Faster Smarter Better (Ultimate Online Marketing Blueprint)
Faster Smarter Better (Ultimate Online Marketing Blueprint), available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 74 lectures, based on 81 reviews, and has 2559 subscribers.
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Enroll now: Faster Smarter Better (Ultimate Online Marketing Blueprint)
Title: Faster Smarter Better (Ultimate Online Marketing Blueprint)
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
Who Should Attend
Target Audiences
With this Internet Marketing Course, Discover The Real Secrets And Strategies You Need To Build A Solid Six Figure+ Internet Business, Become A Successful Online Marketer, Create A Cash Rich Business And The Lifestyle You’ve Always Wanted…
If you want to learn internet marketing, if you’re looking to build a business that has a real consistent, dependable income but have been struggling to make money online so far, then YES you’re in the right place…
You may or may not like everything you read on this page and some of it may sting a little, but I’ve never been ones to tell the truth with a sugar coating… Facts are facts and you deserve to hear it like it is…
And here it is, it’s the real problem in the Internet Marketing community.
94% of marketers make $500 or less online each and every month
(and a large percentage of those make nothing or even lose money)
But why is that?Surely if everyone’s buying the latest and greatest marketing tactics & strategies and the newest shiniest ‘1 click to riches’ software, they should all be stinking rich shouldn’t they?
Why are there so many people failing?
Think about it like this… Most marketers aren’t lazy or stupid people, heck to set up your own business takes a desire and passion that most average people lack… So if they set out to achieve the internet marketing dream (a lifestyle of complete freedom and passive income) Why is the reality nothing like that at all?
Well here’s the cold, hard truth: Most online marketers simply end up experiencing confusion, they spend way too much on crap ‘systems’ that don’t work, they make meager or non existent profits and end up completely overwhelmed.
(People get desperate to achieve successand they keep buying product after product without sticking to one thing long enough to even see a glimmer success – Or they simply get sold garbage, untested ideas by the conmen and fake ass ‘gurus’ that are only interested in making a quick buck!)
And if any of this sounds familiar to you or has happened to you before you have to understand it’s not your fault. It’s simply the nature of the industry.
But look – If you’ve found yourself stuck in the trap of always learning and never doing, (and feel overloaded by all those offers that hit your inbox everyday), there is a REAL, PROVEN solution…
The real secret is that there is no secret, there is no “magic bullet”.
You just need to focus on actually building a real, evergreen business that works!
And to do that (despite the constant hype) the best solution is to choose a business modelthat has worked in the past, that still works now and will continue to work for a long time in the future.
The reality is that the Internet is simply a tool and when you use it the right way you can leverage it to build a business, and a faster, smarter and better business!
The trouble is that until now no one has been showing people how to do this –
And that’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to the Faster, Smarter Better Business Building System…
Armed with this powerful internet marketing training you’ll have nothing left to figure out on your own. Everything is laid out for you in true step-by-step action list format and it’s all geared up to you finally getting the results you’ve always wanted FAST!
Inside you’ll get a complete system:
● You’ll know exactly what business to start
● How to get an unlimited amount of free traffic.
● How to create killer evergreen products that are guaranteed to sell
● How to attract partners that will allow your business to grow really really fast
● How to put your business on autopilot
● And how to scale your business to any income level that you desire.
By the time you finishthis internet marketing course you’ll have learnt internet marketing and you’ll own a ROCK SOLID, profitable business.
Your only decision will be to keep it or sell it.
Seriously you’ll have a real asset, an asset that’s worth selling for a lump sum of money.
How would you like a thirty thousand dollar payday? What would you do with that much cash?
Think about this right now: What’s it worth to you to have the skill to build a business that could produce that type of money on demand…
…Or to own a profitable evergreen business, the type of business that we described earlier (high traffic website, thousands of subscribers, powerful JV partners and relationships)
Something that provides you with the total freedom to live the life you choose…
What are you waiting for… below you’ll find we are giving away almost an entire hour of this course’s life changing videos. In fact, you can watch over 60 minutes of this course (longer than some entire courses on Udemy) for FREE.
I guarantee, if you watch just the FREE videos on this page, you’ll discover not only that this Udemy course is something very special and different, but you’ll also discover something special about yourself that will redefine and clarify what “personal success” can mean for you, and how you can go about achieving it, in your lifetime!
Even if for some reason you can’t take the rest of this course, you’ll never forget nor regret this first “Faster Smarter Better” life lesson!
