How to organise successful events
How to organise successful events, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 117 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 259 reviews, and has 1308 subscribers.
You will learn about Design events your customers or visitors actually want using objective setting to guide your events planning Create and design an event that excites your audiences Effectively project plan and budget your events Be able to select, contract and work with great contractors and suppliers Search, evaluate, select and site plan your perfect venue Design a great event programme that delivers excitement and behaviour change Increase your event sign up rates by creating effective event promotional plans using on and off line media Construct accurate operational plans to help you set up and run your events Deliver safe, well run and risk assessed events Lead, motivate and brief your event day teams Obtain feedback and evaluate the effect of your event Have an overview of the process of planning an online event And of cause know…that YOU can design and deliver successful and rewarding events: packed full of great takeaway memories. This course is ideal for individuals who are New event managers who have no or little actual events experience or formal training. or Anybody who has been given an event to organise or been asked to help plan and deliver an event. or Anybody who has already tried events before but found they have not quite delivered. or Anybody who wants to know how to run a successful event or Anybody with events in their job description but not in their job title i.e Accidental, occasional and new event planners or Anyone who works / volunteers for a charity, community group, club, association, school, college or interest group who run or want to run events It is particularly useful for New event managers who have no or little actual events experience or formal training. or Anybody who has been given an event to organise or been asked to help plan and deliver an event. or Anybody who has already tried events before but found they have not quite delivered. or Anybody who wants to know how to run a successful event or Anybody with events in their job description but not in their job title i.e Accidental, occasional and new event planners or Anyone who works / volunteers for a charity, community group, club, association, school, college or interest group who run or want to run events.
Enroll now: How to organise successful events
Title: How to organise successful events
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 117
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 117
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 118
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 118
Original Price: £99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Design events your customers or visitors actually want using objective setting to guide your events planning
- Create and design an event that excites your audiences
- Effectively project plan and budget your events
- Be able to select, contract and work with great contractors and suppliers
- Search, evaluate, select and site plan your perfect venue
- Design a great event programme that delivers excitement and behaviour change
- Increase your event sign up rates by creating effective event promotional plans using on and off line media
- Construct accurate operational plans to help you set up and run your events
- Deliver safe, well run and risk assessed events
- Lead, motivate and brief your event day teams
- Obtain feedback and evaluate the effect of your event
- Have an overview of the process of planning an online event
- And of cause know…that YOU can design and deliver successful and rewarding events: packed full of great takeaway memories.
Who Should Attend
- New event managers who have no or little actual events experience or formal training.
- Anybody who has been given an event to organise or been asked to help plan and deliver an event.
- Anybody who has already tried events before but found they have not quite delivered.
- Anybody who wants to know how to run a successful event
- Anybody with events in their job description but not in their job title i.e Accidental, occasional and new event planners
- Anyone who works / volunteers for a charity, community group, club, association, school, college or interest group who run or want to run events
Target Audiences
- New event managers who have no or little actual events experience or formal training.
- Anybody who has been given an event to organise or been asked to help plan and deliver an event.
- Anybody who has already tried events before but found they have not quite delivered.
- Anybody who wants to know how to run a successful event
- Anybody with events in their job description but not in their job title i.e Accidental, occasional and new event planners
- Anyone who works / volunteers for a charity, community group, club, association, school, college or interest group who run or want to run events
Do you already run or are thinking of running events?
Do you want to know the ‘how to’ of confidently creating and producing great events?
Have been given an event to run and don’t know where to start?
Do you already run events and want to get a better return on your time, effort and money investment?
Are you or your organisation looking to use events as a great way to build an audience, public awareness and sales
Are you serious about becoming a super effective event planner?
Online event management How to organise successful events course: Introduction
Events play an ever-increasing and important part of our everyday lives. We love our events! They can encompass anything from festivals and conferences to food and craft fairs to parties and celebrations. Events are also a tried and tested method for businesses and organisations to market themselves and generate sales.
