Elite Course In Google Ads – Profit for Success Online
Elite Course In Google Ads – Profit for Success Online, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 114 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 508 reviews, and has 11914 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn How to Sell Yours Products & Services Online With Google Ads (Adwords). Learn about Google Shopping Ads and Google Smart Shopping. Learn How to Use Google Management Tools like the Google Editor How to Drive Continuous Traffic to Your Website, E-Commerce Store or Other Online Landing Page. Setting up conversion tracking, remarketing and using audiences to increase profit. Use Automation & Smart Shopping to Sell Products effectively. Build reports to track performance and optmise your campaigns to maximum growth. Design, Build and Optimize Performance in Your Own Google Advertising Campaigns, or For Those of Your Clients. Use Google Tools To Track Conversions, Make Bulk Changes and Optimise Your Accounts to Drive Profitability. Target Your Website Users With Remarketing Campaigns To Improve the Lifetime Value of Your Customers. Leverage the Power of Google Search to Monatize Your Ambitions. Learn all about Google Ads (Adwords) and more! This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to leverage the power of PPC and paid advertising on Google Ads (Adwords) to take their ambitions online to the next level. or Business owners who want to drive traffic to their sites with Google Ads (Adwords), to increase revenues or leads. or Start-ups and budding entrepreneurs, who want to learn about digital advertising broadly and apply learnings to their goals by using Google Ads.. or Corporates and marketing professionals who want a deeper understanding of Google Ads (Adwords), automations and advanced topics such as Smart Shopping. or University students who want to get ahead of the game and gain some applied knowledge and skills to set them up for success with Google Ads.. or Freelancers who want to provide PPC services to their clients and learn about paid advertising using Google Ads. or Any beginner or advanced user who wants to deep dive into Google Ads (Adwords). or Anyone with a product or service that they want to sell online with Google Ads (Adwords), to take their goals and ambitions to the next level. It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to leverage the power of PPC and paid advertising on Google Ads (Adwords) to take their ambitions online to the next level. or Business owners who want to drive traffic to their sites with Google Ads (Adwords), to increase revenues or leads. or Start-ups and budding entrepreneurs, who want to learn about digital advertising broadly and apply learnings to their goals by using Google Ads.. or Corporates and marketing professionals who want a deeper understanding of Google Ads (Adwords), automations and advanced topics such as Smart Shopping. or University students who want to get ahead of the game and gain some applied knowledge and skills to set them up for success with Google Ads.. or Freelancers who want to provide PPC services to their clients and learn about paid advertising using Google Ads. or Any beginner or advanced user who wants to deep dive into Google Ads (Adwords). or Anyone with a product or service that they want to sell online with Google Ads (Adwords), to take their goals and ambitions to the next level.
Enroll now: Elite Course In Google Ads – Profit for Success Online
Title: Elite Course In Google Ads – Profit for Success Online
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 114
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 114
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 115
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn How to Sell Yours Products & Services Online With Google Ads (Adwords).
- Learn about Google Shopping Ads and Google Smart Shopping.
- Learn How to Use Google Management Tools like the Google Editor
- How to Drive Continuous Traffic to Your Website, E-Commerce Store or Other Online Landing Page.
- Setting up conversion tracking, remarketing and using audiences to increase profit.
- Use Automation & Smart Shopping to Sell Products effectively.
- Build reports to track performance and optmise your campaigns to maximum growth.
- Design, Build and Optimize Performance in Your Own Google Advertising Campaigns, or For Those of Your Clients.
- Use Google Tools To Track Conversions, Make Bulk Changes and Optimise Your Accounts to Drive Profitability.
- Target Your Website Users With Remarketing Campaigns To Improve the Lifetime Value of Your Customers.
- Leverage the Power of Google Search to Monatize Your Ambitions.
- Learn all about Google Ads (Adwords) and more!
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to leverage the power of PPC and paid advertising on Google Ads (Adwords) to take their ambitions online to the next level.
- Business owners who want to drive traffic to their sites with Google Ads (Adwords), to increase revenues or leads.
- Start-ups and budding entrepreneurs, who want to learn about digital advertising broadly and apply learnings to their goals by using Google Ads..
- Corporates and marketing professionals who want a deeper understanding of Google Ads (Adwords), automations and advanced topics such as Smart Shopping.