Press play below or enroll today, it’s that easy to begin!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: MODULE 1
Lecture 1: Exceeding Your Recommended Limits
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Why This Is Different – Long Term Income & Building Blocks
Lecture 4: The Myth of Success and Living the Perfect Life!
Lecture 5: The Myth of Success and Living the Perfect Life (Part 2)
Lecture 6: You Have Options!
Chapter 2: MODULE 2
Lecture 1: Laying the Foundation
Lecture 2: Changing the Game and the Rules!
Lecture 3: Master of Web Masters
Lecture 4: Building Your First Tool Box, and Picking Out Your First Tools
Lecture 5: Becoming your own dot-com!
Lecture 6: Hosting Your Empire
Lecture 7: Setting Up Your Customer Service
Lecture 8: Website Platforms
Lecture 9: Payment Processing
Lecture 10: Setting Up A Web Based Shopping Cart
Lecture 11: Additional Tools for the Toolbox
Chapter 3: MODULE 3
Lecture 1: Product/Service Development
Lecture 2: Tapping Into Your Talents & Interests!
Lecture 3: Keyword Search Tools
Lecture 4: Keyword Researching – Real World Examples Part 1
Lecture 5: Keyword Researching – Real World Examples Part 2
Lecture 6: The Litmus Test
Lecture 7: Listening In On Customers Conversations
Lecture 8: Search Engine Recon
Lecture 9: Developing The Money Making Solution
Lecture 10: Leveraging Your Many Options
Lecture 11: The Power of Branding Yourself
Chapter 4: MODULE 4
Lecture 1: Building Profitable Relationships
Lecture 2: Top Strategies to Increase Your Profits
Lecture 3: Stand Out From The Crowd!
Lecture 4: Creating High Converting Opt-ins
Lecture 5: Placing Your Opt-in
Lecture 6: The Nitty-Gritty! Getting It Done
Lecture 7: Knock! Knock!
Lecture 8: Robot Wars & Promoting Your List!
Chapter 5: MODULE 5
Lecture 1: Setting-Up Your Sales Funnel!
Lecture 2: Dissecting The Sales Funnel!
Lecture 3: Robot, Spiders & Algorithms
Lecture 4: Search Engines Exposed
Lecture 5: On Site Search Engine Optimization for Your Website and Content
Lecture 6: An Invitation to the Party!
Lecture 7: Off Site Optimization
Chapter 6: MODULE 6
Lecture 1: The Press Release
Lecture 2: The Video, Video!
Lecture 3: There Is More to Social Media Than Facebook!
Lecture 4: Social Media Psychology
Lecture 5: Converting Visitors Into Customers
Lecture 6: The Recipe For Cooking Up Killer Copy!
Lecture 7: Tracking Your Results
Chapter 7: MODULE 7
Lecture 1: Introduction To Joint Ventures
Lecture 2: Finding The Right Business Partner
Lecture 3: Joint Ventures – from Infrastructure to Introductions
Chapter 8: MODULE 8
Lecture 1: An Intro to Underground Media Buying
Lecture 2: Ad-networks Exposed
Lecture 3: Social Media Explosion
Lecture 4: Co-Registration & Email Buys
Lecture 5: Portals, Direct Buys, and the Cutting Edge of Mobile Markets
Lecture 6: Underground Media Buying Strategies
Chapter 9: MODULE 9
Lecture 1: Your Intro to Advanced Conversion Tactics
Lecture 2: Underground Up-sale Multipliers Exposed and Real Life Examples!
Lecture 3: Playing with Side Pocket Continuity Funnels
Chapter 10: MODULE 10
Lecture 1: Making Your World Bigger!
Lecture 2: Time – Your Most Valuable Asset!
Lecture 3: The Seven Deadly Sins of Outsourcing
Lecture 4: Building Your Freedom Machine
Lecture 5: Step-by-Step Through the Process – Part One!
Lecture 6: Step-by-Step Part II, Through the Process!
Lecture 7: Managing Your Many Outsourcers
Chapter 11: MODULE 11
Lecture 1: Standing On The Cross Roads!
Lecture 2: Increasing Your Value and Profits!
Chapter 12: MODULE 12
Lecture 1: Taking It to the Next Level!
Lecture 2: Retaining Super Star Contractors and Setting Up An Advanced Outsourcing Infrastructure
Lecture 3: Wrapping It All Up and Moving Ahead
Mark Lyford
Online Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 11 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 47 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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