Advanced Crystal Healing Certificate Course – Energy Healing
Advanced Crystal Healing Certificate Course – Energy Healing, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.93, with 127 lectures, 18 quizzes, based on 625 reviews, and has 3648 subscribers.
You will learn about Obtain an Accredited Advanced Crystal Healer Certificate Which Crystals and grids heal all your Physical Body Systems Includes Melissa's 169 Page PDF Advanced Crystal Healing Reference Guide Use Crystals and grids for Grounding, Manifesting, Space Clearing and more Which Crystals and grids aid common Emotional Body System energies The best Crystals and grids to use for the Spiritual Body System energies Melissa's Advanced Crystal Healing steps The intricacies and complexities of Crystals Greater detail about Crystal healing colour, intensity, shape and inclusions Recap of the 7 Main body Chakra and Higher Chakra crystals A deeper understanding of how our Mind, Body and Souls all work in unison This course is ideal for individuals who are Crystal Healers or Chakra Healers or Reiki Practitioners or Energy Healers or Other Natural Therapists or Those who want to level up their healing abilities It is particularly useful for Crystal Healers or Chakra Healers or Reiki Practitioners or Energy Healers or Other Natural Therapists or Those who want to level up their healing abilities.
Enroll now: Advanced Crystal Healing Certificate Course – Energy Healing
Title: Advanced Crystal Healing Certificate Course – Energy Healing
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.93
Number of Lectures: 127
Number of Quizzes: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 127
Number of Published Quizzes: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 145
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 145
Original Price: A$119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Obtain an Accredited Advanced Crystal Healer Certificate
- Which Crystals and grids heal all your Physical Body Systems
- Includes Melissa's 169 Page PDF Advanced Crystal Healing Reference Guide
- Use Crystals and grids for Grounding, Manifesting, Space Clearing and more
- Which Crystals and grids aid common Emotional Body System energies
- The best Crystals and grids to use for the Spiritual Body System energies
- Melissa's Advanced Crystal Healing steps
- The intricacies and complexities of Crystals
- Greater detail about Crystal healing colour, intensity, shape and inclusions
- Recap of the 7 Main body Chakra and Higher Chakra crystals
- A deeper understanding of how our Mind, Body and Souls all work in unison
Who Should Attend
- Crystal Healers
- Chakra Healers
- Reiki Practitioners
- Energy Healers
- Other Natural Therapists
- Those who want to level up their healing abilities
Target Audiences
- Crystal Healers
- Chakra Healers
- Reiki Practitioners
- Energy Healers
- Other Natural Therapists
- Those who want to level up their healing abilities
I love Melissa and this class! – Juliana
Great content, and her energy is amazing, almost like she is channeling a light being while emoting loving energy! – Rick
Once again… amazing… as all Melissa’s courses. loved it – Ines
Melissa explains things in an easy and engaging manner. I have taken several of her classes and have loved every one of them! Thank you, Melissa! – Lori
====== WHAT TO EXPECT ======
We’ll be soaring over quite a lot of information, including the intricacies of healing crystals, including: healing colour, intensity, shapes, and meaningful inclusionsin this journey together! This ‘advanced’ course doesn’t go into great detail about basic crystal healing or Chakra knowledge. But we’ll go deep into the best crystals (and grid formations) for the most common issues within the 11 Bodily Systems, the states of the Emotional Body, as well as the Spiritual Body. We’ll also explore the world of crystals and Manifesting, Karma, Space Clearing, and more!
To get the most out of this course, students must have (at least) moderate knowledge of energy healing and Crystal healing. As such, you are expected to easily understand the terms used when referencing energy healing, Crystals healing, the 7 main Chakras, cleansing crystals, and so on.
For those ready to raise their vibrations up to the next level, you’ll be excited to know that by the end of our journey together you will have a deeper knowledge of – and more abilities to – achieve your goals physically, emotionally, and spiritually!
====== WHAT’S INCLUDED ======
The PDF version of Melissa’s Advanced Crystal Healingbook (PDF)
11 x Body System Grids w/Stone placement examples (PDF)
And additional 11 x Grids w/Stone placement examples (PDF)
Once enrolled, you’ll need to download my book Advanced Crystal Healing Techniques(PDF). The book has all the details and steps you’ll need, and makes a great reference point during and after the course!
As you progress, you’ll recap with me the intricacies and complexities of healing crystal colours, intensity, shapes, and meaningful inclusions. From there, we’ll explore the 11 Body System crystals, then go over the best crystals for improving our Emotional Bodies, then discover the crystals which work best with our Spiritual Bodies. We’ll even touch on supplementary systemsincluding abundance and Space Clearing crystals!
Once you’ve completed the entire course, gone through all the lectures and practiced when prompted, if you choose to, you’ll be able to take my Advanced Crystal Healing Final Exam. Upon successful completion, you’ll receive a beautiful Certificate of Completion (PDF)!
The additional benefits of this course include a deeper understanding of how our mind, body and soul work in unison, the ability to select and use body-system specific stones for energy healing, as well as enhancing your special ethereal gifts!
