Perfume Making, Diffusers, & Social Scent Domination
Perfume Making, Diffusers, & Social Scent Domination, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 17 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 17 reviews, and has 110 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to make your own perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances at home with no special equipment, and with a unique approach that considers diffuser use. Learn how to make diffusers which: Get the chemicals off of your skin; provide a more consistent smell; and prolong the use of your fragrance. Learn techniques and strategies for wearing perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances directed to specific occasions, such as at a job interview, and on a date. Develop a tailored scent profile that encompasses your person as well as your environments into one complete system of scent domination. You'll learn unique concepts and techniques of "scent warfare" establishing you as the best smelling person in the room, currently taught only in this system! You're going to learn how to improve an existing fragrance, either from recipe, or directly in a commercially bought bottle from the store! This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who understand why smelling good is so important for social success in business and personal life, be the best smelling person in the room, and want to make their own perfume creations, protect their health, and save money by doing so. or Those who might want to make and sell perfume and diffusers. Lots of people sell perfume, but not many sell diffusers, so the niche is wide open. or Those who want additional coaching expertise in the field of job interviews, cosmetology, and social success. It is particularly useful for Those who understand why smelling good is so important for social success in business and personal life, be the best smelling person in the room, and want to make their own perfume creations, protect their health, and save money by doing so. or Those who might want to make and sell perfume and diffusers. Lots of people sell perfume, but not many sell diffusers, so the niche is wide open. or Those who want additional coaching expertise in the field of job interviews, cosmetology, and social success.
Enroll now: Perfume Making, Diffusers, & Social Scent Domination
Title: Perfume Making, Diffusers, & Social Scent Domination
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 17
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 17
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 19
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 19
Original Price: $54.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to make your own perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances at home with no special equipment, and with a unique approach that considers diffuser use.
- Learn how to make diffusers which: Get the chemicals off of your skin; provide a more consistent smell; and prolong the use of your fragrance.
- Learn techniques and strategies for wearing perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances directed to specific occasions, such as at a job interview, and on a date.
- Develop a tailored scent profile that encompasses your person as well as your environments into one complete system of scent domination.
- You'll learn unique concepts and techniques of "scent warfare" establishing you as the best smelling person in the room, currently taught only in this system!
- You're going to learn how to improve an existing fragrance, either from recipe, or directly in a commercially bought bottle from the store!
Who Should Attend
- Those who understand why smelling good is so important for social success in business and personal life, be the best smelling person in the room, and want to make their own perfume creations, protect their health, and save money by doing so.
- Those who might want to make and sell perfume and diffusers. Lots of people sell perfume, but not many sell diffusers, so the niche is wide open.
- Those who want additional coaching expertise in the field of job interviews, cosmetology, and social success.
Target Audiences
- Those who understand why smelling good is so important for social success in business and personal life, be the best smelling person in the room, and want to make their own perfume creations, protect their health, and save money by doing so.
- Those who might want to make and sell perfume and diffusers. Lots of people sell perfume, but not many sell diffusers, so the niche is wide open.
- Those who want additional coaching expertise in the field of job interviews, cosmetology, and social success.
In this course you’ll learn a complete system to dominate social influence with scent!
Though this course will teach you how to make perfume, cologne, and other fragrances, it goes beyond that into a complete “martial art” of using scent as a weapon of social influence. The way you smell has been proven, often to be more important than even the way you look, in many social settings. Successful scent strategies can help you get a date, a job, new friends and business contacts, and even help you make that sale if you’ve got a sales job. And this course will teach you not only how to design and make perfumes, but how to make personal diffusers, how to improve an existing perfume, techniques and strategies of using perfumes, and when not to. It demonstrates the need to learn other aspects of smelling good beyond just using perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances.
These are some of the problems associated with spraying perfume on your skin:
You’re most likely putting toxic chemicals directly onto your skin. And yes… …even just essential oils can be toxic!
It will give you an inconsistent smell and can actually end up making you stinkby blending with your sweat and other body secretions throughout the day!
It can waste your money as opposed to using a diffuser, since if you spray it onto your skin, at the end of the day, you take a shower and wash it down the drain. Whereas, with a diffuser, you can use the fragrance for several days and when occasionally bolstered, even potentially for weeks!
Spraying perfume directly onto your skin can be horrible for your sex life!
Think about this: Have you ever tasted perfume? As you can imagine, you wouldn’t want to lick the bottle. Of course, it’s designed to be smelled, not licked. It’s particularly most potently toxic when absorbed through the tongue. Well, if you spray it on your neck in the conventional way that most people do, that’s exactly what your lover would do if he or she kisses your neck. Though the taste wouldn’t be as bad since it would be diluted as it blended with the other oils and sweat of your skin, what also happens is that the toxicity absorbed through the tongue can diminish sex drive, cause headaches, and a whole host of other side effects not good for your lover. Which means less intensity, shorter duration, and the memory or experience for your lover might not be pleasant, thereby decreasing your chances of your lover wanting another such experience. But that’s not even counting what such toxicity does to you personally by spraying it onto your skin everyday. In the Honey Hazard system, you’ll learn how to make and use diffusers, which will keep the toxic chemicals of perfume off of your skin. And in the less common occasions that you cannot wear or use a diffuser, because of your fashion for the day or situation at the time, we show you the best and alternative places to spray it onto your skin or clothes when you have no other choice.
You’re going to learn not only how to design and make fragrances the conventional way…
…but also open up new and more avenues of making and using perfumes by using diffusers!
When you make perfumes for a diffuser, you can do things that you can’t do when making such for skin. For example, when you make a perfume for a diffuser, you don’t necessarily need alcohol or carrier oil; and you can also potentially use chemicals that you might be reluctant to use on your skin, but feel rather confident in using such in a diffuser that you can control. You’ll also save money by using diffusers because much of your heart and base notes will still be in the diffuser to use for several days, and even up to three weeks continuously reconditioned.
What’s more is that the diffusers that you’ll learn how to make in this course are unique. They are made with honey! Yes, actual eatable honey! And do so without departing a smell beyond negligible to your perfumes. This is accomplished by using only the top “foam layer” of the honey. And how it works is similar to the way pumice and terracotta is used as diffusers, except that honey, when used as instructed, has both active and passive diffuser qualities, and more practical to be worn.
And perhaps even more importantly than all of that, is that you’ll learn a complete all-inclusive system of scent domination by incorporating other aspects of scent “warfare” by thinking of it on new terms as a “martial art” using techniques and strategies to ensure that you dominate the social scent game, and smell better than anyone in the room!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Foundation
Lecture 1: Introduction and How To Use This Course
Lecture 2: The Art of "Beeing": Scentfully Successful
Lecture 3: Body Odor Basics & Controls
Lecture 4: Environment, Tactics, & Strategy
Lecture 5: "Beeing" Scentfully Successful: Official Course Handbook
Chapter 2: Designing and Making Perfumes & Other Fragrances
Lecture 1: Making Perfumes & Fragrances
Lecture 2: Rich Man's Cloves
Lecture 3: Designing A Fragrance
Lecture 4: Improving An Existing Fragrance
Lecture 5: Practice Fragrance Recipes
Chapter 3: Making The Honey Hazard Diffusers
Lecture 1: The Keys To The Honey Hazard Diffusers
Lecture 2: Basic Concept HH Diffuser Model 1
Lecture 3: Pocket Diffuser with Terra Cotta Pod
Lecture 4: Keychain Diffuser
Lecture 5: Make It Your Diffuser
Lecture 6: Queen Bee Small Area Diffuser
Lecture 7: HH Diffusers Parts List
Chad Xon Qua
Founder, Advice Watch
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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