Digital Advertising and Marketing 201: Top Topics & Trends
Digital Advertising and Marketing 201: Top Topics & Trends, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.47, with 18 lectures, based on 1804 reviews, and has 6298 subscribers.
You will learn about What is Header Bidding vs. Waterfalls and why is it important? What is Viewability and how does it affect advertising buys? What is Ad Verification and what companies offer that service? What is Programmatic Advertising & RTB (Real Time Bidding)? What does the future hold for the digital advertising space? Learn from an industry expert Analyze trends and news Join students in over 120 countries Learn about an industry on track to be worth over $330B a year by 2021 Expand your knowledge to an intermediate – advanced level Make smarter decisions about your digital advertising efforts Advance your career with a deeper understanding of the digital advertising industry This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who took Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 and wants to learn the next level or Anyone in the digital advertising or media field who wants to learn more about advertising or Anyone looking to expand their knowledge of the digital advertising space or People who want to learn about programmatic advertsiing or People who want to learn about Header Bidding and its affect on publisher demand or Media professionals expanding their knowledge of digital media or Digital Marketing professionals looking to expand their knowledge of the advertising space It is particularly useful for Anyone who took Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 and wants to learn the next level or Anyone in the digital advertising or media field who wants to learn more about advertising or Anyone looking to expand their knowledge of the digital advertising space or People who want to learn about programmatic advertsiing or People who want to learn about Header Bidding and its affect on publisher demand or Media professionals expanding their knowledge of digital media or Digital Marketing professionals looking to expand their knowledge of the advertising space.
Enroll now: Digital Advertising and Marketing 201: Top Topics & Trends
Title: Digital Advertising and Marketing 201: Top Topics & Trends
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.47
Number of Lectures: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 22
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 22
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What is Header Bidding vs. Waterfalls and why is it important?
- What is Viewability and how does it affect advertising buys?
- What is Ad Verification and what companies offer that service?
- What is Programmatic Advertising & RTB (Real Time Bidding)?
- What does the future hold for the digital advertising space?
- Learn from an industry expert
- Analyze trends and news
- Join students in over 120 countries
- Learn about an industry on track to be worth over $330B a year by 2021
- Expand your knowledge to an intermediate – advanced level
- Make smarter decisions about your digital advertising efforts
- Advance your career with a deeper understanding of the digital advertising industry
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who took Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 and wants to learn the next level
- Anyone in the digital advertising or media field who wants to learn more about advertising
- Anyone looking to expand their knowledge of the digital advertising space
- People who want to learn about programmatic advertsiing
- People who want to learn about Header Bidding and its affect on publisher demand
- Media professionals expanding their knowledge of digital media
- Digital Marketing professionals looking to expand their knowledge of the advertising space
Target Audiences
- Anyone who took Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 and wants to learn the next level
- Anyone in the digital advertising or media field who wants to learn more about advertising
- Anyone looking to expand their knowledge of the digital advertising space
- People who want to learn about programmatic advertsiing
- People who want to learn about Header Bidding and its affect on publisher demand
- Media professionals expanding their knowledge of digital media
- Digital Marketing professionals looking to expand their knowledge of the advertising space
Are you a media professional or student who already has a baseline understanding of the space and are looking to expand to more advanced subjects? Then Digital Advertising & Marketing 201 is for you!
The follow up to my very popular course, Digital Advertising & Marketing 101, this course gives a more in depth explanation of the complex world of Digital Marketing. Using a combination of in person explanations as well as voiced over presentations and animations, I shed light on the processes that take place every day in order to deliver trillions of ads on billions of digital devices.
Topics Covered Are:
Programmatic Advertising & Real Time Bidding (RTB): Programmatic buying and selling is an automated way of executing buys that used to be done by hand. I explain how this works, the companies involved, and what these terms mean.
Waterfalls & Header Bidding: Ever wonder how ads actually are chosen to run in an app or on a website site? Are you a media publisher looking to put more strategy into your digital ad products? This section is for you.
Mobile – SDKs & Consumer Trends: Time spent on mobile overtook desktop in 2016. Learn how mobile works, different products, and important trends.
Verification/Bots/Fraud & Viewability: Worried about fraud when it comes to digital advertising? So are the pros. In this section I outline what kind of fraud exists, and how advertisers and tech companies are fighting back.
Data Collection & Use (+DMPs): By now you know the importance of Data, but do you know what “data” actually is and how it’s collected and used? This section breaks it down and explains everything you need to know about advertising data.
What The Future of Digital Advertising Looks Like: Nearly every day there is a new product, company, or trend affecting the advertising world. I cover a few high-level things you should be aware of that could result in major changes to our industry.
Join me as I explain what programmatic advertising actually means. How Header-Bidding works, and why it’s changing the digital marketing and digital advertising world. How mobile use is affecting advertising spending and how it continues to grow. How advertisers verify that what they’re buying is what they’re getting. How advertisers use data to pinpoint their exact target audience. And finally, what companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are doing to stay relevant and grow in this ever changing landscape.
The skills you will learn in this course can be applied in any country and to any company. The digital marketing and digital advertising space is a global industry and professionals in the space need to have a global mindset to succeed.
