Journey Through The Chakras: 7 Keys To Kundalini Yoga & Joy
Journey Through The Chakras: 7 Keys To Kundalini Yoga & Joy, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 38 lectures, based on 326 reviews, and has 5052 subscribers.
You will learn about To get a real felt sense of the chakras within you Through Kundalini Yoga and my expert guidance you will clear through the energy blocks in your chakras. This course will lead to a deeper sense of wellbeing, and self knowledge. Reveal your unlimited potential you have within you for being: rooted, creative, powerful, loving, expressive, intuitive, and ultimately fully self realised. This course is ideal for individuals who are Yoga students, body workers, dance therapists, spiritual seekers. or No experience or abilities are required, just an open mind and an enthusiasm to discover new ways of being. or Essentially anyone who is genuinely interested in knowing themselves on a deeper level. It is particularly useful for Yoga students, body workers, dance therapists, spiritual seekers. or No experience or abilities are required, just an open mind and an enthusiasm to discover new ways of being. or Essentially anyone who is genuinely interested in knowing themselves on a deeper level.
Enroll now: Journey Through The Chakras: 7 Keys To Kundalini Yoga & Joy
Title: Journey Through The Chakras: 7 Keys To Kundalini Yoga & Joy
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- To get a real felt sense of the chakras within you
- Through Kundalini Yoga and my expert guidance you will clear through the energy blocks in your chakras.
- This course will lead to a deeper sense of wellbeing, and self knowledge.
- Reveal your unlimited potential you have within you for being: rooted, creative, powerful, loving, expressive, intuitive, and ultimately fully self realised.
Who Should Attend
- Yoga students, body workers, dance therapists, spiritual seekers.
- No experience or abilities are required, just an open mind and an enthusiasm to discover new ways of being.
- Essentially anyone who is genuinely interested in knowing themselves on a deeper level.
Target Audiences
- Yoga students, body workers, dance therapists, spiritual seekers.
- No experience or abilities are required, just an open mind and an enthusiasm to discover new ways of being.
- Essentially anyone who is genuinely interested in knowing themselves on a deeper level.
Udemy’s Original Chakra Course – Udemy’s Original Kundalini Yoga Course –
Often Copied, But Never Beaten!
Now with 13 hours of content, which can be viewed again, and again!
JOIN THE CHAKRA REVOLUTION– An inner revolution of your spinning energy vortex centres, so your energy flows perfectly within you, into creating your body-mind, and your life, exactly how you want it!
You too can be happy like the 5000 students who have taken the bold step of joining this revolution.
Get ready to really move forward, and live the life you always dreamed of, fully deserve, and let’s face it…were born to live!
Like me, YOU too can be who you want to be, have whatever you want to have, and do whatever you want to do, whenever you want. In other words…You can be completely FREE!
Wherever your are right now, you have the choice to be able to feel really good about yourself, and your life.
This is all possible by unlocking the ancient secrets of the Chakra energy centers, as taught in Kundalini Yoga, and Ancient Wisdom across the world, through the ages. This course contains EIGHT Kundalini Yoga Kriyas specifically designed to activate each and every one of your seven chakras!
With TWENTY years of practicing, and teaching Kundalini Yoga, having learnt this sacred art in Anandpur Sahib, Northern India, I, Mark T.J Keane can tell you this practice is really amazing!
I have unlocked the secrets to happy, and successful living, and I am sharing these secrets with you now!…
This course also contains in depth lectures about each and every one of your seven Chakras, and how they are relevant to your life and your healing journey.
This is an 8 week Chakra journey, a voyage of discovery within your inner ‘seven seas’ of knowledge, to finally rediscover the lost magical island of pure being, and unbounded joy.
Week One: Introduction to Kundalini and your 7 Chakras –
We are made up of energy vibrating across 7 unique frequencies, just like all of life in the universe.
This is why this is the best, simplest, and most effective system to get you exactly where you want, and need to be – because we literally embody these 7 principles!
Week Two: Base Chakra –
Anchor your attention through the sitting bones into the Sacred Earth.
Find your sense of belonging, to feel fully safeand secure no matter what happens.
Reclaim your rightful claim to your beautiful and amazing body.
