Google Analytics UA | The Complete Guide | 2021
Google Analytics UA | The Complete Guide | 2021, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 101 lectures, 15 quizzes, based on 143 reviews, and has 787 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand why measurement is vital for your website and business Understand the process to plan your dashboards and reports Identify the impact that bad data has on your business & decisions Understand the need to segment data, to find your best and worst customers Understand how Google Analytics works from data collection, configuration, processing, and reporting perspectives Identify how UTM tracking codes work and create your own Understand the key terminology used in Google Analytics Execute on a measurement plan Understand what an account, property and view is in Google Analytics Identify your current setup and map out the correct account structure Understand what a typical account setup is for basic sites, companies with multiple brands, and multi-domain websites Understand the differences between a predefined and custom filter Identify how regex works, and how it is used in custom filters Strategically define the filters needed for your website Understand how to best flag issues of importance from your audit that might impact reporting Understand the difference between the various levels of access in Google Analytics Understand your options for data sharing, and what you gain as a result Understand the concept, and use case for the User ID function Understand how your Tracking Info settings can impact your reporting data Identify the need to link Google Analytics with other Google products Identify where you would find remarketing lists for your Google Ads & Marketing Platform campaigns Set up Site Search and understand where that data lives and what it's for Understand which Goals you currently have set up, if you’re missing any, and if they are working correctly Use Content Grouping to understand your website content Identify how ecommerce data can be used in Google Analytics Use and set up annotations and alerts – so you always know what's going on Understand what the Segment, Attribution models, and Custom Channel Groupings functions are used for under your Personal Tools and Assets Create or edit marketing channels in your admin settings, and nail the planning process Create custom channels like paid social, email signatures, or press releases Explore how the reporting API works when assigning credit (attribution) to your marketing channels Identify what event tracking is used for, and where the data lives in your Google Analytics reports Identify which events you should be tracking on your website or app, and how to build them Recognize how Google Tag Manager works with your events Reflect on your business objectives and understand the need for Goals within your Google Analytics setup Understand how Goals can be mapped to a customer journey, with your site in mind Review your current goal status, and identify opportunities to improve your current setup Create and identify new opportunities for Goals on your website Establish how funnels are created in Google Analytics, and identify where the data sits in your account Understand the features available in the reporting interface and how to get the most out of them Identify how to give context to data, with date ranges, and other modifiers Reflect on how you can use the examples for your own business analysis Understand the difference between the core reporting API and the MCF reporting API Recognize how long it takes customers to convert on your website Understand how your channels and content assist in conversions Understand the typical conversion path by specific marketing channels on your website Recognize & Compare the different attribution models within Google Recognize the pros, cons, and limitations of Segments in Google Analytics Apply your knowledge in creating the system, conditional, and sequence Segments Reflect on how to use Segments for your website and business Understand and scope custom dimensions and metrics Understand the concept of data import, when to use it, and how to use it Understand the concepts and use cases for custom attribution models, and create your own Understand how to use the Admin Audit and Measurement Plan template Review your current Google Analytics set up and suggest improvements to your setup Reflect on user experience techniques to display data in a more easily understood, more meaningful way Apply your knowledge and build a basic dashboard in Google Data Studio This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who currently works in a marketing role, or would like to be in one or Anyone who currently works in UX Design or Product Management and wants to level up their testing and reporting or Anyone who currently works as a developer, and wants to collaborate more effectively with other digital functions or Anyone who owns a small business or a startup, and wants to make sure they are making the right choices with their time and money or Anyone who manages a team or agency, and wants to understand more of what's going on It is particularly useful for Anyone who currently works in a marketing role, or would like to be in one or Anyone who currently works in UX Design or Product Management and wants to level up their testing and reporting or Anyone who currently works as a developer, and wants to collaborate more effectively with other digital functions or Anyone who owns a small business or a startup, and wants to make sure they are making the right choices with their time and money or Anyone who manages a team or agency, and wants to understand more of what's going on.