Here’s the tricky bit:
Events, like many things in life, seem in essence quite simple things but are in fact, a little more difficult to actually deliver. Creating memorable and crucially rewarding events when visitor expectations are so high – is no easy task. Designing, planning and producing events is a bit like directing a live stage show. Unlike a show though: there is usually no dress rehearsal or full run through and once started – no second chances.
But the truth is:
My experiences have shown me that you can all be great event managers, with a little of the right kind of help and a ‘can do’ attitude.
So on my on line event management course – ‘How to organise successful events‘ I am going to teach you everything I know about the ‘how to’ of organising great events and so give you the skills and confidence to run events…in just a few hours.
Course Outcomes: you will learn how to:
design events your customers or visitors actually want using objective setting to guide your events planning
create and design an event that excites
effectively project plan and budget your events
select, contract and work with great contractors and suppliers
search, evaluate, select and site plan your perfect venue
design a great event programme that delivers excitement and change
increase your event sign up rates by creating effective event promotional plans using on and off line media
construct accurate operational plans to help you set up and run your events
deliver safe, well run and risk assessed events
lead, motivate and brief your event day teams
obtain feedback and evaluate the effect of your event
Have an overview of the process of planning an online event
And of cause know that YOU can design and deliver successful and rewarding events: packed full of great takeaway memories.
The course
The Event Expert ‘How to organise successful events’ is a high content course designed to give you a good understanding of how to run successful events. You will get clear, logical, easy to follow advice that you can implement straight away.
You will also get high quality course materials which include:
A 30+ page reference material – jammed packed with additional materials
A course workbook of activities to help you try out your new found learning
Various event planning templates – so you don’t have to create your own
A selection of subject specific articles to help embed the learning
Access to my unique 7-step event planning process. NB: It’s the same one I use to run my own events. I have been designing, planning and delivering events for the past 20+ years.
I know events are no soft option. However with the right kind of help and a positive attitude, I believe we can all be great event managers. This course will certainly set you up nicely to enter the wonderful world of events planning!
The truth is:I Knew nothing about events when I was asked to run my first event. I learnt quickly and happily survived. I think you will too.
Who is this ‘How to organise successful events’ course for?
This on line event management course is specifically for:
New event managers who have no or little actual events experience or formal training.
Anyone who has been given an event to organise or been asked to help plan and deliver an event.
Anyone who has already tried events before but found they have not quite delivered.
Anyone who wants to know how to run a successful event
Anyone who is seriously considering a career in events
Anyone who is already involved in events but wants to take the next step up to become the event manager
So, if you are an employee or are doing this voluntarily for a charity, community group, club, association, school, college or interest group this course will give you a full understanding of the ‘how to’ of successful event planning.
It is suitable for all types of public and business events.
Please note: This course is for those serious about developing their event planning skills. It is a very comprehensive: concept to completion and every step in between ‘how to’ course based on my 20+ events of practical events management experience. It is for those who genuinely think events could be their thing: either professionally or as a volunteer event manager running events for your favourite course or charity.
It is not suitable for experienced professional event planners but, would be a very helpful reminder of the fundamentals of successful event planning or for those who have had no formal event management training.
Course duration
I would recommend you set aside about 8-10 hours to review the presentations, watch the videos, read the accompanying blogs and reference manual and complete the quizzes and exercises.
Or if time is precious: you could try and set aside an hour at a time and complete a module a day? The choice is yours
Your tutor, Chris Powell, The Event Expert
Chris Powell is Director of The Event Expert. Chris has been designing, planning and delivering events for 24 years. In that time he has been a local authority events manager and events director of a range of events and festivals, as well as helping a variety of organisations to deliver their events – as a freelance events manager and consultant.
For the past 20 years he has also been helping clients from the world of business, exhibitions, education, sport, the public and charity sector, training, tourism, creative agencies and festivals develop the ideas, skills and confidence to go it alone: run their own events. He specialises in providing in-house and on line events training and consultancy services to accidental, occasional and professional event managers across the UK, Europe and the Middle East. His clients include some very well-known names. He’s an in demand event specialist.
He is a regular blogger on all things events, a speaker and author of three event planning books. Work with or listen to Chris and you will get clear, logical and easy to follow advice based on his 20+ years of practical events management experience. He does indeed practice what he preaches.
