Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2022
Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2022, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 18 lectures, based on 16 reviews, and has 193 subscribers.
You will learn about Design of wire crochet jewelry with the peruavian technique This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to learn a new jewelry technique It is particularly useful for People who want to learn a new jewelry technique.
Enroll now: Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2022
Title: Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2022
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 18
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 18
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Design of wire crochet jewelry with the peruavian technique
Who Should Attend
- People who want to learn a new jewelry technique
Target Audiences
- People who want to learn a new jewelry technique
Welcome to the Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2020 Peruvian Technique. My name is Adriana Laura Mendezand I am a certified teacher of this technique.
This course consists of 3 levels and 18 videos in English subtitles that will train you to design different pieces of jewelry using a crochet needle and a very thin wire that can be gold-filled, silver, or copper wire.
You will learn the Peruvian knitting technique and enjoy the excitement of creating your own jewelry. You will be linked to the world of design and business in this course consists of three levels: the basic level, the intermediate level, and the advanced level. Below we can see the structure of the course and the classes that each level has in addition to the technique that you will learn.
Materials: Crochet needle number 4 and fine copper, silver, or gold wire.
Wire Crochet Jewelry Course 2020 Peruvian Technique
Beginner Level
Class 1: Introduction to the Jewelry Course
Class 2: Materials
Class 3: How to make the Peruvian Chain and Dot
Class 4: Open Center Circle (Circular Shapes Technique)
Class 5: Closed Center Circle (Circular Shapes Technique)
Class 6: Oval Earrings (Oval Shape Technique)
Class 7: Flat Mesh Bracelet (Flat Mesh Technique)
Class 8: Bracelet (Tubular Technique)
Intermediate Level
Class 9: Square Earrings (Square Technique)
Class 10: Triangle Earrings (Triangle Technique)
Class 11: Moonstone Bracelet (Tubular Technique 2)
Class 12: Astrophyllite Pendant (Oval Stone Setting Technique)
Class 13: Rococo Pendant (Rococo Technique)
Advanced Level
Class 14: Heart Pendant (Heart Technique)
Class 15: Ball Lined Pendant (Ball Lined Technique)
Class 16: Glass Earrings with Crimping Technique (Glass Crimping Technique)
Class 17: Flower Ring (Flower Technique)
Class 18: Shicras Earrings Neoancestral Contemporary Art (Shicras Technique)
What Will You Learn In Each Class Of The Peruvian Woven Jewelry Course?
In the three levels of the course and by completing the 18 videos of the Wire Crochet Jewelry Course you will learn everything you need to know to be a master of crocheted jewelry.
Beginner Level
We start at a basic level with different projects. We will first have a video with the description of all the materials that can be used for this fabric than a video about learning the chain stitch and the Peruvian stitch.
We continue with the first geometric form of the learning of geometric forms that is the circle. In this case, it is a circle with a closed center that we can use both in earrings and pendants and how to make circles with an open center.
These two are the first geometric forms of learning. Then we are going to continue with a video about how to make a tubular mesh and we are going to see it represented in the project of a bracelet.
We continue with the next video tutorial that will be learning a flat mesh and here we will see reflected through a bracelet and learn all the steps to make this bracelet.
The last geometric form of the basic course will be the learning of the global oval, it is a form that you are going to use a lot in different projects.
Intermediate Level
Then we move on to the intermediate level at the intermediate level. We start with a video of learning the geometric shape of the triangle.
We continue with the following learning video which is like setting a gem. In this case, it is an astrophyllite gem that has the shape of an oval. Here we are already putting into practice the oval shape and it is a total setting of both the front and back of the gem.
Then we move on to the video of learning how to make a tubular mesh. These are tubes and this project is two tubes that are going to be joined by different semi-precious gems.
We continue with the projects and move on to learning the rococo shape. It is a beautiful way to apply it in different pieces of jewelry and in this case they are for a pendant. It is also used a lot in earrings.
The last geometric form we have in our learning of the intermediate level is the square. Squares are also important in learning about different pieces of jewelry because you can use it, especially in earrings by placing different crystals and decorating them in different ways.
Advanced Level
We’ve moved on to the last level which is the advanced one. At this advanced level, we have different projects. The first one is the ball lining. This is the lining of how to line different sizes of gems or crystals. You can use it in a pendant like this but also in earrings.
We move on to another form which is a form that is a heart. We are going to present it as a geometric shape through different magnifications.
Then we move on to learning in the advanced flower course how to weave a flower. Flowers have multiple uses. You can use them in bridal tiaras, in earrings, in chokers. In this case, I have applied it after making the video of the learning, I have applied it to a flat mesh to make a ring.
We continue with the setting of crystals but this setting has the particularity that is clear in the front and the back. Then the light is going to be able to pass through the crystals and really this setting is very beautiful.
Closes our advanced level the last project that is the Shicras. Shicras means bags and we will learn to weave bags to hold our gems, our crystals. It is really a very beautiful work of the shicras. In this case, it is represented by an earring project.
Well, until here is the content of the entire course of Peruvian knitting jewelry I repeat that this course will train us to design different pieces of jewelry I thank you very much for your participation.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Begginer Level
Lecture 1: Class 1: Introduction to the Wire Jewelry Course
Lecture 2: Class 2: Materials
Lecture 3: Class 3: How to do the Peruvian Chain and Dot
Lecture 4: Class 4: Open Center Circle (Circular Shapes Technique)
Lecture 5: Class 5: Closed-Center Circle (Circular Shapes Technique)
Lecture 6: Class 6: Oval Earrings (Oval Shape Technique)
Lecture 7: Class 7: Flat Mesh Bracelet (Flat Mesh Technique)
Lecture 8: Class 8: Tubular Bracelet (Tubular Technique)
Chapter 2: Intermediate Level
Lecture 1: Class 9: Square Earrings (Square Technique)
Lecture 2: Class 10: Triangle Earrings (Triangle Technique)
Lecture 3: Class 11: Moonstone Bracelet (Tubular Technique 2)
Lecture 4: Class 12: Astrophylite Pendant (Oval Stone Setting Technique)
Lecture 5: Class 13: Rococo Pendant (Rococo Technique)
Chapter 3: Advanced Level
Lecture 1: Class 14: Heart Pendant (Heart Technique)
Lecture 2: Class 15: Ball Lined Pendant (Ball Lining Technique)
Lecture 3: Class 16: Glass Earrings with Crimping Technique (Glass Crimping Technique)
Lecture 4: Class 17: Flower Ring (Flower Technique)
Lecture 5: Class 18: Shicras Earrings Neoancestral Contemporary Art (Shicras Technique)
Adriana Laura Mendez
Diseñadora de Joyas
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
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