SimPLife: The Way of the Practical Life
SimPLife: The Way of the Practical Life, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.4, with 17 lectures, based on 198 reviews, and has 11014 subscribers.
You will learn about LEARN the intentions of Permaculture and BioDynamics, via everyday practical application, in lectures and hands-on videos. CHOOSE Interdependency and shake free of Dependency, by the actions of your own hands, mind & heart- and via the beneficial engagement of your Guild LEARN the many advantages of growing food, building useful & unique home and commercial projects- and to profit from this RID your life of unneeded chemicals & complexities PLAN always, in terms of multiples- to combine your actions and functions to reap many benefits at once STRATEGIZE new forms of money, other than by the usual currency earning & spending This course is ideal for individuals who are Who should take this course? or NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN ANYTHING, is necessary to engage in this course- feeling the excitement of a new journey is all that is asked! or ENGAGERS, or ACTION people, who are focused and able, driven by the excitement of good ideas. or Those who burn to know how they may become more handy, more useful in their lives and for the world, are becoming a rare find- SimPLife wants YOU! or If your most intense burning desire can no longer be ignored, SimPLife is here to assist, and cheers you on to Result or We have NO students in SimPLife. You are an ENGAGER, implementor, unlimitable explorer… or your own private Secret Agent. does this better describe you? or Those who FEEL and KNOW their responsibility in the world, towards a life of more simpl sensibility and sanity, are keenly sought after or All Life Explorers unsure of their interests, yet who come IN EARNEST to find out, are whole-heartedly WELCOMED or Who should not take this course? or IF you want to take a SimPLife course because: you are merely curious but not intending to DO or or – you just know someone else who took the course or or – you are collecting certificates for your office wall or or – you really don’t care for engagement, physical labor – and are just interested in the “technical details” or then PLEASE save your time your effort your money- SimPLife -and a world in crisis- will sadly enough have to get along without you. It is particularly useful for Who should take this course? or NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN ANYTHING, is necessary to engage in this course- feeling the excitement of a new journey is all that is asked! or ENGAGERS, or ACTION people, who are focused and able, driven by the excitement of good ideas. or Those who burn to know how they may become more handy, more useful in their lives and for the world, are becoming a rare find- SimPLife wants YOU! or If your most intense burning desire can no longer be ignored, SimPLife is here to assist, and cheers you on to Result or We have NO students in SimPLife. You are an ENGAGER, implementor, unlimitable explorer… or your own private Secret Agent. does this better describe you? or Those who FEEL and KNOW their responsibility in the world, towards a life of more simpl sensibility and sanity, are keenly sought after or All Life Explorers unsure of their interests, yet who come IN EARNEST to find out, are whole-heartedly WELCOMED or Who should not take this course? or IF you want to take a SimPLife course because: you are merely curious but not intending to DO or or – you just know someone else who took the course or or – you are collecting certificates for your office wall or or – you really don’t care for engagement, physical labor – and are just interested in the “technical details” or then PLEASE save your time your effort your money- SimPLife -and a world in crisis- will sadly enough have to get along without you.
Enroll now: SimPLife: The Way of the Practical Life
Title: SimPLife: The Way of the Practical Life
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 17
Number of Published Lectures: 17
Number of Curriculum Items: 17
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 17
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- LEARN the intentions of Permaculture and BioDynamics, via everyday practical application, in lectures and hands-on videos.
- CHOOSE Interdependency and shake free of Dependency, by the actions of your own hands, mind & heart- and via the beneficial engagement of your Guild
- LEARN the many advantages of growing food, building useful & unique home and commercial projects- and to profit from this
- RID your life of unneeded chemicals & complexities
- PLAN always, in terms of multiples- to combine your actions and functions to reap many benefits at once
- STRATEGIZE new forms of money, other than by the usual currency earning & spending
Who Should Attend
- Who should take this course?
- NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN ANYTHING, is necessary to engage in this course- feeling the excitement of a new journey is all that is asked!
- ENGAGERS, or ACTION people, who are focused and able, driven by the excitement of good ideas.
- Those who burn to know how they may become more handy, more useful in their lives and for the world, are becoming a rare find- SimPLife wants YOU!
- If your most intense burning desire can no longer be ignored, SimPLife is here to assist, and cheers you on to Result
- We have NO students in SimPLife. You are an ENGAGER, implementor, unlimitable explorer… or your own private Secret Agent. does this better describe you?
