Holistic Pet Bird Care
Holistic Pet Bird Care, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 93 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 27 reviews, and has 152 subscribers.
You will learn about Providing a better quality of life for both bird and its humans. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who cares for a companion bird or would like to. It is particularly useful for Anyone who cares for a companion bird or would like to.
Enroll now: Holistic Pet Bird Care
Title: Holistic Pet Bird Care
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 93
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 94
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 94
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Providing a better quality of life for both bird and its humans.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who cares for a companion bird or would like to.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who cares for a companion bird or would like to.
We rarely start at the beginning, except of course in fairytales and murder mysteries.
Without looking back to the beginning of hook bills it’s important to realize that as humans you must try overcome 99 years of instinctual expectations.
The first pet parakeet was given to Alexander the great in the mid 15th century, now known the Alexandrine parakeet
After 600 years of captive bird care, we haven’t out figured – the birds are still angry.
We disrupt their light cycles
We offer pellets although there is no history of pellet trees in the rain forest
We place their bird cage in front of big picture windows thinking they’re happy while in fact they’re terrified of the hawk they just saw not understanding the concept of glass.
Birdcage housing is an environmental decision not to be chosen from a list of recommended specifications.
Accessorizing a birdcage can be as complicated as learning about the 600+ hook bills that we are compelled to take them out of the sky.
I will always ask someone seeking a bird (we do not sell them) what their feelings are about vacuuming?
If you don’t like to vacuum, don’t get a bird!
These lectures offer holistic, real-time solutions that will require an effort on your part.
This course is just a roadmap.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Avian Nutrition
Lecture 1: 60 Second list of good & bad fruits for birds
Lecture 2: Don't let feeding multiple birds in your home become a chore
Lecture 3: Can I give raw almonds to my African grey parrot? Is it safe, or a risk to his h
Lecture 4: Can you address feeding and care for larger M2s (moluccan cockatoos)?
Lecture 5: Do Bird Food Pellets Affect A Parrotlet's Mutation Colors?
Lecture 6: Would CBD oil help a one eyed african grey?
Lecture 7: Feeding five fids on friday
Lecture 8: How And What To Feed Your Pet Bird Or Parrot
Lecture 9: How to easily get powdered supplements Into your bird
Lecture 10: Is human food killing your bird?
Lecture 11: Millet holders and how to select them.
Lecture 12: Nutriberries vs Avi-Cakes
Lecture 13: What to feed my 27 birds from finches to a blue front amazon?
Chapter 2: Bird health
Lecture 1: 3 hacks to stop a birds bleeding toenail
Lecture 2: Bird's weights
Lecture 3: 3 Bird safe no stick cookware alternatives
Lecture 4: How do I get my bird to take a bath?
Lecture 5: How to safety check your bird toys twice daily before there's an accident
Lecture 6: What do you know about macaw asthma? it's really a thing.
Lecture 7: How personal lubricant can save your bird's feathers.
Lecture 8: Why do green parrots have no green feather pigments?
Chapter 3: Captive bird environment issues in your home
Lecture 1: 5 Ways to reduce hormonal bird behavior before you see the avian vet
Lecture 2: 60 Nasty Household Hazards Birds Shouldn't Be Around
Lecture 3: 3 More budgies
Lecture 4: Bird Teflon dangers you didn't know & other household perils
Lecture 5: Birds and full spectrum lighting. We got it wrong.
Lecture 6: How far is too far out of the birdcage?
Lecture 7: How I taught our new 7 yo Senegal that change is essential for your bird
Lecture 8: How to keep a bird happy at work
Lecture 9: How winter places stress on captive birds
Lecture 10: Why Fans and Feathers Don't Mix Even in the Cage
Chapter 4: Hormonal defines birds – the first thing you must get a handle on.
Lecture 1: Challenges your bird faces spring and summer?
Lecture 2: I took in a rescue sun conure that's biting me – help!
Lecture 3: Quaker biting very hard, taking chunks out of my skin – ouch!
Lecture 4: Sex and the single bird
Lecture 5: Understanding your bird's hormonal issues may help you cope
Lecture 6: Why did my hawkheaded parrot freak out after a 4 day absence?
