Create a Copywriting Portfolio with No Experience
Create a Copywriting Portfolio with No Experience, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.78, with 13 lectures, based on 163 reviews, and has 977 subscribers.
You will learn about How to create a copywriting portfolio with no experience Six proven ways to create copywriting samples What to include in a portfolio (and what to leave out) What employers look for in a copywriter portfolio Ways to get paid while building your portfolio How to Use Udemy to build your portfolio Why you must have either a B2C or a B2B portfolio Pros and cons of having an industry focus in your portfolio This course is ideal for individuals who are New copywriters who need to get hired or Writers transitioning to copywriting who lack a copywriting portfolio or Junior copywriters who need to improve their portfolios or New freelance copywriters who need to land paying clients It is particularly useful for New copywriters who need to get hired or Writers transitioning to copywriting who lack a copywriting portfolio or Junior copywriters who need to improve their portfolios or New freelance copywriters who need to land paying clients.
Enroll now: Create a Copywriting Portfolio with No Experience
Title: Create a Copywriting Portfolio with No Experience
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.78
Number of Lectures: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 14
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 14
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to create a copywriting portfolio with no experience
- Six proven ways to create copywriting samples
- What to include in a portfolio (and what to leave out)
- What employers look for in a copywriter portfolio
- Ways to get paid while building your portfolio
- How to Use Udemy to build your portfolio
- Why you must have either a B2C or a B2B portfolio
- Pros and cons of having an industry focus in your portfolio
Who Should Attend
- New copywriters who need to get hired
- Writers transitioning to copywriting who lack a copywriting portfolio
- Junior copywriters who need to improve their portfolios
- New freelance copywriters who need to land paying clients
Target Audiences
- New copywriters who need to get hired
- Writers transitioning to copywriting who lack a copywriting portfolio
- Junior copywriters who need to improve their portfolios
- New freelance copywriters who need to land paying clients
When it comes to creating a copywriting portfolio, there’s good news, and there’s bad news. The good news is that the only thing you need to land a job as a copywriter is a portfolio. The bad news is that the only thing you need to land a job as a copywriter is a portfolio.
You don’t need a university degree to become a copywriter. You don’t need experience, or a diploma in Creative Writing, or a university degree in English Literature, or a certificate from Udemy, or anything else. All that you need to get hired as a copywriter is a portfolio that demonstrates that you write effective copy. That’s it.
But that’s the bad news, too. You simply can’t get hired as a copywriter without a portfolio. That means your portfolio, and your portfolio alone, must persuade a hiring manager that you write effective copy. In most cases, your portfolio is your only kick at the can. If a potential employer looks at your portfolio and thinks that your copywriting ability is inadequate, nothing else you show them or tell them will persuade them to hire you. Your resume won’t help you. Your work experience won’t help you.
Yes, you can get hired as a copywriter with nothing more than an awesome portfolio, but you will get hired only if your portfolio demonstrates that you have the skills that potential employers look for.
That’s what you’re going to discover in this course.
Hi, I’m Alan Sharpe, and welcome to my course on how to create a copywriting portfolio with no experience. I’ve been a copywriter on and off since 1989. Back then, when I started out, I had no experience as a copywriter, but I landed my first copywriting client with nothing but my portfolio, which I created from scratch with no experience.
Then, in 2018, I did the same thing again. I had been out of the copywriting business for 10 years, working in the non-profit sector as a fundraising consultant. I re-invented myself as a digital, inbound copywriter. The problem was, I didn’t have a single digital sample in my portfolio. My portfolio was all outdated print samples. It belonged in another century. So, I created a new portfolio, even though I had no digital copywriting experience. I started landing work.
In this course, I teach you how to do the same thing. I teach you how to create a copywriting portfolio when you have absolutely zero copywriting experience. I show you what to include, what to leave out, and why.
In this course, you discover what potential employers need to see in your portfolio. You discover six ways to create copywriting samples from scratch. You learn the difference between business to consumer portfolios and business to business portfolios, and how to capitalize on that vital difference to land work.
You learn how to write copywriting samples on your own, how to write them with the help of local businesses, and how to write them with the help of businesses on Upwork and other job boards.
I take you step by step through the process of creating copywriting samples from scratch. I show you how to choose an audience, how to pick an industry, how to select a product or service to write about, and how to decide on the best tactic to use. You look over my shoulder as I write the kind of copywriting samples that you must include in your portfolio. We start with a blank computer screen, and I show you step by step how to create a copywriting sample from start to finish, even though you are brand new to copywriting.
At the end of this course, you will know all that you need to know to build your own copywriting portfolio even though you have zero experience as a copywriter. You will know what your portfolio should look like to attract the kinds of clients you want, or to land you the copywriting job you want.
I created this course for any writer who wants to break into copywriting. And that’s a key thing to note. This course doesn’t teach you how to write copy. It teaches you how to create a copywriting portfolio with no experience. Having said that, as I create multiple copywriting samples for you, you learn some valuable copywriting lessons. But just remember that this course is all about how to build your portfolio when you have no experience writing copy for pay. This course assumes that you already have some copywriting ability.
The primary value of this course is that you learn not just the how, but also the why. For example, I teach you how to create Facebook ads from scratch, but I also teach you why those samples belong in your portfolio. I show you step by step how to create a before-and-after sample, but I also explain why you should include that sample in your portfolio.
I do this because the key thing that potential employers look for in your copywriting portfolio is relevance. They want to see that you understand their customers and their challenges. They want to see that you can write the kinds of assignments they are likely to give you. That’s why, in this course, I not only teach you how to create each copywriting sample, but why. After all, your portfolio doesn’t just show that you know how to write copy. It proves that you are the right copywriter for your potential employer to hire.
If you want to stand out from all of the other candidates, you need a great copywriting portfolio. You can create that great portfolio even though you have no experience. I did it–twice. You can, too.
So, go ahead, watch a few of the preview lessons, read the reviews from my many satisfied students, then enroll now.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: How You Get Hired with a Copywriting Portfolio and No Experience
Lecture 1: Introduction to Copywriting Portfolios
Lecture 2: Understand B2C Versus B2B
Lecture 3: What Employers Want to See in Your Copywriter Portfolio
Chapter 2: Six Ways to Create Your Copywriting Samples
Lecture 1: Method 1: Create Spec Creative
Lecture 2: Method 2: Write Spec Creative with a Before-and-After Sample Part 1
Lecture 3: Method 2 Write Spec Creative with a Before-and-After Sample Part 2
Lecture 4: Method 3: Write Free Creative for a Client
Lecture 5: Method 4: Write Free Creative for an Ad Agency Based on an Old brief
Lecture 6: Method 5: Write Low-Priced Creative
Lecture 7: Method 6: Write a Spec Campaign
Chapter 3: Assignment
Chapter 4: Final Thoughts
Lecture 1: Build Your Portfolio with Your Ideal Employer in Mind
Lecture 2: Rules for Showcasing Your Portfolio
Lecture 3: Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Copywriting Portfolio
Alan Sharpe
Fortune 500 Copywriter & Coach Since 1989
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 38 votes
- 5 stars: 115 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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