Learn How to Craft & Dedicate a Sacred Shamanic Frame Drum
Learn How to Craft & Dedicate a Sacred Shamanic Frame Drum, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 43 lectures, based on 73 reviews, and has 650 subscribers.
You will learn about How to craft and create a spiritual shamanic drum with master Peruvian artisan and musician Pepe Chiriboga. Develop ceremonies based on your own vision and intuition to restore your connection to nature and your higher self between the spiritual and physical realms. When we play or hear the beating of the Drum it guides us to the womb of the Mother where we connect, heal, balance connecting deeply to our own heart. Learn how to awaken to the deep knowledge of working with the Sacred Healing Medicine of the Drum. The Drum is a Sacred Medicine tool created to connect us back to ourselves, the rhythm of our own heart beat and the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to be chosen and guided by the hide of the Sacred Animal that has given itself for this creation so that a new life can be birthed from the old. Healer's in any modality (eg. massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, etc) will quickly apply and integrate these rituals in life and work providing healing Learn dedications to deepen your connection as you craft your spirit drum with tips and guidance from Sharon and Pepe. Discover your own innate Shamanic Discover the wisdom allowing you to connect to the ancient art of weaving and creating this Sacred Medicine tool. This course is ideal for individuals who are People wishing to open their intuitive powers by reestablishing the flow between the left and right brain. or Seekers wishing to develop ceremonies based on their own vision and intuition. or If you seek the knowledge and skills too empower you to fully use your own potential then we are here for you. or This course is ideal for those who want to learn how to harness the healing power of shamanism for themselves and others. It is particularly useful for People wishing to open their intuitive powers by reestablishing the flow between the left and right brain. or Seekers wishing to develop ceremonies based on their own vision and intuition. or If you seek the knowledge and skills too empower you to fully use your own potential then we are here for you. or This course is ideal for those who want to learn how to harness the healing power of shamanism for themselves and others.
Enroll now: Learn How to Craft & Dedicate a Sacred Shamanic Frame Drum
Title: Learn How to Craft & Dedicate a Sacred Shamanic Frame Drum
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Curriculum Items: 45
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 45
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to craft and create a spiritual shamanic drum with master Peruvian artisan and musician Pepe Chiriboga.
- Develop ceremonies based on your own vision and intuition to restore your connection to nature and your higher self between the spiritual and physical realms.
- When we play or hear the beating of the Drum it guides us to the womb of the Mother where we connect, heal, balance connecting deeply to our own heart.
- Learn how to awaken to the deep knowledge of working with the Sacred Healing Medicine of the Drum.
- The Drum is a Sacred Medicine tool created to connect us back to ourselves, the rhythm of our own heart beat and the heartbeat of Mother Earth.
- Allow yourself to be chosen and guided by the hide of the Sacred Animal that has given itself for this creation so that a new life can be birthed from the old.
- Healer's in any modality (eg. massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, etc) will quickly apply and integrate these rituals in life and work providing healing
- Learn dedications to deepen your connection as you craft your spirit drum with tips and guidance from Sharon and Pepe.
- Discover your own innate Shamanic Discover the wisdom allowing you to connect to the ancient art of weaving and creating this Sacred Medicine tool.
Who Should Attend
- People wishing to open their intuitive powers by reestablishing the flow between the left and right brain.
- Seekers wishing to develop ceremonies based on their own vision and intuition.
- If you seek the knowledge and skills too empower you to fully use your own potential then we are here for you.
- This course is ideal for those who want to learn how to harness the healing power of shamanism for themselves and others.
Target Audiences
- People wishing to open their intuitive powers by reestablishing the flow between the left and right brain.
- Seekers wishing to develop ceremonies based on their own vision and intuition.
- If you seek the knowledge and skills too empower you to fully use your own potential then we are here for you.
- This course is ideal for those who want to learn how to harness the healing power of shamanism for themselves and others.
Bring shamanism alive as we craft and dedicate your new frame drum.You will be guided step-by-step through the creation and spiritual aspects of making and dedicating your unique ceremonial drum. Not only that you will be guided with various meditations and dedications to ensure the best possible outcome from crafting your drum. Deep shamanic healing occurs here as you reconnect with the sacred, improving your mental health and well-being on many levels.
