Energy Healing is in Your Hands Use Energy Healing to Heal
Energy Healing is in Your Hands Use Energy Healing to Heal, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 26 lectures, based on 316 reviews, and has 4447 subscribers.
You will learn about Healing Certificate of Completion with this course Scan and sense the energy field of another person. Lift the energy of another person so they may heal quicker. Healing someone by Removing unwanted energy from another persons energy field Add more energy to another persons energy field This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is not for you not sensitive to the needs of other people or Take this course if you want to tap into a whole new way of helping people or Take this course that you are more than what you can physically see or This healing course is for you is you want alternative way to help friend and family It is particularly useful for This course is not for you not sensitive to the needs of other people or Take this course if you want to tap into a whole new way of helping people or Take this course that you are more than what you can physically see or This healing course is for you is you want alternative way to help friend and family.
Enroll now: Energy Healing is in Your Hands Use Energy Healing to Heal
Title: Energy Healing is in Your Hands Use Energy Healing to Heal
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Curriculum Items: 26
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 26
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Healing Certificate of Completion with this course
- Scan and sense the energy field of another person.
- Lift the energy of another person so they may heal quicker.
- Healing someone by Removing unwanted energy from another persons energy field
- Add more energy to another persons energy field
Who Should Attend
- This course is not for you not sensitive to the needs of other people
- Take this course if you want to tap into a whole new way of helping people
- Take this course that you are more than what you can physically see
- This healing course is for you is you want alternative way to help friend and family
Target Audiences
- This course is not for you not sensitive to the needs of other people
- Take this course if you want to tap into a whole new way of helping people
- Take this course that you are more than what you can physically see
- This healing course is for you is you want alternative way to help friend and family
[Certificate of Completion with This Course]
Energy Healing is in your hands use Energy Healing to Heal
5 Star Review
I found this course to be a great starter for me and I’m really happy to have watched it. The pace and concise explanations were just right, so I wouldn’t change it in any other way. I would love to be able to heal all animals from suffering and as we have several pets at home with old age ailments, I can practice on them (unless they freak out!) I’ll have to keep watching the video’s several times, so I guess I’m going to be busy for a while. Thank you for making these lessons available, I’m looking forward to starting.
Ian Jones
Anyone can learn to be a Energy healer and this course was created to offer everyone an experience of healing energy and how they can work with it.
I want to share with as many people as I can
that anyone can be a healer and how they can use the passing
of hands to lift the energies of another person and help improve their health
or speed recovery time.
I am not teaching this so that people will stop taking prescribed medication that must always be discussed with their doctor first. Because by helping someone lift their energy the medication may work quicker and this is about offering more energy to a person so that their physical body can speed up the healing process as an adjunct to whatever they need to do to return to optimum health.
So by lifting someone’s energy we are giving the best chance of a speedy recovery this is not to say that at times you will see magically quick recoveries before someone has even sought their doctors help but it is important to always use whatever means that are at your disposal for healing to happen.
There are many types of energy healing Reiki, Chios. Qigong, Spiritual Healing, Yoga, Meditation some are very disciplined others need specialized attunements sometimes just a kind word at the right time can promote healing.
You are not going to need any of these disciplines or attunements for to be a healer all you will need is a few basic hand positions and moves plus the use of your imagination and intention.
Intention will be one of the most important factors for this healing to work because when you place your intention or attention somewhere ( Where attention goes energy flows )
A simple example of how intention and energy work is when you think of someone and the phone rings and there they are either you have picked on their intention to ring or they have picked on you thinking about them either way you both are on the same frequency or wave length
In this course ( Healing Hands of a healer – anyone can learn to be a healer ) I will show you how to connect with another person’s energy so that you are working at the same energy frequency
Welcome to this Energy Healing course
Energy Healing Certificate Of Completion View
Connecting to and opening the energy field to begin a healing session
Scanning the energy field at the front
Connecting to and opening the energy field at the back
Scanning the energy field at the back
Clear energy in front
Clear energy from a specific area down the arm
Clear energy from a specific location
Add energy to the head and crown chakra
Add energy to the forehead and third eye chakra
Add energy and clearing the spine
Add energy to the heart chakra chest and back
Add energy to a specific area
Add positive energy to the whole energy field
Smoothing and closing the energy field
How to jump start the energy system
Energy Healing demonstration
Healing demonstration No.2
Final instructions before you start using Energy Healing to heal
Bonus Downloads
1. Healers Energy Restored Hypnosis
2. Rainbow Healing Meditation
3. Energy Protective Bubble
4. ESP Development with Hypnosis
5. Grounding Exercise
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Connecting to the energy field of another person
Lecture 1: Welcome to this Energy Healing course
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Energy Healing Certificate Of Completion View
Lecture 4: Connecting to and opening the energy field to begin a healing session
Lecture 5: Scanning the energy field at the front
Lecture 6: Connecting to and opening the energy field at the back
Lecture 7: Scanning the energy field at the back
Chapter 2: How to clear the energy field
Lecture 1: Clear energy in front
Lecture 2: Clear energy from a specific area down the arm
Lecture 3: Clear energy from a specific location
Chapter 3: How to add energy to an energy field
Lecture 1: Add energy to the head and crown chakra
Lecture 2: Add energy to the forehead and third eye chakra
Lecture 3: Add energy and clearing the spine
Lecture 4: Add energy to the heart chakra chest and back
Lecture 5: Add energy to a specific area
Lecture 6: Add positive energy to the whole energy field
Chapter 4: How to end a healing session
Lecture 1: Smoothing and closing the energy field
Lecture 2: How to jump start the energy system
Chapter 5: Healing session in action
Lecture 1: Energy Healing demonstration
Lecture 2: Healing demonstration No.2
Lecture 3: Final instructions before you start using Energy Healing to heal
Chapter 6: Bonus Extras and Downloads
Lecture 1: Bonus Downloads & Healers Energy restored hypnosis
Lecture 2: What is EFT
Lecture 3: EFT Distance Healing
Lecture 4: EFT with the Angels
Lecture 5: EFT over the Phone
Alan Kirwan
Change Your Mind Instantly with Hypnosis Change Your Life
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 63 votes
- 4 stars: 91 votes
- 5 stars: 136 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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