Reiki healing first degree course – theory and practice
Reiki healing first degree course – theory and practice, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 70 lectures, based on 6 reviews, and has 26 subscribers.
You will learn about removing negative energies from things with Reiki energy removing negative energies from food and beverages with Reiki energy removing negative energies from things rooms, flats and houses with Reiki energy energize things with Reiki energy energize food with Reiki energy energize bavarages – including water with Reiki energy healing plants with Reiki energy healing animals with Reiki energy self-healing – different methods with Reiki energy healing others – different methods with Reiki energy making energetic diagnosis chakra's harmonization with Reiki energy – different methods designing proper treatment to toe particular needs of a person recognising potential reasons of health problems advising as for energetic health healing aura providing energetic diagnosis This course is ideal for individuals who are persons interested in health or persons interested in natural or alternative medicine or persons who want to help themself as for health issues or people who like help others with health issues or begginers in Reiki or people after second or third degree in Reiki healing, who would like to get know more or people, who are interested in how health and energy works together or people interested in chakras or people interested in spiritual development or people, who would like to be more independed as for health care It is particularly useful for persons interested in health or persons interested in natural or alternative medicine or persons who want to help themself as for health issues or people who like help others with health issues or begginers in Reiki or people after second or third degree in Reiki healing, who would like to get know more or people, who are interested in how health and energy works together or people interested in chakras or people interested in spiritual development or people, who would like to be more independed as for health care.
Enroll now: Reiki healing first degree course – theory and practice
Title: Reiki healing first degree course – theory and practice
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 70
Number of Published Lectures: 70
Number of Curriculum Items: 70
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 70
Original Price: £199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- removing negative energies from things with Reiki energy
- removing negative energies from food and beverages with Reiki energy
- removing negative energies from things rooms, flats and houses with Reiki energy
- energize things with Reiki energy
- energize food with Reiki energy
- energize bavarages – including water with Reiki energy
- healing plants with Reiki energy
- healing animals with Reiki energy
- self-healing – different methods with Reiki energy
- healing others – different methods with Reiki energy
- making energetic diagnosis
- chakra's harmonization with Reiki energy – different methods
- designing proper treatment to toe particular needs of a person
- recognising potential reasons of health problems
- advising as for energetic health
- healing aura
- providing energetic diagnosis
Who Should Attend
- persons interested in health
- persons interested in natural or alternative medicine
- persons who want to help themself as for health issues
- people who like help others with health issues
- begginers in Reiki
- people after second or third degree in Reiki healing, who would like to get know more
- people, who are interested in how health and energy works together
- people interested in chakras
- people interested in spiritual development
- people, who would like to be more independed as for health care
Target Audiences
- persons interested in health
- persons interested in natural or alternative medicine
- persons who want to help themself as for health issues
- people who like help others with health issues
- begginers in Reiki
- people after second or third degree in Reiki healing, who would like to get know more
- people, who are interested in how health and energy works together
- people interested in chakras
- people interested in spiritual development
- people, who would like to be more independed as for health care
In this course you will learn among others:
how to heal yourself with Reiki energy – different techniques,
how to heal others with Reiki energy – with different methods,
how to heal plants with Reiki energy,
how to heal animals with Reiki energy,
how to heal chakras with Reiki energy,
how remove negative energies from food, beverages, things and rooms with Reiki energy,
how to energize food, things and beverages with Reiki energy,
how to heal aura,
how to design Reiki treatment to individual needs of a person,
how to diagnose energetic problems,
how to advise your clients
and much more.
Besides in the case that price is 199, you can get initiations and diploma from me on your e-mail address.
In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.
I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 5000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.
I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (“Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia”, Helion publishing house), “Atlas amuletów i talizmanów” (SBM publishing house – a book about amulets and talismans and working with them), “Same marzenia nie wystarczą” – Zlote Mysli publishing house – a book about achieving aims, “Heal your emotions” (as Victoria Wolf), “Jak umysł wpływa na zdrowie: (“The influence of your mind on your health”) and others.
Read my course curriculum – you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you.
On May my course of second degree of Reiki healing should be available on Udemy. You will learn there to do all these kinds of healing from distance as well as sending Reiki in intention.