Enroll now: Google Analytics UA | The Complete Guide | 2021
Title: Google Analytics UA | The Complete Guide | 2021
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 101
Number of Quizzes: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 101
Number of Published Quizzes: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 116
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand why measurement is vital for your website and business
- Understand the process to plan your dashboards and reports
- Identify the impact that bad data has on your business & decisions
- Understand the need to segment data, to find your best and worst customers
- Understand how Google Analytics works from data collection, configuration, processing, and reporting perspectives
- Identify how UTM tracking codes work and create your own
- Understand the key terminology used in Google Analytics
- Execute on a measurement plan
- Understand what an account, property and view is in Google Analytics
- Identify your current setup and map out the correct account structure
- Understand what a typical account setup is for basic sites, companies with multiple brands, and multi-domain websites
- Understand the differences between a predefined and custom filter
- Identify how regex works, and how it is used in custom filters
- Strategically define the filters needed for your website
- Understand how to best flag issues of importance from your audit that might impact reporting
- Understand the difference between the various levels of access in Google Analytics
- Understand your options for data sharing, and what you gain as a result
- Understand the concept, and use case for the User ID function
- Understand how your Tracking Info settings can impact your reporting data
- Identify the need to link Google Analytics with other Google products
- Identify where you would find remarketing lists for your Google Ads & Marketing Platform campaigns
- Set up Site Search and understand where that data lives and what it's for
- Understand which Goals you currently have set up, if you’re missing any, and if they are working correctly
- Use Content Grouping to understand your website content
- Identify how ecommerce data can be used in Google Analytics
- Use and set up annotations and alerts – so you always know what's going on
- Understand what the Segment, Attribution models, and Custom Channel Groupings functions are used for under your Personal Tools and Assets
- Create or edit marketing channels in your admin settings, and nail the planning process
- Create custom channels like paid social, email signatures, or press releases
- Explore how the reporting API works when assigning credit (attribution) to your marketing channels
- Identify what event tracking is used for, and where the data lives in your Google Analytics reports
- Identify which events you should be tracking on your website or app, and how to build them
- Recognize how Google Tag Manager works with your events
- Reflect on your business objectives and understand the need for Goals within your Google Analytics setup
- Understand how Goals can be mapped to a customer journey, with your site in mind
- Review your current goal status, and identify opportunities to improve your current setup
- Create and identify new opportunities for Goals on your website
- Establish how funnels are created in Google Analytics, and identify where the data sits in your account
- Understand the features available in the reporting interface and how to get the most out of them
- Identify how to give context to data, with date ranges, and other modifiers
- Reflect on how you can use the examples for your own business analysis
- Understand the difference between the core reporting API and the MCF reporting API
- Recognize how long it takes customers to convert on your website
- Understand how your channels and content assist in conversions
- Understand the typical conversion path by specific marketing channels on your website
- Recognize & Compare the different attribution models within Google
- Recognize the pros, cons, and limitations of Segments in Google Analytics
- Apply your knowledge in creating the system, conditional, and sequence Segments
- Reflect on how to use Segments for your website and business
- Understand and scope custom dimensions and metrics
- Understand the concept of data import, when to use it, and how to use it
- Understand the concepts and use cases for custom attribution models, and create your own
- Understand how to use the Admin Audit and Measurement Plan template
- Review your current Google Analytics set up and suggest improvements to your setup
- Reflect on user experience techniques to display data in a more easily understood, more meaningful way
- Apply your knowledge and build a basic dashboard in Google Data Studio
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who currently works in a marketing role, or would like to be in one
- Anyone who currently works in UX Design or Product Management and wants to level up their testing and reporting
- Anyone who currently works as a developer, and wants to collaborate more effectively with other digital functions
- Anyone who owns a small business or a startup, and wants to make sure they are making the right choices with their time and money
- Anyone who manages a team or agency, and wants to understand more of what's going on
Target Audiences
- Anyone who currently works in a marketing role, or would like to be in one
- Anyone who currently works in UX Design or Product Management and wants to level up their testing and reporting
- Anyone who currently works as a developer, and wants to collaborate more effectively with other digital functions
- Anyone who owns a small business or a startup, and wants to make sure they are making the right choices with their time and money
- Anyone who manages a team or agency, and wants to understand more of what's going on
Update March 16th 2022: Google Analytics announced that Universal Analytics will be depreciated on the 1st July 2023 after that, the data will no longer be available to use.
