The Complete Guide to Chess for Beginners (Rated 0 to 1500)
The Complete Guide to Chess for Beginners (Rated 0 to 1500), available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.29, with 432 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 472 reviews, and has 4792 subscribers.
You will learn about Be able to appreciate the fundamentals of chess – opening, middlegame, endgame and within those the most common and important ideas Be able to get a complete overview of the key fundamentals of chess in terms of the Opening, Middlegame and Endgame phases of the game Be able to know basic opening traps such as the Fool's mate, Scholar's mate and many others Be able to know basic endgame mating patterns such as two rooks vs King, Rook vs King, Queen vs King Be able to know basic middlegame mating patterns such as back row mate and Smothered mate Be able to see Chess is a way of maximising your value chain – opening, middlegame, endgame and other skills like psychology, maximising win probability Be able to know the basic pawn structures which often result from many different openings such as the Isolated Queen's Pawn, Doubled pawns, Hanging Pawns Be able to know about the major world chess champions and their value-chain strengths such as Steinitz, Lasker, Capablanca, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov Be able to understand many of the chess terms, and games and puzzles in Netflix Queen's Gambit popular series in a detailed episode by episode manner Be able to know how to handle the basic opening traps of Chess and how to set them up for unsuspecting opponents such as an early Queen to h5 attack Be able to appreciate the most important fundamentals of Kingscrusher's more advanced courses and be able to advance onto them later like a jigsaw puzzle Be able to appreciate the rules of chess for both casual play and later tournament play so you don't risk losing games uncessarily Be able to see plenty of examples of the most important chess tactics which will win you many games and enable you to see the true beauty of chess Be able to use Opening Systems which can be largely independent of what the opponent does such as the London System, Torre Attack, Colle System Be able to know the basic ideas and plans of major Chess openings susch as the French Defence, Sicilian Defence, Nimzo Indian, King's Indian, Slav Defence Be able to make use of fun exciting chess gambits which can help stretch and train your tactical abilities such as the King's Gambit Be able to make use of key middlegame tactics such as forking, skewering, double attacks, discovered attacks, removing the defender, deflections and more Be able to leverage essential endgame concepts and positions such as "Rule of the Square", Triangulation, the Vancura Defence, the Lucena position and others Be able to appreciate strong middlegame processes which prioritise forcing moves and enable you to calculate potentially many moves ahead Be able to leverage many important crystalised improving tips and winning tips gained from years of experience of Kingscrusher Be able to appreciate the instructive value and importance and humour of many famous chess quotations from masters of the past in their thoughts This course is ideal for individuals who are Absolute beginners or Intermediate and Advanced players if they have any tiny cracks either technically or philosophically which the course does not shy away from It is particularly useful for Absolute beginners or Intermediate and Advanced players if they have any tiny cracks either technically or philosophically which the course does not shy away from.
Enroll now: The Complete Guide to Chess for Beginners (Rated 0 to 1500)
Title: The Complete Guide to Chess for Beginners (Rated 0 to 1500)
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.29
Number of Lectures: 432
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 431
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 433
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 432
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Be able to appreciate the fundamentals of chess – opening, middlegame, endgame and within those the most common and important ideas
- Be able to get a complete overview of the key fundamentals of chess in terms of the Opening, Middlegame and Endgame phases of the game
- Be able to know basic opening traps such as the Fool's mate, Scholar's mate and many others
- Be able to know basic endgame mating patterns such as two rooks vs King, Rook vs King, Queen vs King
- Be able to know basic middlegame mating patterns such as back row mate and Smothered mate
- Be able to see Chess is a way of maximising your value chain – opening, middlegame, endgame and other skills like psychology, maximising win probability
- Be able to know the basic pawn structures which often result from many different openings such as the Isolated Queen's Pawn, Doubled pawns, Hanging Pawns
- Be able to know about the major world chess champions and their value-chain strengths such as Steinitz, Lasker, Capablanca, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov
- Be able to understand many of the chess terms, and games and puzzles in Netflix Queen's Gambit popular series in a detailed episode by episode manner
- Be able to know how to handle the basic opening traps of Chess and how to set them up for unsuspecting opponents such as an early Queen to h5 attack
- Be able to appreciate the most important fundamentals of Kingscrusher's more advanced courses and be able to advance onto them later like a jigsaw puzzle
- Be able to appreciate the rules of chess for both casual play and later tournament play so you don't risk losing games uncessarily
- Be able to see plenty of examples of the most important chess tactics which will win you many games and enable you to see the true beauty of chess
- Be able to use Opening Systems which can be largely independent of what the opponent does such as the London System, Torre Attack, Colle System
- Be able to know the basic ideas and plans of major Chess openings susch as the French Defence, Sicilian Defence, Nimzo Indian, King's Indian, Slav Defence
- Be able to make use of fun exciting chess gambits which can help stretch and train your tactical abilities such as the King's Gambit
- Be able to make use of key middlegame tactics such as forking, skewering, double attacks, discovered attacks, removing the defender, deflections and more
- Be able to leverage essential endgame concepts and positions such as "Rule of the Square", Triangulation, the Vancura Defence, the Lucena position and others
- Be able to appreciate strong middlegame processes which prioritise forcing moves and enable you to calculate potentially many moves ahead
- Be able to leverage many important crystalised improving tips and winning tips gained from years of experience of Kingscrusher
- Be able to appreciate the instructive value and importance and humour of many famous chess quotations from masters of the past in their thoughts
Who Should Attend
- Absolute beginners
- Intermediate and Advanced players if they have any tiny cracks either technically or philosophically which the course does not shy away from
Target Audiences
- Absolute beginners
- Intermediate and Advanced players if they have any tiny cracks either technically or philosophically which the course does not shy away from
Welcome to The The Complete Guide to Chess for Beginners! Are you a newcomer to this enthralling game, curious about the rules, and how the pieces move? This comprehensive course, crafted by FIDE CM Kingscrusher, is designed just for you.