- University students who want to get ahead of the game and gain some applied knowledge and skills to set them up for success with Google Ads..
- Freelancers who want to provide PPC services to their clients and learn about paid advertising using Google Ads.
- Any beginner or advanced user who wants to deep dive into Google Ads (Adwords).
- Anyone with a product or service that they want to sell online with Google Ads (Adwords), to take their goals and ambitions to the next level.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to leverage the power of PPC and paid advertising on Google Ads (Adwords) to take their ambitions online to the next level.
- Business owners who want to drive traffic to their sites with Google Ads (Adwords), to increase revenues or leads.
- Start-ups and budding entrepreneurs, who want to learn about digital advertising broadly and apply learnings to their goals by using Google Ads..
- Corporates and marketing professionals who want a deeper understanding of Google Ads (Adwords), automations and advanced topics such as Smart Shopping.
- University students who want to get ahead of the game and gain some applied knowledge and skills to set them up for success with Google Ads..
- Freelancers who want to provide PPC services to their clients and learn about paid advertising using Google Ads.
- Any beginner or advanced user who wants to deep dive into Google Ads (Adwords).
- Anyone with a product or service that they want to sell online with Google Ads (Adwords), to take their goals and ambitions to the next level.
***Updated June 2024***
My big promise to you is that once you have completed to course, you will be a master in Google Ads (adwords) and be able to set up new campaigns, restructure accounts, do keyword research, increase revenues and profit, understand KPIs, set up conversion tracking, use smart shopping and leverage automation to really take your business to the next level! If not, I’ll refund you the course fee!
Recent Five Start Review – Jodi Hay
“Instructor is very thorough & provides explanations of everything to be covered. Also provides video plus written materials. I’m very excited to be doing this course.”
Remember you get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!
Who am I?
I’m a Paid Search advertising specialist and expert providing personal and data driven management of paid advertising on Google, Amazon & Bing. For the last 8+ years, I’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies as well as businesses with 1000+ people in advertising agencies in various verticals from retail to software, finance, cosmetics, ed-tech, SaaS, luxury fashion and more! I’ve also supported some of the most dedicated organisations in the charity sector to help drive forward their causes. My course provides all the learnings I have gathered from working in the digital advertising sector in paid search over the years to drive growth for my clients.
In the course, I will also show you my own client accounts and how I optimise them to drive revenues and profit for them at global scales, so you can also learn how to make money online with paid ads.
If you have any of the below problems, then this course will help you solve them!
Driving traffic to my site but no conversions.
Spending too much and not making a profit.
Competitors winning the ad space and Im losing out.
My account is a mess and I cant scale to the next level.
Conversion tracking isn’t working properly, so Im playing blind.
People aren’t pressing my ads enough – difficult to write persuasive ad copy.
Google ads (adwords) feels so overwhelming, don’t know where to start!
Google are telling me to do something that doesn’t seem like it’s in my interest, Im wasting money.
My campaigns are targeted correctly, getting unqualified leads.
People buying very low order value goods, campaigns unprofitable.
Course Outline
Join me on a journey of discovery to take your business or expertise in Google Ads (Adwords) and PPC to the next level and win online! In the course, you’ll deep dive into the world of Google advertising and PPC, covering all the latest developments in Google advertising from foundational theory to advanced learning.
You’ll get loads of supplementary materials in writing as well as video teaching to support your learning, and I’ll also show you videos of how myself and other pros build out campaigns and implement performance optimisations on our own accounts to drive growth online!
People are online every day searching for what they need in life, and Google gives you an opportunity to capture that demand with your ads, so you can market your products or services, so your competitors don’t!
16 hours on-demand video
9 articles
20 downloadable resources
Succinct and up to date – a lot has changed in last 5 years!
15 core modules and over 100 lectures
25,000 words of supportive text & diagrams – read and watch videos to support learning.
PowerPoint resources to download & print
Further support via email or Facebook
Take-home tools to manage your business of client accounts
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
You don’t need any experience to take my course, alternatively if you’re already well versed in Google ads (Adwords) then you can skip to the advanced sections where I cover the world of scripts, automations and smart campaigns.
Remember you get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!
During the course, you’ll learn:
About the foundations in Paid Search – What does that mean?
How to use Google Management tools – the ones NO ONE tells you about (hint -> Google Editor!).
