Customer lifetime value predictive model with Python
Customer lifetime value predictive model with Python, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 42 lectures, based on 67 reviews, and has 391 subscribers.
You will learn about How customer lifetime value works in market strategy to promote business How to use Python as a programming tool to perform data analysis and exploration How to build customer lifetime value model using Python How to conduct statistical analysis and feature selection How to implement Xgboost and lightgbm algorithms This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wishes to learn how to apply machine learning and predictive modeling approaches into business or Anyone who needs to get started data science career in marketing, retail banking, insurance and intelligent sales related industries It is particularly useful for Anyone who wishes to learn how to apply machine learning and predictive modeling approaches into business or Anyone who needs to get started data science career in marketing, retail banking, insurance and intelligent sales related industries.
Enroll now: Customer lifetime value predictive model with Python
Title: Customer lifetime value predictive model with Python
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How customer lifetime value works in market strategy to promote business
- How to use Python as a programming tool to perform data analysis and exploration
- How to build customer lifetime value model using Python
- How to conduct statistical analysis and feature selection
- How to implement Xgboost and lightgbm algorithms
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wishes to learn how to apply machine learning and predictive modeling approaches into business
- Anyone who needs to get started data science career in marketing, retail banking, insurance and intelligent sales related industries
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wishes to learn how to apply machine learning and predictive modeling approaches into business
- Anyone who needs to get started data science career in marketing, retail banking, insurance and intelligent sales related industries
If you wish to start the data analytics career or apply machine learning expertise into business, this is the right course you must choose!
Here I will provide a series of lectures on a practical marketing AI model — ‘Customer Life Value Model’, or CLV model. The method is also sometimes called the ‘repurchase modeling’. I would say what you will learn is a very useful AI forecasting model for marketing campaign and promotion. Because the CLV models I am teaching in this course are currently widely used in retail banking, insurance, and other sales-related industries. Why? Since it helps business owners select the most valuable customers to get their business better and better!
The value of my course is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. The CLV models can be quickly created because the process and features for building models are very concise and efficient.
2. One can utilize the model to predict the customer’s purchase behavior or purchase preference for a specific merchandise in a given future time period.
3. The CLV model can be used to predict the probability of customers’ repurchase behavior.
4. The CLV model can be used to analyze the activity and loyalty of different customers — help you solve customer retention problems.
5. Based on the output of the CLV model, business owners can calculate and rank the customer lifetime value.
The objective of the course is to let you master how to effectively use the big data and AI algorithms for intelligent marketing. For example, if you can successfully predict who will buy the commodities in the next month based on historical transaction data, then you would effectively apply some market strategies into these customers, like by launching advertisements, applying recommender systems for ‘cross sales’ or ‘cross recommendation’ At the same time, The business owners will also realize from the model’s prediction who are not interested in the goods or services they are providing, perhaps they can adopt some other marketing strategies or promotion to make these silent customers become more ‘active’ or ‘waked up’.
In addition to the business value you can absorb from the course, I also teach you some practical statistical, machine learning and AI algorithm knowledge and skills, combined with the Python programming coding. This mainly covers:
1. Various statistical distribution functions such Geometric / Negative Binomial used in the CLV models and interpretations.
2. Lifetime package in Python to create BG/NBD CLV model.
3. Different analytical and graphics tools in Lifetime package including implementation methods and interpretation.
4. Data exploration, cleaning and feature generation for CLV models with Python programming.
5. Model feature selection, feature engineering, cross validation and performance tracking.
6. Lecture on how to apply the third party data into CLV modeling.
7. Introduction of gradient boost tree algorithms’ framework and implementation including Xgboost and Lightgbm algorithm into CLV modeling.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction of customer lifetime value model and applications
Lecture 2: Transaction data to create CLV model by example (check resources,data, code)
Lecture 3: How CLV model is working in retail business
Lecture 4: Explain CLV concept , calculation and application in intelligent sales
Lecture 5: Walk through the agenda of CLV modeling
Chapter 2: Preparation for CLV modeling
Lecture 1: Explain the features in CLV modeling (1)
Lecture 2: Explain the features in CLV modeling (2)
Lecture 3: lecture on data analysis with Python
Lecture 4: Python programming environment, data sets, codes and installation (1)
Lecture 5: Python programming environment, data sets, codes and installation (2)
Chapter 3: Data exploration and feature generation practice with Python
Lecture 1: Lecture on data analysis practice for CLV modeling (1)
Lecture 2: Lecture on data analysis practice for CLV modeling (2)
Lecture 3: Lecture on data analysis practice for CLV modeling (3)
Lecture 4: Lecture on data analysis practice for CLV modeling (4)
Lecture 5: Create features and modeling data set for CLV model
Chapter 4: Explain BG/NBD for CLV models
Lecture 1: Understand Geometric / Negative Binomial method (BG/NBD) for CLV model
Lecture 2: Lecture on Poisson distribution and relationship with CLV modeling
Lecture 3: Explain Gamma distribution for the customers’ transaction rates
Lecture 4: Explain Geometric & Beta distributions and relationship with CLV modeling
Lecture 5: Summary on the CLV model’s statistical background
Chapter 5: Create CLV model with lifetime Python package
Lecture 1: Lecture on creating BG/NBD model using lifetime package in Python
Lecture 2: Create and explain the frequency-recency matrix diagram with CLV model
Lecture 3: Create and explain the probability_alive_matrix with CLV model
Lecture 4: Apply CLV model to predict future transaction number
Lecture 5: Create period_transaction plot for CLV model’s validation
Lecture 6: Performance tracking with calibration_purchases_holdout_purchases plot
Lecture 7: Plot the historical probability of survival based on CLV model
Lecture 8: Subset the customers with repurchase behavior
Lecture 9: Gamma-Gamma modeling and the relationship with CLV model
Lecture 10: Fit Gamma-Gamma model with Python lifetime package
Chapter 6: Create CLV model Xgboost and Lightgbm Algorithm
Lecture 1: Build CLV model using other AI algorithms
Lecture 2: Lecture on the additional data sources and data analysis
Lecture 3: Explain Python codes for creating CLV model using other AI algorithm (1)
Lecture 4: Explain Python codes for creating CLV model using other AI algorithm (2)
Lecture 5: Understand the theory of gradient boost tree algorithms and applications
Lecture 6: Apply the xgboost for creating CLV model in Python (1)
Lecture 7: Apply the xgboost for creating CLV model in Python (2)
Lecture 8: Apply the xgboost for creating CLV model in Python (3)
Lecture 9: Explain the gradient boost tree algorithms’ framework and implementation
Lecture 10: Use Lightgbm algorithm to create CLV model in Python (1)
Lecture 11: Use Lightgbm algorithm to create CLV model in Python (2)
Lecture 12: Use Lightgbm algorithm to create CLV model in Python (3)
Datagist INC
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 20 votes
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