Lastly, as I continue to add more helpful information to this course over time, you’ll have lifetime access to it! I hope you enjoy this exciting new journey sweet friend! #biglove
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course!
Lecture 2: Important course information ♥ And contacting Melissa
Lecture 3: Download your course handbook (PDF)
Chapter 2: Chapter 1. Energy healing fundamentals
Lecture 1: Recapping the fundamentals intro
Lecture 2: Cleansing reminder
Lecture 3: Intentions and activating refresher
Lecture 4: Placement notes
Lecture 5: Intro to my healing steps
Lecture 6: – My healing steps
Lecture 7: – My disconnection & protection steps
Lecture 8: Chakra-crystal correlations refresher intro
Lecture 9: – My Chakra-crystal correlations chart
Chapter 3: Chapter 2. Colour intricacies
Lecture 1: Introduction to colour intricacies
Lecture 2: Common crystal colour meanings
Lecture 3: Intensity (depth) of colour
Lecture 4: Bi-coloured stones
Lecture 5: Noticing colour changes
Chapter 4: Chapter 3. Clarity & inclusion details
Lecture 1: Introducing crystal clarity and inclusions
Lecture 2: Stone clarity (clearness)
Lecture 3: 'Milky' stones (cloudiness)
Lecture 4: – Noticing positive changes
Lecture 5: Introducing meaningful inclusions
Lecture 6: – Inclusions: angel/angel wings, bubbles, and bursts
Lecture 7: – Inclusions: hearts and coal
Lecture 8: – Inclusions: cracks
Lecture 9: Making your inclusion meaningful
Chapter 5: Chapter 4. Shape particulars
Lecture 1: Crystal shape intro and facet clarification
Lecture 2: Natural versus worked crystal shapes
Lecture 3: Introducing clusters
Lecture 4: – Clusters: Abundance shape
Lecture 5: – Clusters: Barnacle (with Old Soul) shape
Lecture 6: – Shape: Heart and Cube (square)
Lecture 7: – Shape: Drusy (or druzy, or druse)
Lecture 8: – Shape: Egg-shape and tumbled (rounded)
Lecture 9: – Shape: Raw and geodes (hollow and solid)
Lecture 10: – Shape: Pyramid and twin (soul mate)
Lecture 11: – Shape: Terminated (points) – Single and double
Lecture 12: – Shape: Terminated (points) – Generator and transmitter
Lecture 13: – Shape: Terminated (points) – Wand and tabular
Chapter 6: Chapter 5, pt 1. Physical body intro & Integumentary system crystals
Lecture 1: Working with crystals and your body systems
Lecture 2: Integumentary system intro
Lecture 3: – Integumentary system crystal chart
Lecture 4: – Integumentary system grid
Lecture 5: – Integumentary system grid steps
Chapter 7: Chapter 5, pt 2. Skeletal system crystals
Lecture 1: Skeletal system intro
Lecture 2: – Skeletal system crystal chart
Lecture 3: – Skeletal system grid
Lecture 4: – Skeletal system grid steps
Chapter 8: Chapter 5, pt 3. Muscular system crystals
Lecture 1: Muscular system intro
Lecture 2: – Muscular system crystal chart
Lecture 3: – Muscular system grid
Lecture 4: – Muscular system grid steps
Chapter 9: Chapter 5, pt 4. Nervous system crystals
Lecture 1: Nervous system intro
Lecture 2: – Nervous system crystal chart
Lecture 3: – Nervous system grid
Lecture 4: – Nervous system grid steps
Chapter 10: Chapter 5, pt 5. Endocrine system crystals
Lecture 1: Endocrine system intro
Lecture 2: – Endocrine system crystal chart
Lecture 3: – Endocrine system grid
Lecture 4: – Endocrine system grid steps
Chapter 11: Chapter 5, pt 6. Cardiovascular system crystals
Lecture 1: Cardiovascular system intro
Lecture 2: – Cardiovascular system crystal chart
Lecture 3: – Cardiovascular system grid
Lecture 4: – Cardiovascular system grid steps
Lecture 5: – Cardiovascular system 'on body' grid steps
Lecture 6: – Example: Cardiovascular 'on body' grid formation
Chapter 12: Chapter 5, pt 7. Lymphatic system crystals
Lecture 1: Lymphatic system intro
Lecture 2: – Lymphatic system crystal chart
Lecture 3: – Lymphatic system grid
Lecture 4: – Lymphatic system grid steps
Lecture 5: – Lymphatic system 'on body' grid steps
Lecture 6: – Example: Lymphatic 'on body' grid formation
Chapter 13: Chapter 5, pt 8. Respiratory system crystals
Lecture 1: Respiratory system intro
Lecture 2: – Respiratory system crystal chart
Lecture 3: – Respiratory system grid
Lecture 4: – Respiratory system grid steps
Melissa Crowhurst
Reiki Master Teacher, Inspirational Coach, Author, Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 92 votes
- 5 stars: 512 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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