What others are saying about this course:
The creation of our own drum is a course that has detail instruction. It also has the wonderful guidance of shamanism by including sacred meditaion, recommendation and useful resources. Great course which also indicates what are the best suggested materials and allows us to choose according to our own likes, and favorite purchase. I recommend watching and doing this by steps and enjoy the wonderful journey of growing with the birth of your personal drum. “Blessings, Namaste, ASE,” Sincerely, Niky (OMI)
Thank you so much for this inspiring course. The lessons were very clear and understandable. Now my drum came to life and I feel a good connection. May my drumming be beneficial … I am looking forward to learn more about it. Anneke B
“This is an extremely heroic video. The world needs these skills, and it is not expected that one create some Hollywood version. I commend everyone who participated. I look forward to seeing how many people are positively affected by having these skills in their possession. Personal ritual is so important. Aho” – Calvin
What you will learn in this how-to craft and dedicate a frame drum course:
Step-by-step guidance for crafting your own ceremonial sacred frame drum by renowned shaman drummer, and drum maker Pepe Chiriboga.
How to perform blessings and ceremonies to guide the making of your sacred frame drum by Sharon Ramel
An introduction to the drum rhythm and how to work with it
Some historical background to enhance your relationship with your drum.
How to do a shamanic journey with and for your sacred drum – how to work deeply with the craft and love of your drum.
Pepe and Sharon will guide you through every element of crafting your sacred frame drum with appropriate rituals and shamanic ceremonies. This will enhance your connection with the wood and hide, assisting you in creating and birthing your very own Medicine Drum. Your drum will empower you with each beat upon completion and awaken you to the spirit within. This will be rocket fuel for your happiness and personal development.
We are committed to assisting you in crafting the best authentic medicine drum, which will carry YOUR energy and intent throughout and after the birthing process.
Your teacher guides for this crafting your frame drum course:
Pepe Chiriboga, an experienced and talented Peruvian artisan and musician. He has high energy and vibrations and is motivated to share his knowledge. Pepe will guide you through creating and crafting your sacred drum.
Sharon Ramel will weave some of the histories of the drum. Provide specific shamanic dedications to work with and expand on for your drum. You will be guided through the drum’s rhythms, and we will transcend time and space, working with shamanic-inspired ceremony and lore to re-establish communication between the spiritual and the physical realms. Sharon is one of Udemy’s top instructors and pioneered teaching shamanism online globally.
Karina Melendez and Pedro Riera, under the Artesany initiative, offer artistic techniques not taught in formal education, techniques related to artisan work from different regions in Latin America. Karina is Sharon’s voice in the Spanish version, and Pedro is the voice of Pepe in the English version.
What is inside this Craft and Dedicate a Shamanic Frame Drum course:
Introduction to your instructors and the way we will work together. Gathering the materials you will need to craft your shamanic frame drum.
How to make the frame – crafting strong bones. We make and offer dedication to our wooden frame.
How to listen to the Song of the Drum – celebrating the skin and its unique spirit. It is essential to honour the spirit of the animal.
Discover how to work with the dream of the drum – spirit lives and breathes – adding the flesh of the drum and soaking and celebrating how our sacred drum is coming together.
How to create the essential elemental connection with your drum. You were weaving the rope to see your drum emerging.
Discover how to listen to the heartbeat of your drum. How to offer thanks and receive some introductory drum beats to work with.
How Can This Course And Shamanism Benefit Your Health And Well-being:
Increased vitality and power
Enhanced ability to create desired life changes
Expanded sense of wholeness and well-being
Greater ability to release addictions and maintain change
Stronger connection to spiritual source and soul purpose
Strengthened immune system
Healing from emotional trauma
Changes in negative thoughts and beliefs
Improved self-confidence
Better relationships
Increased energy
Whole-body connectedness (mind, soul, spirit)
Lessened depression and anxiety
Stronger immune system and ability to fight disease
New motivation to achieve goals
Renewed gratitude
By employing the drum in the ways you will be shown, you will have an opportunity to experience shamanic states, mindfulness, and personal healing. These ways do not require faith or changes in your definition of reality. No change in your subconscious mind is needed either, for the drum only awakens what is already there. It will stimulate the shaman that lies dormant within you.
The shaman seeks harmony with nature, and this is wonderful for stress management in our crazy lives today. The drum serves as an instrument of attunement, bringing harmony and happiness into the core of your being. Together, we celebrate both crafting and dedicating our sacred frame.
