x64 Assembly Language and Reverse Engineering Practicals
x64 Assembly Language and Reverse Engineering Practicals, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 109 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 31 reviews, and has 623 subscribers.
You will learn about x64 (64-bit) Assembly Language Reverse Engineering x64dbg debugging Modifying programs Injecting code into 64-bit exe files Hollowing out 64-bit exe files 64-bit registers 64-bit memory read and write access x64 calling conventions Creating x64 functions Password phishing without strings Creating keygens Reversing program code logic Trace highlighting and animation Stack manipulation Comment tracing debug technique Hooking WinAPI debug technique File Patching Enabling disabled buttons Removing Nag Screens Deep Tracing to Phish out passwords Loop tracing techniques Defeating Anti-Debugger protection Reversing binary without strings Using Python to write Loaders and Memory Patcher Reversing Software Protected Binary without unpacking and more . . . This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who have completed my first course in this series: Assembly Language Programming for Reverse Engineering or Anyone who already know x86 Assembly (32-bit) and want to learn x64 (64-bit) Assembly from a hacker's perspective or Security researchers It is particularly useful for Students who have completed my first course in this series: Assembly Language Programming for Reverse Engineering or Anyone who already know x86 Assembly (32-bit) and want to learn x64 (64-bit) Assembly from a hacker's perspective or Security researchers.
Enroll now: x64 Assembly Language and Reverse Engineering Practicals
Title: x64 Assembly Language and Reverse Engineering Practicals
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 109
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 108
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 115
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- x64 (64-bit) Assembly Language
- Reverse Engineering
- x64dbg debugging
- Modifying programs
- Injecting code into 64-bit exe files
- Hollowing out 64-bit exe files
- 64-bit registers
- 64-bit memory read and write access
- x64 calling conventions
- Creating x64 functions
- Password phishing without strings
- Creating keygens
- Reversing program code logic
- Trace highlighting and animation
- Stack manipulation
- Comment tracing debug technique
- Hooking WinAPI debug technique
- File Patching
- Enabling disabled buttons
- Removing Nag Screens
- Deep Tracing to Phish out passwords
- Loop tracing techniques
- Defeating Anti-Debugger protection
- Reversing binary without strings
- Using Python to write Loaders and Memory Patcher
- Reversing Software Protected Binary without unpacking
- and more . . .
Who Should Attend
- Students who have completed my first course in this series: Assembly Language Programming for Reverse Engineering
- Anyone who already know x86 Assembly (32-bit) and want to learn x64 (64-bit) Assembly from a hacker's perspective
- Security researchers
Target Audiences
- Students who have completed my first course in this series: Assembly Language Programming for Reverse Engineering
- Anyone who already know x86 Assembly (32-bit) and want to learn x64 (64-bit) Assembly from a hacker's perspective
- Security researchers
If you’ve been using debuggers to reverse-engineer programs and wish you had a better understanding of Assembly Language, or if you’re just looking to learn Assembly Language in a fun and exciting way, then this course is for you. Embark on a journey to master the intricacies of x64 assembly language with this specialized course, designed for those aiming to elevate their reverse engineering skills. This is the second course in this series after the first one: Assembly Language Programming for Reverse Engineering. In that earlier course the focus was on x86 basics where we covered 32-bit assembly. In this course, we continue the journey by learning x64 (64-bit assembly). In the second half of this course, we will apply all the knowledge from the first course, as well as new insights from this course, to hands-on reverse-engineering exercises with executable binaries. Taking the first course is preferable but not mandatory. You could just jump straight into this x64 course and learn the differences with x86 as you go along.
While traditional assembly language courses focus on writing code from scratch using assemblers like NASM or FASM, they often leave a knowledge gap when it comes to applying that expertise to real-world reverse engineering. This course is tailored to fill this gap, providing you with the knowledge to modify and extend the functionality of existing 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
Utilizing the powerful x64dbg debugger, we’ll bypass the traditional assemblers to teach you assembly language in the context it’s most used in the field: directly within the debugging environment. This is also known as the hacker’s perspective to assembly language. This hands-on approach ensures that you learn by doing, which is critical for effectively reverse engineering and manipulating software.
This black art is not widely taught and there are no existing courses elsewhere that put together coherently all the knowledge of assembly and reverse engineering in one place. More often than not, courses on Assembly and Reverse Engineering are offered separately. Many courses on Reverse Engineering don’t cover the background assembly language from a software hacker’s perspective. Moreover, almost all Assembly Language courses focus on writing programs from scratch rather than modifying existing programs to add new functionality with your own code using a debugger like x64dbg.
In this course, you will learn to:
– Navigate and utilize the x64dbg debugger
– Analyze and alter x64 executable files to inject custom code.
– Harness data, executable and memory segments to expand program capabilities.
– Develop new functions within existing applications for added functionality.
