Complete List Building & Email Marketing Course
Complete List Building & Email Marketing Course, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 35 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 81 reviews, and has 8744 subscribers.
You will learn about Build your very own email list from scratch Understand the mechanisms behind building a list of email addresses Leverage the reach of your business by creating a subscriber database Integrate email communication into the marketing practices of your business Choose the right Email Service Provider according to your needs and budget Import email lists into your ESP and/or create a new one Get familiar with landing and squeeze pages and how you can use them to turn visitors into subscribers Create your own landing or squeeze pages with a simple drag and drop procedure Maximize the efficiency of signup forms, optin boxes and popups to increase the amount of subscribers Take advantage of incentives (or baits) to increase the amount of people signing up to your list Target your traffic to increase the quality and responsiveness of your subscribers Drive free traffic to your forms by taking advantage of content marketing, social media and niche marketing Integrate the fundamental element of all email communication into your daily email practices Write and test different subject lines for maximum impact and open rates Master the art of writing your own email copy in under 5 minutes How to get your subscribers to actually OPEN your emails HOW and WHEN to monetize your list This course is ideal for individuals who are Take this course if you think building your own email list will boost your income or If you want to build your own list but you do not currently have one or If you have an email list but it's not growing at the rate you desire or If you have an email list that doesn't open your emails, doesn't click on the links and doesn't make you any money It is particularly useful for Take this course if you think building your own email list will boost your income or If you want to build your own list but you do not currently have one or If you have an email list but it's not growing at the rate you desire or If you have an email list that doesn't open your emails, doesn't click on the links and doesn't make you any money.
Enroll now: Complete List Building & Email Marketing Course
Title: Complete List Building & Email Marketing Course
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 35
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 36
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 36
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build your very own email list from scratch
- Understand the mechanisms behind building a list of email addresses
- Leverage the reach of your business by creating a subscriber database
- Integrate email communication into the marketing practices of your business
- Choose the right Email Service Provider according to your needs and budget
- Import email lists into your ESP and/or create a new one
- Get familiar with landing and squeeze pages and how you can use them to turn visitors into subscribers
- Create your own landing or squeeze pages with a simple drag and drop procedure
- Maximize the efficiency of signup forms, optin boxes and popups to increase the amount of subscribers
- Take advantage of incentives (or baits) to increase the amount of people signing up to your list
- Target your traffic to increase the quality and responsiveness of your subscribers
- Drive free traffic to your forms by taking advantage of content marketing, social media and niche marketing
- Integrate the fundamental element of all email communication into your daily email practices
- Write and test different subject lines for maximum impact and open rates
- Master the art of writing your own email copy in under 5 minutes
- How to get your subscribers to actually OPEN your emails
- HOW and WHEN to monetize your list
Who Should Attend
- Take this course if you think building your own email list will boost your income
- If you want to build your own list but you do not currently have one
- If you have an email list but it's not growing at the rate you desire
- If you have an email list that doesn't open your emails, doesn't click on the links and doesn't make you any money
Target Audiences
- Take this course if you think building your own email list will boost your income
- If you want to build your own list but you do not currently have one
- If you have an email list but it's not growing at the rate you desire
- If you have an email list that doesn't open your emails, doesn't click on the links and doesn't make you any money
If you are not seeing the email channel as a money making machine, you have the wrong strategy~ Hans Smellinckx
A recent study conducted by the The Radicati Group, a technology research firm, shows that there are 3.9 BILLION accounts. They predict that this number wlll grow to 4.9 BILLION by 2017.
They say email is the Jason Bourne of online apps: somebody’s always trying to kill it. It can’t be done. So it’s safe it assure we still have email marketing for a long time.
List building is probably the fastest and most secure method of creating a stable source of recurring income.
My name is Maxand I’m a list builder. I’ve been collecting email addresses since 2009. I’ve always known about the relevance of owning your own listand the window of possibilities that opened when you start building yours, but It wasn’t until I got the chance to see email marketing from the insidethat I decided to do something about it.
For 3 years I worked as the educational content publisherand support team manager of an email service provider (ESP) in the Netherlands called INinbox.Once of the benefits of working there is getting an unlimited account, with unlimited subscriber and unlimited emails with no costs associated. I’ve been building my lists with that account, and up until this date I have over 85.000 subscribers combined.
Working at an ESP, and building my own listshas given me a lot of insight into the rightful practices of email marketing. What tools to use, what emails to send, where to publish your forms, how to drive in traffic, how to maximize open rates and a lot of other questions have been answered along the hand of years of experience.
I’m now one of the teachers and co-founders of iMarketXL, an education brand focused on providing our students the essential skills needed to build an entire online business from scratch.
In our latest addition to our teaching palette, list building is going to provide you with all the tools, resources and strategies needed to start building your own lists in a unique and comprehensive 3 phase processin which you will see me build yet another list of subscribers from scratch.
Every day in which you’re not building you list is a wasted one. Don’t waste another one, start building your list TODAY.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: About List Building
Lecture 1: iMarket XL, Course Objectives and my Career at an Email Service Provider.
Lecture 2: Why Build a List?
Chapter 2: About Email Marketing
Lecture 1: The Science Behind Email Marketing
Lecture 2: Most Effective Email Marketing Campaigns
Lecture 3: Campaigns and Matching Niche Markets [Example]
Lecture 4: Into the World of Subscriptions: How Many Are You Subscribed to?
Lecture 5: How Email Marketing Really Works
Lecture 6: How Email Marketing Really Works [PDF Download]
Chapter 3: The Phases of Email Marketing
Lecture 1: How This Course Is Divided: The 3 C's of Email Marketing
Lecture 2: The 3 C's of Email Marketing [PDF Download]
Chapter 4: Phase 1: Catch
Lecture 1: How to Chose the Right Email Service Provider [ESP]
Lecture 2: Importing Your Lists
Lecture 3: Setting Up Your ESP Account
Lecture 4: Landing & Squeeze Pages
Lecture 5: Signup Boxes
Lecture 6: Popups work
Lecture 7: How to Create Stunning Drag n Drop Pages
Lecture 8: Setting Up the Bait
Lecture 9: Bait 2.0: Viral Giveaways
Lecture 10: Remarkable Email Marketing Example
Chapter 5: Phase 2: Collect
Lecture 1: Phase 2: What Traffic to Drive
Lecture 2: Content Marketing: Targeted Articles
Lecture 3: Content Marketing: Interactive Articles
Lecture 4: Content Marketing: Videos and Slides
Lecture 5: Targeted Traffic: Where Your Niche Hangs Out
Lecture 6: Targeted Traffic: Q&A Sites
Chapter 6: Phase 3: CONTACT your subscribers
Lecture 1: Why Contact? The Fundamental Element of Email Communication
Lecture 2: How to Contact? Headlines are Crucial
Lecture 3: How to Contact? Headlines [Part 2]
Lecture 4: When to Contact and When to Sell?
Lecture 5: How to Write an Email in Under 5 Minutes
Lecture 6: 15 Tips to Flawless Email Copy [Part 1]
Lecture 7: 15 Tips to Flawless Email Copy [Part 2]
Chapter 7: Conclusion & Bonus Section
Lecture 1: You Made It! Now Let's Start Building
Lecture 2: Email Marketing Glossary
iMarket XL
Essential Skills for Marketers -
Max Cord
Digital Experience Designer + Marketing Strategist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 42 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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