The Ultimate Chakra Healing course
The Ultimate Chakra Healing course, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 47 lectures, based on 36 reviews, and has 4620 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll learn the secret techniques yogis used to clear and heal their chakras. You'll learn the secret to awakening your kundalini You'll learn 6 meditations that will clear and heal your chakras in less than an hour You'll learn a little known technique to ground you You'll learn how to remove the chronic tensions that stop you from feeling your body's energy system through Reichian therapy (you'll get a 300 page out of print book which is one of the only sources to learn this forgotten secret technique) You'll learn the most in-depth system of feeling your subtle energies ever created How to quickly and easily heal other peoples chakras How to become more compassionate by healing your heart chakra How to awaken your persona power by healing and awakening your third chakra How to awaken your creativity by awakening your second chakra How to improve your health and get more in touch with reality and the present moment by healing your root chakra How to awaken your intuition by awakening the third eye How to improve your communication skills by awakening your throat chakra What NEVER to do in order to avoid kundalini psychosis How to much energy work can hurt you and what to do about it You'll learn the secrets of energy anatomy This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to heal and clear his/her chakras and awaken their kundalini It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to heal and clear his/her chakras and awaken their kundalini.
Enroll now: The Ultimate Chakra Healing course
Title: The Ultimate Chakra Healing course
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 47
Number of Published Lectures: 47
Number of Curriculum Items: 47
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 47
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll learn the secret techniques yogis used to clear and heal their chakras.
- You'll learn the secret to awakening your kundalini
- You'll learn 6 meditations that will clear and heal your chakras in less than an hour
- You'll learn a little known technique to ground you
- You'll learn how to remove the chronic tensions that stop you from feeling your body's energy system through Reichian therapy (you'll get a 300 page out of print book which is one of the only sources to learn this forgotten secret technique)
- You'll learn the most in-depth system of feeling your subtle energies ever created
- How to quickly and easily heal other peoples chakras
- How to become more compassionate by healing your heart chakra
- How to awaken your persona power by healing and awakening your third chakra
- How to awaken your creativity by awakening your second chakra
- How to improve your health and get more in touch with reality and the present moment by healing your root chakra
- How to awaken your intuition by awakening the third eye
- How to improve your communication skills by awakening your throat chakra
- What NEVER to do in order to avoid kundalini psychosis
- How to much energy work can hurt you and what to do about it
- You'll learn the secrets of energy anatomy
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to heal and clear his/her chakras and awaken their kundalini
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to heal and clear his/her chakras and awaken their kundalini
In this course you’ll learn everything there is to know about energy anatomy and how to heal and rebalance your chakras in the most scientific way possible. (There are over 100 peer-reviewed studies in the course bibliography)
I studied esotericism and occultism for over 10 years. Most courses about chakra systems give the user an individual interpretation as well as providing some visualization techniques, promised as instant fixes. What those authors would prefer you don’t know is that, in order to obtain any lasting benefit, you must clear and heal your chakras repeatedly. Most users, after listening to and absorbing meditations, tend to believe that their work is finished. Their meditations and visualisations laying forgotten on their computer or phone.
That’s why in this course we’ll use secret and personal mantras that you’ll be able to repeat throughout the day to heal your chakras in the most convenient way possible.
The initial meditations designed to install the mantras are quite long, but they are intended to be a long-term investment. After you’ve listened to them three times, all you will need is to simply repeat the short mantra throughout your day. This is all you need to reap the amazing benefits of chakra healing
For example: if during the day you find yourself uninspired, you’ll simply repeat the third eye chakra mantra, and by association? you’ll open up yourself to divine inspiration.
Or as another example, if you find yourself being too hard on you that day, repeating the heart chakra mantra will activate the power of the heart chakra. This enables you to be filled with compassion for self.
Furthermore, you’ll be able to improve your confidence by repeating the third chakra mantra, as well as utilizing the second mantra to increase your creativity and sexual vitality.