What You Will Learn:
Starting from the very basics of chess, this course aims to build a solid foundation for your chess understanding. The course is divided into three main sections – Chess Openings, Middlegame, and Endgame. Each section is further divided into Introduction, Beginner, and Intermediate levels. This structure helps to ensure that each stage of your chess understanding is built on robust principles.
Course Features:
Fundamental understanding of chess rules and piece movements.
Study of various Openings and tactics, including major Opening Gambits.
In-depth exploration of Middlegame tactics and key Endgame positions.
Multiple examples and explanations to reinforce learning.
Utilization of a “concentric circles” model to solidify understanding.
Chess Openings Covered:
We will explore Opening “Systems” that you can use independent of your opponent’s moves, major Openings that every player should be aware of, and dynamic Opening Gambits to improve your tactical understanding.
Middlegame Tactics:
Learn about Forking, Pinning, Skewering, and other crucial tactics.
Endgame Concepts:
Delve into essential Endgame concepts like the Opposition, King and pawn vs. King, Triangulation, and more.
Who This Course Is For:
This course is perfect for anyone completely new to chess or anyone wanting to solidify their understanding of the game’s basic principles. If you’ve been inspired by The Queen’s Gambit and want to take your first steps in the world of chess, this course is for you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: LeveI 1: Course core philosophies and general rules for lessons
Lecture 1: Chess Logical divides: Opening, Middlegame, Endgame and Concentric circles model
Lecture 2: The importance of a growth mindset and wanting to learn from losses
Lecture 3: Why so many newcomers to chess recently? Netflix Queen's Gambit series
Lecture 4: The Concentric circles learning model used in this course
Chapter 2: Level 1: Introduction to How the Chess Board set up
Lecture 1: What the pieces are called officially and officially and their relative value
Lecture 2: The Relative value of the pieces and Algebraic notation symbols
Lecture 3: How the Chess board is set up
Lecture 4: Files and Ranks and Diagonals explained
Lecture 5: Chess coordinates and square colour trainer facility
Lecture 6: Chess coordinates and square colour facility – Demonstration Video
Chapter 3: Level 1: Introduction to How the pieces move and capture
Lecture 1: How Pawns moves forward until they get blocked
Lecture 2: How Pawn captures diagonally in a normal case
Lecture 3: How pawns capture – a clearer board example #2
Lecture 4: En passant – How pawns capture diagonally in a very special case of "En passant"
Lecture 5: Pawn "promotion" ability introduction
Lecture 6: Pawn promotion example #2
Lecture 7: Gentle Rook introduction on fairly clear board
Lecture 8: Rook movements on a more cluttered board – Example #2
Lecture 9: Bishop example on fairly clear board
Lecture 10: The Queen and how she moves and captures
Lecture 11: The Knight – how it moves especially in a central position – Example #1
Lecture 12: Knights can jump over other your pieces and opponent pieces – Example #2
Lecture 13: Knight example #3 jumping and capturing
Lecture 14: Introduction to how the King moves
Lecture 15: King capturing example #2
Lecture 16: King in Check from an opponent's rook – Example #3
Lecture 17: King in Check from an opponent's knight – Example #4
Lecture 18: King in Check from an opponent's bishop
Lecture 19: King in Check from an opponent's Queen
Lecture 20: King in Check from an opponent's Queen that can be captured
Lecture 21: King in Check from an opponent's rook that can be captured
Lecture 22: King in Check from an opponent's pawn
Lecture 23: When King's meet example
Lecture 24: King in check from a rook that is supported by a bishop
Lecture 25: Comparing and contrasting the pieces
Lecture 26: The player with the White pieces goes first
Lecture 27: An introduction to checks
Lecture 28: Check example #2 – Examining the options
Lecture 29: Double check – a case where the king has to move
Lecture 30: Discovered check – a case where the opponent's last move reveals a check
Lecture 31: Introduction to checkmating the opponent's king
Lecture 32: Introduction to philosophy of "castling" – put beyond defeat before attack
Lecture 33: Castling introduction – Castling Queenside or Castling Kingside
Lecture 34: When castling Queenside seems impossible but actually is possible
Lecture 35: Castling is not legal if a rook or King has moved previously!