Please note that this course is for Universal Analytics only and does not contain any lessons on GA4
We have loved creating this course and it has been a pleasure to share our knowledge with you.
Thank you for all your support and feedback.
Updated January 2021:Our previous students, from our days delivering in-person training and online courses have come from companies like Google, General Assembly, Airbnb, Coca Cola, Booking. com, Vodafone, Freelancer. com &tons (& tons) of smaller businesses and startups who want to learn, nail it, and win! Over our career we have taught over 65,000 students and have now ventured into the land of Udemy!
Hold on there, don’t Google have their own free one – why would you pay for a course? Which is fair, it’s a lovely little course, you’ll learn all the lingo. You won’t however, know how to do anything – which is kind of our bag. Equally, if you are after Google Analytics for Properties, or G4P – that’s a new product, and in beta. Luckily, we will have a course for it as soon as the product is ready – around the same time that Google have one.
If you are after Universal Google Analytics, you are in the right place!
Listen, we won’t make you an analytics wizard overnight – and we think misleading people is a bit mean – so we aren’t going to. Honestly, you could go off and learn the ins and outs of this fantastic platform by yourself – took us a few years, and if you have that kind of time – we salute you! We enjoyed the sweat and tears, no lie.
You’ll probably know, that unlike the formal training offered for other marketing tools, Google Analytics training tends to fall through the cracks. You’ll have heard about analytics, no doubt. You might even have glanced at the occasional report. Line goes up, good news, line goes down, bad news – that kind of thing.
But, do you really know how to use this wonder-tool with confidence? With so much confidence in fact, that you can super-charge your decision-making, answer even the trickiest question about any customer interactionand make your website work harder for you, without breaking a sweat?
Aha. Now that changes things, doesn’t it? And that brings us back to why we’re here. Because, unlike most marketers, we know how to absolutely -crush it- on Google Analytics, we literally wrote the book. And with this course, you can crush it too.
You aren’t required to know anything beforehand – we’ll teach you the fundamentals, how to apply them, how to develop into an advanced user, if that’s where you’d like to go.
Now to the super special bit. We are going to help you understand how it all works and master the ‘how to do it part’ with editable templates that have come off the back of 10+ years in analytics, about 175 analytics audits, and teaching tens of thousands of people. It has taken us months to create these templates alone, but they will form the documentation you need, not to mention save you months in creating them for yourself. Short of sitting down beside side you, and doing your job for you – this course has – everything you’ll need.
How’s that for special? See you in there!
P.S. make sure you check out our ‘How to Use this Course’ resource in lesson 1 so you can focus on the modules that will work best for your learning journey.
Your instructors:
Aiden Carroll is Co-Founder of The Coloring In Department. He built some of Google’s earliest and most successful education products, that still run today, has taught 65,000 people worldwide, and is Global Lead Digital Instructor at General Assembly NYC & London
Jill Quickis Co-Founder of The Coloring In Department. She is a globally recognised authority on Google Analytics and speaks at numerous international conferences on the topic. Safe to say, she knows her stuff.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Google Analytics
Lecture 1: Why You Should Care About Google Analytics
Lecture 2: Why Analytics Is A Skill Worth Having
Lecture 3: How Google Analytics Works
Lecture 4: What's the Google Analytics Lingo?