Week Three: Sacral Chakra–
Dive deep into your sexual essence and remember how good it is to feel the sensual nature of your body, and the world around you.
Unlock your unbounded creativity, together with your forgotten gifts, and talents.
Week Four: Solar Plexus Chakra–
Reclaim your vital energy to become a powerful magnet to become who you were born to be, and live the life you were born to live.
Week Five: Heart Chakra–
Between the pillars of your strong shoulders lies a lost and forgotten island surrounded by a deep ocean of wonderful bliss.
It’s time to return to the joy you once had.
You deserve to feel your own soul dancing in the shining light of your conscious attention.
Week Six: Throat Chakra–
Life is all about expression, so express yourself!
Everything is communication.
We were born to relate, but communication starts at home.
Learn to really listen to and through your body to a deeper place, an inner knowing, sounding from the lost inner voice.
Week Seven: Third Eye Chakra–
Take the mask off, and learn to really see yourself as you truly are, an amazing and unique soul.
Create a vision a thousand miles high, and across the whole world.
Week Eight: Crown Chakra- Come home to rest in pure awareness, the shining light of divine love.
Life is a blessing, allow your soul to embrace the heart of the Universe.
Don’t wait a moment longer – start feeling better, and living fully right now, by enrolling on this unique course…
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Beginning Your Chakra Journey
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 2: Course Guide and Outline
Lecture 3: Introduction to the Chakras
Lecture 4: Your Chakra Diet
Lecture 5: Relaxation
Lecture 6: What is Kundalini?
Lecture 7: Seven Chakra Meditation
Lecture 8: Week 1: Kundalini Yoga – Basic Spinal Energy Series
Lecture 9: Week 1: Kundalini Yoga – Basic Spinal Energy Series Part 2
Lecture 10: Review
Chapter 2: Base Chakra
Lecture 1: Awakening Muladhara Chakra
Lecture 2: Week 2: Kundalini Yoga – Flexibility and the Spine
Lecture 3: Week 2: Kundalini Yoga – Flexibility and the Spine Part 2
Lecture 4: Week 2: Base Chakra – Aligning Ourselves with Nature
Lecture 5: Week 2: Base Chakra – The Wisdom of Trees
Lecture 6: Week 2: Base Chakra – Going Deeper
Chapter 3: Sacral Chakra
Lecture 1: Week 3: Kundalini Yoga – Sexual Energy Transformation
Lecture 2: Week 3: Sacral Chakra – Water is Life!
Lecture 3: Week 3: Sacral Chakra – Kundalini Dance
Lecture 4: Week 3: Sacral Chakra – Sex and Creation
Chapter 4: Week 4: Solar Plexus Chakra
Lecture 1: Week 4: Kundalini Yoga – Nabhi Kriya
Lecture 2: Week 4: Solar Plexus Chakra – Fire up your life!
Chapter 5: Heart Chakra
Lecture 1: Week 5: Kundalini Yoga – Magnetic Field and Heart Centre
Lecture 2: Week 5: Heart Chakra – Heart Opener
Lecture 3: Week 5: Heart Chakra – Heart Balance
Lecture 4: Week 5: Heart Chakra – Rose Cross Meditation
Lecture 5: Week 5: Heart Chakra – Love is.
Chapter 6: Throat Chakra
Lecture 1: Week 6: Kundalini Yoga – Wahe Guru Kriya
Lecture 2: Week 6: Throat Chakra – Throat Activation
Lecture 3: Week 6: Throat Chakra – Chakra Mantras
Chapter 7: Third Eye Chakra
Lecture 1: Week 7: Kundalini Yoga – Pituitary Gland Series
Lecture 2: Week 7: Third Eye Chakra: Opening the Third Eye
Chapter 8: Crown Chakra
Lecture 1: Week 8: Kundalini Yoga – Morning Call
Lecture 2: Week 8: The Crown Chakra – Fountain of Eternal Youth
Lecture 3: Week 8: The Crown Chakra – Completion of the Great Work
Lecture 4: Journey Through The Chakras Revisted
Lecture 5: Your Secret Group
Chapter 9: Bonus
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Mark Keane
Kundalini Yogi & Dancer, Wizard, Shaman & Spiritual Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 32 votes
- 4 stars: 89 votes
- 5 stars: 187 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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