Content Writing in the Semantic Web
Content Writing in the Semantic Web, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 35 lectures, based on 23 reviews, and has 130 subscribers.
You will learn about You will get an understanding of the principles underlying the Semantic Web You will find out the core principles of texts that rank and resonate You will learn how to use web writing to broaden the reach of your digital footprint You will discover what Google and the major search engines have to do with creating meaningful content You will explore the opportunities Google's semantic search opens for good content writing You will go through the most important processes for writing topical and relevant content You will learn how to use content writing to build visible and trustworthy digital presence You will discover how to effectively ideate, create and distribute their texts across the semantic web You will be able Implement basic SEO principles and techniques to your writing You will begin to create authentic reading experiences across the web This course is ideal for individuals who are Freelance writers who want to add another layer of professionalism to their content writing services or Digital marketers who seek to engage in an authentic way with their audiences, establishing genuine connection or SMB owners who want to inform their grasp of the bigger picture their business operates in and understand the role content writing plays on the web. or In-house content writers who want to expand their understanding of web writing or Solopreneurs who want to establish greater visibility and digital presence or The course will not provide quick wins for chasing eyeballs, clicks, or huge email lists. It will give you practical steps towards creating opportunities with your writing and crafting texts that resonate with your audience and broaden the reach of your digital footprint. It is particularly useful for Freelance writers who want to add another layer of professionalism to their content writing services or Digital marketers who seek to engage in an authentic way with their audiences, establishing genuine connection or SMB owners who want to inform their grasp of the bigger picture their business operates in and understand the role content writing plays on the web. or In-house content writers who want to expand their understanding of web writing or Solopreneurs who want to establish greater visibility and digital presence or The course will not provide quick wins for chasing eyeballs, clicks, or huge email lists. It will give you practical steps towards creating opportunities with your writing and crafting texts that resonate with your audience and broaden the reach of your digital footprint.
Enroll now: Content Writing in the Semantic Web
Title: Content Writing in the Semantic Web
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 35
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will get an understanding of the principles underlying the Semantic Web
- You will find out the core principles of texts that rank and resonate
- You will learn how to use web writing to broaden the reach of your digital footprint
- You will discover what Google and the major search engines have to do with creating meaningful content
- You will explore the opportunities Google's semantic search opens for good content writing
- You will go through the most important processes for writing topical and relevant content
- You will learn how to use content writing to build visible and trustworthy digital presence
- You will discover how to effectively ideate, create and distribute their texts across the semantic web
- You will be able Implement basic SEO principles and techniques to your writing
- You will begin to create authentic reading experiences across the web
Who Should Attend
- Freelance writers who want to add another layer of professionalism to their content writing services
- Digital marketers who seek to engage in an authentic way with their audiences, establishing genuine connection
- SMB owners who want to inform their grasp of the bigger picture their business operates in and understand the role content writing plays on the web.
- In-house content writers who want to expand their understanding of web writing
- Solopreneurs who want to establish greater visibility and digital presence
- The course will not provide quick wins for chasing eyeballs, clicks, or huge email lists. It will give you practical steps towards creating opportunities with your writing and crafting texts that resonate with your audience and broaden the reach of your digital footprint.
Target Audiences
- Freelance writers who want to add another layer of professionalism to their content writing services
- Digital marketers who seek to engage in an authentic way with their audiences, establishing genuine connection
- SMB owners who want to inform their grasp of the bigger picture their business operates in and understand the role content writing plays on the web.
- In-house content writers who want to expand their understanding of web writing
- Solopreneurs who want to establish greater visibility and digital presence
- The course will not provide quick wins for chasing eyeballs, clicks, or huge email lists. It will give you practical steps towards creating opportunities with your writing and crafting texts that resonate with your audience and broaden the reach of your digital footprint.
This course introduces you the concept of the semantic web and, parallel to walking you through changes in web and search, presents how content writing gradually becomes your way of establishing digital presence.
Covering the basics of the Semantic Web and how its underlying principles change the way we read, write and communicate online, the course aims to teach you:
– how to use texts as tools for building trustworthy identity on the growingly interconnected web
– why you should write in an open, engaging and conversational way in order to tap into the full potential of the semantic web.
– how to create connected content that brings you more business and more meaningful relationships with your audiences
Some of the things you will learn throughout the course:
- What is the Semantic Web
- How the semantic web changes the way we communicate and collaborate
- How texts have changed on the web
- How machines “understand” your content
- What are the steps for writing content that resonates
- What is the rhetorical triangle about and how it fits the interconnectedness on the web
- Why you should start building a trusted identity on the web
- How to build trustworthy, engageable, discoverable digital presence
- How to reach out beyond keywords
Throughout the lectures you will not learn how to write 99 articles if you have nothing to say. What you will learn is how to write content that enriches the semantic web with meaningful data, new relationships and insights.
The main goal of this course is to give you an understanding about content writing as creating a network of texts within a web of people, enabled by machines
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course contents
Lecture 2: Nice to meet you!
Chapter 2: Text and Web Metamorphoses
Lecture 1: Overview of the upcoming lectures
Lecture 2: Text on the Web
Lecture 3: Introduction to the Semantic Web Part 1
Lecture 4: Introduction to the Semantic Web Part 2
Lecture 5: Content Writing in the Semantic Web
Lecture 6: Highlights from the lectures, translated into practical steps
Chapter 3: Writing as Connecting
Lecture 1: Overview of the upcoming lectures
Lecture 2: Whose Meaning?
Lecture 3: Relationships (and why they matter)
Lecture 4: Beyond Keywords
Lecture 5: Highlights from the lectures, translated into practical steps
Chapter 4: Communicating in a Web of Trust
Lecture 1: Overview of the upcoming lectures
Lecture 2: The Principles of Data and the Rhetorical Triangle
Lecture 3: T.E.D. concept
Lecture 4: Highlights from the lectures, translated into practical steps
Chapter 5: How to Write Topical and Relevant Content
Lecture 1: Overview of the section
Lecture 2: Planning
Lecture 3: Creating
Lecture 4: Distributing
Chapter 6: Write with me
Lecture 1: Overview of the Assignments
Lecture 2: Assingments
Lecture 3: Stay inspired (and focused)
Chapter 7: [2018 UPDATE] Linked Data, Voice Assistants and Connected Content
Lecture 1: Overview of the 2018 Update: What will you learn in the new lectures?
Chapter 8: Data, Linked Data and the Metamorphoses of Search and Web Writing
Lecture 1: The Web as a Giant Data Repository (And how to tap into it's potential)
Lecture 2: Structured Data, Knowledge Graphs and the Metamorphoses of Search
Lecture 3: Linked Data and Web Writing
Chapter 9: Content Writing From the Perspective of Knowledge Representation and Personal As
Lecture 1: Knowledge Representation and Web Writing
Lecture 2: Algorithmic Audiences, Personal Assistants and Our Texts
Lecture 3: How To Write for Voice-Enabled Search?
Chapter 10: What Does Connected Content Mean and How to Start Crafting One?
Lecture 1: What is Interwintularity and Why Bother Thinking About It?
Lecture 2: The Movie Hyperland and What It Can Teach Us About Content Writing
Lecture 3: How To Create Connected Content: Three Useful Framings For You (and Your Reader)
Chapter 11: Ask me anything [monthly series with exercises and video]
Lecture 1: AMA # 1: SEO & Web Writing [Information Foraging]
Teodora Petkova
Content writer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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