Karuna Ki Reiki Master Training
Karuna Ki Reiki Master Training, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.71, with 30 lectures, based on 2190 reviews, and has 8093 subscribers.
You will learn about Karuna Ki Reiki Master is the next step after Reiki Master and is complete with two levels, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. You will find it to be more powerful than Reiki Master and create deeper healing for yourself and your clients. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to deepen their Reiki Master knowledge and help people at a deeper level. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to deepen their Reiki Master knowledge and help people at a deeper level.
Enroll now: Karuna Ki Reiki Master Training
Title: Karuna Ki Reiki Master Training
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.71
Number of Lectures: 30
Number of Published Lectures: 30
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $159.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Karuna Ki Reiki Master is the next step after Reiki Master and is complete with two levels, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. You will find it to be more powerful than Reiki Master and create deeper healing for yourself and your clients.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to deepen their Reiki Master knowledge and help people at a deeper level.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to deepen their Reiki Master knowledge and help people at a deeper level.
Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translanted to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.” When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by prajna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.
Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well. Karuna Ki Reiki opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.
The Karuna Ki Reiki Class:
To qualify to take this class, a student must be a Reiki master and be able to draw the Reiki II and master symbols from memory.
It is the next step after Reiki master and is complete with two levels, 1 traditional Master attunement, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. We have experimented with and taught this system for over 10 years and have found it to be effective and powerful. In fact, most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki! The energy has a more definite feeling to it. It provides more healing on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.
A brief description of the four Karuna I symbols is given here: The first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level. The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to break up the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self. The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance. The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding. The Karuna II symbols are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.
All levels of Karuna Ki Reiki and the traditional Karuna Ki Master attunement will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all twelve symbols. You will be able to teach all aspects of Karuna Ki Reiki after taking this class.
We will also be doing a Reiki meditation to be aware of and heal the Shadow Self and using chanting and toning with Karuna Ki Reiki.
Class manual and certificate included.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Karuna Ki
Lecture 1: Welcome to Karuna Ki Reiki!
Lecture 2: Introduction- What is Karuna Ki Reiki?
Lecture 3: FAQ- Have a question? Read this first.
Lecture 4: Facebook Support Group Info
Lecture 5: FREE Additional Education
Lecture 6: The Healing Process
Lecture 7: Karuna Ki and Spiritual Guidance
Chapter 2: Karuna Ki Symbols
Lecture 1: Karuna Ki I Symbols- Zonar
Lecture 2: Karuna Ki I Symbols- Halu
Lecture 3: Karuna Ki I Symbols- Harth
Lecture 4: Karuna Ki I Symbols- Rama
Lecture 5: How to Activate the Karuna Ki Symbols
Lecture 6: Healing the Shadow Self
Lecture 7: Shadow Self and Halu Meditation
Lecture 8: Karuna Ki II Symbols
Chapter 3: Your Karuna Ki Attunement
Lecture 1: Your Karuna Ki Attunement
Chapter 4: Karuna Ki Master Symbols and Practices
Lecture 1: Karuna Ki Master Symbols
Lecture 2: The Hui Yin & Violet Breath
Chapter 5: Attunement Procedures
Lecture 1: The Karuna Ki Single Attunement Procedure
Lecture 2: Single Attunement Demo
Chapter 6: Chanting and Toning
Lecture 1: Chanting and Toning with Karuna Ki Reiki
Lecture 2: Chanting Demo
Lecture 3: Toning Demo
Chapter 7: Meditations and Mudras
Lecture 1: Karuna Ki Mudras and Their Uses
Lecture 2: Karuna Ki Meditations
Chapter 8: Using and Teaching Karuna Ki Reiki
Lecture 1: Using and Teaching Karuna Ki
Lecture 2: Conclusion
Lecture 3: Karuna Ki Lineage Chart
Lecture 4: Licensing to Use My Manual
Lecture 5: Your Certificate
Aimee Phlegar
Empowered Empath, Soul Healer, Fearless Transformation Guide
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 77 votes
- 4 stars: 382 votes
- 5 stars: 1711 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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