Your 7 Chakras : The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body
Your 7 Chakras : The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 109 lectures, based on 7773 reviews, and has 31929 subscribers.
You will learn about Locate their 7 Chakras in their body Understand the basic functions, energies, and purpose of each chakra Be able to diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, healthy, or blown open Understand the practical steps you need to take to strengthen any one of your chakras Identify the chakra orientations in both yourself and others Understand how society and culture affects the 7 chakras This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for people who crave mastery and understanding of the deeper mysteries life – and who don't want their life left to chance or This course is not for individuals who are closed-minded, or who are not yet ready to take responsibility for the fact that they create their own reality It is particularly useful for This course is for people who crave mastery and understanding of the deeper mysteries life – and who don't want their life left to chance or This course is not for individuals who are closed-minded, or who are not yet ready to take responsibility for the fact that they create their own reality.
Enroll now: Your 7 Chakras : The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body
Title: Your 7 Chakras : The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 109
Number of Published Lectures: 109
Number of Curriculum Items: 109
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 109
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Locate their 7 Chakras in their body
- Understand the basic functions, energies, and purpose of each chakra
- Be able to diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, healthy, or blown open
- Understand the practical steps you need to take to strengthen any one of your chakras
- Identify the chakra orientations in both yourself and others
- Understand how society and culture affects the 7 chakras
Who Should Attend
- This course is for people who crave mastery and understanding of the deeper mysteries life – and who don't want their life left to chance
- This course is not for individuals who are closed-minded, or who are not yet ready to take responsibility for the fact that they create their own reality
Target Audiences
- This course is for people who crave mastery and understanding of the deeper mysteries life – and who don't want their life left to chance
- This course is not for individuals who are closed-minded, or who are not yet ready to take responsibility for the fact that they create their own reality
Do you want to understand the deeper secrets of who you are?
Do you want a greater degree of control over your life and the ability to heal blocks and wounds that you may not yet even be aware of?
That’s what this course is about.
You see, you are MORE than just a physical body.
You have an energy body as well – and this energy body determines how you feel, how people respond to you, and literally creates your reality.
This course is an in-depth dive into one of the most practical systems of spirituality, and will explain how the health of your energy body affects every part of your life. This course will empower you to heal blockages in your energy body, regain your balance in areas of your life that need attention, and gain a deeper appreciation for yourself and others.
By taking the Indian wisdom of the 7 chakras(energy centers) and applying this knowledge in practical ways for the 21st century, this course will give you a greater level of self mastery and an ability to heal, and a deeper understanding of HOW the health of your energetic body is creating your reality.
This is a master class, and includes over 7 HOURS of HD Video Content. This is for individuals who are excited about developing self mastery and inner healing abilities. This course is also meant to be HIGHLY entertaining, as I deliver content in my engaging and often irreverent style that highly contrasts with more traditional ‘boring’ spiritual teachers.
Are you ready to join me on the journey within?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction – Welcome to your Energy Body
Lecture 1: What is included in this course?
Lecture 2: Overviews of the Chakras
Lecture 3: Chakra Map Outline
Lecture 4: What are the Chakras? – Background for the Course
Lecture 5: My Story
Lecture 6: Find your Weakest Chakra (Preparation for the Course)
Lecture 7: Connect More with Me
Chapter 2: The Root Chakra – Your Safety, Stability, and Power
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Root
Lecture 2: Overview of the Root Chakra
Lecture 3: The Root Chakra's Empowerment
Lecture 4: Are you Time Sensitive?
Lecture 5: The Ability to Say NO
Lecture 6: The Key to Freedom
Lecture 7: Right Here, Right Now
Lecture 8: Conflict Prone or Averse?
Lecture 9: The Root Powers your Sexuality
Lecture 10: Numbing out to Life
Lecture 11: Root Chakra Heroes and Teachers
Lecture 12: Diagnosing your Root Chakra
Lecture 13: Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Root
Lecture 14: Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Root Cont.
