Beginners Guide to Landing Pages on Amazon AWS
Beginners Guide to Landing Pages on Amazon AWS, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 28 lectures, based on 53 reviews, and has 1330 subscribers.
You will learn about Use Amazon AWS to host your landing page or simple web sites, reliably and cheaply Learn how to register domain names on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Understand how to use AWS Route 53 Domain Name System (DNS) Send and receive emails from your new domain name Capture email address for marketing Manipulate FREE HTML themes to create truly compelling landing pages Add social media sharing buttons Track visitors with Google Analytics Apply goals and filters with Google Analytics Visualize and gain insights from visitor behaviours This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to set up and manage their own landing page or simple web site or The course describes step-by-step everything a beginner/intermediate needs in order to host and run services for a landing page or simple web site or Anyone who would like an introduction to the basics of Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Anyone who wishes to intergrate other web services (MailChimp, etc.) into their landing page or If you want to run a simple static web site, cheaply and reliably or People who are interested in lead generation but don't know how to build and host their own landing page or This course is NOT for students that are proficient with Amazon AWS or This course does NOT is not about learning HTML, but shows how to modify downloaded themes or This is NOT a course on landing page marketing or This course does NOT talk about WordPress or any database driven web site It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to set up and manage their own landing page or simple web site or The course describes step-by-step everything a beginner/intermediate needs in order to host and run services for a landing page or simple web site or Anyone who would like an introduction to the basics of Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Anyone who wishes to intergrate other web services (MailChimp, etc.) into their landing page or If you want to run a simple static web site, cheaply and reliably or People who are interested in lead generation but don't know how to build and host their own landing page or This course is NOT for students that are proficient with Amazon AWS or This course does NOT is not about learning HTML, but shows how to modify downloaded themes or This is NOT a course on landing page marketing or This course does NOT talk about WordPress or any database driven web site.
Enroll now: Beginners Guide to Landing Pages on Amazon AWS
Title: Beginners Guide to Landing Pages on Amazon AWS
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use Amazon AWS to host your landing page or simple web sites, reliably and cheaply
- Learn how to register domain names on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Understand how to use AWS Route 53 Domain Name System (DNS)
- Send and receive emails from your new domain name
- Capture email address for marketing
- Manipulate FREE HTML themes to create truly compelling landing pages
- Add social media sharing buttons
- Track visitors with Google Analytics
- Apply goals and filters with Google Analytics
- Visualize and gain insights from visitor behaviours
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to set up and manage their own landing page or simple web site
- The course describes step-by-step everything a beginner/intermediate needs in order to host and run services for a landing page or simple web site
- Anyone who would like an introduction to the basics of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Anyone who wishes to intergrate other web services (MailChimp, etc.) into their landing page
- If you want to run a simple static web site, cheaply and reliably
- People who are interested in lead generation but don't know how to build and host their own landing page
- This course is NOT for students that are proficient with Amazon AWS
- This course does NOT is not about learning HTML, but shows how to modify downloaded themes
- This is NOT a course on landing page marketing
- This course does NOT talk about WordPress or any database driven web site
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to set up and manage their own landing page or simple web site
- The course describes step-by-step everything a beginner/intermediate needs in order to host and run services for a landing page or simple web site
- Anyone who would like an introduction to the basics of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Anyone who wishes to intergrate other web services (MailChimp, etc.) into their landing page
- If you want to run a simple static web site, cheaply and reliably
- People who are interested in lead generation but don't know how to build and host their own landing page
- This course is NOT for students that are proficient with Amazon AWS
- This course does NOT is not about learning HTML, but shows how to modify downloaded themes
- This is NOT a course on landing page marketing
- This course does NOT talk about WordPress or any database driven web site
Have an idea and need a landing page or simple web site?
Unsure where to start, or worried about costs and flexibility?
Maybe you’re just fed up of wrangling with WordPress?
Well, thanks to some amazing web services, you can build and host your own professional landing page, for simply the cost of your domain name. What’s more these landing pages or simple web sites, are more reliable, more flexible and offer greater insights than some of the paid for options.
