30 Copywriting Secrets from the Best Ad Campaign of All Time
30 Copywriting Secrets from the Best Ad Campaign of All Time, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 32 lectures, based on 698 reviews, and has 3249 subscribers.
You will learn about Write headlines that grab attention Write headlines that compel prospects to read the body copy Write headlines that work with visuals Write opening lines that compel readers to read the rest of the ad Use irony to grab attention Follow a simple, step-by-step formula for writing body copy Build trust with body copy Find and write unusual testimonials Write effective endings to a sales message Write copy that keeps readers reading right to the end Write clever, effective endings to sales copy This course is ideal for individuals who are Any copywriter who wants to learn copywriting tips from the most successful print advertising campaign in history or Copywriters who want to perfect their craft or Writers who want to learn the basics of how to write effective print advertising copy or This course is not for people who want tips on SEO copywriting or This course does not deal with online copywriting or This course does not offer any advice on how to start a copywriting business It is particularly useful for Any copywriter who wants to learn copywriting tips from the most successful print advertising campaign in history or Copywriters who want to perfect their craft or Writers who want to learn the basics of how to write effective print advertising copy or This course is not for people who want tips on SEO copywriting or This course does not deal with online copywriting or This course does not offer any advice on how to start a copywriting business.
Enroll now: 30 Copywriting Secrets from the Best Ad Campaign of All Time
Title: 30 Copywriting Secrets from the Best Ad Campaign of All Time
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 33
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 33
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write headlines that grab attention
- Write headlines that compel prospects to read the body copy
- Write headlines that work with visuals
- Write opening lines that compel readers to read the rest of the ad
- Use irony to grab attention
- Follow a simple, step-by-step formula for writing body copy
- Build trust with body copy
- Find and write unusual testimonials
- Write effective endings to a sales message
- Write copy that keeps readers reading right to the end
- Write clever, effective endings to sales copy
Who Should Attend
- Any copywriter who wants to learn copywriting tips from the most successful print advertising campaign in history
- Copywriters who want to perfect their craft
- Writers who want to learn the basics of how to write effective print advertising copy
- This course is not for people who want tips on SEO copywriting
- This course does not deal with online copywriting
- This course does not offer any advice on how to start a copywriting business
Target Audiences
- Any copywriter who wants to learn copywriting tips from the most successful print advertising campaign in history
- Copywriters who want to perfect their craft
- Writers who want to learn the basics of how to write effective print advertising copy
- This course is not for people who want tips on SEO copywriting
- This course does not deal with online copywriting
- This course does not offer any advice on how to start a copywriting business
In this course, you’ll learn how to write copy that grabs attention and motivates prospects to buy.
I designed this course for anyone who wants a shortcut to learning how to write great copy. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to write copy that gets noticed, gets read and gets results.
You and I will examine the most successful advertising campaign in history. I’m talking about the newspaper ads for Volkswagen that ran during the 1960s and 1970s. This campaign took a boring, ugly, unknown product and made it one of the most talked-about, popular products in history. I’m going to show you dozens of ads from this campaign. Each one is a case study in how to write clever, powerful, funny, amazing copy.
You’ll see how a successful ad is built. We’ll cover headlines, visuals, opening lines, body copy, format of a sales pitch, testimonials, features and benefits, reader engagement, humour, irony, keys to being original, endings, and plenty more.
I designed this course for two people: copywriters who want to improve their craft, and aspiring copywriters who want to learn what actually works in copywriting.
This course contains no theory—just dozens of examples of copy that works, and a detailed explanation of why it works. To get a good idea of what we’ll cover, preview some of the lessons below. Then take this course. Forty years from now, people might be talking about your copy. Hey, you never know.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and background to the campaign
Lecture 1: Great copy requires great insights.
Chapter 2: Headlines
Lecture 1: Secret 1: Write a weak headline if your visual is strong
Lecture 2: Secret 2: Sync your headline and your visual
Lecture 3: Secret 3: Write headlines that compel buyers to read your copy
Lecture 4: Secret 4: Make your headline a zinger if your visual is lame
Lecture 5: Secret 5: If in doubt, ask a question
Lecture 6: Secret 6: Start telling a story
Lecture 7: Secret 7: Tie your headline to current events
Lecture 8: Secret 8: Aim for the “hunh?” factor
Lecture 9: Secret 9: Make them smile
Lecture 10: Secret 10: Use headlines for features, images for benefits
Lecture 11: Secret 11: Comparing yourself? Better be clever
Lecture 12: Secret 12: Find headlines in your body copy
Chapter 3: Opening Lines
Lecture 1: Secret 13: Deliver on the premise of your headline
Lecture 2: Secret 14: If in doubt, ask a question
Lecture 3: Secret 15: Start with irony
Chapter 4: Strategic Body Copy
Lecture 1: Secret 16: Stick to one idea per ad
Lecture 2: Secret 17: Follow a simple script
Lecture 3: Secret 18: Give multiple benefits for each feature
Lecture 4: Secret 19: Back all claims with proof
Lecture 5: Secret 20: Borrow credibility
Chapter 5: How to Write Memorable Copy
Lecture 1: Secret 21: Keep your reader reading
Lecture 2: Secret 22: Build trust with specifics
Lecture 3: Secret 23: Write quirky testimonials
Lecture 4: Secret 24: Use parallel structure
Lecture 5: Secret 25: Spin your strongest feature into a theme
Lecture 6: Secret 26: Use original clichés
Lecture 7: Secret 27: Write in pictures
Chapter 6: Your Ending, and Some Final Thoughts
Lecture 1: Secret 28: Come full circle at the end
Lecture 2: Secret 29: Give your buyer something to think about
Lecture 3: Secret 30: Write like a pro (a few words on style)
Chapter 7: AI Text Content Generation and Copywriting with ChatGPT
Lecture 1: Write an Advertising Headline with ChatGPT
Alan Sharpe
Fortune 500 Copywriter & Coach Since 1989
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 60 votes
- 4 stars: 216 votes
- 5 stars: 413 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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