If you have even a basic understand of the Digital Marketing & Advertising space, then I highly recommend taking this course. There is so much more to digital marketing and advertising than just Facebook and Google and this course explains what those “other things” actually are and how you can use them to promote your product or brand, or to further monetize your content.
Real Student Testimonials:
Digital Advertising & Marketing 101
★★★★★ “The real-world examples almost makes it self-explanatory. Professionally done and author speaks with authority – i.e. he knows what he’s talking about and it shows.” – AJ Du Toit
★★★★★ “Thought this was an excellent introduction course. Working in the industry without a huge amount of experience in this area, it was a great way to familiarize myself with topics in ongoing conversations internally and externally. Will be taking 201 to further my understanding.” – Jocleyn Armour
★★★★★ “It is advertised as a 101 course and it did exactly that and very well, touching on the building blocks of Digital Advertising and Marketing. Good job Ben.” – Jean C
★★★★★ “Yes, this is a very good initiative to educate the employees with supporting acknowledges to improve their skills more effectively.” – Seshantu Chatterjee★★★★★ “Thanks so much for the insightful course. The course gave me an in-depth information for a beginner like me and still I could understand it. I love the way the facilitator explained everything, and lastly thank you for the recommendation reads. Now I’m ready to move to 201.” – Motsidisi Maureen Ried
★★★★★ “Very informative, to the point and covered all the foundations of digital advertising.” – Robert Janes
Digital Advertising & Marketing 201
★★★★★ “When combined with Ben’s 101 course, the two classes make for a thorough and well-organized primer on digital media today. Perfect for marketing people and agency folks (creative, account) who are not immersed in a media agency. It will give you a foundation for how digital media is structured, a clear explanation of the jargon and acronyms you’ll hear bantered about, and a better understanding of the opportunities available. The 201 course goes into important detail about some of the key changes that have taken place in digital advertising recently. Ben explains the concepts clearly and succinctly. Definitely worth the time investment.” – Shawn E Fraser
★★★★★ “This course is amazing. I do affiliate marketing and always wanted to learn about programmatic advertising and this course me taught that. I completed this for an interview and the employer was really impressed by the knowledge I had. Hope there is another in-depth version of this course. Where he goes into ad platforms or ad servers and teaches the real world applications.” – Suryameet Singh
★★★★★ “Comprehensive overview…detailed!” – Kaithlean Crotty-Clark
Introduction to Programmatic Advertising
★★★★★ “I’m in advertising sales and have been looking for a clean easy way to explain and also test my root knowledge of the programmatic ad space. It was very helpful and simple to understand which is hard to do with this topic.” – Raul Bonilla
★★★★★ “Being an advertising agency media planner and buyer, having this hands on information helps when we face a decision to go into the digital advertising space. Your 101 and 201 was extremely informative and truly like your overviews in a very simplistic explanation. Thank you and look forward to your future courses.” –Diane Tody
According to recent trends by Statista, the digital marketing & advertising industry is on pace to be worth over $330B a year by 2021. If you’re not already learning about this industry, you will be soon. Get a jump start on your career, your co-workers, and peers by taking this intermediate-advance level course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Join AdCoach for more resources
Chapter 2: Programmatic Advertising – Real Time Bidding and the automated buying process
Lecture 1: Programmatic Advertising Explained – Intermediate Digital Marketing Skillset
Lecture 2: RTB (Real Time Bidding) Explained – Intermediate Digital Marketing Skillset
Chapter 3: Waterfalls & Header Bidding – What they are & how they are changing advertising
Lecture 1: Traditional Waterfalls – Advance Level Digital Marketing Skillset
Lecture 2: Header Bidding – How publishers increase revenue from their ad inventory
Lecture 3: Header Bidding in Mobile – Advance Level Digital Marketing Skillset – Publishers
Chapter 4: Mobile – SDKs & Trends: Mobile Marketing is big business. Learn how it works
Lecture 1: SDKs (Standard Development Kit) – Mobile marketing must-haves
Lecture 2: Mobile Trends – Understand the grow of mobile in digital marketing efforts
Chapter 5: Verification & Viewability
Lecture 1: Ad Verification – MOAT/IAS/Double Verify and other ad-tech platforms
Lecture 2: Bots & Fraud – Identify and prevent fraud in digital marketing and advertising
Lecture 3: Ad Viewability – How to identify when a real human sees your ad
Lecture 4: Ads.txt – A new way to Identify and Prevent Fraud
Chapter 6: Data Collection & Use
Lecture 1: Types of Data Advertisers Collect – Google/Amazon/Facebook & others
Lecture 2: Laws & Privacy Concerns Around Data
Lecture 3: Data Management Platforms & How Advertisers Use Them
Chapter 7: The Future
Lecture 1: Google's EBDA & Amazon's TAM – The future of digital advertising & marketing
Chapter 8: Thank You!
Lecture 1: Thank You for Taking the Course!
Ben Silverstein
Digital Advertising Professional & Entrepreneur in NYC
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 36 votes
- 3 stars: 220 votes
- 4 stars: 710 votes
- 5 stars: 823 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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