Lecture 36: Cannot castle into check example
Lecture 37: Cannot castle when obstructed example
Lecture 38: Cannot castle from being checked example
Chapter 4: Level 1: Introduction to Tactics: Making wise captures
Lecture 1: Making wise captures – Example #1
Lecture 2: Making wise captures – Example #2
Lecture 3: Making Wise Captures – Counting Attacking vs Defending pieces – Example #3
Lecture 4: Making Wise Captures – Removing a defender – Example #4
Chapter 5: Level 2: Tactics – Making wise captures for deeper strategic considerations
Lecture 1: When winning exchange pieces not pawns
Lecture 2: When winning exchange pieces not pawns – Benko vs Fischer example game
Lecture 3: When losing exchange pawns not pieces
Lecture 4: When under a heavy King-Attack exchange off attacking pieces
Lecture 5: When in a cramped position, exchange pieces to relieve it and avoid bad piece
Lecture 6: Material balance in theory isn't everything to decide advantage
Lecture 7: Material balance in theory isn't everything to decide advantage – Example #2
Lecture 8: Manage Elements of position- Material, Time, Space, King Safety, Pawn structure
Chapter 6: LeveI 2: Key rules of chess when playing in official tournaments
Lecture 1: Rule of Chess #1 – the Chessboard is setup with the White square on the right
Lecture 2: Rule of Chess #2 – White moves first
Lecture 3: Rule of Chess #3 – Pawns must promote or underpromote on reaching 8th rank
Lecture 4: Rule of Chess #4 – Each move should be made with one hand only
Lecture 5: Rule of Chess #5 – The Touch move rule
Lecture 6: Rule of Chess #6 – Touching the opponents pieces or pawns
Lecture 7: Rule of Chess #7 – Adjusting pieces in a legal way
Lecture 8: Rule of Chess #8 – Method of castling – Move King first two squares then rook
Lecture 9: Rule of Chess #9 – Same hand for pressing clock
Lecture 10: Rule of Chess #10 – As legible as possible chess scoresheet
Lecture 11: Rules of Chess #11 – Respect opponent – do not annoy or distract them in any way
Lecture 12: Rule of Chess #12 – Don't take mobile phone with you to a tournament
Lecture 13: The FIDE rules handbook pdf – worth checking out
Chapter 7: Level 1: Introduction to the key ways of winning games of Chess
Lecture 1: Checkmate
Lecture 2: Opponent resigns
Lecture 3: A win on time when playing with chess clocks
Chapter 8: Level 1: Introduction to the key ways of Drawing games of Chess
Lecture 1: Ways of Drawing #1 – Perpetual check
Lecture 2: Ways of Drawing #2 – Stalemate and a tip on how to avoid this
Lecture 3: Ways of Drawing #3 – Insufficient mating material
Lecture 4: Ways of Drawing #4 – 3-fold repetition
Lecture 5: Ways of Drawing #5 – the 50 move rule (no pawn move or capture made)
Lecture 6: Ways of Drawing #6 – by mutual agreement
Chapter 9: Level 1: Introduction to Chess Notation
Lecture 1: Introduction to Notation
Lecture 2: Notation of Descriptive mentioned in Queen's Gambit Netflix – every square named
Lecture 3: Concise Algebraic notation – Example #1
Lecture 4: Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN)
Chapter 10: Level 1: Introduction to Chess Openings: Basic traps and pitfalls to be aware of
Lecture 1: The reasons for being aware of traps and using them or avoiding them safely
Lecture 2: Fool's mate
Lecture 3: Fool's mate pattern in Teed vs Delmar – Example #3
Tryfon Gavriel
FIDE Chess Candidate Master
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 41 votes
- 4 stars: 129 votes
- 5 stars: 286 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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