Quantum Crystal Healing (1) – Ignite Your Healing Potential
Quantum Crystal Healing (1) – Ignite Your Healing Potential, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 28 lectures, based on 133 reviews, and has 581 subscribers.
You will learn about The history of crystal healing – harnessing ancient knowledge How crystal healing is related to energy healing and why this relationship is important How to manage your energy in every day life with 'Energy Bank Accounts' How to energetically manifest your desires using the law of attraction and my '7 Golden Nuggets' How the molecular lattice structure of crystals relates to human personality and lifestyle Which methods crystals use to teach and heal us and the interplay with crystal lifestyles How to recognise and ignite your innate intuition and use this in combination with crystal healing How to activate the piezoelectric crystal grid in your body for regeneration and rejuvenation How to ground, centre and protect your energy in preparation for intuitive crystal energy healing How to access the 'Quantum Field' of potential to gain 'Heart Coherence' for transformative healing How to use both your intuition and 'Heart Coherence' to engage the most powerful crystal healing for your life How to choose the most resonant crystal chakra set for your personal healing journey This course is ideal for individuals who are Everyone who wants to learn about crystal healing for personal use and add it to their 'tool kit for life' or Anyone knowledgeable in crystal healing who wants to expand, broaden & deepen their understanding or Beginner to Intermediate level, including advanced therapists who want to link with quantum healing or Everyone interested in the law of attraction, energy management and intuitive guidance It is particularly useful for Everyone who wants to learn about crystal healing for personal use and add it to their 'tool kit for life' or Anyone knowledgeable in crystal healing who wants to expand, broaden & deepen their understanding or Beginner to Intermediate level, including advanced therapists who want to link with quantum healing or Everyone interested in the law of attraction, energy management and intuitive guidance.
Enroll now: Quantum Crystal Healing (1) – Ignite Your Healing Potential
Title: Quantum Crystal Healing (1) – Ignite Your Healing Potential
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: £149.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The history of crystal healing – harnessing ancient knowledge
- How crystal healing is related to energy healing and why this relationship is important
- How to manage your energy in every day life with 'Energy Bank Accounts'
- How to energetically manifest your desires using the law of attraction and my '7 Golden Nuggets'
- How the molecular lattice structure of crystals relates to human personality and lifestyle
- Which methods crystals use to teach and heal us and the interplay with crystal lifestyles
- How to recognise and ignite your innate intuition and use this in combination with crystal healing
- How to activate the piezoelectric crystal grid in your body for regeneration and rejuvenation
- How to ground, centre and protect your energy in preparation for intuitive crystal energy healing
- How to access the 'Quantum Field' of potential to gain 'Heart Coherence' for transformative healing
- How to use both your intuition and 'Heart Coherence' to engage the most powerful crystal healing for your life
- How to choose the most resonant crystal chakra set for your personal healing journey
Who Should Attend
- Everyone who wants to learn about crystal healing for personal use and add it to their 'tool kit for life'
- Anyone knowledgeable in crystal healing who wants to expand, broaden & deepen their understanding
- Beginner to Intermediate level, including advanced therapists who want to link with quantum healing
- Everyone interested in the law of attraction, energy management and intuitive guidance
Target Audiences
- Everyone who wants to learn about crystal healing for personal use and add it to their 'tool kit for life'
- Anyone knowledgeable in crystal healing who wants to expand, broaden & deepen their understanding
- Beginner to Intermediate level, including advanced therapists who want to link with quantum healing
- Everyone interested in the law of attraction, energy management and intuitive guidance
Why this crystal course is different:
Most crystal courses delve straight into the practicalities of using the stones on the body, on the chakras and in your home environment. This course is different because I want you to ignite your innate intuition, so you can truly learn how to heal YOURSELF. Take ownership of YOUR health and YOUR life!
I’d like to explain how this course is different to most crystal courses in its approach, covering energy work in general first of all and then how energy work relates to crystal healing. Therefore, the bulk of this first course in the collection, is about energy, energy management and how it can be harnessed to heal using crystals. Crystals will be the consistent healing tool used to demonstrate energy work throughout the 3 courses in the collection and interspersed with other energy theory. (*Read more detail for course 1 further below).
Expansive Learning: Crystals form a focal point in all 3 courses – but there is more:
In addition to crystal knowledge there is some very valuable life management information and techniques in all 3 courses, which I hope will enrich your life going forward. Essentially, you are getting more for your money – crystal healing within a wider context of energy work in general, also linking to the quantum field and heart coherence, taking this course to a deeper and wider level of learning.
How to gain full benefit:
Please note, if you wish to gain complete knowledge of how to use crystals for your own healing in life, you will need to work through all 3 separate courses in the collection ‘Quantum Crystal Healing’:
(1) Ignite Your Healing Potential
(2) Develop Your Intuitive Healing
(3) Apply Deep Healing For Life
You are of course, able to select any of the 3 courses as stand alone learning, however you may find there are gaps in your knowledge in order to fully benefit from all the topics I talk about.
