Email Marketing: How to make more sales with email marketing
Email Marketing: How to make more sales with email marketing, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.33, with 29 lectures, based on 3 reviews, and has 119 subscribers.
You will learn about start making more sales with email marketing build a relationship with your subscribers Make money from your subscribers in the long run writing sales emails that your subscribers will actually look forward to receiving Doesn't worrying about all the unsubscribes you get How to get your subscribers to know, like and trust you This course is ideal for individuals who are affiliate Marketer or Internet marketer or Email marketer or Build email list building It is particularly useful for affiliate Marketer or Internet marketer or Email marketer or Build email list building.
Enroll now: Email Marketing: How to make more sales with email marketing
Title: Email Marketing: How to make more sales with email marketing
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.33
Number of Lectures: 29
Number of Published Lectures: 29
Number of Curriculum Items: 29
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 29
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- start making more sales with email marketing
- build a relationship with your subscribers
- Make money from your subscribers in the long run
- writing sales emails that your subscribers will actually look forward to receiving
- Doesn't worrying about all the unsubscribes you get
- How to get your subscribers to know, like and trust you
Who Should Attend
- affiliate Marketer
- Internet marketer
- Email marketer
- Build email list building
Target Audiences
- affiliate Marketer
- Internet marketer
- Email marketer
- Build email list building
Email Marketing Training: Discover The Exact Methods For Writing Highly Responsive Emails AndStart Making More Sales From Your List
Discover The Exact Methods For Writing Highly Responsive Emails And Start Making More SalesFrom Your List Starting Today!
If you're not using these tactics,you could be wasting your time building a list…
Do you get frustrated when you build your list but don't make any sales from it?
Do your subscribers actually look forward to receiving your emails each day?
Do you get irritated when you spend hours crafting some great free content, only to have people unsubscribe from your list when you send it to them?
Or maybe your subscribers do actually open up your free content emails, but when it comes down to it and you ask them to buy from you, they lock up their wallets?
Wouldn't It Be Great If You Could Make Money From Your List Instead Of Wasting Money?
How would it feel if you knew exactly how to get your subscribers to open up your emails all the time and actually look forward to seeing your emails?
What if you discovered there is a very easy way to get your subscribers to actually want to buy from you over and over again?
How would that change your business? How would that change your life?
Well, I'm here to tell you that there is a very specific way you need to communicate with your list, to build a strong bond with your subscribers, and actually get them to become highly responsive when you are selling to them.
It's Not About Just Building Your List,It's About Building A Relationship With Your List!
You see, you don't build a list just for the sake of having subscribers on your list.
What you want to do is actually build a strong enough bond with your subscribers to a point
where they will actually WANT to buy from you.
Most people ignore this completely though.
All they do is sell, sell, sell to their list…but of course, that's why they don't make any
All they end up doing is burning their list out, getting a whole bunch of unsubscribes every
single day, and then go off and complain about how it's all a scam and they can't make a dime online.
If that's what you've been doing, then it's time to make a change.
It's time for you to finally discover how to actually have the great responsiveness and profitability you have been looking for.
It's time for you to finally start making more sales from your email marketing campaigns.
And you're going to discover how in my new email marketing training…
This is a comprehensive training program on how to build a strong relationship with your list, and actually make more sales from your email campaigns.
Here's what you're going to learn:
- How to get your subscribers to know, like and trust you
- What you need to do for them to actually look forward to receiving your emails every single day (even sales emails)
- The one thing you need to know before you send a single email
- How to organize your email campaigns to build credibility and trust
- Why you need to __________ if you want your subscribers to stay on your list
- One easy way to set yourself apart from the rest of your competition
- How to get your subscribers to actually see you as a trusted friend instead of a marketer
- The exact reason why most people don't get any results with email marketing (are you currently doing this right now?)
- The best types of headlines that actually get your emails opened
- How to get subscribers to not just open your emails but actually click on your links as well
- Why _________ emails should be the backbone of your email campaign (ignore this and your entire campaign could be worthless)
- How to actually build a relationship with your subscribers
- The secret to writing sales emails that your subscribers will actually look forward to receiving
- The one type of email you must send to build a deeper bond with your list
- How to properly format your emails for best results
- How often you should be mailing your list
- Why making mistakes is actually not a bad thing and how you can still succeed
- How to stop worrying about all the unsubscribes you get
- The biggest email marketing myth you've been told
- How to make money from your subscribers in the long run
- And much, much more…
You're Going To Discover Everything You Need ToCreate A Profitable Email Campaign!
Let me tell you this straight up…
It is possible to load emails into your autoresponder and make sales on autopilot.
It is possible to send out a broadcast to your list and makes sales with the click of the send
It is possible to turn freebie seekers into loyal buyers.
But it doesn't happen by accident.
It happens by organizing and structuring your email campaigns in a certain way so that
subscribers will actually want to open your emails, read them, and buy from you.
And you're going to discover how to do that with my email marketing program.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Module 1
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Email Marketing
Lecture 3: Email Marketing VS Spamming
Lecture 4: Benefits of Email Marketing
Chapter 2: Module 2
Lecture 1: What’s The Purpose Of Your Email Campaign
Chapter 3: Module 3
Lecture 1: How To Organize Your Email Campaign
Chapter 4: Module 4
Lecture 1: How To Create Credibility With Your Subscribers
Chapter 5: Module 5
Lecture 1: How To Create Rapport With Your Subscribers
Lecture 2: 2 things you need to do
Chapter 6: Module 6
Lecture 1: How You Should Write Your Emails
Chapter 7: Module 7
Lecture 1: Writing Headlines For Your Emails
Lecture 2: Some headline ideas you can use in your own campaigns
Chapter 8: Module 8
Lecture 1: Writing A Call-To-Action In Your Email
Chapter 9: Module 9
Lecture 1: How To Write Content Emails
Chapter 10: Module 10
Lecture 1: How To Write Free Gift Emails
Chapter 11: Module 11
Lecture 1: .How To Write Promotional Emails
Chapter 12: Module 12
Lecture 1: How To Write Feedback Emails
Chapter 13: Module 13
Lecture 1: How To Write Emails That Generate A Response
Chapter 14: Module 14
Lecture 1: How To Properly Format Your Emails
Chapter 15: Module 15
Lecture 1: Why You Must Write Your Own Emails
Chapter 16: Module 16
Lecture 1: How Often Should You Be Mailing Your List
Chapter 17: Module 17
Lecture 1: How To Track The Success Of Your Campaigns
Lecture 2: Delivery Rate
Lecture 3: Open Rate
Lecture 4: Click Through Rate
Lecture 5: Unsubscribe Rate
Chapter 18: Module 18
Lecture 1: The Biggest Email Marketing Myth
Chapter 19: Module 19
Lecture 1: How To Make Money From Your Subscribers In The Long Run
Chapter 20: Module 20
Lecture 1: Wrapping Things Up
August Sutan
Internet Marketing, Tactics & Strategies
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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