He is not somebody who once ran an event or never ran an event and thinks they can now write a authoritative course on planning an event. He has successfully completed over 500 events and taught over 6000+ events managers: it’s safe to say that there is not much Chris doesn’t know about the ‘how to’ of successful events. His client list is testimony to that.
Here are some recent testimonials for this on line course
This is exactly what I need!! It was full of details and practical steps. This course is broken down in an order that makes sense and is doable for any type of event.
It contains valuable information, clear explanations, helpful practice activities and delivered by an engaging and very knowledgeable instructor
Detailed, lots of advice from the real world, tons of information. Can’t wait to put it into practice. Thanks for your time and energy to put this together.
I am so glad I came across this course! Great explanations Chris made it very clear by the way he organised the lessons. Thank you, this helped a lot!
I have really enjoyed this course! Filled with useful information, detailed, and extremely helpful.
I’ve been organising events for a few years now, but I haven’t come across any course which was more applicable to my everyday work than this. I loved that it systematically goes through every stage of the event management process with a really practical approach. Whether you are an experienced event manager or just starting it’s a perfect choice. I can definitely recommend it.
An extremely helpful events course.
I found the course extremely helpful. I have learnt things I never knew before. The workbook provided during the course is great for taking notes and the reference manual is full of so much useful information about everything you need to know. I have kept a copy of both for myself to refer back to when I need a bit of guidance. I really liked the fun test at the end of the course to the quiz after module 8. I fully enjoyed the blog posts, I especially liked reading about Chris’s own personal experiences. I particularly liked the blog titled ‘ is finding the perfect venue really such a big deal’. I believe reading about his personal experiences as an event manager really helps understand all aspects in organising an event. I will recommend the course to anyone who is truly interested in the events industry.
Gemma Rolfe
Jam packed full of information that is really useful, relevant and reliable
“WOW! What a comprehensive course, I found it jam packed full of information that was really useful, relevant and reliable. The course literally covers everything a new event manager could possibly need to know in a simple and easy-to-understand manner with the course elements covered in a logical and common sense order which helps it flow easily. I like the way the way you have used a combination of narrated presentations, PDF’s and fun aspects like the quiz / survey at the end, this makes it varied and interesting to read. With so much information to take in, the individual slides are simple, easy to digest and absorb. The ‘visual’ of where you are in the course in the left hand side column is helpful and useful to keep track with. If you are thinking of or new to events, this course is a must do!”
Louisa Brown
Here are words that have been used to describe me taken from recent in-house course evaluation and testimonials are:
Creative, personable, expert, very keen attention to detail, enthusiast, inspiring, passionate, engaging, funny, relaxed, captivating, incredibly knowledgeable, meticulous, real can do approach, really really…knows events, practical, excellent communicator, approachable, has a wealth of event experience!
Course completion certificate?
When you complete 100% of the course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic.
Your 100% No-risk Money back guarantee
The course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it’s my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed. I really do believe that you will find the course incredibly helpful as you seek to learn the event planning ropes but should you not: You can have your money back. No questions asked.
Interested? Want to learn to be a great be an events manager? Then don’t delay sign up now…it could be the start of something very special
PS: Imagine having the confidence to run your own events? To lead or be part of an event planning team organising charity, arts and sports events: exhibitions, shows and fares, parties and celebrations and know you did yourself…with a little help from someone who started…just where you did – knowing nothing about events!
Go on: give it a go: events really could be your thing!
Thank you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course welcome
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 2: Course introduction
Chapter 2: Introduction to the world of events management
Lecture 1: Welcome to the introductory module
Lecture 2: Events Planning unwrapped
Lecture 3: The Event Expert 7 Step Event Management System
Lecture 4: What is an event?
Lecture 5: Types and styles of events
Chapter 3: Module 1: Purpose – Creating events…that will work
Lecture 1: Welcome to module 1 – Purpose
Lecture 2: Pre-event market research
Lecture 3: Free Event Market Research
Lecture 4: Conducting pre-event surveys
Lecture 5: What does pre-event research give you
Lecture 6: Why are you running an event – setting an event aim
Lecture 7: Whose coming to your event – agreeing your audience profile
Lecture 8: What kind of event are you intending to organise?