“When you pray with that drum when the spirits hear that drum, it echoes. They hear this drum, and they hear your voice loud and clear.” Wallace Black Elk
We intend to teach you, through working deeply with your drum, how to renew and maintain harmony with your families, communities, nations, and Earth herself. Together we shall restore a sense of sacredness to the world, of the divinity present in nature and all living things. The drum is a beautiful tool to work with as sacred drumming awakens the inner shaman and mindfulness. Making your drum helps align you with all of creation.
“SONG OF THE DRUM My drum has many voices. My drum tells many stories. This drum is full of mystery. This drum is full of dreams. Listen to the drumbeat. Listen to the heartbeat. Now you hear the hoofbeat. Now you hear the wing beat. All are One.” Cherokee
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to your frame drum instructors and the way we will work together
Lecture 1: How this Shamanic crafting course will unfold
Lecture 2: Four spirits drum welcome from Pepe, Karina, Pedro and Sharon spiritual healing
Lecture 3: Introducing Pepe, our master shamanic drum maker craftsman and musician friend
Lecture 4: Introduction to your shamanic sacred drum making – please observe ritual silence
Lecture 5: Gathering your material and tools you will need to craft your sacred drum
Lecture 6: Spirit of the Drum Shamanism and Crafting Thriving Together
Lecture 7: Assignment 1: Blessing your materials and workspace
Chapter 2: Making the frame for your drum – crafting strong bones of your shamanic drum
Lecture 1: Focus your attention on your intention for crafting and spirituality
Lecture 2: Journey to tree who gifts us the material to craft our drum frame and beater
Lecture 3: Cutting the sacred wood to craft your shamanic drum
Lecture 4: Building our frame for our shamanic drum
Lecture 5: Whilst we are waiting for our frame spiritually arises within
Lecture 6: The drum, the elements and honouring our sacred space with an invocation
Lecture 7: Altered states of shamanism and consciousness with the drum
Lecture 8: Sanding our frame of our shamanic drum
Chapter 3: Learn the song of your shamanic drum – celebrating the skin its unique spirit
Lecture 1: Meditate or journey to the spirit of the animal whose skin you are using guide
Lecture 2: Drawing a sacred spiritual mandala on the leather
Lecture 3: Cutting the leather for your shamanic frame drum
Lecture 4: Making holes in the leather for your shamanic frame drum
Lecture 5: Soaking the leather for shamanic frame drum
Lecture 6: We have another natural pause in our sacred drum making here
Lecture 7: A Brief look at the history of drumming, shamanism and the role of women
Lecture 8: Sacred symbolism of the drum from the Vedic tradition
Lecture 9: Drumming for our soul sacred spiritual shamanism is alive in your soul
Chapter 4: Dream of the drum – spirit lives and breathes – adding the flesh of the drum
Lecture 1: Making your sacred drumstick crafting it shamanically
Lecture 2: Cutting the cord to tie the leather to the wooden frame
Lecture 3: Remove your leather after two days soaking in water
Lecture 4: Tie the leather to the frame of your shamanic frame drum
Lecture 5: First adjustment of the leather tie on your shamanic drum
Lecture 6: Second adjustment of the leather tie on your shamanic drum
Lecture 7: Third adjustment of the leather tie on your shamanic drum
Lecture 8: Drumming for reconnection to all that is sacred – the natural rhythms of life
Chapter 5: Creating the essential elemental spiritual healing connection with your drum
Lecture 1: First of the four knots representing the sacred spiritual elements
Lecture 2: Complete knots for the other three sacred spiritual elements
Lecture 3: Increase the tension on your shamanic spiritual drum
Lecture 4: Make the handle for your shamanic spiritual drum
Lecture 5: Dry your drum and essential drum maintenance
Lecture 6: A Prayer To Your Spiritual Shamanic Drum
Lecture 7: Assignment 2: A prayer to your drum
Chapter 6: Listening to the heartbeat of your shamanic drum
Lecture 1: Guidelines to journey with your shamanic drum
Lecture 2: Drumming lessons from our crafting drumming master Pepe Chiriboga
Lecture 3: Rhythm's of your drum – let it play you, shamanism thrives in your rhythm
Lecture 4: Bonus Lecture
Sharon Ramel
Spiritual Guide, Shaman, Priestess -
Artesany – Karina & Pedro
Recording Artisans Teaching Millenary Techniques -
Jose Santos Chiriboga Minaya
Maestro de Tambores y Música
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 15 votes
- 5 stars: 53 votes
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