– Understand the x64 Microsoft Calling conventions and Stack Frames.
– Directly manipulate memory data segment
– Bypass string encryption
– Deep tracing to retrieve data and passwords
– Use Python to patch process memory
– Modify packed programs without unpacking
and more . . .
Features of this course:
This course is oriented towards practical applications
No lengthy, dull theoretical lectures
First half of this course: Learn x64 Assembly Language through the x64dbg debugger
Second half of this course: Practice reversing, tracing, extracting data, memory hacking, and modifying executable binaries
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of x64 assembly language from a reverse engineer’s perspective, a skill set that is rare and highly sought after in fields like cybersecurity, malware analysis, and software development.
Whether you’re a security researcher, a malware analyst, a student of software security, or a programmer looking to deepen your understanding of software internals, this course is your stepping stone to becoming proficient in the ‘black art’ of assembly language and reverse engineering.
Enroll now to gain this competitive edge and take your skills to the next level. Let’s unravel the complexities of x64 together. I look forward to guiding you through every step of this exciting journey! See you inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing Virtual Machine and x64dbg
Chapter 2: Intro to x64 architecture
Lecture 1: Why use a Debugger for learning Assembly Language
Lecture 2: x64 instructions
Chapter 3: Your First Program
Lecture 1: Write your first instruction
Chapter 4: Accessing Memory
Lecture 1: Storing number constants in memory
Lecture 2: Storing string constants in memory
Lecture 3: Creating variables
Chapter 5: Add Instructions
Lecture 1: How to zero out a register using XOR
Lecture 2: ADD instructions
Chapter 6: Partial MOV instructions
Lecture 1: Creating a new template
Lecture 2: Partial MOV instructions
Chapter 7: PUSH and POP instructions
Lecture 1: Basics of PUSH and POP
Lecture 2: Exercise on PUSH and POP
Chapter 8: MOV Instructions
Lecture 1: Intro to MOV Instructions
Lecture 2: Practical on MOV Instructions
Chapter 9: XCHG Instructions
Lecture 1: XCHG Instruction
Lecture 2: XCHG Memory
Chapter 10: INC, DEC, NEG, ADD and SUB
Lecture 1: INC and DEC
Lecture 2: NEG
Lecture 3: ADD and SUB
Chapter 11: Register Flags
Lecture 1: Intro to the Register Flags
Lecture 2: CF Flag
Lecture 3: OF Flag
Lecture 4: SF Flag
Lecture 5: ZF Flag
Chapter 12: Bitwise Logical Operations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Bitwise Logical Operations
Lecture 2: AND Operations
Lecture 3: OR Operations
Lecture 4: XOR Operations
Lecture 5: Flags Register
Lecture 6: NOT Operation
Chapter 13: Jump Instructions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Jumps
Lecture 2: JMP Instructions
Lecture 3: TEST Instructions
Lecture 4: CMP Instructions
Lecture 5: Conditional Jumps
Lecture 6: Signed Conditional Jumps
Lecture 7: Implementing If Statements
Lecture 8: Implementing If-Else Statements
Lecture 9: Multiple IF tests
Lecture 10: WHILE Loops
Lecture 11: DO-WHILE Loops
Chapter 14: Memory Arrays
Lecture 1: Introduction to arrays in x64dbg
Lecture 2: Looping through an array
Lecture 3: LEA Instructions
Chapter 15: MUL and DIV instructions
Lecture 1: MUL instructions
Lecture 2: DIV Instructions
Lecture 3: IMUL Instructions
Chapter 16: Creating Functions
Lecture 1: The Stack
Lecture 2: Creating Stackframes, CALL and RET instructions
Lecture 3: Calling Conventions
Lecture 4: Simple Function Call with 4 args and no local variables
Lecture 5: Function Call with 4 args and 4 local variables
Lecture 6: Function Call with 5 args
Lecture 7: Function Call with 6 args
Lecture 8: Function Call with 7 args
Chapter 17: Practicals on Reverse Engineering
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Practicals
Lecture 2: How to check exe type
Chapter 18: Phishing for Passwords
Lecture 1: Phishing for Passwords
Chapter 19: How to reverse a jump and patch the file
Lecture 1: How to reverse a jump and patch the file
Chapter 20: The Comment Tracing method
Lecture 1: The Comment Tracing method
Chapter 21: Patch exe to change password
Lecture 1: How to directly access memory to modify password and patch the exe file
Chapter 22: GUI Crackme Techniques
Lecture 1: Enabling a disabled greyed out button
Lecture 2: How to remove a Nag Message Box
Lecture 3: Patching to accept any serial key and also to modify the message box
Chapter 23: Deep Tracing Username and Password
Lecture 1: Tracing username
Lecture 2: Tracing password
Chapter 24: Tracing EAX values and Stepping into Calls
Lecture 1: Tracing EAX values
Paul Chin
College lecturer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 21 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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