- Those who FEEL and KNOW their responsibility in the world, towards a life of more simpl sensibility and sanity, are keenly sought after
- All Life Explorers unsure of their interests, yet who come IN EARNEST to find out, are whole-heartedly WELCOMED
- Who should not take this course?
- IF you want to take a SimPLife course because: you are merely curious but not intending to DO
- or – you just know someone else who took the course
- or – you are collecting certificates for your office wall
- or – you really don’t care for engagement, physical labor – and are just interested in the “technical details”
- then PLEASE save your time your effort your money- SimPLife -and a world in crisis- will sadly enough have to get along without you.
Target Audiences
- Who should take this course?
- NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN ANYTHING, is necessary to engage in this course- feeling the excitement of a new journey is all that is asked!
- ENGAGERS, or ACTION people, who are focused and able, driven by the excitement of good ideas.
- Those who burn to know how they may become more handy, more useful in their lives and for the world, are becoming a rare find- SimPLife wants YOU!
- If your most intense burning desire can no longer be ignored, SimPLife is here to assist, and cheers you on to Result
- We have NO students in SimPLife. You are an ENGAGER, implementor, unlimitable explorer… or your own private Secret Agent. does this better describe you?
- Those who FEEL and KNOW their responsibility in the world, towards a life of more simpl sensibility and sanity, are keenly sought after
- All Life Explorers unsure of their interests, yet who come IN EARNEST to find out, are whole-heartedly WELCOMED
- Who should not take this course?
- IF you want to take a SimPLife course because: you are merely curious but not intending to DO
- or – you just know someone else who took the course
- or – you are collecting certificates for your office wall
- or – you really don’t care for engagement, physical labor – and are just interested in the “technical details”
- then PLEASE save your time your effort your money- SimPLife -and a world in crisis- will sadly enough have to get along without you.
Welcome To SimPLife: The Way of the Practical Life
Hey, It’s SimPL:
* what SimPL stands for, an intro
* defining, refining the idea of simpl, practical living
* factbytes on this human world as it operates
* shared experiences of the author
* insights borne of efforts failed and won-
(that you don’t now need to repeat)
SimPLy put, this is an ideabank;
conscious, practical uses of permacultural and SimPL philosophy-
THE OVERALL IDEA IS, you get several things to muse upon.
THE QUESTION IS, what are you going to do with it?
IDEALLY, YOU can use this course wisely for your own life.
SimPLife can only lead you to water.
that’s me. hi, i’m im.
Perhaps you long for a more balanced, intelligent-based environment-
You are NOT alone in this
This course is for YOU, the Creative-Activist. seeker of the sensible, ready for change, and not imprinted for inertia, ignorance or inactivity.
SimPLife is a thought-out collection of self-reliance tools and useable knowledge, and
SimPLife is NOT for everyone.
“ask NOT
what this world can do for you, ask what together we can do for the betterment of this Planet, and for all Beings of open hand and heart.”
– i just said that.
if you’re OK with that, then SimPLife is OK for you.
POINT. glaringly obvious- WE NEED EACH OTHER
to shake free, to live sensibly, sanely, practically-
and to make irrelevant, certain dominating negative influences.
please take NOTES, ENGAGE often- ADD to this body of work!
this is not a joke, nor a rehearsal.
multiplicity for
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to SimPLife!
Lecture 1: PROMO- Why SimPLife?
Lecture 2: What's To Learn in SimPLife
Chapter 2: TIER A: SPELLING IT OUT- SimPL, Letter by Letter
Lecture 1: Sensible
Lecture 2: integrated
Lecture 3: integrated success
Lecture 4: multiplicity in the rural
Lecture 5: multiplicity: the urban insight
Lecture 6: Practical Living 1 thru 5
Lecture 7: Practical Living 6 thru 7
Lecture 8: Practical Living 8 thru 10
Chapter 3: TIER B: SimPLife SECRET AGENT – the prime investigations of a do-gooder badass
Lecture 1: BE Local NOW
Lecture 2: Self-Reliance 1: DeBunk the Funk
Lecture 3: Self-Reliance 2: Back to Reality
Lecture 4: What Does Organic MEAN?
Lecture 5: Global Dependency
Lecture 6: No-Chem Natural Tips
Lecture 1: SimPLife Courses
im Simpl
Environmental Engineer/Organic Farmer/Builder/Designer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 33 votes
- 4 stars: 59 votes
- 5 stars: 84 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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