How to build excellent campaigns, locally and for global expansions.
What keywords are and how to use them & what match types mean.
How to write ads like the pros to make sure people click them and they convert through A/B testing.
How to understand the Google keyword auction, keyword bidding and bidding strategies.
About the world of Google Shopping Ads and Smart Shopping!
How to leverage ads on Bing, with no extra work!
How to monitor performance such as traffic, revenues, return-on-ad-spend and more!
How to analyse your performance to drive profitability!
How to use audiences to drive growth and profitability in your campaigns.
How to implement conversion tracking and remarketing.
About the world of attribution modelling and what it means.
How to use automation and scripts to drive growth and save costs!
“Lucas Wilde’s course is very clear and helpful. This is my second Google Ads course on Udemy and it has really helped propel my understanding to the next level, and help drive revenue for my business online and increase traffic. He speaks clearly and everything is up to date which is really great, and all the written content helps clarify things as well, recommended!” – Morgan Oliver
It takes a lot of experience to manage advertising accounts on Google (Adwords), to make sure you drive growth in your business or the businesses of your clients, and to make sure you don’t waste money unnecessarily on Google.
I’ve condensed five years of professional experience to share all the insights I’ve learned along the way to help you achieve your goals and dreams online! Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll be set to launch your adverting journey online, and rest assured that you will have learned everything there is to know to be successful in the adverting world!
Thanks for taking the time to consider my course, I feel certain you will draw a lot of value from it and enjoy my teachings along the way. Click the ‘Buy now’ button and join the course risk free – You get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee! See you there!
Lucas Wilde
Course keywords: google ads, adwords, PPC, isaac rudansky, google, ads, google shopping, google editor, smart shopping, google ad, google ads certification, PPC advertising, SEO.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome The The Course!
Lecture 1: Hello & Welcome – Course Contents
Lecture 2: Taster – Advanced – Google Smart Shopping
Lecture 3: How To Master Google Ads
Lecture 4: Biggest Mistakes And What Not To Do With Your Ads & Ad Copy
Lecture 5: Intro To Paid Search on Google Ads
Chapter 2: Paid Search
Lecture 1: Paid Search – Relevancy, Search Engines and Defining PPC.
Lecture 2: Understanding What Google Ads Care About And How To Leverage This Factor
Lecture 3: How To Think About Search Engines & Advertising Like Google Ads
Lecture 4: What Does PPC Even Mean?
Chapter 3: Google Ads Management Tools
Lecture 1: Google Ads Management Tools – The Editor, Interface, GA & Help Centre
Lecture 2: Figuring Out Which Tools To Use For Your Advertising on Google Ads
Lecture 3: How To Navigate The Google Ads Interface
Lecture 4: Welcome To The Google Ads Editor
Lecture 5: Quick Intro to Google Analytics
Lecture 6: How To Use The Google Help Centre
Chapter 4: Building Excellent Campaigns
Lecture 1: Campaign Building- Structure, URL Mapping, Naming conventions & Ad groups.
Lecture 2: How To Build Out Your Accounts In The Correct Structure
Lecture 3: Create A Website URL Map For Success With Key Examples
Lecture 4: Building & Naming Campaigns Like A Pro!