Lecture 5: How to Manage Expectations, & Deliver
Lecture 6: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section One
Lecture 7: How to use this Course
Chapter 2: Account Set Up
Lecture 1: Account Set Up, & Introduction to the House Model
Lecture 2: Different Types of Houses & Examples
Lecture 3: Admin, Account Settings – A Guided Demonstration
Lecture 4: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Two
Lecture 5: Optional Extra Reading & Viewing
Chapter 3: Filters In Google Analytics
Lecture 1: What are Filters?
Lecture 2: Common Examples of Filters in Google Analytics
Lecture 3: Types of Filters, Predefined & Custom
Lecture 4: Where Filters Live in Google Analytics
Lecture 5: A Strategic Approach to Filters
Lecture 6: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Three
Lecture 7: Optional Extra Reading & Viewing
Chapter 4: Admin Overview & Audit
Lecture 1: Google Analytics & Measurement Plans
Lecture 2: How to Flag Issues of Importance
Lecture 3: Levels of Access in Google Analytics
Lecture 4: How to Give or Edit Access in Google Analytics
Lecture 5: How to Create a Property or View in Google Analytics
Lecture 6: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Four
Chapter 5: Admin Overview, Account Level
Lecture 1: Account Settings
Lecture 2: Account Settings & Management
Lecture 3: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Five
Chapter 6: Admin Overview, Property Level
Lecture 1: Property Settings & User Management
Lecture 2: Tracking Info in Google Analytics
Lecture 3: Product Linking in Google Analytics
Lecture 4: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Six
Chapter 7: Admin Overview, View Level
Lecture 1: Basic Settings at The View Level
Lecture 2: User Manager at The View Level
Lecture 3: Goals at The View Level
Lecture 4: Content Groupings
Lecture 5: Filters at The View Level
Lecture 6: Channel Settings
Lecture 7: Ecommerce Settings
Lecture 8: Calculated Metrics
Lecture 9: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Seven
Lecture 10: Optional Extra Reading & Viewing
Chapter 8: Admin Overview, Personal Tools & Assets
Lecture 1: Personal Tools & Assets
Lecture 2: Creating Annotations
Lecture 3: Creating Alerts
Lecture 4: Admin Audit Review, an Example
Lecture 5: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Eight
Chapter 9: Acquisition & UTM Codes
Lecture 1: How Does UTM Tracking Work?
Lecture 2: What is the Default Channel Grouping?
Lecture 3: How to Edit the Default Channel Grouping
Lecture 4: How to Create UTM Codes
Lecture 5: Getting Assisted Conversions
Lecture 6: The Channel Planning Process
Lecture 7: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Nine
Lecture 8: Optional Extra Reading & Viewing
Chapter 10: Event Tracking
Lecture 1: What is Event Tracking?
Lecture 2: How to Label Event Tracking
Lecture 3: What Can Event Tracking Data be Used for?
Lecture 4: The Event Tracking Process
Lecture 5: How to Brief the Development Team
Lecture 6: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Ten
Lecture 7: Optional Extra Reading & Viewing
Chapter 11: Goals in Google Analytics
Lecture 1: Business Objectives – Micro & Macro Goals
Lecture 2: TIMER – Mapping Goals to The Customer Journey
Lecture 3: Creating Goals in Google Analytics
Lecture 4: Funnel Visualization In Google Analytics
Lecture 5: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Eleven
Lecture 6: Optional Extra Reading & Viewing
Chapter 12: The Reporting Interface
Lecture 1: The Reporting Interface
Lecture 2: Real Time Walkthrough
Lecture 3: Audience Walkthrough
Lecture 4: Acquisition Walkthrough
Lecture 5: Behavior Walkthrough
Lecture 6: Conversion Walkthrough
Lecture 7: Use Cases: How to Find Answers in Google Analytics
Lecture 8: Templates, Resources, & Transcripts – Section Twelve
Lecture 9: Optional Extra Reading & Viewing
Aiden Carroll
Co-Founder The Coloring In Department | Angel | Ex-Google -
Jill Quick
Co Founder The Coloring in Department
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 19 votes
- 4 stars: 37 votes
- 5 stars: 79 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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