Facebook Groups & Marketplace: The Complete Facebook Course
Facebook Groups & Marketplace: The Complete Facebook Course, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4, with 59 lectures, based on 74 reviews, and has 3341 subscribers.
You will learn about Monetize their Facebook groups and generate consistent 5- or 6-figures annually from them Train a community manager and automate the growth of your Facebook group Use the Facebook groups analytics tool 'Grytics' to measure engagement and optimize it Sell products via Facebook Marketplace & build a 1000+ products-strong Facebook marketplace store Master the art of importing products via Aliexpress from China and much more! This course is ideal for individuals who are Entrepreneurs, who want to start their own drop shipping business and would like to sell products online with Facebook Marketplace & groups or People who want to escape their 9 to 5 job and want to build a profitable online business or Everyone who already owns a Facebook group and wants to monetize it It is particularly useful for Entrepreneurs, who want to start their own drop shipping business and would like to sell products online with Facebook Marketplace & groups or People who want to escape their 9 to 5 job and want to build a profitable online business or Everyone who already owns a Facebook group and wants to monetize it.
Enroll now: Facebook Groups & Marketplace: The Complete Facebook Course
Title: Facebook Groups & Marketplace: The Complete Facebook Course
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 59
Number of Published Lectures: 59
Number of Curriculum Items: 59
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 59
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Monetize their Facebook groups and generate consistent 5- or 6-figures annually from them
- Train a community manager and automate the growth of your Facebook group
- Use the Facebook groups analytics tool 'Grytics' to measure engagement and optimize it
- Sell products via Facebook Marketplace & build a 1000+ products-strong Facebook marketplace store
- Master the art of importing products via Aliexpress from China
- and much more!
Who Should Attend
- Entrepreneurs, who want to start their own drop shipping business and would like to sell products online with Facebook Marketplace & groups
- People who want to escape their 9 to 5 job and want to build a profitable online business
- Everyone who already owns a Facebook group and wants to monetize it
Target Audiences
- Entrepreneurs, who want to start their own drop shipping business and would like to sell products online with Facebook Marketplace & groups
- People who want to escape their 9 to 5 job and want to build a profitable online business
- Everyone who already owns a Facebook group and wants to monetize it
Welcome to the “Complete Facebook Group Domination and Facebook Marketplace Course” that will show you how to build a profitable Facebook group and sell products via Facebook marketplace.
My name is Leon Chaudhari, I am a serial entrepreneur, drop shipping expert and I now already serve more than 22.000 students in 26 courses of which 10 are worldwide bestsellers.
What will you gain from enrolling in this course?
I will start off by teaching you how to build profitable Facebook groups from which I generate more than a 1000 dollars per month. You will learn how to get members engaged, how to sell products inside your group, train community managers and much more!
In the chapter about Facebook marketplace we will additionally together learn how to identify products with high margins, how to import products from China via Aliexpress, how to use software tools such as Oberlo and Honey. You will additionally learn how to create location-dependent offers on Facebook Marketplace and set up a Facebook Marketplace online store with thousands of products without having to rent a warehouse or anything – you only need your laptop and no up-front investments have to be made. And don’t worry: We will start making money from day 1 – that’s my promise!
What will you be able to do after you finish watching this course?
- Monetize their Facebook groups and generate consistent 5- or 6-figures annually from them
- Train a community manager and automate the growth of your Facebook group
- Use the Facebook groups analytics tool ‘Grytics’ to measure engagement and optimize it
- Sell products via Facebook Marketplace & build a 1000+ products-strong Facebook marketplace store
- Master the art of importing products via Aliexpress from China
- and much more!
When you are finished watching this course, you will have your profitable Facebook group and drop shipping business on hand that you can manage from anywhere in the world only through the click of a button.
Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that’s why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.
Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee .
It’s time to take action. This offer won’t last forever.
Go ahead and click the ‘take this course now’ button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!
Yours sincerely,
Leon Chaudhari
– instructor .
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Curriculum
Lecture 3: How can I introduce myself to the course community?
Chapter 2: Facebook Group Domination: How to succeed at Facebook groups
Lecture 1: Why should you bother? What's the point behind a Facebook group?
Lecture 2: Who are micro-influencers? And the theory of width and depth
Lecture 3: Step by step to your first Facebook group
Lecture 4: How to ask people the right questions when they join the group
Lecture 5: How to get more Facebook likes through group questions
Lecture 6: The purpose of a Facebook group & how to cash in through advertisements
Lecture 7: The concept of cost per click
Lecture 8: Advertising agency contract for your ad space
Lecture 9: My 6 best content strategies for massive engagement on Facebook
Lecture 10: Facebook group chats – how to set them up
Lecture 11: Zoom vs. Skype – How to create depth inside your group
Lecture 12: Why should group members have the possibility to talk to the creator?
Lecture 13: Why do you need to have a community manager?
Lecture 14: How to train your Facebook group community manager
Lecture 15: What to look out for when you do branding with your community manager
Lecture 16: Ideas on how to pay your community manager
Lecture 17: Creating your account on Grytics
Lecture 18: Adding groups & downloading reports
Lecture 19: How to check the overall data overview
Lecture 20: When are people most active in your group?
Lecture 21: Post and comments engagement
Lecture 22: Members & my secret mass engagement tool
Lecture 23: Wall of Fame
Lecture 24: How to create and send professional reports to your clients
Lecture 25: Updating your group
Lecture 26: Naming people in group posts & its importance
Lecture 27: Why should you go live?
Lecture 28: What exactly is Gumroad.com? Why should I use it?
Lecture 29: Gumroad account guide – what can your account do for you?
Lecture 30: Digital info products: A guide on selling digital info products via Gumroad
Lecture 31: How to sell subscriptions products on Gumroad (+ Mastermind example)
Lecture 32: How to take the next steps
Chapter 3: Facebook Marketplace – How to build a drop shipping business with Facebook
Lecture 1: Functionality: What exactly is Facebook Marketplace?
Lecture 2: How to sell a product via Facebook Marketplace: Step by step
Lecture 3: What are some reasons to decide for Facebook Marketplace
Lecture 4: An easy guide to buying products on Facebook marketplace
Lecture 5: Payments on Facebook marketplace
Lecture 6: Product codes & product descriptions
Lecture 7: An easy guide on how to identify great products
Lecture 8: Comparison of three sales platforms
Lecture 9: My favorite Amazon keyword search tool
Lecture 10: My guide for writing great product descriptions
Lecture 11: What is drop shipping? How does the drop ship model work?
Lecture 12: Product identification on Amazon
Lecture 13: How to get a product to your customer
Lecture 14: How Alibaba.com works & how to look for good reliable companies
Lecture 15: What's a location-dependent offer?
Lecture 16: Some advice before you start…
Lecture 17: How to manage your product sales
Lecture 18: Why every product you sell should cost less than 100 USD
Lecture 19: What your profile has to say about you
Lecture 20: Aliexpress vs. Taobao
Lecture 21: How to set up an Aliexpress account
Lecture 22: How to get a product as fast as possible to your customer
Lecture 23: How to get discounts on Aliexpress
Chapter 4: Thank you!
Lecture 1: Thank you for watching!
Business Hero
Professional online business education & personal support
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 43 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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