Lecture 5: What Are Ad Groups & How To Think About Them Logically
Lecture 6: How To Add Campaigns & Ad groups Together On Excel
Chapter 5: Google Keywords – Understanding This Fascinating World in Google Ads
Lecture 1: Google Ads Update – Broad Match Modified Keywords Sunset
Lecture 2: Keywords – Match Types, Negatives, Close Variants & Keyword Research
Lecture 3: Introduction to Keywords And What To Expect
Lecture 4: What Are Keywords and How To Use Them
Lecture 5: Understanding and the Importance of Keyword Match Types
Lecture 6: How to Understand the Fundamentals In Exact & Phrase Match Keywords
Lecture 7: How to Understand the Fundamentals In BMM & Broad Match Keywords
Lecture 8: What Are Negative Keywords & Global Negative Keywords
Lecture 9: How To Create A Global Negative Keyword List & Apply it To Your Campaigns
Lecture 10: Close Variants and Case Sensitivity
Lecture 11: Understanding Consumer Search Intent on Google
Lecture 12: Keyword Research & Google Ads Suggestions
Lecture 13: How to Use The Keyword Planner Starting with URLs
Lecture 14: How to Use The Keyword Planner Starting with Keywords
Lecture 15: Linking Keywords to Ad groups to Campaigns – Editor
Chapter 6: Writing Google Ads – Do It Like a Pro To Drive The Best Results For You
Lecture 1: Google Update – Expanded Text Ads – Sunsetted
Lecture 2: Writing Google Ads – Keywords – Writing ads, Ad products, Extensions and More
Lecture 3: How To Create Winning Google Ads
Lecture 4: The Search Engine Results Page or SERP in Google
Lecture 5: Expanded Text Ads (sunsetted) & Extensions
Lecture 6: ETAs & Ad groups and Ad Testing for Optimisation
Lecture 7: The Dos & Don'ts of Ad Copy on Google Ads
Lecture 8: The Google Ads Approval Process
Lecture 9: Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) Pros & Cons
Lecture 10: Example – Writing Expanded Text Ads In Excel & The SERP – Sunsetted
Lecture 11: Example – Writing Responsive Search Ads in Excel
Lecture 12: Example – Writing Sitelink Extensions
Chapter 7: The Google Ads Auction, Keywords Bids & Bidding Strategies
Lecture 1: The Google Ads Auction, Keywords Bids & Bidding Strategies, Optimisation & More
Lecture 2: Welcome to The Google Ads Auctions & World of Bidding
Lecture 3: How Bids & Bidding Works on Google Ads
Lecture 4: Key Performance Indicators on Google Ads
Lecture 5: Google Ads Keyword Auction
Lecture 6: Ad Rank & Quality Score
Lecture 7: Keyword Bids & Optimisation
Lecture 8: How Does Increasing A Bid Affect SERP Position?
Lecture 9: Bid Adjustments & Targeting
Lecture 10: Intro to Bidding Strategies
Lecture 11: Bidding of Choice – Manual CPC
Lecture 12: Enhanced Manual CPC (eCPC)
Lecture 13: Maximise Clicks
Lecture 14: Target Cost Per Action (CPA)
Lecture 15: Target Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS)
Lecture 16: Maximise Conversions
Lecture 17: Maximise Conversion Value
Lecture 18: Target Impression Share
Lecture 19: Which Bidding Strategy Should You Use?
Lecture 20: LIVE – Keyword Bidding & Optimisation in Action
Chapter 8: Google Shopping Ads – How To Use Them to Drive Growth
Lecture 1: Deep dive Into Google Shopping
Lecture 2: Understanding Product Feeds, Optimisation & Management
Lecture 3: How to Manage Classic Google Shopping Campaigns
Lecture 4: Setting up a Classic Google Shopping Campaign
Lecture 5: Query Funnelling – The KITÁCHI Google Shopping Model
Lecture 6: Google Ads tROAS Shopping Campaigns
Lecture 7: Google Ads Smart Shopping Campaigns – Now Pmax
Chapter 9: Campaign Building – From Start to Finish
Lecture 1: Intro to Guided Research & Campaign Building
Lecture 2: Using Google Trends To Research Demand
Lecture 3: Building Campaigns Like A Pro on Google Ads
Lecture 4: Building Your Ad Groups & Adding Them To Your Campaigns
Lecture 5: Outlining Your Keywords & Linking Them To Ad Groups & Campaigns
Lecture 6: Writing Ads In Bulk Like A Pro on Google Ads
Lecture 7: Writing Sitelinks In Bulk For Your Expanded Text Ads
Lecture 8: Uploading Everything Onto Editor Before Go-Live
Lecture 9: Editing All Your Settings in the Editor – Applying What Your Learned Earlier
Lecture 10: Best Practice – Adding Exact Match KWs as Negatives on BMM Campaigns
Lecture 11: Understanding Network Settings on Google Ads
Lecture 12: Grasping Location Settings & Correct Set-up
Lecture 13: Use & Understand Language Targeting Correctly
Lecture 14: How to Think About Budgets, Bidding & Ad Scheduling
Lecture 15: Extensions Overview – App, Lead, Message, Location, Promotion & Price Extensions
Lucas Wilde
PPC Expert – Google & Amazon
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 27 votes
- 4 stars: 108 votes
- 5 stars: 353 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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