In this course you will follow defense-in-depth principle and apply multiple solutions to each vulnerability to secure the web application in multiple layers.
You will follow a hands-on approach. You will not only learn how to exploit an application using different kind of injection attacks, but also develop the vulnerable applications from scratch in which you will have a common web login module with Thymeleaf and Bootstrap for a basic front-end, with Spring security form login authentication & authorisation, and with separate applications for SQL, NoSQL and LDAP injections.
The applications will be developed using Java, Spring boot and Spring Data along with the most used data sources, such as PostgreSQL for SQL Injection, MongoDB for NoSQL injection and OpenLDAP for LDAP injection.
In each section there will be;
Development of the vulnerable web application using Java, Spring boot and Spring security
Hacking of the application with various attack payloads and with Ethical hacking examples
Protection steps and the implementations to prevent injection attacks
At the end of the course you will understand the different type of injection vulnerabilities, perform injection attacks against the vulnerable web applications you have developed, and learn how to protect your applications against the injection attacks using various techniques such as,
Validation and sanitisation using white list approach
Parametrised queries with prepared statements
Escaping output
Using secure trusted libraries
Error handling and logging
General coding practices
If you want to skip the development and only perform the hacking of applications, you can jump into the injection lectures and download the source code provided in the resources section of that lecture. The source codes are in lecture 20 (SQL Injection), lecture 38 (NoSQL Injection), lecture 51 ( LDAP Injection), lecture 60 (LOG Injection) and lecture 74 (CSV Injection). Be aware that you will still need to install PostgreSQL for SQL Injection, MongoDB for NoSQL injection and OpenLDAP docker container for LDAP injection. You can see how to install and configure these data sources in the beginning lectures of each injection section.
Manoj Singh: “Talented instructor and great course!!! Just a small suggestion, If you could add a chapter about “Broken Access Control” topic that will be a great help.”
For more detailed information on the progress of this course, you can check the introductory video and free lessons, and if you decide to enroll in this course, you are always welcome to ask and discuss the concepts and implementation details on Q/A and messages sections. I will guide you from start to finish to help you successfully complete the course and gain as much knowledge and experience as possible from this course.
Remember!There is a 30-day full money-back guarantee for this course! So you can safely press the ‘Buy this course’ button with zero risk and join this learning journey with me.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Why to learn Secure coding principles & Web security?
Lecture 2: Structure of the course
Lecture 3: Setting up the environment
Chapter 2: Creating the common web login module with Spring security
Lecture 1: Adding the base pom.xml with basic maven dependencies
Lecture 2: Creating common login module with dependencies, thymeleaf templates & bootstrap
Lecture 3: Creating the package structure and adding interfaces
Lecture 4: Adding authentication provider and user details to customise form authentication
Lecture 5: Adding web security configuration for Spring security form login authentication
Lecture 6: Adding API endpoints
Lecture 7: Adding Custom Error Controller
Chapter 3: SQL Injection
Lecture 1: Introduction to Injections
Lecture 2: Explaining SQL injection
Lecture 3: Creating SQL Injection application with dependencies and configuration
Lecture 4: Adding PostgreSQL init files, packages and validator implementation
Lecture 5: Implementing Spring Data JPA entities
Lecture 6: Adding Spring Data JPA repository interfaces
Lecture 7: Implementing Spring Data JPA repository
Lecture 8: Adding SQL injection user detail service implementation
Lecture 9: Implementing user service interface
Lecture 10: Hacking SQL Injection application using login form with Http Post – Part 1
Lecture 11: Hacking SQL Injection application using login form with Http Post – Part 2
Lecture 12: Hacking SQL Injection application with Http Get – Part 1
Lecture 13: Hacking SQL Injection application with Http Get – Part 2
Lecture 14: Hacking SQL Injection application with Http Get – Part 3 – Using Burp Suite
Lecture 15: Extending Http Get vulnerability to read system files – Part 1
Lecture 16: Extending Http Get vulnerability to read system files – Part 2
Lecture 17: Preventing Sql injection: Validation and Sanitisation
Lecture 18: Preventing Sql injection: Using Prepared statements
Lecture 19: Preventing Sql injection: Summary
Lecture 20: A final attack using a vulnerable SQL function
Chapter 4: NoSQL Injection
Lecture 1: Explaining NoSQL injection
Lecture 2: Adding NoSQL injection module with dependencies using MongoDB
Lecture 3: Adding configuration and init data file
Lecture 4: Adding packages and validator implementation
Lecture 5: Implementing mongoDB configuration
Lecture 6: Adding repository interfaces
Lecture 7: Implementing repository and adding service layer classes
Lecture 8: Hacking NoSQL injection application: Using login form
Lecture 9: Hacking NoSQL injection: Using user info endpoint with Regex
Lecture 10: Preventing NoSQL injection: Validation and sanitisation
Lecture 11: Preventing NoSQL injection: Using criteria Api
Lecture 12: Preventing NoSQL injection: Using JPA repository
Chapter 5: LDAP Injection
Lecture 1: Explaining LDAP injection
Lecture 2: Adding LDAP injection module with LDAP schema file
Lecture 3: Adding dependencies,configuration and startup file to initialisatize LDAP schema
Lecture 4: Creating packages and adding Spring boot starter class to initialise LDAP data
Lecture 5: Creating entity and validation implementations, and repository interfaces
Lecture 6: Adding LDAP helper class for LDAP operations
Lecture 7: Completing the user repository implementation
Lecture 8: Completing the user role repository and service implementation
Lecture 9: Hacking LDAP injection – Part 1
Lecture 10: Hacking LDAP injection – Part 2
Lecture 11: Preventing LDAP injection: Validation and sanitisation
Lecture 12: Preventing LDAP injection: Using secure libraries
Chapter 6: LOG Injection
Lecture 1: Explaining LOG injection
Lecture 2: Adding a new endpoint to use in LOG injection attacks
Lecture 3: Adding log data endpoint and thymeleaf template to view logs by admin user
Lecture 4: Adding Logback configuration
Lecture 5: Creating the attacker application
Lecture 6: Hacking LOG injection with Line Feed
Lecture 7: Hacking LOG injection with Carriage Return
Lecture 8: Hacking LOG injection: XSS attack – Part 1
Lecture 9: Hacking LOG injection: XSS attack – Part 2
Lecture 10: Preventing LOG injection: Validation and using trusted libraries protections
Lecture 11: Preventing LOG injection: XSS attacks
Chapter 7: CSV Injection
Lecture 1: Explaining CSV injection
Lecture 2: Adding new interfaces
Lecture 3: Adding user detail Api methods for CSV injection
Lecture 4: Adding export user details Api method for CSV injection
Lecture 5: Adding data access implementation classes
Ali Gelenler
Senior Software Engineer | Tech Lead -
EA Algorithm
IT Training and Consulting
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 53 votes
- 5 stars: 90 votes
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