Lecture 9: Module summary of key points
Chapter 4: Module 2: Presentation – Designing knock out events
Lecture 1: Welcome to module 2 – Presentation
Lecture 2: Presentation – Designing knock out events
Lecture 3: Designing events for audiences
Lecture 4: Event design ideas
Lecture 5: Event idea evaluation process
Lecture 6: Setting your event date
Lecture 7: Creating an event brief
Lecture 8: Module summary of key points
Lecture 9: Just a minute quiz time – Presentation
Chapter 5: Module 3: Planning – Making your event happen
Lecture 1: Welcome to module 3: Planning
Lecture 2: Planning – making your event happen
Lecture 3: Recruiting your event planning team
Lecture 4: Running great event planning meetings
Lecture 5: Event project plans
Lecture 6: Event project plan example
Lecture 7: Event Budgets – the money
Lecture 8: 4 event financial strategies
Lecture 9: Preparing an events budget
Lecture 10: Planning your event budget
Lecture 11: Managing your event budget
Lecture 12: Picking the right suppliers
Lecture 13: Supplier contracts
Lecture 14: Event insurance
Lecture 15: Module summary of key points
Lecture 16: Just a minute quiz time – Planning
Lecture 17: 7 step event management system: Course mid point summary
Lecture 18: Check in time: How's it going?
Chapter 6: Module 4: Place – Finding the perfect event venue
Lecture 1: Welcome to module 4: Places
Lecture 2: Places – Finding the perfect event venue
Lecture 3: Types of event venues
Lecture 4: Venue search criteria
Lecture 5: Finding your perfect event venue
Lecture 6: Evaluating indoor events venues
Lecture 7: Evaluating your event venue (outdoors)
Lecture 8: Venue quotes
Lecture 9: Selecting your event venue
Lecture 10: Designing and planning your event site
Lecture 11: Event site planing considerations
Lecture 12: Explanation of an example event site plan
Lecture 13: Module summary of key points
Chapter 7: Module 5: Programme – Creating must see event programmes
Lecture 1: Welcome to module 5: Programme
Lecture 2: Programme – creating must see event programmes
Lecture 3: What is an event programme
Lecture 4: General event programme design factors
Lecture 5: Your event programme content could include
Lecture 6: Your programme content could include contd.
Lecture 7: Encouraging audience participation
Lecture 8: Booking acts, attractions, speakers
Lecture 9: Booking acts, attractions and speakers process: contd.
Lecture 10: Event catering
Lecture 11: Event catering options
Lecture 12: Finalising your event programme
Lecture 13: Module summary of key points
Lecture 14: Just a minute quiz time – Programming
Chapter 8: Module 6: Promotion – Designing effective event promotional campaigns
Lecture 1: Welcome to module 6: Promotion
Lecture 2: Promotion – designing effective event promotional campaigns
Lecture 3: Event promotion plans
Lecture 4: 8 stage event promotional plan
Lecture 5: Events and social media
Lecture 6: Social media and events: an overview
Lecture 7: Off line event promotion
Lecture 8: Off line event promotional media options
Lecture 9: Off line event promotional media options: contd
Lecture 10: Getting media attention and event public relations
Lecture 11: Designing event brochures
Lecture 12: Designing an event poster or e-flyer invitation
Lecture 13: Event web sites or web pages
Lecture 14: Search engines and event web sites
Lecture 15: Sample event promotional plan
Lecture 16: Event ticketing and registering interest in your event
Lecture 17: Module summary of key points
Lecture 18: Just a minute quiz time – Promotion
Lecture 19: Check in time: How's it going?
Chapter 9: Module 7: Production – Delivering your event
Lecture 1: Welcome to module 7: Production
Lecture 2: Production – delivering your events
Chris Powell, The Event Expert
The Event Expert: Event training specialist and consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 38 votes
- 4 stars: 97 votes
- 5 stars: 111 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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