How To Open The Third Eye : Awakening Your Inner Vision
How To Open The Third Eye : Awakening Your Inner Vision, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 54 lectures, based on 61 reviews, and has 607 subscribers.
You will learn about How to open the Third Eye How to activate the Pineal Gland How to decalcify the Pineal Gland How to activate the Ajna Chakra How to awaken the 'Second Sight' How to see Auras How to develop inner vision This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for you if you wish to learn how to open your third eye or If you want to develop your sixth sense or If you want to increase your intuition or Create a platform for psychic (ESP) abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance (remote viewing) and precognition (prophecy) or If you want to increase your creativity or If you want to open your mind to increase your self awareness and of the world around you It is particularly useful for This course is for you if you wish to learn how to open your third eye or If you want to develop your sixth sense or If you want to increase your intuition or Create a platform for psychic (ESP) abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance (remote viewing) and precognition (prophecy) or If you want to increase your creativity or If you want to open your mind to increase your self awareness and of the world around you.
Enroll now: How To Open The Third Eye : Awakening Your Inner Vision
Title: How To Open The Third Eye : Awakening Your Inner Vision
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 54
Number of Published Lectures: 54
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to open the Third Eye
- How to activate the Pineal Gland
- How to decalcify the Pineal Gland
- How to activate the Ajna Chakra
- How to awaken the 'Second Sight'
- How to see Auras
- How to develop inner vision
Who Should Attend
- This course is for you if you wish to learn how to open your third eye
- If you want to develop your sixth sense
- If you want to increase your intuition
- Create a platform for psychic (ESP) abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance (remote viewing) and precognition (prophecy)
- If you want to increase your creativity
- If you want to open your mind to increase your self awareness and of the world around you
Target Audiences
- This course is for you if you wish to learn how to open your third eye
- If you want to develop your sixth sense
- If you want to increase your intuition
- Create a platform for psychic (ESP) abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance (remote viewing) and precognition (prophecy)
- If you want to increase your creativity
- If you want to open your mind to increase your self awareness and of the world around you
There are infinite worlds of new possibilities, just waiting for you to open up your inner eye and SEE them.
Whilst your two physical eyes are limited in their perpetual abilities, and actually act much more like filters, to block out other frequencies, your third eye sees far and wide into the countless dimensions of reality.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ―Nikola Tesla
The famous genius inventor Tesla had the ‘second sight’, for he was able to see his inventions within his mind with perfect clarity, and saw everything as energy, frequency and vibration.
When you learn to open your third eye, you will see beyond the veil of this waking, apparent reality, like peering behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz!
The ancient Hindus understood that this 3D world is but an illusion which they called Maya, because it blinds us from our ability to see beyond the parameters of time and space. This is why us Yogis have worked to open up our Ajna Chakraby activatingthe kundalini,andgettingour pineal gland to secrete.
When you have access to this primary magical ability, then it opens up all of your psychic powers of extra sensory perception (ESP). These occult powers, known as siddhis to the Yogis, include clairvoyance (remote viewing), telepathy (mind to mind communication), and precognition (seeing the future).
With TWENTY years of experience as a Kundalini Yogi, and Dragon Wizard, let me, Mark T.J Keane, share with you the secrets to awakening the sixth chakra centre, and activating the pineal gland.
The third eye, opens your mind and expands your awareness so that you can really see what is going on, both inside you and in the world around you, after all, one reflects the other ‘as above, so below’.
This inner eye will give you access to a deep level of intuition and higher wisdom that will open up doorways in your life.
By opening up your imagination, it will increase your creativity, so that you can finally unleash your latent gifts and abilities that were bestowed upon you at birth.
All of suffering in life comes from the lie that our time-bound ego tells us, which is that this mundane reality and mortal existence is all there is. The Truth is far more wonderful and miraculous than you can imagine. Join us and begin to reclaim this lost power, that was suppressed and hidden from us for so long. Only then, will you too will realise that you are capable of doing anything. The only limits are your imagination, and your awakened and activated mind’s eye transcends all of your current limiting beliefs.
You do not need to suffer the matrix anymore.
You really can do anything that you want.
You can see whatever it is that you want to see, and be whoever you want to be.
You just need to make the decision now that you are ready.
You have the courage to open your mind to a whole new world, full of colour, magic and incredible possibilities!
It is time for you to see the Truth, and open your Third Eye…Enrol NOW!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction To How To Open The Third Eye
Lecture 1: Welcome to How To Open The Third Eye
Lecture 2: What Is The Third Eye?
Lecture 3: What Is The Pineal Gland?
Chapter 2: Preparation
Lecture 1: How To Decalcify The Pineal Gland
Lecture 2: Trust Your Intuition
Lecture 3: Awaken Your Creativity
Lecture 4: The Power Of Belief
Lecture 5: Breath Is The Key
Lecture 6: More Than A Feeling
Chapter 3: State Of Mind/Consciousness
Lecture 1: Relax and Completely Let Go
Lecture 2: The Power of Silence
Lecture 3: Return To Innocence
Lecture 4: Remember Where You Are
Lecture 5: How To See The Auras
Lecture 6: Embrace The Darkness
Lecture 7: Guided Visualisation : An Inner Journey
Chapter 4: Life Is But A Dream
Lecture 1: Your Magical Dreamlife
Lecture 2: The Liminal Realm of Betwixt & Between
Lecture 3: The Wonders of Lucid Dreaming
Chapter 5: Symbols
Lecture 1: Ancient Pyramid Eye Meditation
Lecture 2: The Potency Of The Ajna Chakra Symbol
Lecture 3: Sacred Geometry As Divine Blueprint
Lecture 4: Purple Power
Lecture 5: Kaleidoscopic Visuals
Lecture 6: Solar Cross Initiation
Chapter 6: The Power Of Sound
Lecture 1: Ajna Chakra Activation via the AUM Mantra
Lecture 2: Tuning Into Your Unique Soul Vibration
Lecture 3: Secret Spell To Decode The Matrix
Lecture 4: Brainwave Entrainment
Chapter 7: Psychic Abilities Of The Third Eye
Lecture 1: The Psychic Abilities
Lecture 2: Telepathy
Lecture 3: Clairvoyance
Lecture 4: Precognition
Chapter 8: Magical Tools
Lecture 1: Incense & the Sixth Sense
Lecture 2: Initiation Into The Plant Medicine Realm
Lecture 3: Magic Mirror Gazing
Lecture 4: Pine Cone Communion
Lecture 5: Candle Gazing Ritual
Lecture 6: Pyramid Power & Illumination
Lecture 7: The Magical Mysteries Of The Crystal Ball
Chapter 9: Techniques
Lecture 1: Shamanic Vision
Lecture 2: The Secrets Of Eye Focus
Lecture 3: The 3 Keys To Finger Pressure
Lecture 4: The Vision Quest
Chapter 10: Energy Work
Lecture 1: Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
Lecture 2: Awakening The Spine (& Ladder of Creation)
Lecture 3: Untying The Knot Of Shiva
Lecture 4: Introduction to Kundalini Dance
Lecture 5: Solar Disc Activation
Lecture 6: The 3 Reiki Keys
Chapter 11: Extra Tools : Our Celestial Allies
Lecture 1: Sun Gazing
Lecture 2: Moon Baths
Chapter 12: Practice
Lecture 1: Practice, Practice, Practice…
Chapter 13: Bonus
Lecture 1: More Courses on Udemy by Mark Keane
Mark Keane
Kundalini Yogi & Dancer, Wizard, Shaman & Spiritual Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 45 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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