Stay healthy and be happy!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What you will learn in the course
Chapter 2: Information and theorises in Reiki
Lecture 1: 1. What is Reiki
Lecture 2: 2. History of Reiki healing
Lecture 3: 3. Possibilities after 1st degree of Reiki healing
Lecture 4: 4. What you can do after 1st degree of Reiki healing
Lecture 5: 5. Initiations – what is it, how it works and what you can do to make it softer
Chapter 3: Reiki rules and their meaning
Lecture 1: 1. Reiki principles – the beginning
Lecture 2: 2. Just today do not be angry
Lecture 3: 3. Just for today do not feel sadness
Lecture 4: 4. First 2 rules – what is about
Lecture 5: 5. Just for today respect
Lecture 6: 6. Just for today work hard
Lecture 7: 7. Just for today be grateful
Chapter 4: Introduction to the practice in Reiki healing
Lecture 1: 1. Stages of Reiki treatment
Lecture 2: 2. How to feel energy in your hands – exercise
Lecture 3: 3. Additional advice
Chapter 5: Removing negative energies and energizing food, things, rooms and beverages
Lecture 1: 1. What for to remove negative energy and energize things, food abd bavarages
Lecture 2: 2. Removing negative energies and energizing – step by step method
Lecture 3: 3. Removing negatives energies and energizing things,food and beverages.
Lecture 4: 4. Why removing negative energies from rooms is so important_udemy
Lecture 5: 5. Removing negative energies from rooms – different methods
Lecture 6: 6. How often you should remove negative energies from your home
Chapter 6: Healing plants and animals
Lecture 1: 1. Why it is useful to give energy to your plants
Lecture 2: 2. Way of giving Reiki energy for living creatures plants, animals and humans
Lecture 3: 3. Healing plants with Reiki
Lecture 4: 4. Healing animals with Reiki
Lecture 5: 5. Reiki healing for animals – example of acting
Chapter 7: Introduction to healing people
Lecture 1: 1. Safety rules in Reiki treatments.
Lecture 2: 2. How to do Reiki healing for babies both animals and humans
Lecture 3: 3. Explanation as for the treatment
Lecture 4: 4. The direction of placing hands duting treatment. Where to place hands.
Lecture 5: 5. Treatment designing
Chapter 8: Chakras. Recognition chakra's problems, chakral diagnosis & designing treatments
Lecture 1: 1. Chakras – introduction
Lecture 2: 2. Knowing chakras and chakral diagnosis. How to design treatment for one's need
Lecture 3: 3. Problems with chakra's harmony – how to recognize it
Chapter 9: Self-healing methods
Lecture 1: 1. Kenyoku healing
Lecture 2: 2. Navel healing treatmant
Lecture 3: 3. Detoxication with Reiki energy
Lecture 4: 4. 7 healing hands
Lecture 5: 5. Chakra's harmonization with Reiki energy
Lecture 6: 6. General personal treatment – learning step by step
Lecture 7: 7. General personal treatment 2
Lecture 8: 8. Personal treatment – overal
Chapter 10: Aura diagnosis and treatments
Lecture 1: 1. Aura – introduction. What is it and how to care fo it.
Lecture 2: 2. How to learn feeling aura – exercise
Lecture 3: 3. Aura diagnosis
Lecture 4: 4. Aura problems recognition
Lecture 5: 5. Cleaning aura
Lecture 6: 6. Brushing aura
Lecture 7: 7. Clapping aura
Lecture 8: 8. Stroking aura
Lecture 9: 9. Aura treatment overall
Lecture 10: 10. Aura treatment on the back
Chapter 11: Healing others – treatments
Lecture 1: 1. Healing others – introduction
Lecture 2: 2. Reiki treatment of the front part body – learning
Lecture 3: 3. Chakra's harmonization on the front part of the body
Lecture 4: 4. Reiki treatment front – overal
Lecture 5: 5. Zanshin Koketsu ho
Lecture 6: 6. Reiki treatment back part of the body – learning
Lecture 7: 7. Chacras harmonization on the back
Lecture 8: 8. Reiki treatment overal – back part
Lecture 9: 9. Reiki treatment of a person sitting on sofa
Lecture 10: 10. Treatment of the person sitting on a chair from the back
Lecture 11: 11. Back treatment person sitting on a chair
Chapter 12: Last advice
Lecture 1: 1. Boosting effectiveness of Reiki treatment
Lecture 2: 2. Your first client for Reiki treatment
Chapter 13: Thank you 🙂
Lecture 1: Thank you 🙂
Lecture 2: Relax – simple and quick technique for overcoming stress
Chapter 14: Last words – the power of mind for health
Lecture 1: Last words – the power of mind for health
Astro Salus Education Ltd Marta Pyrchala-Zarzycka
Tutor, writer, entrepreneur since 2009
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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