Lecture 7: Why are we talking about treating bird bite wounds?
Chapter 5: Flight
Lecture 1: 7 year old bird whose never flown, learns to fly
Lecture 2: Flight is a Bird's Greatest Gift – Are You a Gift Giver or Taker?
Lecture 3: How long should it take for a Cockatiel to grow back clipped wing feathers?
Lecture 4: Is It Better To Clip Your Parrot’s Wings Or Not?
Lecture 5: Realities of a keeping a flighted bird in your home
Lecture 6: Teaching A Senegal Parrot To Land
Lecture 7: Wing Clipping is a Range of Options – Not Just a Choice
Chapter 6: Bird cage related
Lecture 1: 4 Budgies 1 cage – Cage cam inspection time
Lecture 2: Arranging your bird’s cage: The Cage Canopy Concept
Lecture 3: Budgies are not like cockatiels – perch placement In the cage Is very different
Lecture 4: Budgie Bird Cage Locks, Aviary Building And Cleaning Them All
Lecture 5: Build a renewable budgie privacy hut for enrichment after restocking the cage
Lecture 6: Cagescaping for budgies the right set of perches and accessories
Lecture 7: Migrating new bird from old cage to new
Lecture 8: Watch me clean 2 bird cages in under 6 minutes including floor vacuuming & food
Lecture 9: Whats in your bird cage tool kit?
Lecture 10: Why Birds Stay Strong Using Ladders In And Out Of The Bird Cage
Chapter 7: Training and behavior
Lecture 1: 60 Second intro to bird clicker training
Lecture 2: Bird cage perches the ultimate video guide materials – sizing – placement
Lecture 3: Is it okay to open my budgies cage, so they can fly around?
Lecture 4: Is it plucking, molting or over-preening? Why are those feathers on the floor?
Lecture 5: Learned helplessness: a big parrot taming and training mistake
Lecture 6: What Makes A Hand Tamed Baby Bird?
Chapter 8: Foraging and enrichment
Lecture 1: Can a great bird foraging toy be made for dogs?
Lecture 2: 26 DIY Free or really cheap bird toy ideas
Lecture 3: Easy feathered foraging enrichment with lettuce
Lecture 4: Foraging idea that takes no time and costs pennies
Lecture 5: Parrot forages corn on stainless kabob
Lecture 6: Making Foraging More Difficult For Our Senegal Parrot
Chapter 9: Especially for humans
Lecture 1: Bird cage size matters less than you think
Lecture 2: Can my daughter and I co-bond with an african grey?
Lecture 3: Congratulations – you’re no longer a caged bird keeper. You’ve been elevated to
Lecture 4: Don't let a summer drink kill your pet bird!
Lecture 5: Hacks, Hints and tips that helps you be a better bird caregiver
Lecture 6: Help! My bird's egg bound but the Vet won't be In until tomorrow.
Lecture 7: How do I pet my African grey parrot without getting bit? I’m really scared.
Lecture 8: How bird safe is your home?
Lecture 9: How we kill and injure our pet birds
Lecture 10: List of every parrot & parakeet species on the planet we know so far
Lecture 11: How Windy City Parrot Looks At Our Bird's Holistically
Lecture 12: I'm searching for some good African grey parrot bonding tools
Lecture 13: Is a Cockatoo Right for My Family with Young Children?
Lecture 14: Pigeons are why we didn't start speaking German after WWII
Lecture 15: Ultimate DIY bird & parrot first aid kit
Lecture 16: What are the most difficult parrots to keep as pets for most bird owners
Lecture 17: What are the absolute worst types of parrots for a first-time bird owner?
Lecture 18: What should a 1st time bird owner know before they buy?
Lecture 19: What should you consider before getting a pet bird?
Lecture 20: What types of parrots can you legally own in the US?
Lecture 21: Zoonotic avian Infections and what you need to know
Chapter 10: Bird anatomy
Lecture 1: For Your Bird’s Health: Gas Heat, Bugs And Muscular Atrophy In Bird Legs
Lecture 2: Hookbills, hardbills, softbills & waxbills – just the feathered factoids
Mitch Rezman
It's never the bird's fault and always the human's.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 11 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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