*What I will cover in Course 1 ~ Ignite Your Healing Potential
Only once we truly connect with our intuition, can we choose the right healing method, tool or path for ourselves. This is because we are all unique. Yes we are all made up of energy, but the configuration of that energy is subtly different in each and every one of us. Edward Bach said ‘Know Thyself’ and that this unveiling knowledge is the key to health. Only YOU truly know what you need and I will teach you how to ‘read’ and ‘trust’ your inner guidance system during this first course. It sounds simple, but if you truly want to learn how to become a powerful healer for your own life, then you need to take this important step first. Then you can go forward in the knowledge that you have unlocked the key to your unique healing blueprint.
I will cover theories and practices in this first course that will open your mind to another world of energy and quantum science. You will learn how to truly manifest what you want in your life (maybe even why the law of attraction hasn’t worked for you until now) and how you can start to engage your intuition to guide you in the selection of the most powerful crystal stones that will help to heal YOU in your life going forward.
For those of you who have a questioning mind, I will explain why crystals heal and how they relate to personality and personality archetypes. You will start to recognise patterns in yourself, in your character and how those patterns and behaviours affect your life. With this knowledge you can start to attract what you want and not what you don’t want! When you are clear on that, you will be best placed to attract the right crystals for healing that will form an essential part of your tool kit for life. Then we can build on that foundation of knowledge and experience during courses 2 and 3.
I look forward to sharing this valuable life skills knowledge with you.
Best Wishes,
Sonya 🙂
Please Note: This course does not qualify you to apply crystals to others, however I do offer a crystal practitioner course for those who want to take the next step and become qualified as a crystal therapist.
In order to qualify for this practitioner level, you would need to complete all three courses in the ‘Quantum Crystal Healing’ collection and have emailed me with your Udemy 100% completion certificate so I can award you with my own official certificate vetted by Neya Academy (see below*). Please email me using sonya@mendipreiki-heaingarts.co.uk with your completion certificates and to register your interest in the practitioner level and I will then send you further information.
*If you wish to gain a personal certificate of completion from me you will need to complete 100% of the course, email me at sonya@mendipreiki-healingarts.co.uk a copy or image of your Udemy certificate (which you should receive automatically on the system when you complete 100% of the course) and then I will email you my own Certificate of Completion accredited by the Neya® Academy.
P.S. Apologies if the captions on this course are not accurate, Udemy can’t always translate them perfectly!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introductions
Lecture 1: Personal Message From Sonya About The Course Content
Lecture 2: Quantum Crystal Healing (1) Course Context
Lecture 3: Quantum Crystal Healing (1) Headline Content
Lecture 4: Quantum Crystal Healing (1) Introduction
Chapter 2: The History of Crystals
Lecture 1: The History of Crystals
Chapter 3: The Relationship Between Crystals & Energy
Lecture 1: The Relationship Between Crystals & Energy
Chapter 4: Energy Management for Life
Lecture 1: Energy Management for Life
Chapter 5: The Law of Attraction & Manifestation
Lecture 1: Golden Nugget No.1 ~ Awareness is the Key
Lecture 2: Golden Nugget No.2 ~ Re-Focus Your Attention
Lecture 3: Golden Nugget No.3 ~ The Movies in Your Mind
Lecture 4: Golden Nugget No.4 ~ Choose What You Want to Manifest
Lecture 5: Golden Nugget No.5 ~ Visualise & Emote
Lecture 6: Golden Nugget No.6 ~ Surrender to Belief
Chapter 6: The Structure of Crystals and Personality Lifestyles
Lecture 1: Crystalline Structures & Personality Lifestyles
Lecture 2: Ring of Crystal Activation Meditation (Video Version)
Chapter 7: Using Crystal Lifestyle Knowledge & The Way Crystals Teach Us
Lecture 1: Using Crystal Lifestyle Knowledge & The Ways Crystals Teach Us
Chapter 8: Recognising & Practising Innate Intuition
Lecture 1: Recognising Your Intuition
Lecture 2: Practical Exercise – Ground, Centre and Protect Your Energy
Lecture 3: Practical Exercise – Aura Sensing
Lecture 4: Practical Exercise – Scanning Chakras
Lecture 5: Practical Exercise – Selecting Crystals Using Your Intuition
Lecture 6: Crystal Journeying Meditation – To Assist The Growth Of Your Crystalline Matrix
Lecture 7: Bonus – Practical Exercises Summary
Chapter 9: The Quantum Field of Possibilities and Heart Coherence
Lecture 1: Open-Up to the Quantum Field
Lecture 2: Heart Coherence & Monitor Demonstration
Lecture 3: Practical Exercise – Using Heart Coherence In Your Life
Chapter 10: Course Completion
Lecture 1: Thank You
Lecture 2: My Gift To You – Morning Energising Routine (Video)
Sonya Wilkins
MBTI Coach, Crystal Therapist, Reiki Master, Trainer, Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 30 votes
- 5 stars: 95 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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