My name is Ben, and I’ve been building and selling software for the last 22 years. I have built a popular Elixir programming course on Udemy with over 1.9k students, you can see my five star reviews.
Why a course on landing pages?
All the current landing page solutions frustrate me.
WordPress requires a database, which means that I’m going to have to understand it, and maintain it. Also WordPress and all it’s plugins need to be updated otherwise you are vulnerable to attacks. Not to mention the associated costs.
Site builder services like LaunchRock and SquareSpace are inflexible and quickly become costly.
Landing pages are often for testing out ideas, if those ideas fail, you don’t want to have spent too much on them. Yet if those ideas take off you want to gradually build on them and trust that they are reliable and professional.
So I decided to build this course. Landing pages and simple web sites (those that don’t use a database) should have the following criteria:
- Cheap yet professional
- Easy to set up and maintain
- Flexible to accommodate future changes and scenarios
- Reliable and fast downloading on my customers web browsers
- Use my custom domain name, and allow me to send and receive emails from my custom domain
- Capture email addresses using the email platform I choose
- Track my visitors behaviours, so that I can get insights into how to sell more effectively to them
By following best practices, cherry picking the best services and using my developer knowhow, I have built a course that fulfils these criteria.
I promise, it doesn’t matter whether you’re 16 or 60, absolutely ANYONE will love this course.
You can take away the skills to make your ideas real. The only limit? Your imagination.
Don’t settle for tiresome WordPress sites, save your money from site builders, and learn how to build and host your own landing pages and simple web sites.
AND REMEMBER… if you are unhappy with this course, then I’m unhappy – I offer a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchase.
Go ahead, click the “Take This Course” button. Why not? You’ve got nothing to lose and you can make those ideas real.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to Go Landing Pages!
Lecture 1: Welcome to Go Landing Pages!
Lecture 2: About the course and prerequisites
Chapter 2: Amazon AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Amazon AWS
Lecture 2: Register and get Familiar with Key AWS Services, S3, Route 53, etc
Chapter 3: Finding and Registering Domain Names
Lecture 1: Lean domain naming
Lecture 2: Quick Overview of the Domain Name System (DNS)
Lecture 3: How Amazon's Route 53 Works
Lecture 4: Register Your Domain Name with Route 53
Chapter 4: Hosting on Amazon S3
Lecture 1: Overview of how to host a web page on Amazon S3
Lecture 2: Create a primary S3 bucket
Lecture 3: Review of landing page hosting using Amazon S3
Lecture 4: Create a root S3 bucket
Lecture 5: Link Route 53 domain name to the primary bucket
Lecture 6: Link Route 53 domain name to the root / naked bucket
Chapter 5: Adding Email Functionality
Lecture 1: Send / Receive Emails from your Domain: Registering with Fastmail
Lecture 2: Send / Receive Emails from your Domain: Registering with Google Apps 2
Lecture 3: Register for the Mailchimp Email Service
Lecture 4: Mailchimp Generated Email Capture Form
Lecture 5: Verify Marketing Emails Using SPF & DKIM
Chapter 6: Using Themes with your Landing Pages
Lecture 1: Overview of Theme Sites, and Download a Theme
Lecture 2: Modify the HTML to Add Your Own Content to the Theme
Lecture 3: Where to Find Good Stock Photo Resources
Lecture 4: Add Images into your Landing Page
Lecture 5: Fix the URL Links, Highlight Keywords, and Embed Our Email Capture Form
Lecture 6: Switch the Banner Background for an Image. Add Social Media Sharing Buttons
Lecture 7: Upload and Test Our New Themed Landing Page
Chapter 7: Analytics and Tracking Visitor Behaviour
Lecture 1: Install and configure Google Analytics, add goals and IP address filters
Lecture 2: Register for Inspectlet and exclude your IP address
Ben Emson
Developer, Software Architect and Technologist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 31 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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