You won’t need to re-listen to an hour long meditation to do it either. After the mantra is installed you can close your eyes, repeating the mantra for just 2-3 minutes, to reap all the amazing benefits.
As chakras were traditionally used as a tool for spiritual development; in this course I’ll teach you everything there is to know about spiritual enlightenment. You’ll learn what it is from a scientific perspective? and how to achieve it.
What’s more, this course will teach you the secrets of kundalini awakening which most gurus would prefer you didn’t know. It will teach you how to awaken your kundalini and what to do if you get kundalini psychosis,which is a very rare side effect of deep spiritual work, making sure we safeguard your health.
You’ll also learn everything there is to know about the human energy system.
– You’ll learn what chakras symbolize
– You’ll learn how to heal chakras using their mantras
– And you’ll learn how to clear other peoples mantras
Through this course, you’ll also learn how to feel and heal your whole energy system.
Many have a difficult time achieving this. This is because they are numbed towards the subtle sensations in their bodies, due to the distractions of chronic tension and trauma elsewhere. This is why I’ve included a 300 page book (a separate course in of itself) that will teach you how to apply Reichian therapy, a form of body-based psychotherapy. This approach removes chronic tensions in your body that prevent you from mastering your energy system. It will help you remove numerous psychological issues that keep you from living your life to the fullest.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the energy system
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: An introduction to the human energy system
Lecture 3: The hindu model of the human energy body
Lecture 4: Energies as a way to communicate with the subconscious mind
Lecture 5: The yogic energetic model of the human body
Chapter 2: Let's learn more about the chakras
Lecture 1: What are chakras?
Lecture 2: The muladhara chakra
Lecture 3: Swadhisthana (Second chakra)
Lecture 4: Manipura (Third chakra)
Lecture 5: Anahata (Fourth chakra, also commonly called the 'heart chakra)
Lecture 6: Vishuddha (The fifth chakra)
Lecture 7: The ajna chakra (The sixth chakra)
Lecture 8: Sahasrara (The seventh chakra)
Lecture 9: The functions of the chakras
Lecture 10: Awakening of the chakras and awakening of the kundalini
Lecture 11: The secret connection between yoga and hypnosis
Chapter 3: What is enlightenment?
Lecture 1: What is Enlightenment part 1
Lecture 2: What is enlightenment part 2
Lecture 3: Hindu esoteric anatomy
Lecture 4: On grounding
Lecture 5: Awakening the chakras from a traditional perspective
Lecture 6: Traditional ways of spiritual training
Lecture 7: The secret connection between yoga and hypnosis
Chapter 4: How to feel your energy body
Lecture 1: An introduction to feeling energies in your body
Lecture 2: Becoming aware of the energies in your hands
Lecture 3: Advanced energy feeling techniques
Lecture 4: Energetic grounding exercise
Lecture 5: Another energy feeling technique
Chapter 5: Introduction to advanced energy work
Lecture 1: How to stimulate your energy centers
Lecture 2: How to use energy balls to activate your chakras
Lecture 3: Third eye activation technique
Lecture 4: How perform whole body energy stimulation
Chapter 6: The ultimate chakra healing meditation
Lecture 1: Introduction to the chakra healing meditations
Lecture 2: Muladhara healing meditation
Lecture 3: Svadhishthana healing meditation
Lecture 4: Manipura healing meditation
Lecture 5: Anahata healing meditation
Lecture 6: Vishuddha healing meditation
Lecture 7: Ajna healing meditation
Chapter 7: Master Kundalini awakening
Lecture 1: How to awaken your kundalini
Lecture 2: How to perform the cathartic meditation
Lecture 3: Kundalini psychosis
Chapter 8: How to heal other peoples chakras
Lecture 1: Advanced chakra healing technique
Lecture 2: Advanced chakra healing in practice
Lecture 3: What to do when you can't feel your body
Lecture 4: Bibliography
Lecture 5: Bonus lecture: Where to go from here
Matt Peplinski
Self-Help Author and Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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