Queen Bee Breeding for Backyard Beekeeping
Queen Bee Breeding for Backyard Beekeeping, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 28 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 152 reviews, and has 770 subscribers.
You will learn about Recognize the difference between eggs and larva in a cell be able to state the best time of the year to start queen breeding state what needs to be present to successfully reed queen in your apairy construct a kit holding frame be able to set up a cell builder colony be able to state what makes a good queen to breed from discover the pros and cons or this type of method Prepare a nucleus hive for your queen cells learn how to correctly position your queen cells in a nucleus hive. How to safely handle a queen bee learn how to quickly locate a queen in a colony state what a non grafting kit is and demonstrate how to use it. This course is ideal for individuals who are A hobbiest bee keeper who would like to learn to successfully raise their own locally adapted queen bees . or A beekeeper who has mastered basic beekeeping and who would like to extend their skill base and learn another aspect to their beekeeping hobby. or a beekeeper who keeps bees in a top bar hive, warre hive or langstroth hive or A beekeeper who would like to save money and build up their hive numbers easily and efficiently. or a beekeeper who wants to produce bees who have varroa sensitive hygiene traits or This course is not appropriate for an absolute beginner beekeeper. It is particularly useful for A hobbiest bee keeper who would like to learn to successfully raise their own locally adapted queen bees . or A beekeeper who has mastered basic beekeeping and who would like to extend their skill base and learn another aspect to their beekeeping hobby. or a beekeeper who keeps bees in a top bar hive, warre hive or langstroth hive or A beekeeper who would like to save money and build up their hive numbers easily and efficiently. or a beekeeper who wants to produce bees who have varroa sensitive hygiene traits or This course is not appropriate for an absolute beginner beekeeper.
Enroll now: Queen Bee Breeding for Backyard Beekeeping
Title: Queen Bee Breeding for Backyard Beekeeping
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 30
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 30
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Recognize the difference between eggs and larva in a cell
- be able to state the best time of the year to start queen breeding
- state what needs to be present to successfully reed queen in your apairy
- construct a kit holding frame
- be able to set up a cell builder colony
- be able to state what makes a good queen to breed from
- discover the pros and cons or this type of method
- Prepare a nucleus hive for your queen cells
- learn how to correctly position your queen cells in a nucleus hive.
- How to safely handle a queen bee
- learn how to quickly locate a queen in a colony
- state what a non grafting kit is and demonstrate how to use it.
Who Should Attend
- A hobbiest bee keeper who would like to learn to successfully raise their own locally adapted queen bees .
- A beekeeper who has mastered basic beekeeping and who would like to extend their skill base and learn another aspect to their beekeeping hobby.
- a beekeeper who keeps bees in a top bar hive, warre hive or langstroth hive
- A beekeeper who would like to save money and build up their hive numbers easily and efficiently.
- a beekeeper who wants to produce bees who have varroa sensitive hygiene traits
- This course is not appropriate for an absolute beginner beekeeper.
Target Audiences
- A hobbiest bee keeper who would like to learn to successfully raise their own locally adapted queen bees .
- A beekeeper who has mastered basic beekeeping and who would like to extend their skill base and learn another aspect to their beekeeping hobby.
- a beekeeper who keeps bees in a top bar hive, warre hive or langstroth hive
- A beekeeper who would like to save money and build up their hive numbers easily and efficiently.
- a beekeeper who wants to produce bees who have varroa sensitive hygiene traits
- This course is not appropriate for an absolute beginner beekeeper.
Are you a backyard beekeeper who would like to learn a new skill?
Would you like to raise your own locally adapted queen bees?
Would you like to save money, have fun, breed and raise quality queen bees to increase your apiary?
Would you like to breed queens but are put off by the specialized skills required to graft larvae? This technique uses an ingenious non-grafting kit! No grafting necessary.
Finally a course which demonstrates how to successfully raise queen bees using the Top Bar Hive design.
Raising your own queen bees is something all backyard beekeepers can learn to do. It is fun, saves you lots of money, prevents any diseases being introduced to your hives and raises the best quality queens.
I have been raising my own queens for a number of years using a easy non grafting kit called the Jenter kit. This system suits me and my Top Bar bees perfectly. This course is for all backyard beekeepers (whatever hive design your bees are housed in) but especially suited to people who choose to keep their bees in a top bar hive design.
I will take you through the whole process, step by step. Explaining and demonstrating how to adapt this system to your unique apairy. Each video lesson will have you right in the hive with me seeing and doing, which I think is the best way of learning. No stuffy old text books in this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Queen Breeding course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why Breed and Raise Your Own Queens
Lecture 3: The Pros of Using a Non Grafting Kit such as the Jenter Kit to raise your queens
Lecture 4: When Can You Raise Your Own Queens?
Lecture 5: The Life Cycle Of A Queen Bee
Lecture 6: A Flowchart showing the process of Queen rearing
Lecture 7: Download Your Personalised Timetable for Queen-Raising Using A Graft-Less System
Chapter 2: The Cell Builder Colony
Lecture 1: The Theory Behind a Cell Builder Colony
Lecture 2: The preparation and Making of a Cell Builder Colony
Lecture 3: What Can Go Wrong When Making Your Cell Builder Colony
Lecture 4: Creating and positioning Your Cell Builder Colony
Lecture 5: Key Points to Remember when creating your Cell Builder Colony
Chapter 3: The Jenter Kit
Lecture 1: Parts of Your Jenter Kit
Lecture 2: How To Make A Frame For Your Kit
Chapter 4: The Queen Breeder Colony
Lecture 1: inserting the kit into the Queen Breeder Hive
Lecture 2: Moving the Queen Into the Kit
Lecture 3: Checking the kit for signs of the correct aged larva
Lecture 4: Key Points to remember when assessing the larvae
Lecture 5: Preparing the Larvae cups for the Cell Builder Colony
Lecture 6: Key points to remember when preparing the cell cups.
Lecture 7: How to insert the Queen Cell frame into your Cell Builder Colony
Chapter 5: Creating a Nucleus Hive
Lecture 1: Making A nucleus Hive
Lecture 2: Placing a Queen Cell in a Nuc
Lecture 3: Treating a young Nuc with Oxalic Acid to treat for varroa
Chapter 6: Tips and Tricks to help you with Your New Queen Building Skills
Lecture 1: Follow these Key Points to have Success with Your Queen Raising
Lecture 2: Looking After Your Graftless Kit
Lecture 3: Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Raising Queens Using a Non Grafting Kit
Chapter 7: conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Janet Luke
Urban Sustainable Living Expert and Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 19 votes
- 4 stars: 59 votes
- 5 stars: 68 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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