Lecture 15: A Note on Root Chakra Physical Training
Lecture 16: Root Chakra – Healing Meditation
Lecture 17: Root Chakra Summary
Lecture 18: Ready to Really Master the Root Chakra?
Chapter 3: The Sacral Chakra – Your Emotions, Sexuality, and Passion
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Overview of the Sacral Chakra
Lecture 3: The Life of the Party
Lecture 4: Like…and Dislike
Lecture 5: Bowl of your Emotions
Lecture 6: Dealing with Empathy
Lecture 7: Abundance Mentality
Lecture 8: Toxic Emotions : Shame
Lecture 9: Learning to Feel Again
Lecture 10: Sacral Heroes and Teachers
Lecture 11: Diagnosing your Sacral Chakra
Lecture 12: Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Sacral Chakra
Lecture 13: Sacral Chakra Healing Meditation
Lecture 14: Sacral Chakra Summary
Lecture 15: Ready to truly master the Sacral Chakra?
Chapter 4: The Solar Plexus Chakra – Your Identity, Willpower, and the house of your soul.
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Overview of the Solar Plexus Chakra
Lecture 3: Winning!
Lecture 4: Differentiate Yourself
Lecture 5: The Healthy Ego
Lecture 6: The Science of Willpower
Lecture 7: Defining your Value System
Lecture 8: Ready to Lead?
Lecture 9: Solar Plexus Chakra Heroes and Teachers
Lecture 10: Diagnosing the Solar Plexus Chakra
Lecture 11: Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Solar Plexus Chakra
Lecture 12: Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Meditation
Lecture 13: Solar Plexus Chakra Summary
Chapter 5: The Heart Chakra – Love, Relationships, and Connection to ALL
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Overview of the Heart Chakra
Lecture 3: Survival or Love?
Lecture 4: The Crack through which the light enters…
Lecture 5: The Body Language of a Broken Heart
Lecture 6: The Awakening of Love
Lecture 7: Calls for Healing
Lecture 8: Forgiveness
Lecture 9: The Other Half of the Heart : Self Love
Lecture 10: Heart Chakra Heroes and Teachers
Lecture 11: Diagnosing Your Heart Chakra
Lecture 12: Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening your Heart Chakra
Lecture 13: Heart Chakra Healing Meditation
Lecture 14: Heart Chakra Summary
Chapter 6: The Throat Chakra – Communication, Influence, and Creative Expression
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Overview of the Throat Chakra
Lecture 3: The Big Question…to Share or not to Share?
Lecture 4: In the beginning was the word…
Lecture 5: The Truth Effect
Lecture 6: Throat Chakra Heroes and Teachers
Lecture 7: Diagnosing your Throat Chakra
Lecture 8: Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Throat Chakra
Lecture 9: Throat Chakra Healing Meditation
Lecture 10: Throat Chakra Summary
Chapter 7: The Third Eye Chakra – Perception, Logic, Intuition
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Overview of the Third Eye Chakra
Lecture 3: Your Narrative about Reality
Lecture 4: What are you letting in…
Lecture 5: Are you Meditating?
Lecture 6: Subtelty
Lecture 7: Third Eye Heroes and Teachers
Lecture 8: Diagnosing your Third Eye
Lecture 9: Solutions and Strategies for Strengthening the Third Eye Chakra
Lecture 10: Third Eye Healing Meditation
Lecture 11: Third Eye Chakra Summary
Chapter 8: The Crown Chakra – Universal Insight, Spiritual Guidance, and Surrender
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Overview of the Crown Chakra
Lecture 3: Royalty of Old
Lecture 4: Learning to Surrender
James Seriph
Irreverent Spiritual Teacher and Energy Healer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 44 votes
- 2 stars: 95 votes
- 3 stars: 525 votes
- 4 stars: 1930 votes
- 5 stars: 5179 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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